14:00:13 <gcb> #startmeeting oslo 14:00:14 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Oct 30 14:00:13 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gcb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:16 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:19 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'oslo' 14:00:22 <gcb> courtesy ping for amotoki, amrith, bknudson, bnemec, crushil, dansmith, dhellmann 14:00:22 <gcb> courtesy ping for dims, dougwig, e0ne, electrocucaracha, flaper87, garyk, gcb 14:00:22 <gcb> courtesy ping for GheRivero, haypo, jd__, jecarey, johnsom, jungleboyj, kgiusti 14:00:22 <gcb> courtesy ping for kragniz, lhx_, lifeless, lxsli, Nakato, ozamiatin, rbradfor 14:00:22 <gcb> courtesy ping for redrobot, rpodolyaka, sergmelikyan, sileht, spamaps, sreshetnyak, sreshetnyak 14:00:23 <gcb> courtesy ping for stevemar, therve, thinrichs, toabctl, viktors, zhiyan, zzzeek,zxy 14:00:37 <dhellmann> o/ 14:00:39 <zxy> o/ 14:00:44 <ansmith> o/ 14:00:57 <e0ne> hi 14:01:18 <gcb> hi e0ne, dhellmann ,zxy, ansmith 14:01:24 <kgiusti> o/ 14:01:38 <gcb> #chair kgiusti 14:01:38 <openstack> Current chairs: gcb kgiusti 14:02:01 <gcb> #topic Red flags for/from liaisons 14:03:00 <gcb> There is no failure now in http://status.openstack.org/openstack-health/#/?groupKey=build_name&resolutionKey=hour&searchProject=-with-oslo 14:03:08 <gcb> so everything looks good now 14:04:17 <gcb> #topic Releases 14:04:47 <gcb> https://review.openstack.org/516182 was just approved, will be merge soon 14:05:51 <gcb> we bump oslo.config to 5.0.0 due to API change 14:06:03 <gcb> - projects: 14:06:04 <gcb> - hash: a3e7f8aa172f68bafd973206c9529773bbc16672 14:06:04 <gcb> repo: openstack/oslo.config 14:06:04 <gcb> version: 5.0.0 14:06:04 <gcb> highlights: > 14:06:04 <gcb> Remove the parameter enforce_type from set_override and set_default 14:06:41 <gcb> #topic Stuck Reviews 14:07:14 <gcb> dhellmann, is it ready to merge now ?https://review.openstack.org/454897 14:08:45 <dhellmann> gcb : I think we're close. I would like to get some reviews on it for sure. 14:09:06 <dhellmann> spilla and his team have already started working on implementation 14:09:40 <dhellmann> but this is a big change, and I don't want to rush it 14:09:58 <gcb> dhellmann: ack, I think https://review.openstack.org/#/c/495534/ seems ready to merge, we discussed in the mail list that we can ignore usage of inactive projects 14:10:19 <dhellmann> yes, I will put that on my review list for today 14:10:36 <jungleboyj> o/ 14:10:39 <jungleboyj> Sorry I am late. 14:11:15 <gcb> jungleboyj, I doesn't matter 14:11:18 <dhellmann> gcb : tempest-lib uses mockpatch. Is tempest-lib still a thing? 14:11:59 <gcb> dhellmann: tempest-lib will not be used any more, QA team close the bug for tempest as I can recall 14:12:04 <dhellmann> ok 14:12:16 <dhellmann> +2a then 14:13:02 <gcb> thanks 14:13:52 <gcb> Any other stuck reviews ? 14:14:29 <dhellmann> we have some open reviews in pbr from stephenfin https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack-dev%2Fpbr+is:open,n,z 14:14:39 <dhellmann> and others 14:16:29 <gcb> yes, I talked with stephenfin before, he would like to prepare a new releases for pbr when pbr includes some patches 14:16:49 <dhellmann> ++ 14:17:01 <dhellmann> I know he has been working on that reno integration for a while; it would be nice to have that this cycle 14:18:08 <gcb> I will review his patch this week 14:20:10 <dhellmann> sounds good, thanks 14:21:22 <gcb> #topic Sydney Oslo Updates review 14:21:55 <gcb> # link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/pike-live-from-oslo 14:22:42 <dhellmann> it would be good to discuss those pbr/reno changes since they will affect packaging 14:22:43 <gcb> as we discussed last week, I prepared a draft slides with kgiusti/ansmith's work 14:23:01 <dhellmann> it's probably not worth a lot of deep discussion, but a mention would be good 14:23:16 <gcb> Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1F2LyakgR8lyMVEUUaIScuaUM-FQ5S-OXjSJP9LwS-94 14:24:02 <gcb> dhellmann, let me check the change of pbr/reno and add them in the slides 14:24:32 <kgiusti> gcb: I'll add additional speaker notes to a few of those slides for more detail 14:25:39 <gcb> kgiusti, thanks, though I can understand what you're showing LOL 14:25:58 <kgiusti> gcb: :) 14:26:30 <gcb> It's a 20 minutes session, welcome anyone join the presentation if you can attend the summit 14:27:29 <gcb> kgiusti, ansmith, dhellmann : please help review and add comments, then we can adjust before the presentation 14:27:44 <kgiusti> +1 14:28:54 <gcb> kgiusti, would you like to add your company's logo in the first slide ? 14:30:15 <kgiusti> gcb: meh, I'm ok with leaving it off. 14:31:11 <kgiusti> gcb: that is, since they won't send me to Sydney :P 14:32:01 <gcb> LOL 14:34:08 <gcb> #topic Open discussion 14:35:42 <gcb> I think we can cancel next week's meeting, some of us will attend the Summit 14:38:55 <gcb> any other stuff ? 14:39:37 <gcb> okay, thanks everyone. we can end the meeting now :-) 14:39:54 <kgiusti> thanks gdb 14:40:04 <kgiusti> s/gdb/gcb 14:40:04 <gcb> #endmeeting