15:00:21 <bnemec> #startmeeting oslo 15:00:21 <bnemec> Courtesy ping for bnemec, jungleboyj, moguimar, hberaud, kgiusti, redrobot, stephenfin, johnsom, gsantomaggio 15:00:21 <bnemec> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Oslo#Agenda_for_Next_Meeting 15:00:26 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Sep 16 15:00:21 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is bnemec. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:27 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:29 <moguimar> o/ 15:00:29 <johnsom> o/ 15:00:29 <njohnston> o/ 15:00:30 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'oslo' 15:00:53 <ansmith> o/ 15:00:55 <kgiusti> o/ 15:01:18 <jungleboyj> I am in karate seminars today. Will be absent. Nothing to report from cinder. 15:01:31 <bnemec> jungleboyj: Sounds good, thanks 15:03:06 <bnemec> #topic Red flags for/from liaisons 15:03:17 <johnsom> No news from Octavia team. 15:03:48 <bnemec> I found a bunch of bugs in oslo.policy last week. :-/ 15:03:56 <bnemec> But mostly I don't think that requires any action from other projects. 15:04:34 <moguimar> nothing from Barbican 15:05:35 <bnemec> Okay, sounds like things are pretty quiet. Which is good at this point in the cycle. :-) 15:05:41 <bnemec> #topic Releases 15:05:55 <gsantomaggio> Hello 15:06:08 <bnemec> There were a few releases last week - two were just release notes and one small bug fix. 15:06:28 <bnemec> Note that we're in non-client library freeze now, so any releases require an FFE from the requirements team. 15:06:52 <bnemec> So I won't be doing regular releases until ussuri opens up. 15:07:14 <bnemec> If you have something that you think needs to be released still for train, contact me ASAP. 15:08:17 <bnemec> I think that's it for releases. 15:08:19 <bnemec> #topic Action items from last meeting 15:08:26 <bnemec> "moguimar to review https://review.opendev.org/#/c/672781/" 15:08:30 <bnemec> Done, thanks moguimar. 15:08:35 <moguimar> o/ 15:08:55 <bnemec> And that was it. 15:09:28 <bnemec> #topic PTG/Forum 15:09:37 <bnemec> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/oslo-shanghai-topics 15:09:50 <bnemec> Just a reminder that this exists. :-) 15:10:21 <bnemec> I started working on my oslo demo session last week, which is where all of the oslo.policy bugs came from. 15:11:18 <bnemec> Other than those it's looking pretty good though. 15:12:29 <bnemec> That's all for that topic. 15:12:50 <bnemec> I think we're going to skip weekly wayward review for a few weeks until train is done. 15:13:26 <bnemec> We can't release most stuff right now anyway and I'd rather not have a bunch of patches merged in case we have a critical bug fix that needs to get out. 15:14:29 <bnemec> I guess that's an important note for all of the cores. Please hold off on merging things until the stable/train branches are cut. 15:14:59 <bnemec> #action Wait to merge non-critical patches until stable/train has been created 15:15:33 <bnemec> And that's it for the regular agenda. 15:15:34 <bnemec> #topic Open discussion 15:15:47 <bnemec> Anything else or should I give you all 45 minutes back? :-) 15:15:59 <moguimar> 45 minutes back \o/ 15:16:09 <moguimar> 44 =( 15:16:28 <njohnston> thanks! 15:17:02 <bnemec> moguimar: Wow, that one minute really changed your mood. :-P 15:17:10 <moguimar> xD 15:17:30 <moguimar> so many things one can do in a minute 15:17:55 <bnemec> Indeed. 15:18:06 <bnemec> I won't take up any more of your minutes. Thanks for joining everyone! 15:18:09 <bnemec> #endmeeting