15:00:16 <bnemec> #startmeeting oslo 15:00:16 <bnemec> Courtesy ping for bnemec, jungleboyj, moguimar, hberaud, stephenfin, kgiusti, johnsom, e0ne, redrobot, bcafarel, smcginnis 15:00:16 <bnemec> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Oslo#Agenda_for_Next_Meeting 15:00:17 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Apr 13 15:00:16 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is bnemec. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:18 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:20 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'oslo' 15:00:33 <johnsom> o/ 15:00:57 <redrobot> \i 15:01:02 <redrobot> \o even 15:01:08 <kgiusti> o/ 15:01:10 <ansmith_> o/ 15:01:43 <smcginnis> o/ 15:03:31 <bnemec> #topic Red flags for/from liaisons 15:03:43 <johnsom> Nothing on the Octavia side 15:05:15 <bnemec> Things should be pretty quiet on the Oslo side now that we're frozen. 15:06:26 <johnsom> I hope so 15:07:08 <bnemec> #topic Releases 15:07:28 <bnemec> The one outstanding issue at this point is the policy deprecation logging change for Nova. 15:07:43 <bnemec> I just pushed a release patch to get the changes out there. 15:08:23 <redrobot> oh dang, I missed the red flags 15:08:28 <bnemec> Other than that I expect no more releases until Victoria opens up. 15:08:32 <redrobot> The latest Castellan release is broken 15:08:42 <redrobot> https://bugs.launchpad.net/castellan/+bug/1872480 15:08:43 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1872480 in castellan "Castellan release 3.0.0 is broken" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Douglas Mendizábal (dougmendizabal) 15:08:44 <bnemec> :-( 15:09:04 <redrobot> Looks like a constant was renamed but not all references were updated 15:09:15 <bnemec> Wow, how did that get through the Castellan gate? 15:09:15 <redrobot> I have a patch to fix it: 15:09:23 <redrobot> https://review.opendev.org/#/c/718775 15:09:37 <redrobot> insufficient functional testing, I think 15:09:58 <redrobot> I need to beef up the Functional tests so we can catch this in case of a regression 15:10:24 <redrobot> We caught it in the Barbican gate 15:11:31 <bnemec> Okay, approved. 15:11:45 <bnemec> I'm surprised the vault functional test didn't catch that. 15:12:05 <redrobot> I think that test suite is more of a unit test suite 15:12:07 <bnemec> It's pretty fundamental to anything using Vault. 15:12:49 <redrobot> Would be awesome if we can get a 3.0.1 release when this patch merges. 15:12:52 <bnemec> We're going to need a release FFE for that too, I guess. 15:12:59 <bnemec> Can you request that? 15:13:11 <redrobot> bnemec, sure, ML message? 15:13:38 <bnemec> Yeah. Probably tag oslo, release, and requirements. 15:13:53 <redrobot> ack, will do 15:14:04 <bnemec> I think we'll need one from requirements too since this will need a u-c bump. 15:14:16 <bnemec> #action redrobot request Castellan FFE on openstack-discuss 15:14:19 <bnemec> redrobot: Thanks 15:14:24 <smcginnis> redrobot: Some info: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2020-April/014060.html 15:16:16 <redrobot> smcginnis, looking, thanks 15:17:58 <bnemec> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/castellan/+bug/1872483 15:17:59 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1872483 in castellan "Vault functional tests not really functional" [Undecided,Confirmed] 15:18:06 <bnemec> for the hole in our testing 15:18:22 <bnemec> Interestingly, I can't triage in castellan. 15:18:43 <bnemec> #action bnemec request castellan 3.0.1 release once Vault fix has merged 15:19:18 <bnemec> Okay, I think we have a plan for that. Just waiting on the gate and FFE approval. 15:19:35 <bnemec> Thanks for the heads up, redrobot. 