16:00:07 <dhellmann> #startmeeting oslo 16:00:07 <openstack> Meeting started Fri Jun 6 16:00:07 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is dhellmann. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:08 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:10 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'oslo' 16:00:13 <dhellmann> who's around for the oslo meeting? 16:00:20 <markmc> hey 16:00:23 <viktors> hi 16:00:34 <dhellmann> our agenda: 16:00:35 <dhellmann> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Oslo 16:01:03 <dhellmann> beekneemech, dims, flaper87|afk ? 16:01:44 <bknudson> hi 16:01:47 <morganfainberg> dhellmann, o/ 16:02:11 <dhellmann> let's go ahead and start with old business 16:02:15 <dhellmann> #topic Review action items from previous meeting 16:02:16 <beekneemech> o/ 16:02:22 <dhellmann> #info the wheel publishing change is merged, and some kinks are being worked out 16:02:24 <rpodolyaka> o/ 16:02:31 <dhellmann> with the current gate issues I’m not sure infra has time to help test, though we're going to try today 16:02:45 <dhellmann> harlowja_away, if you want to test that taskflow release again go for it :-) 16:02:54 <sileht> o/ 16:03:01 <dhellmann> mkoderer - add a doc patch for oslotest warning about mocking time.time 16:03:07 <dhellmann> mkoderer: any update on that? 16:03:28 <markmc> nice work on the wheel publishing dhellmann 16:04:00 <beekneemech> I seem to recall seeing the doc change. Let me see if I can find it. 16:04:02 <dhellmann> the infra team did a lot of the work, I just pushed it the last step or so 16:04:09 <dhellmann> beekneemech: ok, thanks 16:04:13 <dhellmann> #info dhellmann talked with boris-42 about sending email about having oslo adopt osprofiler 16:04:26 <dhellmann> I think boris-42 has been busy, but he does intend to do that so I'm going to stop tracking it 16:04:36 <dhellmann> #info updated the review links section of the wiki based on sdague’s new dashboard creation tool 16:04:40 <jd__> o/ 16:04:41 <boris-42> dhellmann sorry=) 16:04:43 <dhellmann> #link https://github.com/sdague/gerrit-dash-creator 16:04:48 <dhellmann> boris-42: no worries :-) 16:05:11 <boris-42> dhellmann I think probably it is better to start from stack forge & global requirements 16:05:15 <dhellmann> I copied the dashboard sdague created as an example, so if you think we need other queries please feel free to bring them up 16:05:25 <dhellmann> boris-42: ok, that makes sense 16:05:36 <dhellmann> I think that's it from last week 16:05:39 <boris-42> dhellmann after it will be ready & stable we can move it to the oslo 16:05:51 <dhellmann> boris-42: that sounds like a good approach 16:05:54 <beekneemech> time.time mocking patch: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/95411/ 16:06:01 <beekneemech> dhellmann: dashboard +1! 16:06:01 <dhellmann> beekneemech: thanks! 16:06:29 <dhellmann> oh, look, I even reviewed that once 16:06:52 <dhellmann> #topic Red flags from liaisons 16:06:55 <beekneemech> And strangely, I didn't. Even though I distinctly remember looking at it. :-) 16:07:07 <dhellmann> does anyone have any issues to raise this week? 16:07:20 <dhellmann> beekneemech: I'm not sure which is worse, remembering and not reviewing or the other way around 16:08:19 <bknudson> no red flags here, but no visible progress either. 16:08:20 <dhellmann> could I have the liaisons present say "nothing for $project" in this section, so I know we're getting feedback? 16:08:30 <bknudson> (keystone) 16:08:32 <jogo> made a little progress with syncing this week 16:08:36 <dhellmann> bknudson: ok, thanks -- this week has been slow with the gate issues 16:08:52 <dhellmann> jogo: good! 16:08:59 <jogo> (nova) fianlly got the new policy code synced 16:09:09 <jogo> finally*. also been blocked by gate 16:09:21 <bknudson> I'll try a sync again today to see if anything's changed. 