14:08:15 <gcb> #startmeeting oslo 14:08:16 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Mar 13 14:08:15 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gcb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:08:17 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:08:19 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'oslo' 14:08:30 <gcb> courtesy ping for amotoki, amrith, bknudson, bnemec, dansmith, dhellmann, dims,dougwig, e0ne, electrocucaracha, flaper87, garyk, gcb, GheRivero,haypo, jd__, jecarey, johnsom, jungleboyj, kgiusti, kragniz,lifeless, lxsli, Nakato, ozamiatin, rbradfor, redrobot, rloo,rpodolyaka, sergmelikyan, sileht, spamaps, sreshetnyak, sreshetnyak, stevemar,therve, thinrichs, toabctl, viktors, zhiyan, zzzeek 14:08:35 <shuyingya> o/ 14:08:37 <rpodolyaka> o/ 14:08:38 <kgiusti> o/ 14:08:40 <dims> o/ 14:08:41 <ansmith> o/ 14:08:46 <gcb> sorry for my network issue 14:08:55 <rloo> o/ 14:09:06 <lhx_> o/ 14:09:14 <gcb> \o/ good morning/afternoon/evening everyone 14:09:48 <gcb> we have two new comers lhx_ and shuyingya , can you introduce yourself ? 14:10:34 <bknudson_> hi 14:11:11 <gcb> maybe they can introduce them later :-) 14:11:21 <gcb> #topic Red flags for/from liaisons 14:12:01 <gcb> Any red flags here ? 14:12:12 <shuyingya> Hi all, I am shuyingya, now mainly working on sahara project, and will focus on oslo.db. I am sahara project liaison 14:12:15 <bknudson_> none for keystone that I know of. 14:12:42 <dims> nothing from requirements 14:12:58 <gcb> shuyingya, welcome 14:13:13 <gcb> bknudson_, dims: thanks 14:13:22 <rloo> nothing from ironic 14:13:26 <shuyingya> nothing from my side ^ ^ 14:13:34 <gcb> rloo, ack :-) 14:14:03 <gcb> Let's move on 14:14:05 <gcb> #topic Releases for Pike 14:14:50 <gcb> #link https://review.openstack.org/444915, I just posted the release patch, please help review 14:15:44 <gcb> I'm wondering if we need weekly release , maybe biweekly release ? 14:15:56 <dims> gcb: we had turned voting off temporarily while dealing with the hacking/pbr issues, here's the review to turn it back on 14:16:00 <dims> gcb : https://review.openstack.org/#/c/444922/ 14:16:13 <dims> gcb : i'd vote for weekly 14:16:26 <bknudson_> I prefer to see releases more often since then we don't go so long between commit and release. 14:16:42 <bknudson_> Is it too much work so needs automation? 14:17:40 <gcb> dims, bknudson_ : weekly release is okay for me. just thought if a tiny change need a release 14:17:51 <gcb> dims: will check your review later 14:17:58 <bknudson_> maybe there's something we can put in the commit to indicate if it needs a major/minor/fix release? 14:18:47 <gcb> current, I check the commit log to if it is a trivial fix or fix bugs 14:19:44 <bknudson_> looks like all the releases this time included bug fixes. 14:19:50 <bknudson_> actually, new features. 14:20:24 <gcb> yeah 14:21:03 <gcb> a trivia fix without function change seems not a good candidate for release 14:21:59 <bknudson_> "The python 3.4 support is removed" -- should this be a major release since removing support? 14:22:26 <bknudson_> this is in the log for futurist 14:22:47 <bknudson_> http://logs.openstack.org/15/444915/1/check/gate-releases-tox-list-changes-ubuntu-xenial/3b93fad/console.html#_2017-03-13_13_57_35_523111 14:23:42 <dims> bknudson_ : that's a statement of testing, not actual code change to remove support. so i am not quite sure if major is needed 14:23:48 <dims> dhellmann : thoughts? ^ 14:23:48 <gcb> it's just remove the classifier in setup.cfg 14:23:49 <bknudson_> ok. 14:24:28 <gcb> BTW, it's not a burden for me to release weekly, so let's do it as before 14:24:46 <bknudson_> regarding the change in oslo.messaging -- I don't think this is a minor release change, so should be patch release. 14:25:50 <bknudson_> oh, I was reading the log incorrectly. There's a bunch of changes in oslo.messaging. 14:26:33 <bknudson_> minor release looks correct for oslo.messaging based on the other commits 14:26:53 <gcb> what do you mean patch release ? 14:27:22 <bknudson_> a patch release would just change the last # 5.5.0 to 5.5.1 rather than 5.6.0 14:28:09 <gcb> we don't release patch release in master branch, we need leave it to stable branch 14:29:05 <gcb> in other word, we need 5.5.1 for stable branch, 14:30:26 <gcb> something like s a minor release change, so should be patch release. 14:30:47 <gcb> something like https://review.openstack.org/443331 14:32:37 <gcb> okay,let's move on 14:32:54 <gcb> #topic block review 14:33:16 <gcb> Any review call for reviewers ? 14:33:54 <gcb> https://review.openstack.org/440835 seems a good feature 14:34:37 <gcb> #topic Open discussion 14:35:57 <lhx_> hi, oslo guys, i'm new comer for oslo and i'm contributing to Telemetry 14:36:22 <dims> welcome lhx_ 14:36:57 <gcb> lhx_ is my colleague, he focus on oslo.messaging now 14:37:31 <kgiusti> hi lhx_! 14:37:31 <lhx_> i would be the liaison of Telemetry if possible because jd and sileht are busy on the projects 14:37:34 <dims> nice, we definitely need help there 14:38:32 <gcb> I trying to attract more developers to oslo, especially in Asian :-) 14:38:40 <gcb> I'm 14:39:02 <gcb> we really need more people to help make oslo better 14:39:20 <lhx_> haha, i'm a newer for oslo.messaging also, thanks gcb for introducing me 14:40:21 <gcb> I noticed some oslo core reviewers have little time on oslo, or move to other non-openstack projects, 14:40:33 <lhx_> dims, kgiusti, thank you, oslo gurus, :) 14:41:41 <shuyingya> lhx_ welcome 14:41:48 <dims> gcb : oslo is all part-timers :) 14:42:05 <gcb> lhx_, shuyingya: please feel free to ask in #openstack-oslo if you have any questions, oslo guys are very nice lol 14:42:19 <gcb> dims: agree 14:42:53 <shuyingya> \o/ 14:43:10 <lhx_> shuyingya, the same welcome! 14:44:31 <gcb> lhx_, shuyingya : please add your irc name in https://github.com/openstack/oslo.tools/blob/master/ping_me.py 14:44:51 <gcb> then I can ping you when oslo meeting starts 14:45:15 <gcb> okay, does anyone have other things ? 14:45:16 <lhx_> okay 14:45:28 <shuyingya> ok 14:45:39 <gcb> then we can call it a meeting today. 14:45:46 <gcb> 3 14:46:08 <gcb> 2 14:46:20 <gcb> 1 14:46:28 <gcb> thanks everyone 14:46:41 <gcb> #endmeeting