17:02:00 <damani[m]> #startmeeting oslo
17:02:00 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Wed Nov 20 17:02:00 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is damani[m]. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
17:02:00 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
17:02:00 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'oslo'
17:02:10 <hberaud[m]> o/
17:02:21 <damani[m]> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/epoxy-oslo-meeting-tracking
17:03:24 <damani[m]> #topic merge the oslo.service spec
17:03:44 <damani[m]> as it was planned the spec has been merged monday
17:04:13 <damani[m]> and i have also start to work on the implementation, i have proposed a patch to add the backend system
17:04:22 <hberaud[m]> \o/
17:05:04 <damani[m]> i need to fix some pep8 error https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/oslo.service/+/935783?usp=dashboard
17:05:14 <damani[m]> i will do it soon as possible
17:05:31 <hberaud[m]> thanks for leading that
17:06:38 <damani[m]> in that patch my idea is to add only the system backend without change the current implementation and when we have merge the backend system do a new patch to add the eventlet backend
17:06:54 <damani[m]> do you have any suggestions or questions about it?
17:07:06 <hberaud[m]> I left a comment on your patch
17:07:37 <hberaud[m]> concerning the naming of the future backend for the new implementation, but nothing else than that
17:07:45 <damani[m]> hberaud, thanks a lot, i will check it
17:07:58 <damani[m]> ok i have fixed it in the commit message
17:08:05 <hberaud[m]> I'm waiting for your PS2 to start the review
17:08:13 <damani[m]> and i will check if i need to change it somewhere else
17:08:27 <hberaud[m]> s/PS2/next patch set/
17:08:33 <damani[m]> thanks a lot for the code review
17:08:43 <damani[m]> i ping when i have fixed the pep8 errors
17:08:50 <hberaud[m]> sure, thanks
17:09:15 <damani[m]> #topic review task completion
17:09:45 <damani[m]> the review of upstream release is almost complete, i mean for the epoxy is done
17:09:55 <damani[m]> but i have some stuff more to check
17:10:51 <hberaud[m]> ok
17:11:05 <damani[m]> something else you would like to talk here?
17:11:28 <hberaud[m]> nope
17:11:51 <damani[m]> #topic etherpad tracking format (proposed by hberaud)
17:12:00 <damani[m]> ok that sounds good for me
17:12:12 <damani[m]> i will fix that tomorrow
17:12:21 <damani[m]> and add all the dates and so on
17:12:24 <hberaud[m]> cool, thanks
17:12:51 <damani[m]> #topic open discussion
17:13:17 <damani[m]> something else you would like to talk today?
17:13:20 <hberaud[m]> yes
17:14:00 <damani[m]> ok
17:14:33 <hberaud[m]> Just a heads up about oslo.log. Itamar proposed to revive the pipemutex topic in oslo.log because it is a blocker for ironic. He proposed a patch to initiate the refactor https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/oslo.log/+/935800
17:14:51 <hberaud[m]> but I think we will soon observe new patches coming into oslo.log
17:14:59 <damani[m]> thanks a lot for the reminder, i will check it
17:15:02 <damani[m]> ok
17:15:27 <hberaud[m]> thanks, will review it by tomorrow too
17:15:45 <damani[m]> i will check a bit later today
17:15:49 <damani[m]> thanks a lot
17:16:14 <damani[m]> something else you would like to talk about it?
17:16:24 <hberaud[m]> nope
17:16:27 <damani[m]> ok
17:16:43 <damani[m]> thanks a lot for your participation today and the good reminder
17:17:07 <damani[m]> i will maybe send a mail next time to reminder we have the meeting
17:17:07 <hberaud[m]> thanks you for chairing the meeting
17:17:17 <damani[m]> to try to get more people :)
17:17:27 <damani[m]> and i think we can close for today
17:17:42 <hberaud[m]> ok
17:17:51 <damani[m]> #endmeeting