16:09:25 <dhellmann> jogo: did you run into anything that we need to be aware of as we think about graduation for the policy code? 16:09:31 <bknudson> if morganfainberg doesn't beat me to it 16:10:19 <dhellmann> anyone else, before we move on? 16:10:24 <jogo> dhellmann: not yet, sync landed afew days agao. 16:10:35 <jogo> dhellmann: so no 16:10:37 <dhellmann> jogo: ok, good 16:10:59 <morganfainberg> bknudson, heh. 16:11:03 <dhellmann> policy probably won't graduate until K, but it's always good to be looking ahead 16:11:41 <dhellmann> let's keep going 16:11:43 <dhellmann> #topic Blueprint approval process 16:11:48 <dhellmann> beekneemech, this was your topic 16:12:35 <beekneemech> Yeah, so we talked about this briefly in #openstack-oslo this week, and the conclusion was we should discuss it at the meeting with more people present. 16:12:59 * beekneemech finds the meeting agenda 16:13:16 <dhellmann> we might not have quorum for the core team, but let's talk about it and then move the decision to the mailing list 16:13:34 <beekneemech> Some options that were discussed, in no particular order: 16:13:34 <beekneemech> 2 +2's 16:13:34 <beekneemech> 3 +2's 16:13:34 <beekneemech> $ALL_OF_CORE +2's (!) 16:13:34 <beekneemech> Only dhellmann can +A 16:13:35 <beekneemech> Like governance - no -2 at all, only ttx has +2 16:13:50 <dhellmann> in that last one, I think sub "oslo-ptl" for "ttx" in our case 16:14:02 <beekneemech> I guess the last two would be kind of the same thing. 16:14:13 <beekneemech> Yeah 16:14:19 <dhellmann> the difference is the lack of the -2 for cores, to avoid vetos 16:14:33 <dhellmann> I don't think that's really an issue, but it was a variation so I thought I'd bring it up 16:14:37 <beekneemech> Ah, true. 16:14:37 <markmc> so only oslo-core could +2/-2 ? 16:14:41 <markmc> sorry 16:14:48 <markmc> so only oslo-core could +1/-1 ? 16:14:56 <dhellmann> right 16:14:57 <markmc> in the last option 16:15:06 <markmc> reckon veto is valid for oslo-core 16:15:18 <markmc> not valid for any one person on the TC though 16:15:24 <markmc> that's the difference 16:15:45 <markmc> given oslo-core can -2 the patch ... :) 16:15:55 <dhellmann> well, that's a good point :-) 16:15:55 <beekneemech> True :-) 16:16:13 <markmc> I like "dhellmann can +A" 16:16:18 <dhellmann> I was having trouble coming up with an example where a veto on a blueprint was the right way to go 16:16:46 <beekneemech> "Ungraduate oslo.messaging" ;-) 16:16:54 <markmc> "make an incompatible change to oslo.config API" 16:17:36 <dhellmann> I like the "ptl approves" model, too. We work on consensus well enough that I don't think we need to codify it in the gerrit ACLs. 16:18:08 <beekneemech> I don't have a problem with that, as long as it's not going to be excessive work for you. 16:18:45 <dhellmann> I review the bp list once a week with ttx anyway, so I can approve them then when it looks like we have consensus. 16:19:10 <dhellmann> just to be clear, that doesn't mean you all are off the hook for doing reviews :-) 16:19:17 <beekneemech> Heh 16:19:38 <dhellmann> I think I'll want at least 2 +2s and no -1s. More is better. 16:20:24 <dhellmann> our active reviewer list is fairly small, though 16:20:49 <dhellmann> we need some recruiting slogans 16:21:21 <dhellmann> do we need to take this to the ML, or should we just go ahead with that plan and revisit if someone complains? 