16:00:10 <dims> #startmeeting oslo 16:00:10 <dims> courtesy ping for GheRivero, amotoki, amrith, bknudson, bnemec, dansmith, dhellmann, dougwig, e0ne, flaper87, garyk, harlowja, haypo, 16:00:10 <dims> courtesy ping for ihrachyshka, jd__, jecarey, johnsom, jungleboyj, kgiusti, kragniz, lifeless, lintan, ozamiatin, redrobot, rpodolyaka, 16:00:11 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Oct 19 16:00:10 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is dims. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:12 <dims> courtesy ping for sergmelikyan, sreshetnyak, sileht, sreshetnyak, stevemar, therve, thinrichs, toabctl, viktors, zhiyan, zzzeek 16:00:13 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:15 <rpodolyaka1> o/ 16:00:16 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'oslo' 16:00:20 <ozamiatin> o/ 16:00:22 <bknudson> hi 16:00:28 <kgiusti> o/ 16:00:28 <johnsom> o/ 16:00:31 <kzaitsev_mb> o/ 16:00:56 <abhishekk> o/ 16:01:11 <dims> just a few of us :) hopefully quick meeting then! 16:01:13 <jecarey> o/ 16:01:13 <dims> #topic Red flags for/from liaisons 16:01:30 <bknudson> nothing for keystone 16:01:41 <dims> so, last week oslo releases stepped on liberty branches, everyone recovered from it? 16:01:43 <johnsom> We had a missing dependency that the removal of testresource from oslo.db uncovered, but otherwise nothing 16:01:49 <dims> right thanks johnsom 16:02:07 <bknudson> keystone isn't entirely recovered but things are working now. 16:02:48 <dims> bknudson: what can i help with? 16:03:19 <amrith> ./ 16:03:30 <bknudson> I think I just need to recheck https://review.openstack.org/#/c/235923/ now that openstack/requirements is working, then https://review.openstack.org/#/c/235923/ needs to get merged -- dims 16:03:40 <dims> hi amrith, trove recovered from last weeks releases? 16:03:47 <amrith> dims, not entirely 16:03:50 <amrith> hello all 16:03:53 <bknudson> then we'll nee to merge the requirements update and release ksm 16:04:02 <jungleboyj> Hello all. 16:04:02 <amrith> for context, the trove fire was oslo.utils 2.6.0 causing tox tests to hang 16:04:06 <amrith> not enturely sure what the cause was 16:04:11 <amrith> still looking into it 16:04:13 <dims> bknudson: k, ping me when you get stuck 16:04:21 <amrith> there was a change that was proposed 16:04:31 <amrith> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/235149/ 16:04:41 <amrith> that hasn't had the expected results (in the most recent incarnation) 16:05:01 <amrith> other than that, we're back in action 16:05:21 <amrith> I do have an issue (not a red flag) for later in the meeting. 16:05:30 <amrith> it relates to oslo.messaging. 16:05:45 <dims> amrith: local test work ok? 16:05:57 <amrith> local tests don't work either 16:06:03 <amrith> i.e. not just gate 16:06:09 <amrith> local machine also hangs with that oslo.utils issue 16:06:12 <amrith> that's how I found it 16:06:21 <amrith> was that the question? 16:06:40 <dims> amrith: with the proposed fix from josh, are you able to pass local tests? 16:07:05 * amrith scrolls back in aging memory 16:07:14 <amrith> yes, when this problem was reported 16:07:21 <amrith> there was a patch proposed to oslo.utils 16:07:23 <amrith> which I tested 16:07:25 <amrith> and it worked. 16:07:26 <dims> amrith: ack, that's good news 16:07:37 <amrith> so when 2.6.1 comes out (or whatever the numebr is) we'll be good 16:07:44 <dims> cool 16:07:45 <amrith> and we can revert our change pinning 2.5.x 16:07:49 <amrith> what's the ETA on that? 16:07:56 <dims> which takes us to next topic 16:07:59 <dims> #topic Releases for Mitaka 16:08:00 <dims> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/236770/ 16:08:00 <dims> Releases today after verifying tests this morning https://travis-ci.org/dims/ 16:08:28 <dims> amrith: waiting for dhellmann's ack on the review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/236770/ 16:08:37 <dims> will cut releases after that 16:09:03 <dims> here's the list of all the changes that will be going in - http://logs.openstack.org/70/236770/1/check/gate-releases-tox-list-changes/2a9827b/console.html 16:09:28 <dims> grep for "Details Contents" and you will see a list for each project 16:09:33 <amrith> ok, thanks. I will relay to trove team 16:09:56 <dims> k switching topic 16:09:59 <dims> #topic openstack spec reviews - oslo.apiclient pika rabbitmq driver 16:09:59 <dims> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/228992/ (pika) 16:09:59 <dims> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/235200/ (apiclient) 16:10:37 <dims> short summary - apiclient going in as a new library, pika driver will be on a branch per what we talked a week or two ago 16:10:52 <dims> any objections? 