16:06:55 <dhellmann> #startmeeting oslo-config-plaintext-secrets 16:06:56 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Jan 16 16:06:55 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is dhellmann. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:06:57 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:06:59 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'oslo_config_plaintext_secrets' 16:07:04 <dhellmann> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/oslo-config-plaintext-secrets 16:07:09 <dhellmann> #topic roll call 16:07:13 <dhellmann> please raise your hand 16:07:14 <dhellmann> o/ 16:08:17 <rarora_> o/ 16:08:19 <spilla> o/ 16:09:17 <dhellmann> #topic status update 16:09:21 <gagehugo> o/ sorry I'm late 16:09:24 <dhellmann> so, where do we stand? :-) 16:09:37 <raildo> sorry to be late 16:09:44 <dhellmann> np, hi, folks 16:10:06 <raildo> hello everyone 16:10:33 <raildo> so, about the castellan - custodia integration 16:10:35 <raildo> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/515190/ 16:11:24 <raildo> I've made some updates on that patch, the current status is that we have some functional tests but I used mock into the custodia responses 16:11:50 <raildo> the next steps for me will be to create a script to install and setup a real custodia server and updates those tests 16:12:16 <dhellmann> we should have some examples of how to do that in some of the other libraries. tooz for example. 16:12:18 <raildo> I'm trying to follow the same approach that was made for castellan - vault 16:12:26 <dhellmann> oh, sure, that's a good example, too 16:12:41 <raildo> dhellmann, yeah 16:13:00 <raildo> I hope to have this done until the next meeting 16:13:42 <dhellmann> ok, sounds good 16:14:42 <raildo> rarora_, spilla Do you guys have any updates in the oslo.config driver side? 16:15:06 <dhellmann> #chair raildo 16:15:07 <openstack> Current chairs: dhellmann raildo 16:15:24 <gagehugo> raildo I'll take a look at that castellan change 16:15:34 <raildo> gagehugo, thanks! 16:15:36 <spilla> will be ramping that back up #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/513844 16:15:54 <spilla> also yeah, will be sure to stay on top of reviewing too 16:16:13 <rarora_> my time will be limited in the future so I will most likely just be helping spilla with what he will be working on 16:17:47 <spilla> as of now, need to go back and change things as per the updated spec and then go from there 16:18:00 <raildo> spilla, rarora_ got it, so if you guys need some help with that, I would be glad to help with that. 16:18:40 <spilla> thanks raildo!! 16:18:43 <dhellmann> and let me know if I can help, too. 16:19:51 <spilla> thanks too dhellmann 16:20:39 <raildo> # Dublin PTG 16:20:43 <raildo> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/oslo-ptg-rocky 16:21:08 <dhellmann> #undo 16:21:09 <openstack> Removing item from minutes: #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/oslo-ptg-rocky 16:21:12 <dhellmann> #topic dublin ptg 16:21:14 <raildo> we have a topic in the olso ptg session about that (thanks dhellmann!) 16:21:18 <dhellmann> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/oslo-ptg-rocky 16:22:08 <raildo> dhellmann, when we have that time slot defined, should we invite the tripleo folks to discuss that topic? 16:22:46 <raildo> or would be better get some time in the tripleo room to talk about that? 16:22:52 <dhellmann> I'm more concerned with the implementation work within the library. If we need to talk to the tripleo folks, too, maybe we should add something to their schedule? 16:23:01 <dhellmann> yeah, what you said :-) 16:23:09 <raildo> dhellmann, great 16:23:54 <dhellmann> that time at the ptg will be most useful if we're ready to discuss implementation details for the changes in oslo.config 16:24:04 <dhellmann> I think we have a good rough plan already, don't you? 16:24:11 <raildo> agreed, the implementation work start to be a concern, we have almost one month to finish to have this done 16:24:31 <dhellmann> having a significant start would be good, even if it isn't done 16:24:58 <dhellmann> what's our goal for having a testable version of the changes? 16:24:58 <raildo> dhellmann, absolutely 16:25:57 <gagehugo> yeah definitely discuss the oslo changes at the ptg 16:25:57 <raildo> dhellmann, I believe that will convince the tripleo folks that it will be feasible integrate that change if tripleo in the same cycle 16:26:13 <raildo> s/if/with 16:26:15 <dhellmann> good point 16:26:48 <raildo> besides that, just make easier to have this code merged earlier in the release 16:27:08 <dhellmann> yes, the config library is very low level so it would be good to have plenty of testing time with the changes 16:27:50 <raildo> dhellmann, exactly... as faster we finish the code better we will be able to test that properly 16:28:56 <dhellmann> is it realistic to say we want an initial version by the ptg, based on everyone's availability? 16:29:22 <spilla> i think so 16:29:35 <dhellmann> so far the ptg attendee list in https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/oslo-config-plaintext-secrets only has 2 names, is anyone else going? 16:29:46 <dhellmann> spilla : ok, good, I don't want to set unreasonable expectations 16:29:53 <gagehugo> dhellmann we have not gotten confirmation yet 16:30:02 <dhellmann> ah 16:30:09 <gagehugo> nothing like waiting until the last minute :) 16:30:15 <spilla> ^^^ 16:30:20 <dhellmann> do you have any idea when that's likely to be decided? 16:30:24 <raildo> yeah, I believe that we have to work hard to have this done, but still feasible 16:30:31 <spilla> i would guess in the next few weeks 16:30:45 <gagehugo> Soon™ 16:30:48 <dhellmann> heh, ok 16:30:59 <dhellmann> we'll wait and see, then 16:31:34 <spilla> if its needed, theres always the virtual option i suppose 16:31:41 <raildo> there is some Red Hat folks from my team that will be attending the ptg as well, they will probably be there with me 16:31:59 <dhellmann> sure. it might actually be more convenient to hold a virtual meeting a different week, but we could see about that 16:32:19 <dhellmann> raildo : are they working on this change, too? 16:32:56 <raildo> dhellmann, not for now, but maybe they can spend some time on it 16:33:24 <dhellmann> oh, that's fine, I was just trying to get a sense of how many people are involved 16:34:31 <raildo> I think that we are running out of time 16:35:06 <dhellmann> oh, yes, we're over 16:35:25 <raildo> have a good week everyone :) 16:35:31 <dhellmann> you, too! 16:35:38 <gagehugo> thanks everyone! 16:35:48 <spilla> have a good one! \o 16:36:00 <raildo> #endmeeting