15:00:01 <hberaud> #startmeeting oslo 15:00:02 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Nov 16 15:00:01 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is hberaud. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:03 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:05 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'oslo' 15:00:10 <hberaud> Courtesy ping for bnemec, smcginnis, moguimar, johnsom, stephenfin, bcafarel, kgiusti, jungleboyj, sboyron 15:00:21 <hberaud> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Oslo#Agenda_for_Next_Meeting 15:00:41 <bnemec> o/ 15:00:43 <hberaud> o/ 15:00:51 <damani> hi 15:01:18 <jungleboyj> Kind of here. 15:02:17 <kgiusti> o/ 15:03:04 <hberaud> #topic Red flags for/from liaisons 15:03:16 <jungleboyj> Nothing from Cinder. 15:04:22 <bcafarel> o/ (and nothing I think from neutron, was on PTO end of last week) 15:05:07 <hberaud> FYI dogpile.cache 1.1.0 have been released few hours ago and they changed the logic of serialization so I suppose we will seen impacts on oslo.cache soon https://github.com/sqlalchemy/dogpile.cache/releases/tag/rel_1_1_0 15:05:34 <hberaud> I did some tests and I didn't seen failures for now 15:05:52 <hberaud> but we need to dive deep with damani on this topic 15:06:00 <damani> i will do that 15:06:36 <hberaud> that's all for oslo 15:06:42 <hberaud> #topic Releases liaison 15:07:12 <hberaud> stein is now moving to EM (Extended Maintainance) 15:07:19 <damani> for releases liaison, stein will be move to em 15:07:59 <hberaud> yes https://review.opendev.org/#/c/762367/ 15:08:59 <damani> we have several patches to merge 15:09:22 <hberaud> yes, especially this one => https://review.opendev.org/#/c/749193/ 15:09:39 <hberaud> but the backport is stuck by train 15:09:54 <damani> yes 15:10:12 <damani> this one is blocked by train like you said 15:10:58 <hberaud> kgiusti: embed functional tests fails do you think we can drop them for these old branches? 15:10:59 <damani> but we need to fix that soon as possible and merge this patch on stein 15:11:30 <damani> hberaud, kgiusti, that can be a good solution 15:11:41 <hberaud> train => https://review.opendev.org/#/c/747892/ 15:11:56 <kgiusti> hberaud: is this the rabbit failover test not passing? 15:12:05 <hberaud> yes 15:12:40 <kgiusti> hberaud: I've had no luck in root causing that. At this point I'd mark the test as non-voting in the old branches 15:12:55 <hberaud> ah yes good point 15:13:22 <kgiusti> hberaud: or, ideally, just skip the failover test and leave the others in the func test active. Less testing holes that way. 15:14:04 <hberaud> kgiusti: I see 15:14:21 <hberaud> we'll use this path 15:14:24 <hberaud> thanks 15:14:54 <hberaud> anyway EM is not blocking and patches could be merged after that 15:15:00 <hberaud> #topic Security liaison 15:16:10 <hberaud> I don't expect lot of here 15:16:46 <sboyron> o/ 15:16:47 <bnemec> Yeah, nothing that I know of. 15:16:50 <hberaud> I didn't seen security warning during the previous week 15:17:01 <hberaud> cool 15:17:02 <hberaud> #topic TaCT SIG liaison 15:17:10 <sboyron> Nothing on my side 15:17:19 <hberaud> cool too :) 15:17:26 <hberaud> #topic Action items from last meeting 15:17:49 <hberaud> hberaud - clear the ping list 15:18:07 <hberaud> done http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2020-November/018624.html 15:18:29 <hberaud> hberaud submit a mail about the meeting TZ and update the wiki 15:18:32 <hberaud> done http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2020-November/018789.html 15:18:45 <hberaud> hberaud ask for a py-amqp release 15:18:48 <hberaud> done too 15:18:58 <hberaud> moguimar review the oslo.messaging/py-amqp TLS issue 15:19:22 <hberaud> no idea and moguimar seems absent today 15:19:38 <hberaud> #topic Weekly Wayward Wallaby Review 15:20:34 <hberaud> trivial => https://review.opendev.org/#/c/752510/ 15:20:55 <hberaud> need a final +2 15:22:02 <hberaud> #topic Open discussion 15:22:10 <hberaud> Anything else? 15:23:23 <hberaud> then I think that we are done 15:25:01 <hberaud> Thanks for joining everyone! 15:25:08 <hberaud> #endmeeting