16:11:11 <abhishekk> hi, I am working on apiclient liabrary 16:11:20 <bknudson> I really think that we should get jamielennox to look at the apiclient library 16:11:46 <abhishekk> please let me know if you have any suggestions 16:12:01 <dims> bknudson: can you please pass on the message? 16:12:11 <abhishekk> bkundson: I will try to ping jamie on this 16:12:17 <dims> abhishekk: thanks 16:12:22 <bknudson> http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/oslo-incubator/tree/openstack/common/apiclient/auth.py#n20 -- this is deprecated, so why put it in a library? 16:12:54 <dims> bknudson: the idea is to start from oslo-inccubator code, then stabilize the API then make releases 16:13:10 <abhishekk> dims: ++ 16:13:22 <dims> so it's quite possible that the code in question will be ripped out 16:14:30 <dims> ok next topic 16:14:34 <dims> #topic need drivers for each session 16:14:34 <dims> #link http://mitakadesignsummit.sched.org/overview/type/oslo 16:15:15 <dims> please let me know which session you would like to chair :) or i'll assign one to you :) 16:15:34 <dims> seriously, need help please let me know 16:15:59 <dims> bknudson: can you make the ossg/log session? 16:16:48 <bknudson> dims: that one I can make as of now. 16:16:55 <dims> bknudson: cool thanks 16:16:59 <ozamiatin> dims: I forgot which working session relates to zmq? 16:17:01 <dims> let me know if that changes 16:17:18 <dims> ozamiatin: the 5:20 pm 16:17:36 <dims> ozamiatin: let me pin you to that session :) 16:17:40 <ozamiatin> dims: got it, so it would be pika + zmq? 16:17:57 <dims> ozamiatin: and kafka if anyone from there is around 16:18:25 <dims> ok last item on agenda 16:18:28 <dims> #topic Open discussion 16:18:28 <dims> Any stuck reviews? or specs? 16:18:40 <amrith> I have one 16:18:44 <amrith> or three ... 16:18:50 <dims> amrith: shoot 16:19:07 <amrith> item #1: We (Trove) keep getting requests from people who would like a different messaging transport. Trove uses oslo.messaging and people have suggested we should use Zaqar. I believe that if that is the case, we need a Zaqar driver for oslo.messaging so trove doesn't need to implement code for different RPC systems. What are the plans for something like this? 16:19:08 <johnsom> Slightly off topic, but 4.0.1 of coverage is out and fixes the regression for os.path.exists 16:19:52 <kzaitsev_mb> ok, So I've had a strange idea this weekend, that I'd like to share with you guys 16:19:56 <amrith> Also related to this, as Trove uses oslo.messaging, it is not nice that we have to then go and configure users and ACL's directly with the transport. So I'd like to propose that oslo.messaging provide basic user and ACL API's. Create user, set exchange access ... 16:20:06 <amrith> that's my item #1 16:20:07 <dims> johnsom: nice, thanks. will check if upper-constraints is updated to match 16:20:20 <amrith> or 1, 2 and 3 depending on how you count 16:20:36 <dims> amrith: we have a session for you :) http://mitakadesignsummit.sched.org/event/e415aa81e64ec400204e6554b4cbc249 16:21:19 <dims> amrith: i'll start doing the etherpads and we an throw these ideas in there 16:21:37 <dims> kzaitsev_mb: what's up? 16:22:02 <kzaitsev_mb> So my idea came from realization, that no one in OpenStack uses sentry, I mean https://www.getsentry.com/welcome/ 16:22:29 <dims> johnsom: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/requirements/tree/upper-constraints.txt#n85 yay 16:22:59 <kzaitsev_mb> it is a nice python tool for error logging and arror log aggregation, that's capable of showing nice stacktraces and local variables and stuff 16:23:43 <kzaitsev_mb> So I imagined that one could install devstack and, say, `enable_plugin sentry` 16:23:53 <dims> kzaitsev_mb: central reporting from a customer environment? 