15:20:07 <bnemec> #topic Action items from last meeting 15:20:28 <bnemec> "bnemec send email about oslo.policy cli change" 15:20:32 <bnemec> Oops, did not do that. 15:20:34 <bnemec> #action bnemec send email about oslo.policy cli change 15:20:56 <bnemec> "bnemec write final release patch for Oslo libraries and send email to list for FFE" 15:21:18 <bnemec> That one is done and everything was released last week. 15:21:32 <bnemec> I guess now we're waiting on oslo.policy and castellan to branch. 15:22:34 <bnemec> And that was it for action items. 15:22:37 <bnemec> #topic Project-specific contributor docs 15:22:57 <bnemec> Kendall pinged me over the weekend to remind me that we never addressed this community goal. 15:23:33 <bnemec> Unfortunately it's going to be a bit more work for us than for most projects because we'll have to make the change in every repo. :-/ 15:24:31 <johnsom> Brian's write up for Cinder was nicely done. I highly recommend borrowing from it. 15:24:56 <bnemec> #link https://governance.openstack.org/tc/goals/selected/ussuri/project-ptl-and-contrib-docs.html 15:25:32 <bnemec> johnsom: Cool, thanks. I have to admit I've only vaguely followed this. 15:25:50 <johnsom> #link https://review.opendev.org/711006 15:25:54 <bnemec> The PTL side of it is addressed in https://review.opendev.org/#/c/711784/ 15:26:12 <bnemec> I'm wondering if we want to do something similar for contributor docs. 15:26:35 <bnemec> Instead of duplicating them across all repos, just write up a single policy doc and link to it from contributing.rst. 15:26:54 <bnemec> I guess I need to look closer at the template to determine whether that's practical. 15:27:57 <bnemec> I'll try to do that this week, at least enough to figure out a path forward. 15:28:39 <bnemec> I'm probably going to need some help getting all the projects updated though. 15:28:51 <bnemec> If you'd like to volunteer, give me a holler. 15:30:44 <smcginnis> I think at this point, we can just declare that the goal for the cycle was not met. 15:30:52 <smcginnis> And just work towards getting it in place for victoria. 15:30:55 <bnemec> Yeah, it's definitely not getting done for Ussuri. 15:31:13 <bnemec> I've already asked for one mass FFE, I _really_ don't want to do another. :-) 15:31:38 <smcginnis> So that should ease a little pressure on getting it done. We could get one repo done, then should be fairly easy for a volunteer to take that and apply the same template to the rest of the repos over the next ~6 months. 15:31:44 <smcginnis> Haha, yeah. :) 15:32:27 <smcginnis> The nice thing with docs - they get published right after they are merged. 15:32:48 <smcginnis> We _could_ think of backporting to ussuri since it is low risk, but probably not really necessary. 15:32:48 <bnemec> Yep 15:34:18 <bnemec> Okay, I'll hopefully look into that before next week. If anyone else does so in the meantime feel free to ping me with your thoughts. 15:35:11 <bnemec> Kind of ironic that the new home for the docs team failed to complete a doc goal. ;-) 15:35:19 <smcginnis> Hah! 15:35:19 <bnemec> Anyway, that was it for topics this week. 15:35:32 <bnemec> #topic Open discussion 15:35:43 <bnemec> Anything else? 15:36:42 <jungleboyj> Sorry I didn't make the meeting. Was having to get the kids. 15:37:17 <smcginnis> So jungleboyj has all those actions, right? 15:37:27 <bnemec> smcginnis: Exactly. :-D 15:37:54 * bnemec appoints jungleboyj Oslo PTL 15:38:08 <openstackgerrit> Merged openstack/oslo-specs master: Add PTL Guide to policies https://review.opendev.org/711784 15:38:21 <openstackgerrit> Merged openstack/oslo-specs master: Additions to the PTL Guide https://review.opendev.org/716099 15:38:43 <jungleboyj> Ha ha. I don't think that is going to end well for anyone. 15:40:04 <bnemec> Okay, sounds like we're done. Time to go do some action items. :-) 15:40:11 <bnemec> Thanks for joining, everyone! 15:40:14 <bnemec> #endmeeting