17:15:12 #startmeeting oslo 17:15:12 Meeting started Wed Feb 5 17:15:12 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is damani[m]. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:15:12 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:15:12 The meeting name has been set to 'oslo' 17:15:37 hberaud, JayF, gmann, tkajinam, meeting time 17:15:49 hberaud, yes, sorry i was to another meeting 17:15:51 o/ 17:15:58 o/ 17:16:05 o/ 17:16:47 so next week it's the feature freeze for oslo 17:17:42 if you have some patches some need to be merged before, please ping here 17:17:55 damani[m]: can you please point me to the agenda? this one? https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/epoxy-oslo-meeting-tracking#L166 17:18:00 hberaud, checking https://review.opendev.org/q/prefixtopic:%22eventlet-removal%22+deprecate+status:open+author:hberaud@redhat.com 17:18:16 I have couple of topic to discuss so wanted to add in agenda also for future reference 17:19:02 gmann, ok 17:19:08 gmann: yeah that's the right link 17:19:24 thanks 17:19:40 #topic oslo is in PTL election for F (2025.2) cycle 17:20:32 so oslo did not meet the DPL criteria to continue next cycle 17:20:34 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/939485 17:20:42 and it is up for PTL election 17:21:05 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/election/+/940415 17:21:13 damani[m]: or anyone else planning to run for PTL? 17:21:41 ok for the dpl 17:22:12 gmann, yes why not 17:22:59 perfect, thanks damani[m], as nomination is started today, feel free to propose your candidacy 17:23:19 gmann, ok, i will do it 17:23:55 thanks again 17:23:56 #meeting time in etherpad 17:24:23 yeah, this is a request to have exact meeting time/day in etherpad that will be a easy ref to know meeting 17:24:23 #topic meeting time in etherpad 17:24:41 not easy 17:24:47 again we can change the time 17:25:07 currently we have to figure out time based on alternate meeting and day also 17:25:08 but for example tkajinam can't at that time 17:25:28 gmann, and for you it's hard earlier 17:25:29 I mean, if we can write day/time as per when meeting happening. 17:25:35 not changing the time 17:25:43 i can send again a mail to find a new time 17:25:54 oh, I did not mean to find new time 17:26:16 just to write day/time in etherpad what we already selected 17:26:17 ok 17:26:34 you mean instead R-8 (Feb 03 - Feb 07) 17:26:47 for example. for this TX meeting we can write 5th Feb 17:00 UTC and for next TZ that day/time 17:26:56 s/TX/TZ 17:27:44 'R-8 (Feb 03 - Feb 07)' -> '5th Feb 17:00 UTC' 17:28:36 yes we can add the time and date 17:29:00 thanks, that will be easy for new member also to know exact time 17:29:07 #topic maintenance of openstackdocstheme 17:30:18 this is topic i added in previous meeting but I think it was not discussed yet 17:30:29 yes right 17:30:34 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/epoxy-oslo-meeting-tracking#L94 17:30:51 I wrote detail here, it came up in TC meeting last month or long back 17:31:12 gtema is volunteering to help to maintain openstackdocstheme 17:31:38 I think tkajinam already +1 on the idea in etherpad 17:31:50 ok 17:31:57 if everyone else is ok then I can start the paper work in project-config acl side 17:32:14 I already agreed weeks ago on the etherpad too 17:32:15 basically we need to add a new core group for openstackdocstheme where we can add gtema + current oslo-core 17:32:27 hberaud[m]: oh, perfect. sorry I did not notice 17:32:34 np 17:32:45 i have also add my +1 in the document 17:32:49 cool 17:33:02 I will propose the project-config change and add you all in review along with gtema 17:33:16 sounds good 17:33:19 thanks a lot 17:33:24 thank 17:33:31 that is all form me on this topic 17:33:33 #topic open discussion 17:34:06 someone would like to discuss about something else? 17:34:15 nope 17:34:32 nothing from me 17:34:41 ok 17:34:48 seems we are done for today 17:34:50 One quick thing 17:34:56 yes 17:35:03 can we please move forward either https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/oslo.utils/+/930379 or https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/oslo.utils/+/937037 17:35:23 JayF, looking 17:35:28 with ff coming up, that'd be nice to get in for this release and it's been awaiting review for literally months (to the point where someone duped the feature) 17:36:06 ack 17:36:06 so that one https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/oslo.utils/+/937037 17:36:10 is a duplicate 17:36:13 right? 17:36:50 they both do the same thing slightly different ways 17:36:59 I obviously prefer mine but more than anything else I want one of them to land :) 17:37:15 mine was first but at this point that doesn't matter 17:37:20 JayF, just i agree with hberaud it better to use f-string now 17:37:42 JayF, can you change it please? 17:37:45 put it on the gerrit review and I'll revise today 17:37:58 in a video meeting too and can't multitask that r/n 17:39:33 JayF: you are already/always :) 17:40:41 JayF: yours is more complete 17:40:43 JayF, ok, i will do it 17:42:42 something else? 17:43:44 seems we are done 17:43:49 thanks a lot everyone for today 17:43:57 #endmeeting