16:24:23 <kzaitsev_mb> and have a working sentry in the env, and any 500 error (or probably 40x too) would show up there 16:24:40 <mdbooth> dims: Assume I don't have to ask for additional eyes on my oslo.messaging locking patches? You and harlowja are on it, right? 16:24:51 <amrith> ok, thanks dims. I'll let the others finish their discussion. I have one last question. 16:24:54 <dims> kzaitsev_mb: kind of like logstash usage in our CI 16:25:04 <dims> mdbooth: ack 16:25:08 <dims> mdbooth: yes 16:25:17 <mdbooth> Cool, thanks. 16:25:28 <kzaitsev_mb> dims: haven't looked into that one yet. 16:25:46 <abhishekk> dims: I have one 0/ 16:25:51 <dims> kzaitsev_mb: pretty easy to do a plugin for devstack, what would you like our help with? 16:26:08 <dims> abhishekk: shoot 16:26:15 <abhishekk> graduate.sh script fails to delete openstack folder as it contains _i18.py 16:26:25 <abhishekk> * _i18n.py 16:26:40 <abhishekk> is it a bug or i missing something?? 16:26:46 <dims> kzaitsev_mb: see http://logstash.openstack.org/ 16:26:50 <kzaitsev_mb> dims: yep, I was thinking more of a — should I try adding a oslo-based interface for sentry. That would probably allow other projects to easier adopt it 16:27:40 <dims> kzaitsev_mb: commercial vendor? 16:28:11 <dims> kzaitsev_mb: don't know what the interest level would be. worth starting an email thread to see who else would be interested 16:28:16 <dims> kzaitsev_mb: ok? 16:28:28 <rpodolyaka1> kzaitsev_mb: most operators would probably want to use their own instance of logstash/elasticsearch/kibana rather than relying on sentry 16:28:33 <dims> abhishekk: possibly, we haven't run that thing in ages 16:28:40 <kzaitsev_mb> dims: nothing commercial there ) 16:29:03 <amrith> quetsion #4 ... Can I configure oslo.log so it redirects all messages to syslog on a different host? 16:29:08 <abhishekk> dims: ok, I will report it as a bug 16:29:13 <dims> kzaitsev_mb: looking at https://www.getsentry.com/pricing/ 16:29:29 <kzaitsev_mb> dims: rpodolyaka1: sentry can be self hosted 16:29:57 <dims> amrith: i haven't done it! dhellmann may know 16:30:00 <kzaitsev_mb> it's an open source python tool. It's just that they sell it as a service 16:30:13 <rpodolyaka1> kzaitsev_mb: I must be missing something, looks like they offer a SaaS there 16:30:23 <haypo> quick poll for documenting changes in oslo (see also my thread on openstack-dev ML), please vote: 16:30:27 <haypo> +2 to document them in reviews and make them mandatory for new changes 16:30:32 <haypo> +1 to document them in reviews (but keep them optional, we may document changes later) 16:30:37 <haypo> 0 if you don't care 16:30:38 <kzaitsev_mb> rpodolyaka1: https://github.com/getsentry/sentry here is the source code 16:30:38 <haypo> -1 if you don't want to document changes in reviews 16:30:38 <dims> kzaitsev_mb: ack, sounds like an interesting idea. let's find some folks who are interested in this 16:30:45 <haypo> (sorry, i missed the "open discussion" :-)) 16:31:15 <kzaitsev_mb> rpodolyaka1: so you can host the whole thing yourself 16:31:21 <dims> haypo: got a link to the email? 16:31:49 <dims> haypo: oh you want the poll right here, right now? 16:31:52 <haypo> http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-October/077103.html 16:31:57 <haypo> [openstack-dev] [oslo] Require documenting changes with versionadded and versionchanged 16:32:09 <haypo> dims: right here, right now :) 16:32:10 <dims> haypo: we probably don't have quorum :) need dhellmann and harlowja and others 16:32:14 <kzaitsev_mb> dims: yep, I think I'll write an email, as soon as I get some prototype working =) Just to show some way I imagine it should work ) 16:32:24 <dims> kzaitsev_mb: cool 16:32:43 <haypo> dims: it's just a way to discuss documentation :) 16:32:55 <kzaitsev_mb> dims: I was just thinking, that oslo.