16:00:10 <harlowja_at_home> #startmeeting oslo 16:00:10 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Apr 4 16:00:10 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is harlowja_at_home. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:11 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:14 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'oslo' 16:00:16 <harlowja_at_home> hellooooooo 16:00:22 <johnsom> o/ 16:00:24 <harlowja_at_home> \p 16:00:26 <jecarey> 0/ 16:00:26 <amrith> ./ 16:00:27 <harlowja_at_home> ooops 16:00:27 <kgiusti> hey hey hey! 16:00:32 <harlowja_at_home> hey hey hey 16:00:34 <ozamiatin> o/ 16:00:41 <harlowja_at_home> amrith, your little guys head shrunk 16:00:47 <harlowja_at_home> courtesy ping for GheRivero, amotoki, amrith, bknudson, bnemec, dansmith, dhellmann, dims, dougwig, e0ne, flaper87, garyk, haypo, 16:00:48 <harlowja_at_home> courtesy ping for ihrachyshka, jd__, jecarey, johnsom, jungleboyj, kgiusti, kragniz, lifeless, lintan, ozamiatin, redrobot, rpodolyaka, spamaps 16:00:48 <harlowja_at_home> courtesy ping for sergmelikyan, sreshetnyak, sileht, sreshetnyak, stevemar, therve, thinrichs, toabctl, viktors, zhiyan, zzzeek, gcb, Nakato 16:00:54 <rpodolyaka> o/ 16:00:58 <dims> o/ 16:00:58 * amrith yells to find HR 16:01:01 <harlowja_at_home> lol 16:01:13 <harlowja_at_home> not like that, argggg 16:01:17 <harlowja_at_home> as i be quiet, lol 16:01:25 <amrith> :) 16:01:31 <rbradfor> o/ 16:01:31 <ihrachys> o/ 16:01:35 <amrith> harlowja_at_home, lucky you to be at home. 16:01:38 <amrith> we have snow 16:01:43 <amrith> 3-5" 16:01:49 <harlowja_at_home> where?? 16:01:50 <harlowja_at_home> snow u say 16:02:01 <amrith> I'm sure dims is joining us from a hot tub ... 16:02:02 * harlowja_at_home runs to get skis on and travels to u 16:02:05 <dims> lol 16:02:06 <amrith> as he sips a nice drink 16:02:12 <amrith> boston 16:02:15 <harlowja_at_home> oh 16:02:25 <harlowja_at_home> 3-5" in april 16:02:26 <harlowja_at_home> interesting 16:02:29 <harlowja_at_home> anyways 16:02:34 <harlowja_at_home> #topic Red flags for/from liaisons 16:02:36 <dims> y, happens occasionally :) 16:02:37 <rbradfor> amrith, it has snowed here 3 times in past week, but no more then 2". not been skiing this year at all, very sad 16:02:39 <kgiusti> amrith: here in Worcester MA we've got snow AND ice 16:02:50 <harlowja_at_home> kgiusti, eck 16:02:59 <amrith> no red flags from oslo at this time 16:03:00 <kgiusti> amrith: and street crime, but that's entirely different... 16:03:03 <harlowja_at_home> i grew up in albany (and/or upstate NY) sooo ya 16:03:07 <harlowja_at_home> i remember the ice storms :( 16:03:07 <bknudson> no red flags from keystone as far as I know. 16:03:11 <johnsom> Nothing to report here 16:03:30 <harlowja_at_home> sweet, good good 16:03:56 <ihrachys> nothing to report from neutron. we have some oslo related reviews that folks may be interested in, but they will need some more time 16:04:05 <harlowja_at_home> ihrachys, nice, thx 16:05:43 <harlowja_at_home> #topic Summit planning 16:05:53 <harlowja_at_home> so in other news, the summit is getting closer and closer! 16:06:18 <harlowja_at_home> and that means oslo get-together-time 16:06:29 <harlowja_at_home> rbradfor, put up the sessions we have @ https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/newton-oslo-summit-planning 16:06:55 <harlowja_at_home> i also started a poll for getting feedback from folks about which topics to have 16:06:55 <rbradfor> harlowja_at_home, and there is an iCal calendar for people to import. 16:06:58 <harlowja_at_home> #link http://stickymoose.com/ZjkhpiBZ0mmGrug 16:07:06 <harlowja_at_home> i was lucky that i got a moose related site 16:07:08 <harlowja_at_home> lol 16:07:18 <harlowja_at_home> *for the poll 16:07:25 <rbradfor> harlowja_at_home, true ++ 16:07:45 <harlowja_at_home> if people get some time running through http://stickymoose.com/ZjkhpiBZ0mmGrug would be cool 16:07:58 <harlowja_at_home> it will help figure out which topics --> slots/sessions 16:08:47 <harlowja_at_home> i think that poll i set to end in 4 days, which seems reasonable 16:09:17 <bknudson> how many votes do I get?? 16:09:20 <harlowja_at_home> lol 16:09:32 <harlowja_at_home> ummm 16:09:48 <harlowja_at_home> as many as u feel u want to give :-P 16:10:14 <harlowja_at_home> if mickey mouse starts to show up as having polled ... lol 16:10:24 <harlowja_at_home> just say no to mickey mouse... 