13:07:26 #startmeeting oslo 13:07:26 Meeting started Wed Nov 13 13:07:26 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is Damani_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:07:26 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 13:07:26 The meeting name has been set to 'oslo' 13:07:42 courtesy ping for hberaud, bnemec, johnsom, redrobot, stephenfin, bcafarel, kgiusti, jungleboyj, gmann, tobias-urdin 13:08:43 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/epoxy-oslo-meeting-tracking 13:09:02 not sure if that ping list is still up-to-date 13:09:15 no 13:09:20 you're right 13:09:45 probably not, but that will be a good way to update the list :) 13:09:48 #topic Red flags for/from liaisons 13:10:34 actually i think we can probably jump direct to the open discussion 13:11:12 tkajinam, what do you think? 13:11:14 I was about to ask what that red flags you will discuss 13:11:26 no red flags actually 13:11:38 so let's jump to the open discussion 13:11:41 #topic Open discussion 13:12:18 about the epoxy-1 releases yes it's a good point and i have started to do code review 13:12:36 https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22epoxy-milestone-1%22+status:open 13:12:52 because we are at still E-1 we don't have to rush too much to merge things before that release 13:12:53 tkajinam, about the releases do you have something else do you want to mention? 13:13:02 yes right 13:13:18 but it's probably a good reminder for us, because we are expected to land big changes earlier than the other projects 13:13:36 so if you can check pending items for master, that would be good 13:13:55 yes i will do it 13:14:09 and yes about https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/934465 13:14:33 for antelope as I mentioned in the etherpad we have to check any pending backports to 2023.1 13:14:42 we need to check and do a list of backport we potentially need to do 13:14:42 and also any changes we haven't yet released 13:14:46 yeah 13:14:46 yes 13:15:01 that is pretty important 13:15:19 I've been pulled by some "fun" stuffs happening so I'm unsure if I can take time for it 13:15:42 but as a few projects already transitioned their stable/2023.1 to unmaintained/* we may need to complete in a few weeks 13:15:48 i will do it 13:15:55 I mean "take time for it this week" 13:15:56 thx 13:16:22 maybe i will just ping you sometimes to double check with you 13:16:28 if it's ok? 13:16:57 yeah I'll respond to it on best effort basis. 13:17:20 sounds good 13:17:45 ok next topic update constraints for oslo.utils https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/requirements/+/934176 13:18:12 this is just fyi. the bump is currently blocked by os-vif 13:18:22 ok 13:18:27 i see now 13:18:31 thanks a lot 13:18:40 we need https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/os-vif/+/932436 but os-vif has broken CI now 13:18:53 yes 13:18:57 from oslo's perspective we have nothing we can really do. 13:19:27 and now i think we can talk about the oslo.service and the proposal removal of eventlet 13:20:03 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/oslo-specs/+/927503 13:20:11 do you want to set # topic ? 13:20:54 #topic oslo.service proposal removal of eventlet 13:21:10 (by the way, for next time, we can fist discuss the agenda item to prioritize these and then move to open discussions 13:21:18 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/oslo-specs/+/927503 13:21:27 tkajinam, yes right sorry for that 13:21:38 np 13:21:45 in will dom that for next time 13:22:56 tkajinam, did you have take a look? 13:23:04 Takashi Kajinami proposed openstack/oslo-specs master: oslo.service: Propose a plan to Remove Eventlet https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/oslo-specs/+/927503 13:23:19 hberaud, are you around? 13:24:43 I've not yet go through the latest version but will do. I don't have any objections about the whole direction so my comments (if I have any) may be trivial one we can address in follow-up 13:25:31 I'm more curious to know the implementation side. I've seen a few patches to deprecate eventlet things but I've not yet seen any core change to implement the core switch mechanism. 13:26:24 so in olso.service the idea is to use cotyledon, futurist and thread 13:27:57 we just need to add also a new backend system and as mentionned in a comment need to structure and manage import in a runtime level 13:28:48 for me that seems good and i think the patch https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/oslo-specs/+/927503/8/specs/epoxy/remove-eventlet-from-oslo-service.rst 13:28:53 can be merge 13:29:06 but i don't know if someone have objections about it 13:31:53 project wide feedback may be gathered by the separate SIG meeting. because it's not feasible to gather opinions everyone involved with I'd suggest time box approach 13:31:57 I mean set the deadline 13:33:31 ok 13:33:49 you mean for the specs or for the implementation? 13:35:15 deadline for the specs i think it will be great if we have a decision and merge for next week 13:35:16 both 13:35:24 but for now, I'm basically talking about that spec 13:35:44 i can send a mail to ask new code review and feedback 13:36:03 i will send a mail today about that 13:36:06 thanks a lot 13:36:24 do you something else you want mention about that topic? 13:37:24 nothing else today 13:37:44 ok 13:38:18 just a last thing i forget about epoxy, i have proposed a patch in releases to update the schedule for oslo https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/934642 13:38:38 tkajinam, hberaud, if you can take a look please :) 13:38:47 ok 13:39:07 thanks a lot 13:39:21 so if you have nothing else i proposed to end the meeting for today 13:39:50 tkajinam, thanks a lot for your time and participation 13:40:02 #endmeeting