16:21:28 * beekneemech is not good at marketing 16:21:47 <dhellmann> "Oslo, we incubate more code before 9:00 AM than most people do all day." 16:22:07 * rpodolyaka likes that one 16:22:21 <beekneemech> We'll need something on the ML to announce it, so maybe say that this is the plan and if nobody objects we'll go with it. 16:22:31 <rpodolyaka> +1 16:22:33 * dhellmann saw a lot of US army recruiting commercials watching cartoons in his youth 16:22:42 <dhellmann> beekneemech: can you do that? 16:22:50 <beekneemech> dhellmann: Sure 16:23:07 <dhellmann> #action beekneemech send email to openstack-dev with oslo spec approval policy 16:23:44 <viktors> dhellmann: so we are keep the old policy for now? 16:23:54 <beekneemech> Oh look, my calendar just decided to remind me of the oslo meeting. How helpful. 16:23:57 <dhellmann> #agreed oslo-specs approvals are left up to the PTL, after consensus is reached, with an option to delegate to the lead maintainer for each library 16:24:18 <dhellmann> viktors: well, we didn't have an old policy, really 16:24:44 <viktors> dhellmann: got it :) 16:24:53 <dhellmann> ok, speaking of specs: 16:24:54 <dhellmann> #topic Blueprint priorities 16:25:09 <dhellmann> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/oslo/juno 16:25:09 <dhellmann> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/oslo.messaging/juno 16:25:09 <dhellmann> We need to set the priorities and milestones for all of the blueprints for juno by EOD Monday, 9 June 16:25:28 <dhellmann> please look over the blueprints we already have listed and make sure none are missing 16:25:47 <dhellmann> I did remove some for specs that weren't written yet, so if that applies to one of yours go ahead and retarget it when you write the spec 16:26:04 <dhellmann> also please look at the priorities and let me know if you see anything out of whack 16:26:42 <beekneemech> oslo.log is a dep for a lot of other libs, should that be higher? 16:26:52 <dhellmann> I think ttx is working on a script to sync the specs and blueprints lists, but I don't know how smart it is so I'm trying to keep it up to date by hand for now 16:26:52 <beekneemech> Or are we planning to keep using incubator log until it graduates? 16:27:39 <dhellmann> that's a good question 16:28:24 <dhellmann> looking at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/oslo/+spec/graduate-oslo-log, I see the things it depends on having high priorities and the things that depend on it being out of scope, except the middleware library we talked about but for which we don't have a spec yet 16:29:38 <dhellmann> a "high" priority item is a strong commitment to finish, so if you're comfortable with that I can change it 16:30:33 <dhellmann> I guess I was being a little conservative with the commitment, until we saw how the first couple of smaller libs went 16:30:42 <dhellmann> esp. because there are several API changes in oslo.log 16:30:58 <beekneemech> Yeah, I guess so. A lot of high priorities, but hopefully we've got enough people signed up to work on them that we can do it. 16:31:16 <beekneemech> It's definitely not a trivial graduation. 16:31:23 <dhellmann> right 16:31:49 <dhellmann> we can adjust as we go along, too 16:31:51 <beekneemech> I guess the big question is: are we going to block the other libs on oslo.log, or just have them keep syncing incubator log. 16:32:06 <bknudson> so is the plan something like -- make oslo.log a lib, then change oslo-incubator to use oslo.log? 16:32:13 <dhellmann> do we have any libs for juno that depend on oslo.log other than oslo.db? 16:32:19 <beekneemech> If the former then I think it's high, but if the latter we can leave it medium. 16:32:22 <bknudson> or does the api change make that not work? 16:32:46 <beekneemech> excutils does logging. I'm pretty sure oslo.concurrency does too. 16:32:57 <dhellmann> bknudson: we could do that. The API change planned will make the log library a "log configuration" library that an app uses, and other libraries can ignore. 16:33:05 <rpodolyaka> actually, oslo.db doesn't depend on oslo.log 16:33:09 <beekneemech> So that's two planned for this cycle that need some sort of logging. 