16:10:47 <harlowja_at_home> anyway, goal of that was to just make the process a little more democratic :-P 16:12:07 <harlowja_at_home> #topic Mitaka update 16:12:22 <harlowja_at_home> dims, is there anything not worthy to talk about in this area? 16:12:46 <harlowja_at_home> *note worthy, 16:12:47 <harlowja_at_home> lol 16:13:09 <bknudson> let's ship this thing already and move on 16:13:24 <harlowja_at_home> :) 16:13:39 * rbradfor happy that requirements has opened up, allows for some requirements.txt updates 16:13:42 <amrith> bknudson, what? it isn't shipped yet? 16:14:00 <amrith> I'm waiting for openstack/releases to list newton 16:14:03 <bknudson> amrith: still rc's as far as I know. 16:14:04 <harlowja_at_home> ship the thing!!! and then move on, lol 16:14:11 <dims> amrith : next week 16:14:12 <harlowja_at_home> or move on then ship the thing 16:14:21 <dims> harlowja_at_home : y this week is release week 16:14:35 <harlowja_at_home> man, shipping the thing week, lol 16:14:52 <dims> release the krakens/hounds/beast 16:14:56 <harlowja_at_home> lol 16:15:22 <bknudson> tell people to install from master 16:15:36 <amrith> ++ 16:15:38 <harlowja_at_home> and/or live dangerously 16:16:17 <harlowja_at_home> #topic Blog blog blog 16:16:27 <harlowja_at_home> so to continue with the topic from last week 16:16:40 <harlowja_at_home> I just wanted to remind people to look over https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/oslo_blog 16:16:48 <harlowja_at_home> i really want to make this happen, cause i think it needs to :) 16:16:54 <rbradfor> still looking for volunteers to blog next cycle on Oslo Libraries ^^ 16:16:58 <harlowja_at_home> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/oslo_blog 16:17:27 * rpodolyaka has some ideas for posts about oslo.db 16:17:44 <harlowja_at_home> ya, feel free to write different types imho to 16:18:03 <harlowja_at_home> like 100 for intro, 200 level for slightly more advanced and 300 --> 500 level for advanced, lol 16:18:09 <harlowja_at_home> or is that to close to school/class levels, lol 16:18:37 <harlowja_at_home> DinaBelova, do u want to maybe sign up for a osprofiler one? 16:18:39 <rbradfor> The etherpad is meant as a minimum of getting started. We are encouraging ad-hoc oslo related 16:18:50 <harlowja_at_home> yup 16:18:54 * DinaBelova reading 16:19:12 <rbradfor> DinaBelova, L37 is seeking your name 16:19:25 <harlowja_at_home> i'll see if i can drag some rackspace guy into writing an ad-hoc one about how they use taskflow internally for there hadoop product 16:19:35 <harlowja_at_home> *that'd be a good one i think 16:19:36 <DinaBelova> I'm trying to understand what's this doc about 16:19:40 <harlowja_at_home> :) 16:19:59 <DinaBelova> a-ha got the idea 16:20:00 <rbradfor> harlowja_at_home, speaking of that, we need a list (maybe wiki) of projects outside of OpenSTack using the oslo libraries. 16:20:00 <DinaBelova> sure 16:20:13 <harlowja_at_home> rbradfor, yes, that would be nice (if we can gather such info) 16:20:35 <harlowja_at_home> rbradfor, i'll see if i can start one, i know some people that are using things, but the list probably goes much farther than what i know 16:20:53 * harlowja_at_home if only pypi gave more stats about this 16:21:01 <harlowja_at_home> (don't think it does) 16:21:11 <rbradfor> I wonder if github could share people that have forked projects, and we could reach out them. 16:21:21 <rbradfor> https://github.com/openstack/taskflow/network/members 16:21:24 <harlowja_at_home> hmmm 16:21:27 <harlowja_at_home> good idea 16:22:24 <harlowja_at_home> rbradfor, let's start a etherpad, wiki or something, and see what we can find out, seems like a little detective work is needed, ha 16:22:41 <harlowja_at_home> u can play PI 16:22:51 <harlowja_at_home> :) 16:22:53 <rbradfor> e.g. https://github.com/openstack-dev/pbr/network/members lead to me randomly picking somebody, and they work at surveymonkey? was it personal, are they using it? 16:23:13 <harlowja_at_home> interesting, pbr especially could be used by tons of people 16:23:17 <rbradfor> harlowja_at_home, sure, lets see what API's github has 16:23:20 <harlowja_at_home> cool 16:23:54 <harlowja_at_home> #topic Summit misc 16:24:03 <harlowja_at_home> so I think rbradfor also has some