* is the right place to store common middleware/interfacing code. 16:32:59 <haypo> i don't expect that we take a decision right now ;) 16:33:00 <rpodolyaka1> kzaitsev_mb: ah, ok. well, would be nice to see if there are any advantages over 'classic' ELK then ;) 16:33:19 <haypo> dhellmann announced that something will come making documenting changes easier 16:33:22 <kzaitsev_mb> so wanted to ask around if there are any strong objections or smth ) 16:33:23 <dims> kzaitsev_mb: ack 16:33:34 <amrith> thanks dims I will follow up with dhellmann offline 16:34:03 <haypo> "Stand by for some announcements about release notes management coming next week that will help solve this problem in a different way." where next week = this week :) 16:34:05 <kzaitsev_mb> rpodolyaka1: what's 'classic' ELK? =) sorry for dumb questions =) 16:34:21 <dims> haypo: we have a session for you at Tokyo :) i'll add you as the chair 16:34:26 <rpodolyaka1> kzaitsev_mb: elasticsearch, logstash and kibana 16:34:30 <haypo> dims: oh, really? 16:34:34 <kzaitsev_mb> I see ) 16:34:41 <haypo> dims: "let's document victor?" 16:34:47 <dims> haypo: http://mitakadesignsummit.sched.org/event/7ec1eacb794353e1fac18801b96e7e83 16:35:00 <dims> haypo: let me know if you are free at that time 16:35:15 <dims> "what makes haypo tick" :) 16:36:04 <haypo> dims: i will attend this session 16:36:08 <kzaitsev_mb> rpodolyaka1: well, it might be, that I'm not familiar with those =) and trying to reimplement the bicycle. but I believe, that it's still worth to try and build a quick prototype to show around, as I had lot's of positive experience with self-hosted sentry before +) 16:36:13 <dims> haypo: thanks 16:36:31 <dims> haypo: we'll need to start building etherpads with ideas 16:36:49 <rpodolyaka1> kzaitsev_mb: I agree with dims that ML thread is the better place to ask, you might want to send it to openstack-operators too 16:36:56 <dims> rpodolyaka1: ++ 16:36:56 * krotscheck has an open discussion topic 16:37:01 <dims> krotscheck: go for it 16:37:09 <krotscheck> I'd like to create a library of common javascript things. 16:37:19 <krotscheck> I think calling it 'openstack/oslo-jslib' may make sense 16:37:27 <krotscheck> Is that something y'all would be willing to take on? 16:37:48 <kzaitsev_mb> rpodolyaka1: nice idea about the operators, will remember that ) 16:38:10 <krotscheck> it would be seeded with code from here: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/ironic-webclient/tree/app/js/modules/openstack 16:38:11 <dims> krotscheck: i am willing to experiment if you can round up folks who can contribute as library cores 16:38:14 <haypo> dims: oh yes, i would help because the current description doesn't help me :-/ 16:38:22 <dims> :) 16:38:36 <krotscheck> dims: Alllrightey. 16:38:52 <dims> thanks krotscheck 16:38:53 <krotscheck> dims: Is oslo the correct place for that, or would this make more sense as a non-python thing? 16:39:25 <dims> krotscheck: the big tent makes it easy to start anything, the os-win library is an example 16:39:38 <haypo> kozhukalov: cool, there are some unit tests :) 16:39:47 <dims> krotscheck: so the basic stumbling block is identifying others who are interested in this problem space 16:39:55 <dims> for reviews, ideas, etc 16:40:04 <krotscheck> dims: Yes, but what's the _right_ way to do this? [/german_obsessive_compulsive] 16:40:45 <dims> krotscheck: follow the pattern of os-win, round up some fellow contributors and there's a infra page on how to get a project started 16:41:04 <dims> krotscheck: http://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/creators.html 16:41:37 <krotscheck> Gotcha 16:42:17 * dims checking if everyone got what they needed :) 16:42:35 <dims> last question, who will not make it to Tokyo? 16:42:48 <kgiusti> o/ :( 16:43:03 <dims> kgiusti: ow, we'll miss u :) 16:43:13 <jecarey> o/ 16:43:14 <kgiusti> austin for shure! 16:43:32 <dims> kgiusti: need your ok on this one https://review.openstack.org/#/c/236168/ 16:43:36 <dims> kgiusti: ++ 16:43:55 <kgiusti> dims: will do. 16:43:57 <dims> hey jecarey, we were just wrapping up. any thing you want to add? 16:44:20 <jecarey> not going to Tokyo 16:44:40 <dims> jecarey: see you in austin then! :) 16:44:44 <dims> thanks everyone 16:44:51 <dims> #endmeeting