16:33:16 <rpodolyaka> we use python logging module 16:33:41 <beekneemech> Although maybe all the libs should do that.^ 16:33:58 <rpodolyaka> probably yes 16:34:08 <dhellmann> yeah, that's the direction we want to go, the question is whether the incubator version gives us everything we need to make it work 16:35:02 <beekneemech> My thought is that we'd stop using either oslo.log or incubator as part of the graduation. Just use stdlib logging. 16:35:03 <markmc> I can't remember exactly why, but I know I concluded oslo.messaging didn't need to use openstack.common.log 16:35:06 <markmc> just python logging 16:35:43 <rpodolyaka> right. It probably only makes sense to consuming projects to use oslo.log, as they actually *configure* logging, not libs 16:35:50 <dhellmann> I think the thing we might lose is having context details in the log messages, but that should only be in cases where the ContextAdapter is used but the ContextFormatter is not 16:35:56 <dhellmann> right 16:36:00 <beekneemech> Once remove-context-adapter is done all the third-party libs will be getting the oslo logging stuff for "free". 16:36:19 <dhellmann> that's right, so maybe that one needs to be high priority 16:36:36 <markmc> dhellman, sorry, I gotta run - so I'll just dump oslo.messaging adoption status here 16:36:43 <dhellmann> markmc: ok, thanks 16:36:44 <markmc> https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/neutron+branch:master+topic:bp/oslo-messaging,n,z 16:36:45 <markmc> https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/heat+branch:master+topic:bp/oslo-messaging,n,z 16:36:48 <markmc> that's neutron and heat 16:37:02 <markmc> some progress on neutron - ihar has split up the patches - but not so much on heat 16:37:11 <markmc> don't think there's anyone working on it for trove yet 16:37:20 <dhellmann> :-/ 16:37:31 <markmc> yeah, ok ... later 16:37:33 <markmc> thanks 16:37:36 <dhellmann> thanks, markmc 16:38:08 <dhellmann> ok, I changed https://blueprints.launchpad.net/oslo/+spec/remove-context-adapter to have high priority 16:38:38 <dhellmann> we have a few more topics, so look over the rest of the list and bring up changes in #openstack-oslo or on the ML 16:38:41 <dhellmann> #topic oslotest adoption status 16:38:47 <beekneemech> Sounds good. Maybe we should add a step to the graduation checklist to use stdlib logging. 16:38:56 <dhellmann> we have one more review to update oslo-incubator to use our own library 16:38:56 <dhellmann> #link https://review.openstack.org/87727 16:39:04 <dhellmann> beekneemech: that's a good idea, will you do that? 16:39:12 <beekneemech> dhellmann: Sure. 16:39:36 <dhellmann> #action beekneemech update the graduation checklist to include a step to remove use of oslo logging in favor of stdlib logging 16:40:01 <dhellmann> ok, so please go review that change so we can say we're at least using our own libraries :-) 16:40:07 <rpodolyaka> :) 16:40:32 <dhellmann> #topic oslo.messaging adoption status 16:40:39 <dhellmann> markmc reported on that above 16:40:46 <dhellmann> therve, salv-orlando, vipul: are there any other updates? 16:41:25 <dhellmann> I don't see most of them here today 16:41:27 <dhellmann> #topic oslo.db graduation status 16:41:32 <dhellmann> victors, rpodolyaka: how do things look? 16:41:43 <rpodolyaka> I have a bunch of review for you :) 16:41:46 <rpodolyaka> *s 16:41:47 <rpodolyaka> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/oslo.db-release-blockers 16:41:56 <viktors> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/oslo.db-release-blockers 16:42:06 <rpodolyaka> most of them have been approved, but gates... 16:42:27 <dhellmann> yeah, we're all at the mercy of the gates 16:42:39 <rpodolyaka> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/96468/ - the spec we need to get approved 16:42:56 <rpodolyaka> waiting for the consensus, probably? 