stickers on the way! 16:24:16 <rbradfor> #action rbradfor to start list for other projects using oslo libraries 16:24:33 <rbradfor> #link http://ronaldbradford.com/blog/get-your-oslo-swag-in-austin-2016-03-31/ 16:24:40 <harlowja_at_home> bnemec, are u going to bring the moose this time? 16:25:19 <harlowja_at_home> also btw, if people aren't able to make it to austin and they want me to try to setup a video so they can link in, let me know 16:25:32 <harlowja_at_home> i can try to make some of the sessions more accessible for remote folks 16:25:37 <rbradfor> anybody in Oslo team with infants < 12 months. I have a bag of dummies with the Openstack logo on them. 16:25:50 <harlowja_at_home> not going to guarantee that it will be high-quality video, but i can try :) 16:25:54 <rbradfor> harlowja_at_home, perhaps we can create a Google Hangouts specific link, and use in sessions 16:25:56 <harlowja_at_home> right 16:26:03 <harlowja_at_home> something along those lines 16:26:29 <rbradfor> harlowja_at_home, I'll pack a second laptop 16:26:36 <harlowja_at_home> cool, i can also if needed 16:27:11 <bnemec> harlowja_at_home: Not sure. I've downsized my luggage since Vancouver. :-/ 16:27:22 <harlowja_at_home> so if u aren't able to make it (find me on IRC or email) and let me know, if there are people that want such a thing, then i'll do my best to make it happen :-P 16:27:41 <harlowja_at_home> dims, is mirantis going to bring there remote-bot thingy 16:27:44 <harlowja_at_home> maybe we can use that 16:27:48 <rbradfor> harlowja_at_home, can I suggest you add your nic to the etherpad of attending/not attending. 16:28:03 <harlowja_at_home> *telepresence robot 16:28:19 <harlowja_at_home> rbradfor, yup yup 16:29:23 <dims> remote-bot? no clue :) 16:29:33 <harlowja_at_home> or was that some other company that had a robot 16:29:35 <harlowja_at_home> hmmm 16:30:23 <harlowja_at_home> someone quickly go build, https://www.ri.cmu.edu/images/projects/terk.jpg lol 16:30:46 <harlowja_at_home> #topic Open discussion 16:30:52 <rbradfor> anybody with a drone and GoPro? 16:31:04 <harlowja_at_home> not me 16:31:39 <rbradfor> harlowja_at_home, I'm interested in attending some other project work sessions, but would like to know (perhaps from liasons) what are good sessions for Oslo core to sit in on? 16:32:00 <rbradfor> also helps us be available for questions of Oslo team 16:32:01 <harlowja_at_home> ya, it's a good question 16:32:21 <harlowja_at_home> perhaps as this schedule stuff finalizes more we can create such a list 16:32:24 <harlowja_at_home> i think it would be good to have also 16:32:45 <harlowja_at_home> sounds like a good little thing for next weeks agenda :) 16:32:59 <harlowja_at_home> to see if we can gather such a useful list 16:33:06 <bknudson> I haven't seen an agenda for keystone yet 16:33:21 <harlowja_at_home> right, thinking maybe next week it will get more flushed out 16:33:36 <harlowja_at_home> *hopefully flushed out before the summit happens, lol 16:34:01 <harlowja_at_home> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/oslo-specs,n,z 16:34:10 <harlowja_at_home> also folks, please add any large items (not bugs) to ^ 16:34:39 <harlowja_at_home> i'll work through some of those today, some of the older ones probably aren't valid anymore 16:34:56 <harlowja_at_home> like a few from may 2015, lol 16:35:54 <harlowja_at_home> anything else anyone wants to bring up? 16:35:59 <rbradfor> harlowja_at_home, perhaps we can have part of fishbowl, just to review the specs, and gauge participant interest 16:36:04 <harlowja_at_home> def 16:36:06 <harlowja_at_home> good idea 16:36:23 <harlowja_at_home> sounds like a good little talk to have closer to the end of the summit week 16:36:26 <rbradfor> wow, that's probably 3 for 3 today of good ideas, perhaps I should end the day early. 16:36:35 <harlowja_at_home> ya, go home, take a break, lol 16:36:42 <harlowja_at_home> u have reached your quota for the day 16:36:43 <harlowja_at_home> lol 16:37:33 <harlowja_at_home> alright, closing up in 5 16:37:43 <harlowja_at_home> last chance to rant about anything/something :-P 16:38:30 <harlowja_at_home> thanks for all coming, and let's continue with getting that M release out :) 16:38:43 <harlowja_at_home> 'let's ship this thing already and move on' 16:38:43 <harlowja_at_home> lol 16:38:56 <harlowja_at_home> #endmeeting