14:00:06 <gcb> #startmeeting oslo 14:00:07 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Apr 3 14:00:06 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gcb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:08 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:11 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'oslo' 14:00:38 <gcb> courtesy ping for amotoki, amrith, bknudson, bnemec, dansmith, dhellmann, dims,dougwig, e0ne, electrocucaracha, flaper87, garyk, gcb, GheRivero,haypo, jd__, jecarey, johnsom, jungleboyj, kgiusti, kragniz, lhx_, lifeless, lxsli, Nakato, ozamiatin, rbradfor, redrobot,crushil, rloo,rpodolyaka, sergmelikyan, sileht, spamaps, sreshetnyak, sreshetnyak, stevemar,therve, thinrichs, toabctl, viktors, zhiyan, zzzeek 14:00:56 <dims> o/ 14:00:57 <rpodolyaka> o/ 14:01:04 <shuyingya> o/ 14:01:44 <gcb> \o/ 14:02:03 <gcb> #topic Red flags for/from liaisons 14:03:19 <gcb> I checked our periodic-job, there is no red flags 14:03:29 <dims> nice! 14:03:34 <jungleboyj> No red flags from Cinder. :-) 14:03:42 <gcb> shyingya, any issues in Sahara from oslo side ? 14:03:52 <gcb> jungleboyj, yeah, thanks 14:04:08 <shuyingya> there is no special. But I would like to know how to check the red flags. ^^ 14:04:42 <gcb> shuyingya, just check sahara, if there is issue related with oslo 14:05:23 <shuyingya> gcb, Yeah. no special means no patch related to oslo 14:05:28 <shuyingya> \o/ 14:05:33 <gcb> shuyingya, we have periodic jobs like http://status.openstack.org/openstack-health/#/g/build_name/periodic-nova-py27-with-oslo-master 14:06:05 <gcb> to make sure master branch oslo libs don't break things before we release them 14:06:24 <shuyingya> thanks, gcb. 14:06:28 <gcb> okay, let's move on 14:06:34 <gcb> #topic Releases for Pike 14:07:19 <gcb> #link https://review.openstack.org/452606 our weekly releases were just merged 14:08:52 <gcb> As dhellmann suggested ,we released futurist 1.0 14:09:26 <gcb> #Stuck reviews 14:09:47 <gcb> #topic Stuck reviews 14:10:15 <gcb> Anyone have specific review to raise ? 14:10:59 <gcb> I have one #link https://review.openstack.org/328692. I wonder this will break some projects 14:11:02 <dims> fyi, i am cleaning up old oslo.messaging reviews 14:12:17 <gcb> Make method set_override's parameter enforce_type=True by default, this enforces developer to write valid test cases about config options. please help review when you're free 14:12:39 <dims> gcb : let's drop a note to -dev and remove it after a few days 14:13:00 <gcb> dims: thanks, I can aslo help review oslo.messaging patches 14:13:33 <gcb> dims: ++, will send to -dev before we merge it 14:15:19 <gcb> There are aslo some updates about oslo this week 14:15:38 <jungleboyj> I will also bring that up in the weekly Cinder meeting to make people aware. I am not sure if we have that already set. Will check. 14:16:24 <gcb> jungleboyj, thanks 14:16:35 <jungleboyj> No problem. 14:16:36 <gcb> 1. #link https://review.openstack.org/449137 Move castellan under Oslo governance, thanks dims 14:17:20 <gcb> 2. #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2017-March/113941.html - Storing configuration options in etcd(?) 14:17:26 <dims> anyone from barbican around? :) 14:17:55 <gcb> 3. #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2017-March/114823.html Introduction of new driver for oslo.messaging 14:18:03 <gcb> dims: I don't think so 14:18:44 <dims> gcb : the #3 was for April 1st :) 14:19:31 <dims> EmilienM : are we going to do #2 above for pike? 14:19:48 <EmilienM> hello 14:20:07 <EmilienM> dims: I hope we can make progress 14:20:16 <gcb> dims: really? you must be joking , engineers shouldn't do that 14:20:36 <dims> gcb :) it was a joke 14:20:43 <EmilienM> dims: do we have people working on it? 14:20:54 <dims> EmilienM : nope 14:21:01 <EmilienM> yeah that's the problem 14:21:10 <EmilienM> a lot of folks want it but not sure anyone is active on this task 14:21:16 <dims> EmilienM : i did some background work, got a library that works with eventlet + etcd3 - https://pypi.python.org/pypi/etcd3gw 14:21:32 <dims> and will be adding support in tooz to use that library 14:21:52 <EmilienM> dims: i'll check with therve, he also started something a few weeks ago 14:22:04 <dims> EmilienM : i thought bnemec may be interested and dhellmann was asking for specific details i think 14:22:07 <dims> thanks EmilienM 14:22:34 <EmilienM> ok I'll also check with Ben 14:22:58 <gcb> EmilienM, dims: that's really a useful feature, I can help review(learn etcd at the same time) 14:23:25 <dims> gcb : cool. will ping you on the review 14:23:34 <gcb> dims: sure 14:24:36 <gcb> okay, that's all update about oslo 14:24:53 <gcb> #topic Open discussion 14:25:20 <kgiusti> I've got one! 14:25:35 <kgiusti> I've been working with the Massively Distributed working group 14:25:54 <kgiusti> trying to help them scale with respect to messaging... 14:26:26 <kgiusti> We're trying to determine which backends make sense for a given deployment 14:26:54 <kgiusti> for example, why would one use ZeromMQ instead of rabbitmq? 14:27:14 <kgiusti> or kafka? What are the deployment strategies 14:27:35 <kgiusti> ? So I'm proposing a forum topic on this: http://forumtopics.openstack.org/cfp/details/62 14:27:44 <kgiusti> @ the boston summit. 14:27:54 <gcb> kgiusti, the question we talked many times before :-) 14:27:55 <dims> kgiusti : ++ 14:28:28 <kgiusti> I'd like to work towards some recommendations, backed up with data ideally :) 14:28:32 <gcb> kgiusti, ++ 14:29:16 <kgiusti> TBH - I'm not really an expert in some of these drivers, so it would be great if the other driver specialists would weigh in here and help out. 14:29:51 <kgiusti> In any case, something to think about. 14:31:14 <gcb> kgiusti, we use rabbit backend in production, would like to help if I can :-) 14:31:52 <kgiusti> gcb great thanks - also anyone interested in joining the MDWG discussions that would be great. 14:32:28 <kgiusti> fyi: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Massively_Distributed_Clouds 14:33:15 <gcb> kgiusti, you got my questions, haha, just want to ask lol 14:33:43 <kgiusti> One other topic: 14:34:25 <kgiusti> I've got a proposal accepted @ boston to talk about "dual messaging backends" 14:34:45 <kgiusti> e.g.: rabbitmq for notifications, Zeromq for rpc, etc... 14:35:16 <kgiusti> If anyone would like to join the presentation and help out, just ping me on irc. Thanks. 14:35:36 * jungleboyj 's head explodes 14:35:57 <kgiusti> Wed 10th 11 am 14:36:08 <kgiusti> jungleboyj: yeah that happens alot. 14:36:13 <jungleboyj> I have a hard enough time understanding the setup with one message service. :-) 14:36:30 <jungleboyj> kgiusti: Ok, glad it isn't just me. 14:36:58 <kgiusti> :) hopefully with Triple0, etc, support it will be a great bit less painful than it is now. 14:37:38 <kgiusti> jungleboyj: but there are tests in CI (heat I believe) that are doing this atm. 14:37:56 <jungleboyj> Ok, that is good. 14:38:17 <gcb> jungleboyj, just checkout #link http://forumtopics.openstack.org/cfp/details/79 , bring all of your pain points about oslo there 14:38:19 <kgiusti> but it would be great if we could get kafka, zeromq folks to join the preso 14:39:17 <gcb> kgiusti, agree 14:39:23 <jungleboyj> kgiusti: Thanks. 14:40:27 <kgiusti> thanks everyone. 14:41:08 <gcb> kgiusti, please go ahead, hope I didn't disturb you :-) 14:41:34 <kgiusti> gcb: not at all - that's all I have for now. 14:42:30 <gcb> okay, anyone has other things to discuss ? 14:44:17 <gcb> I think we can call it a meeting, and back to openstack-oslo to discuss any oslo stuff 14:45:16 <gcb> BTW, Chinese have 3 days holiday, I will be back on April 5 14:45:31 <gcb> thanks everyone 14:46:17 <jungleboyj> Sounds good. Thanks gcb 14:46:21 <jungleboyj> Have a good vacation. 14:47:03 <gcb> jungleboyj, thanks, have a nice day 14:47:11 <gcb> #endmeeting