16:02:15 <damani> #startmeeting oslo 16:02:15 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Mon Feb 21 16:02:15 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is damani. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:02:15 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:02:15 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'oslo' 16:02:25 <hberaud> o/ 16:02:37 <damani> Courtesy ping for hberaud, bnemec, johnsom, redrobot, stephenfin, bcafarel, kgiusti, jungleboyj, gmann 16:02:45 <damani> sorry i'm a bit late 16:03:02 <johnsom> o/ 16:03:04 <damani> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Oslo#Agenda_for_Next_Meeting 16:03:05 <stephenfin> o/ 16:04:23 <bcafarel> o/ 16:04:34 <damani> #topic Red flags for/from liaisons 16:04:48 <johnsom> Nothing from Octavia or Designate 16:05:27 <damani> johnsom, ok thanks a lot 16:05:47 <damani> bcafarel, do you have red flags from network ? 16:06:05 <damani> hberaud, do you have something ? 16:06:10 <hberaud> nope 16:06:46 <bcafarel> all good AFAIK for neutron 16:07:45 <damani> hberaud, bcafarel, thanks a lot 16:08:03 <damani> #topic Releases liaison 16:09:46 <damani> hberaud, do you have somenthing about release 16:10:02 <hberaud> Well, as you surely know we are now in feature freeze 16:10:52 <hberaud> so if you want to merge something please ensure that you requested a RFE first 16:11:03 <hberaud> (for new features) 16:11:20 <damani> hberaud, yes good reminder, thanks a lot 16:12:02 <hberaud> we are now at R-5n the milestone 3 is this week 16:12:11 <damani> ok 16:12:17 <hberaud> time flies 16:12:26 <damani> yes :) 16:12:30 <damani> #topic Security liaison 16:12:50 <damani> bnemec, do you have someting to raise about the security ? 16:13:03 <hberaud> I've one topuic 16:13:05 <hberaud> topic 16:13:06 <bnemec> Nope 16:13:19 <damani> hberaud, ok 16:13:27 <damani> bnemec, ok thanks a lot 16:13:40 <hberaud> I wonder if we need to consider this as a CVE https://opendev.org/openstack/oslo.utils/commit/143d3fbfa1e04778884de5acc08fa6f7fdabb265 16:13:47 <hberaud> fungi: ^ 16:15:08 <damani> hberaud, good question 16:15:17 <bnemec> I don't think in the past that we've treated mask_password bugs as CVEs. 16:15:31 <bnemec> Which doesn't necessarily mean that was correct, but it's what we've done. 16:15:38 <hberaud> as it leak password 16:17:18 <fungi> i'm happy to help the oslo maintainers request a cve assignment and/or issue an advisory if you like, oslo.utils isn't overseen by the vmt but we're still available to help 16:18:00 <fungi> is the masking used as a filter when writing service logs? 16:18:26 <bnemec> I think that's the most common usage of this, yeah. 16:19:51 <hberaud> yes 16:22:40 <hberaud> Ok let's rediscuss about this point outside the meeting 16:23:05 <hberaud> the patch is already merged so I'm not sure the CVE is mandatory 16:23:20 <damani> ok 16:24:01 <damani> #topic TaCT SIG liaison 16:24:26 <damani> sboyron, do you have something to raise here ? 16:26:06 <damani> seems no 16:26:55 <damani> i think i will maybe take in charge this subject 16:27:00 <damani> #topic Action items from last meeting 16:28:14 <damani> hberaud, what about the clean of inactive members ? 16:28:33 <hberaud> nothing, I need to send the email 16:28:42 <damani> ok 16:28:56 <damani> #topic Weekly Wayward Wallaby Review 16:29:01 <hberaud> #action hberaud send an email to clean the inactive members 16:29:25 <damani> actually i think we can skip this topic for this time, i need to prepare for the next meeting 16:29:33 <damani> i will add a todo for that 16:29:48 <damani> hberaud, about the core do you want i take in charge the mail 16:29:50 <damani> ? 16:30:01 <hberaud> yes 16:30:17 <damani> ok i will do it :) 16:30:22 <hberaud> ah sorry I misread 16:30:26 <hberaud> I'll do it 16:30:28 <damani> ok 16:30:38 <damani> #topic Open discussion 16:31:00 <hberaud> nothing from me 16:31:01 <damani> someone have something to discuss ? 16:33:08 <damani> seems no 16:33:25 <damani> so i think we can close the meeting for today 16:33:42 <hberaud> damani: thanks 16:33:50 <damani> thanks a lot everyone for your participation 16:34:02 <damani> #endmeeting