16:43:16 <viktors> this spec related to patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/96467/ - eventlet.tpool 16:43:40 <beekneemech> rpodolyaka: You're +1 on that spec, right? 16:43:52 <beekneemech> I think that would make 4 people with +2 on oslo.db in favor. 16:44:01 <rpodolyaka> beekneemech: should I? I'm the author :) 16:44:10 <beekneemech> Oh, whoops. :-) 16:44:16 <dhellmann> rpodolyaka: I think it's safe to assume the author is +1 :-) 16:44:23 <rpodolyaka> hehe 16:44:27 <beekneemech> I was thinking of the oslo.db patch where Andrey was the author. :-) 16:44:29 <dhellmann> so yeah, that one looks settled 16:45:07 <dhellmann> rpodolyaka: I'll approve that later today 16:45:19 <beekneemech> \o/ our first approved spec! 16:45:23 <rpodolyaka> dhellmann: ack, thanks! 16:45:29 <dhellmann> :-) 16:45:50 <dhellmann> #topic oslo.i18n graduation status 16:45:50 <dhellmann> we need some spec and code reviews 16:45:50 <dhellmann> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/oslo.i18n,n,z 16:45:50 <dhellmann> I have one rather large one up to clean up the public API of the librarythe documentation review is blocking the library being added to the main doc site 16:46:26 <dhellmann> we do have 2 +2 on the spec https://review.openstack.org/#/c/95002/ 16:46:32 <dhellmann> so maybe that one is ready to go in as well 16:47:00 <beekneemech> 2 +2's on an i18n spec? Ship it! 16:47:11 <dhellmann> #action dhellmann approve graduate-oslo-db and graduate-oslo-i18n specs in that order 16:47:22 <beekneemech> That's almost as many people as showed up to the i18n sessions at summit. :-) 16:47:26 <dhellmann> heh 16:47:43 <dhellmann> #topic review priorities for this week 16:47:59 <dhellmann> I think this week is the same as last. specs, oslo.db, oslo.i18n 16:48:14 <dhellmann> I haven't looked at the bug list in a couple of days, are there any critical issues we need to add to that list? 16:48:55 <beekneemech> I haven't noticed anything coming through launchpad. 16:49:17 <beekneemech> And I get notified of every update to every oslo bug. :-) 16:49:23 <dhellmann> yeah, I hadn't noticed either 16:49:43 <dhellmann> careful, beekneemech, you sound like you're volunteering to be the lead bug triager :-) 16:50:25 <beekneemech> Heh, oslo-coresec seems to have subscribed me so I don't have a lot of choice in the matter. :-) 16:50:33 <dhellmann> heh 16:50:38 <dhellmann> that's all we had on the formal agenda this week 16:50:42 <dhellmann> #topic open discussion 16:50:54 <dhellmann> does anyone have anything else to raise? 16:51:04 <beekneemech> Oh, I wanted to note that https://review.openstack.org/#/c/95281 would be good for liaisons to look at. 16:51:11 <jogo> shameless plug for finaly review before hacking 0.9 can be released https://review.openstack.org/#/c/97988/ 16:51:23 <dhellmann> beekneemech: very good point 16:51:30 <beekneemech> Since it involves trying to make context work for everyone, we should try to get as broad input as possible. 16:51:31 <dhellmann> #action liaisons review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/95281 16:51:42 <jogo> found a regression in hacking 0.9.0 so want to fix it before announcing it 16:51:52 <dhellmann> #action dhellmand send email to the dev list asking for liaisons to review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/95281 16:52:02 <beekneemech> jogo: I'll take a look 16:52:15 <dhellmann> jogo: on my list now 16:52:22 <jogo> thanks 16:53:03 <dhellmann> if there's nothing else, I think we'll continue our trend of ending a few minutes early 16:53:46 <beekneemech> Nothing for me 16:53:56 <dhellmann> going once... 16:54:12 <dhellmann> 2... 16:54:31 <dhellmann> ok, thanks every one! 16:54:34 <rpodolyaka> thanks all, have a nice weekend! 16:54:52 <beekneemech> +1 16:55:18 <dhellmann> #endmeeting