16:00:11 #startmeeting oslo-config-plaintext-secrets 16:00:11 Meeting started Tue Jan 23 16:00:11 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is raildo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:12 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:14 The meeting name has been set to 'oslo_config_plaintext_secrets' 16:00:18 #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/oslo-config-plaintext-secrets 16:00:26 #topic roll call 16:00:27 o/ 16:00:35 o/ 16:00:35 hello folks :) 16:00:50 o/ 16:01:09 o/ 16:01:18 o/ 16:01:22 #chair dhellmann 16:01:28 Current chairs: dhellmann raildo 16:01:31 #topic status update 16:01:35 #topic status update 16:02:02 so, on my side, about the custodia-castellan integration 16:02:14 I'm still working on that, didn't had to much time this last week, but I'll send a new patch set, in the worst case, by tomorrow 16:03:39 k 16:03:47 Talked to dhellmann yesturday for direction. Working from there, should have a patch set soon 16:04:12 spilla__, great :) 16:04:18 good 16:04:37 spilla__, I'm hoping to take some time this week as well to work more closer to you on that 16:04:58 spilla__, so, feel free to ping me as well if you need some help 16:05:39 raildo sounds great! Not too many times I'm completely unavailable 16:06:01 spilla__, or, if already know some tasks that I can help on that, just let me know 16:07:06 Will do 16:07:22 #topic Rocky schedule 16:07:27 #link https://releases.openstack.org/rocky/schedule.html 16:08:02 so, if you guys didn't have seen yet, we already have set the rocky schedule and would be great be aware of this dates 16:08:17 Apr 16 - Apr 20 for Rocky-1 16:08:35 and Jun 04 - Jun 08 for Rocky-2 16:09:49 I would like to work with the goal to have this merged on rocky-1, what do you guys think? 16:10:11 I mean, of course that will depend of the reviews... but ready to me merged 16:10:24 that seems like a good goal 16:10:39 it gives us 6 weeks between the ptg and the milestone 16:10:44 Agreed 16:11:00 and the milestone is early enough in the cycle that we still have plenty of time to test the results within the other projects 16:11:35 dhellmann, ++ 16:12:24 we should share that info with the rest of the oslo team to keep everyone up to date (and to let them know we'll be looking for reviews during that period) 16:13:11 dhellmann, agreed, should we wait for the next spilla__'s patch set and we can add a topic in the next oslo meeting? 16:14:00 was just about to ask if/when we should add it to the oslo agenda 16:14:01 we could wait for the patch or just share the general scheduling goal 16:14:55 planning is happening now, so unless there's a reason to wait we might as well go ahead and at least talk about scheduling 16:14:57 the schedule would be nice as a general knowledge, and we can throw specific review requests as they come 16:15:06 ++ 16:15:13 since the next meeting will be next monday, let's just add an topic to topic about the general scheduling 16:15:40 and I hope we will have that patch set done 16:16:17 the changes in oslo.config are probably big enough to take several patches, to make them easier to review 16:16:33 #action raildo add a topic in the next oslo meeting to talk about our general schedule and idea 16:17:40 dhellmann, makes sense, after that, we will still need to implement the castellan driver 16:17:54 good point 16:18:59 #topic open discussion 16:19:17 so that everything that I have for today 16:20:04 raildo i'll talk to my peers that are looking to help on this and we can schedule something for breaking up some of the oslo.config work 16:20:21 spilla, sounds great for me 16:20:32 ++ to splitting the work up 16:21:29 #action spilla will split the oslo.config work in tasks and updates us about that 16:22:50 anything else to discuss? 16:23:02 nothing from me 16:23:15 nothing else from me either 16:23:20 I will help spilla when available 16:23:27 thanks for coming everyone, have a good week! 16:23:30 thanks gagehugo! 16:23:44 #endmeeting