14:00:33 <gcb> #startmeeting oslo 14:00:34 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Sep 25 14:00:33 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gcb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:36 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:39 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'oslo' 14:00:44 <gcb> courtesy ping for amotoki, amrith, bknudson, bnemec, crushil, dansmith, dhellmann 14:00:45 <gcb> courtesy ping for dims, dougwig, e0ne, electrocucaracha, flaper87, garyk, gcb 14:00:45 <gcb> courtesy ping for GheRivero, haypo, jd__, jecarey, johnsom, jungleboyj, kgiusti 14:00:45 <gcb> courtesy ping for kragniz, lhx_, lifeless, lxsli, Nakato, ozamiatin, rbradfor 14:00:45 <gcb> courtesy ping for redrobot, rpodolyaka, sergmelikyan, sileht, spamaps, sreshetnyak, sreshetnyak 14:00:46 <gcb> courtesy ping for stevemar, therve, thinrichs, toabctl, viktors, zhiyan, zzzeek,zxy 14:00:50 <dhellmann> o/ 14:00:55 <amrith> o/ 14:00:58 <zxy> o/ 14:01:04 <ansmith> o/ 14:01:13 <dims> gcb : partially here :) o/ 14:01:22 <gcb> \o/ 14:01:35 <kgiusti> o/ 14:01:43 <jungleboyj> @! 14:01:44 <_pewp_> jungleboyj (ஐ╹◡╹)ノ 14:02:04 <gcb> #chair kgiusti 14:02:04 <openstack> Current chairs: gcb kgiusti 14:02:15 <gcb> #topic Red flags for/from liaisons 14:02:20 <amrith> gcb ... partially here, also on a phone call so may be distracted. 14:02:48 <amrith> gcb, I will have to appoint a new liaison for trove; no red flags at this time. 14:02:51 <gcb> wow, busy men lol 14:02:59 <gcb> amrith, sure 14:03:13 <jungleboyj> gcb No red flags from Cinder. We are just working through impacts from the deprecation effort. 14:03:33 <gcb> amrith: I found trove's gate failure recently 14:03:47 <gcb> jungleboyj: thanks, good to know that 14:04:00 <jungleboyj> No problem. :-) 14:05:11 <gcb> #topic Releases 14:05:27 <gcb> today we have 3 patches for releases 14:06:13 <gcb> https://review.openstack.org/507097 https://review.openstack.org/507103 https://review.openstack.org/507102 14:06:54 <gcb> please let know if want to urgent patch to release this week 14:07:07 <gcb> #topic Stuck Reviews 14:08:09 <gcb> dims: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/453723/ needs your bless 14:08:17 <dhellmann> I've approved the queens releases 14:08:29 <dims> ack on it gcb 14:10:14 <gcb> dhellmann, dims: thanks 14:10:27 <gcb> any other stuck reviews ? 14:10:39 <dims> gcb : one from me https://review.openstack.org/#/c/491783/ 14:11:09 <gcb> dims: ack will review it today 14:11:18 <dims> thanks gcb 14:11:33 <dhellmann> me, too 14:12:43 <gcb> hi haypo 14:12:57 <haypo> hi. tell me when you are available to talk about https://review.openstack.org/#/c/503993/ JSON formatter 14:13:32 * haypo is already in a second meeting :) 14:14:10 <gcb> haypo: we are discussing stuck reviews 14:14:57 <dhellmann> it looks like haypo responded to my comment on that one, so I need to go read it more closely 14:15:27 <haypo> quick summary: oslo.log JSON formatter crash if you pass an object which cannot be serialized 14:15:52 <haypo> my patch doesn't change the default behaviour, but allow (for example) oslo.log to serialize random objects using repr(obj) 14:16:30 <haypo> the second problem is that Cinder doesn't want to change the code for one specific oslo.log formatter 14:17:02 <haypo> and i think that it makes sense, LOG.info("hosts=%s", hosts) works fine with most formatters, except the JSON formatter 14:17:20 <haypo> why would Cinder modify their code just for one specific formatter whereas str(hosts) doesn't fail? 14:18:02 <haypo> tell me if you need more details ;) as dhellmann wrote, i tried to reply to all questions/comments 14:19:32 <gcb> haypo: I guess you need a rebase , we just merged tried to reply to all questions 14:19:53 <gcb> merged https://review.openstack.org/#/c/496067 14:20:55 <haypo> gcb: ok. there is no conflict. i just rebased my PR 14:21:20 <gcb> haypo: I will review it again today 14:21:29 <haypo> oops, wrong project sorry. i rebased my oslo.log PR 14:21:58 <haypo> the oslo.log PR is an example how to use my oslo.serialization PR 14:22:53 <haypo> ok, the oslo.serialization is now rebased as well. sorry :-) 14:23:59 <gcb> #topic Open discussion 14:24:49 <gcb> we have some discussion during the PTG, for details please refer to https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/oslo-ptg-queens 14:29:52 <gcb> any other topics ? 14:30:36 * gcb checking dims's patch 14:35:12 <gcb> okay, let's end the meeting today 14:35:29 <gcb> thanks everyone 14:35:31 <gcb> #endmeeting