13:08:42 <damani[m]> #startmeeting oslo 13:08:42 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Wed Nov 27 13:08:42 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is damani[m]. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:08:42 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 13:08:42 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'oslo' 13:09:11 <damani[m]> hberaud, tkajinam, meeting time 13:09:14 <hberaud[m]> o/ 13:09:25 <damani[m]> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/epoxy-oslo-meeting-tracking 13:09:32 <tkajinam> o/ 13:12:15 <damani[m]> do you have some topic you would like to discuss 13:13:20 <hberaud[m]> nope 13:14:17 <tkajinam> give me a few sec 13:14:26 <damani[m]> #topic add the backend for olso.service 13:16:07 <damani[m]> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/oslo.service/+/935783?usp=dashboard 13:21:36 <tkajinam> damani[m], will you explain something about it ? 13:21:36 <hberaud[m]> still there? 13:22:05 * tkajinam added a few review links to the etherpad to mention these later 13:22:15 <damani[m]> tkajinam, can you eventually take a look to that patch 13:22:51 <damani[m]> otherwise, nothing more 13:23:42 <hberaud[m]> tkajinam: I validated your patches, I put one or two comments 13:23:45 <damani[m]> #topic a few oslo.utils patches need attention 13:23:52 <tkajinam> I've left a quick comment but will take a look later... though I probably have to look into heat problems first 13:24:17 <damani[m]> ok i will take a look 13:24:30 <tkajinam> damani[m], I wonder if you have any update about the implementation coming next ? I think comments from hberaud[m] and me are dependent on it, I guess 13:25:42 <tkajinam> I think we are agreeing with the overall design of that switch and then we have to see how the switch will be used next 13:25:48 <hberaud[m]> yes my comments totally depends on the following steps 13:26:46 <hberaud[m]> For now I've nothing more to add, all i had to say is already said 13:27:04 <damani[m]> i have answered to the comment 13:29:24 <hberaud[m]> I'll let Mike and Takashi decide, I'd have prefered not using the NotImplementedError and not introduce the option while we have no available backends, but if they are ok with that, then I'll put my +2 13:30:02 <hberaud[m]> I'll put a comment 13:30:04 <damani[m]> tkajinam, i agree with you and we can have the option already now 13:30:37 <damani[m]> and i will remove the threading at the moment 13:30:50 <tkajinam> I think we can continue the discussion in the review. at this stage I believe we don't need huge update from the current state and it's safe to submit the subsequent changes for actual logic implementation 13:31:11 <damani[m]> hberaud, i have put a comment about the NotImplementedError again this morning 13:31:18 <damani[m]> but ok i will change it 13:31:36 <hberaud[m]> Yeah I see your answer 13:31:44 <damani[m]> some other topic we need to discuss this week? 13:32:07 <hberaud[m]> nope 13:32:08 <damani[m]> #topic action for the next meeting 13:32:23 <damani[m]> update the meeting with all the dates 13:33:03 <tkajinam> yeah and we may put the template with on-going work like oslo.service update 13:33:04 <damani[m]> #topic open discussion 13:33:27 <damani[m]> tkajinam, yes right 13:34:01 <damani[m]> something else? 13:34:10 <damani[m]> otherwise i think we are done for today 13:34:30 <tkajinam> nothing else. we can discuss details about the patches I put in the doc in gerrit 13:34:39 <tkajinam> once these are merged I'll proposed a new release. just fyi 13:34:46 <damani[m]> sounds good 13:35:14 <damani[m]> tkajinam, hberaud, thanks a lot for your time and your participation 13:35:59 <tkajinam> :-) 13:36:38 <damani[m]> #endmeeting