14:01:16 <gcb> #startmeeting oslo 14:01:17 <openstack> Meeting started Mon May 1 14:01:16 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gcb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:18 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:01:20 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'oslo' 14:01:29 <openstack> gcb: Error: Can't start another meeting, one is in progress. Use #endmeeting first. 14:01:31 <dhellmann> o/ 14:01:56 <gcb> courtesy ping for amotoki, amrith, bknudson, bnemec, crushil, dansmith, dhellmann 14:01:59 <gcb> courtesy ping for dims, dougwig, e0ne, electrocucaracha, flaper87, garyk, gcb 14:02:00 <gcb> courtesy ping for GheRivero, haypo, jd__, jecarey, johnsom, jungleboyj, kgiusti 14:02:01 <gcb> courtesy ping for kragniz, lhx_, lifeless, lxsli, Nakato, ozamiatin, rbradfor 14:02:08 <gcb> courtesy ping for redrobot, rpodolyaka, sergmelikyan, sileht, spamaps, sreshetnyak, sreshetnyak 14:02:11 <gcb> courtesy ping for stevemar, therve, thinrichs, toabctl, viktors, zhiyan, zzzeek 14:02:13 <gcb> dhellmann, welcome 14:02:17 <dhellmann> hi, gcb 14:02:35 <ansmith> o/ 14:02:42 <crushil> \o 14:02:44 <dims> o/ 14:02:59 <gcb> Today is international workers holiday :-) 14:03:16 <gcb> hi ansmith crushil ,dims 14:03:37 <gcb> #topic Red flags for/from liaisons 14:03:42 <kgiusti> o/ 14:03:53 <gcb> hi kgiusti 14:04:01 <kgiusti> hey! 14:04:39 <gcb> #link http://status.openstack.org/openstack-health/#/?groupKey=build_name&resolutionKey=hour&searchProject=-with-oslo 14:05:31 <gcb> glance and keystone need more work to fit oslo.config 4.0 before we make it in requirements #link https://review.openstack.org/459411 14:06:08 <gcb> any other redflags ? 14:07:13 <gcb> okay, let's move on 14:07:15 <gcb> #topic Releases for Pike 14:07:15 <dims> gcb : reviews already in progress for both? 14:08:29 <gcb> dims, yes, I post some fixes, but need more work related project specific domain knowledge, so I talked the PTLs and hope we can resolve issues 14:08:33 <dhellmann> gcb : I just approved this week's oslo releases, so those should go through in the next hour or so 14:11:11 <gcb> dhellmann, I think it's okay to release new one, though we can't merge https://review.openstack.org/459411 now 14:11:47 <dims> gcb : great 14:12:26 <gcb> dhellmann, we don't break projects' gate tests, even oslo.config 4.1 14:12:40 <dhellmann> gcb: yes, it's not ideal to skip like that but it should be ok 14:12:58 <dhellmann> if you want to hold future oslo.config releases, don't include them in the weekly release patch :-) 14:13:23 <gcb> dhellmann, yeah agree 14:14:22 <gcb> #topic Stuck Reviews 14:14:45 <gcb> dims: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/461105/ is ready to merge 14:15:17 <dhellmann> I have a few patches that could use reviews before the summit 14:15:30 <dhellmann> #link oslo-specs proposal to improve logging debugging https://review.openstack.org/460112 14:15:50 <dhellmann> #link oslo.log change to add line numbers to log messages https://review.openstack.org/459426 14:16:06 <dhellmann> #link oslo.log change to add exception summaries to log messages https://review.openstack.org/459424 14:16:37 <dims> dhellmann : ack lining them up for today 14:16:46 <dhellmann> I have them marked WIP so we don't land them before the discussion at the summit, but it would be good to have folks who are interested do a quick review of the code changes and definitely read the spec 14:17:27 <dims> gotcha dhellmann 14:17:32 <dhellmann> thanks, dims 14:17:38 <gcb> dhellmann, will help review tomorrow and I added it in https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/oslo-pike-tracking 14:17:46 <dhellmann> great! 14:18:03 <dims> i did have one idea to encrypt passwords using castellan in oslo.config, will have to write a spec 14:18:31 <dims> if anyone has an interest, please let me know 14:18:48 <dhellmann> I'm interested in seeing how that would work 14:19:04 <dhellmann> for those interested, the forum session about the logging changes is https://www.openstack.org/summit/boston-2017/summit-schedule/events/18778/enhancing-log-message-headers-for-rt-debug-and-traceability 14:19:10 <dhellmann> #link https://www.openstack.org/summit/boston-2017/summit-schedule/events/18778/enhancing-log-message-headers-for-rt-debug-and-traceability 14:20:35 <gcb> dims: useful use case, I remember some one have asked for that feature 14:21:04 <gcb> dhellmann, cool thanks the links, not sure I can attend the summit in time 14:21:06 <dims> ack dhellmann gcb - y it has come a few times before 14:22:00 <dhellmann> gcb : do you mean you are not coming to boston next week? 14:22:15 <gcb> dims, dhellmann : Do you think is is necessary to post oslo weekly review priorities to ML like other projects did ? 14:22:43 <dhellmann> gcb : I like the idea. I think we should try it. 14:22:48 <dims> gcb : i think it will help 14:22:54 <dims> +1 14:23:22 <gcb> dhellmann, My visa application is still on status "Administrative Processing", so not sure I can attend the summit in time 14:23:28 <dhellmann> oh, no! 14:23:51 <gcb> dhellmann, dims : ack will try to do that 14:23:54 <dhellmann> we have a forum session planned. I can volunteer to moderate it in case you don't make it. 14:24:51 <kgiusti> I'll be there also. 14:25:25 * dims still has to figure out his schedule 14:25:47 <dhellmann> kgiusti : you're moderating the session on messaging services, right? 14:26:07 <kgiusti> yes 14:26:15 <dhellmann> cool, just checking my memory 14:27:17 <kgiusti> I volunteer to do the forum session prior to mine (same room) - Oslo dev/user feedback 14:27:57 <dhellmann> kgiusti : ok, sounds good. I already emailed the committee, I'll reply again and copy you. 14:28:18 <kgiusti> dhellmann: ok 14:28:32 <kgiusti> fyi - epad for that forum: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/BOS-Oslo-brainstorming 14:29:14 <dhellmann> kgiusti : thanks 14:33:29 <gcb> I just lost my network connection 14:34:34 <dhellmann> gcb: I don't think you missed much. kgiusti and I both offered to cover that oslo session at the summit if you can't make it. I've emailed Shamail with that info so the session will stay on the schedule. 14:34:53 <gcb> not sure I sent out the last message, repeated: I think we can skip oslo weekly meeting on next Monday 14:35:06 <dhellmann> yes, I think that makes sense 14:35:25 <kgiusti> short of giving you $$$ for bribes, I'll keep my fingers crossed for your visa :) 14:36:59 <dhellmann> yeah, I'm not sure if there's any way to help speed that along :-/ 14:38:35 <gcb> dhellmann, kgiusti : there is no other way, just wait, forward to seeing you in time 14:38:43 <dhellmann> ++ 14:38:58 <kgiusti> :D 14:43:14 <gcb> any other thing we can discuss here ? if we don't have, I think we can end the meeting :-) 14:43:32 <dhellmann> we've already covered the topic I wanted to raise 14:43:53 <kgiusti> all good here 14:48:19 <gcb> okay, let's end the meeting 14:48:55 <gcb> #endmeeting