14:17:06 <mihalis68_> #startmeeting ops-meetup-team 14:17:06 <openstack> Meeting started Tue May 12 14:17:06 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mihalis68_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:17:07 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:17:10 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'ops_meetup_team' 14:17:25 <mihalis68_> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/ops-meetups-team 14:18:28 <mihalis68_> hey everyone, sorry this is slow to start, my prior meeting ran over 14:18:33 <mihalis68_> I haven't put an agenda on that page yet 14:18:44 <mihalis68_> #topic video conferencing 14:19:05 <mihalis68_> I think the most exciting news is the open infra people have launched a free jitsi instance with integrated etherpad, see 14:19:07 <mihalis68_> #link https://meetpad.opendev.org/ 14:19:25 <mihalis68_> erik, sean and I tried out jitsi as a test and it's pretty great 14:20:01 <mihalis68_> #topic vancouver 14:20:09 <spotz> Nice 14:20:16 <mihalis68_> for virtual vancouver, I requested a 2-hour slot here https://ethercalc.openstack.org/126u8ek25noy 14:20:39 <mihalis68_> 15:00 - 17:00 UTC on the wednesday 14:21:06 <mihalis68_> which is 11am - 1pm EDT by my calculations 14:22:10 <mihalis68_> that's about all I have 14:22:13 <mihalis68_> how is everyone doing? 14:22:55 <spotz> Doing good, raining here today 14:23:45 <shintaro> Bit tired of staying home all day 14:23:46 <spotz> NYC opening up at all mihalis68_? 14:24:08 <spotz> shintaro: Still locked down? 14:24:24 <mihalis68_> it's going to be extremely slow here in NYC. It continues to have all the disadvantages - dense, travel magnet, public transport 14:24:25 <shintaro> Yes. At least until June. 14:24:49 <mihalis68_> however upstate NY is opening this friday including where we have our little weekend place. We might decamp for there for a bit 14:25:37 <shintaro> Tokyo is not strictly locked down, but we were asked from the government to stay home as much as possible. 14:25:43 <mihalis68_> I wanted to ask whther the team feels that trying a meetups team meeting via openstack's jitsi would be appropriate? Not now (havne't done my hair... :) but maybe some other time soon? 14:26:06 <mihalis68_> we've been mostly cooped up for a long time too 14:26:37 <smcginnis> shintaro: Staying home is a change there, right? I thought I had read that working from home was not a very common thing before this. 14:26:38 <spotz> Sure I'd give it a try. I'm not always home during the meetings. I still go to the barn to see the pony 14:26:59 <mihalis68_> two month anniversary for me. Stayed home March 12th, haven't been back to the office since 14:27:09 <spotz> Yeah I'm lucky we already worked remote 14:27:58 <mihalis68_> spotz you're a redhatter now? 14:28:13 <spotz> mihalis68_: Yep:) 14:28:17 <mihalis68_> congrats! 14:28:38 <spotz> Thanks, I actually get to play with OpenStack at work again 14:28:39 <shintaro> smcginnis: Working from home for weeks is a new experience for most of us 14:28:57 <mihalis68_> oh yeah, another thing I wanted to mention, the ops twitter account has been receiving some queries about will we do virtual ops meetups during this lockdown 14:29:10 <smcginnis> Great to see there is interest. 14:29:26 <mihalis68_> i think we should learn jitsi a bit and poke and prod the limits and determine what would work 14:29:27 <spotz> Yeah the folks who have been remote for the most part we're 'OK' but I feel for folks not used to working from home 14:29:43 <mihalis68_> obviously a philadelphia sized ops meetup would be one chaotic single video chat 14:29:44 <spotz> Do we want to use our next meeting or schedule a time? 14:30:35 <mihalis68_> this slot isn't that great for me. I have my skip-level with the big boss at 9.30 tuesdays, so right when i would like to prepare for this meeting 14:30:49 <mihalis68_> so I'd be up for a jitsi checkin some time before this slot next week 14:31:10 <spotz> I'd be down for that. Next week I've got barn during this time:( 14:32:34 <spotz> So many meetings I now have to block my pony time on my calendar 14:32:46 <spotz> And so many timezones! 