15:00:46 <moguimar> #startmeeting oslo 15:00:46 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Jul 29 15:00:46 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is moguimar. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:47 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:49 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'oslo' 15:00:57 <moguimar> Courtesy ping for bnemec, jungleboyj, moguimar, hberaud, kgiusti, redrobot, stephenfin, johnsom 15:01:00 <hberaud> o/ 15:01:03 <moguimar> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Oslo#Agenda_for_Next_Meeting 15:01:38 <johnsom> o/ 15:02:30 <jungleboyj> o/ 15:03:23 <moguimar> all right oslo folks 15:03:27 <moguimar> lets start with 15:03:30 <moguimar> #topic Red flags for/from liaisons 15:03:43 <moguimar> and there are no news from Barbican land 15:03:55 <johnsom> Nothing new from Octavia 15:03:58 <kgiusti> o/ 15:03:59 <jungleboyj> No news from Cinder. 15:05:05 <moguimar> ok, next topic 15:05:08 <moguimar> #topic Releases 15:06:01 <moguimar> Ben is out this week, so dhellmann and hberaud are our release liaisons 15:06:19 <moguimar> any updates hberaud ? 15:06:24 <hberaud> nope 15:06:58 <moguimar> #topic Action items from last meeting 15:07:06 <moguimar> we had 3 AI last week 15:07:15 * moguimar bnemec to review https://review.opendev.org/#/c/663074/ 15:08:21 <moguimar> looks like the patch was updated today 15:08:33 <moguimar> the 3rd AI is also about this review 15:08:35 <hberaud> yep 15:08:46 <moguimar> 2nd one is me to run the meeting. 15:09:14 <moguimar> #topic Weekly Wayward Review 15:09:30 <moguimar> do you folks have anything to bring to the review table? 15:09:58 <hberaud> kgiusti, gsantomaggio can you recheck too => https://review.opendev.org/#/c/663074/ 15:10:02 <hberaud> ? 15:10:24 <kgiusti> sure, will od 15:10:28 <kgiusti> do that is 15:10:29 <hberaud> I believe that gsantomaggio is on PTO 15:10:38 <hberaud> kgiusti: thx :) 15:10:49 <moguimar> any other reviews? 15:11:21 <hberaud> not on my side 15:11:31 <moguimar> ok 15:11:34 <moguimar> moving forward 15:11:37 <moguimar> #topic Open discussion 15:11:42 <moguimar> floor is yours 15:12:47 <moguimar> I'll start doing some Barbican code this cycle, but I've been toying with oslo.config for a while, I'm planning to write some blog posts about it in the future 15:13:30 <kgiusti> moguimar: nice! 15:13:38 <hberaud> +1 15:13:54 <moguimar> now I need to learn oslo.log and stop printing to stdout xD 15:14:01 <hberaud> lol 15:14:43 <hberaud> moguimar: take a look at pysnooper ;) 15:15:01 <moguimar> will do =D 15:15:31 <moguimar> ok, thanks everyone for attending! 15:15:34 <moguimar> #endmeeting