14:32:49 <mihalis68_> you're west coast? I forget 14:33:01 <spotz> TX 14:33:26 <spotz> I do have jitsu on my phone so should be able to join while driving if needed 14:33:41 <mihalis68_> shintaro is already up super later by this time of day. 14:34:10 <mihalis68_> could we go earlier? 9am EDT? 14:34:33 <mihalis68_> that's hard on the people west of here 14:34:41 <shintaro> earlier would be great for me 14:34:53 <smcginnis> Do we have many west coast people? 14:34:54 <mihalis68_> I could do 9am tomorrow 14:35:09 <spotz> I could do tomorrow 14:35:23 <spotz> fits inbetween 2 meetings perfectily:) 14:35:26 <mihalis68_> ideally we'd have erik and he's not even here today 14:35:29 <mihalis68_> slacker 14:35:37 <spotz> I did ping him 14:35:49 <mihalis68_> yes, he's just very busy. I'm kidding about slacking! 14:36:13 <mihalis68_> I'll do a calendar invite for everyone for 9am tomorrow. It's just a trial run, so if you cannot make it, no big deal. 14:36:39 <spotz> Sounds good 14:36:52 <smcginnis> I think I have a conflict, but I'll try to join. 14:36:54 <mihalis68_> my thinking is an ops meetup could be a hybrid event where the moderators and subject matter experts are on a jitsi, but other people can just stream it 14:37:10 <smcginnis> I like that plan. 14:37:12 <mihalis68_> if we can stream the jitsi content out to youtube or something 14:37:22 <shintaro> works for me 14:37:23 <spotz> That's very similar how my team is doing twitch streams 14:37:31 <mihalis68_> limit each slot to like 9 people (the Brady Brunch 3x3 grid! :) 14:38:16 <spotz> We have a few people in a zoom/Blue Jeans/whatever and then stream to twitch and answer questions from the chat in the stream or in the chat as needed 14:38:19 <mihalis68_> ok ok, sounds like a plan. Shall we finish here and resume tomorrow in jitsi, and for those that don't make it perhaps follow-up for experiences via email? 14:38:45 <mihalis68_> yeah, we would take questions from the non-live-participants either in the chat or the etherpad 14:39:02 <spotz> Let's record tomorrow if possible to share the test? 14:39:21 <mihalis68_> if that's supported on the openstack instance, sure 14:39:46 <spotz> Now to do the streaming we'll need someone with a beefy OBS box 14:39:55 <mihalis68_> although we have to be careful to be very clear about whether we record any official events we do, as some people would have to be more careful about what they say 14:40:09 <mihalis68_> like I better not mention any hardware or software vendors in such a situation 14:41:18 <spotz> I think if we stream out we don't have to post the videos after or we can delete them 14:41:35 <mihalis68_> I don't have any concerns about this team having a record meeting 14:41:57 <mihalis68_> but if/when we actually did a meetup and discussed technical things, the recorded/not recorded distinction is very important 14:42:25 <mihalis68_> like I can tell you I don't like $HUGEVENDOR in obscurity, but best not be on youtube forever saying that 14:42:27 <spotz> That's what I was refering to. Us chatting for the test isn't much different from us typing here 14:42:35 <mihalis68_> yep 14:42:45 <mihalis68_> so I'll set something up and we'll gather tomorrow 9am virtually? 14:42:50 <spotz> yep 14:43:01 <mihalis68_> I'll do my "hair" :P 14:43:09 <mihalis68_> ok think we're done here today 14:43:12 <mihalis68_> last call for comment 14:43:19 <spotz> Breakfast!:) 14:43:42 <mihalis68_> #endmeeting