16:00:15 <raildo> #startmeeting oslo-config-plaintext-secrets 16:00:17 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Mar 13 16:00:15 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is raildo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:18 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:20 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'oslo_config_plaintext_secrets' 16:00:22 <raildo> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/oslo-config-plaintext-secrets 16:00:30 <raildo> #topic roll call 16:00:31 <raildo> o/ 16:02:15 <spilla> o/ 16:02:25 <raildo> hey spilla :) 16:02:36 <spilla> hello raildo! 16:02:49 <spilla> excited to hear about ptg 16:03:02 <raildo> so, looks like it will be just us today, so let's do it :) 16:03:11 <raildo> #topic PTG recap 16:03:30 <raildo> so, we had a topic in the oslo ptg sessions 16:03:40 <raildo> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/oslo-ptg-rocky 16:04:02 <raildo> we were well received by all the oslo folks 16:04:28 <raildo> so I believe that we are in a good sync with the oslo team to have that merged by rocky-1 as soon we have the code done 16:04:42 <spilla> awesome! great to hear 16:04:57 <raildo> besides that, we are planning to have a functional test job for the castellan driver with custodia (or another service) 16:05:10 <raildo> so we can make sure that everything is fine in the castellan side 16:05:27 <raildo> and also, fix any issue that we found with that job 16:06:29 <raildo> and finally I spoke with some tripleO folks, they really like the feature but they're a bit concern if we will be able to do that integration in rocky 16:06:42 <raildo> so we will probably postpone that integration for the next release 16:07:07 <raildo> we have everything done and we still have some time in Rocky we can talk with those guys again and see what we can do 16:07:37 <spilla> okay, was just about to ask that and sounds like it'll be determined by how much time is left in rocky 16:08:01 <raildo> spilla, yeah, it's basically that, it's not against the feature but it's just the deadlines 16:08:26 <spilla> cool, still good to hear a lot of support 16:08:33 <raildo> yeah :) 16:08:59 <raildo> also, I just like to mention that the tripleo folks are creating an security squad over there 16:09:02 <raildo> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-security-squad 16:09:42 <spilla> thanks for the heads up. ill have to check it out :) 16:10:01 <raildo> they are trying to solve a bunch of stuff related to security and secrets management so, we will probably use part of this feature to fix some of that issues in the undercloud and/or overcloud 16:10:50 <raildo> spilla, line 66 in that etherpad, it's the most related topic about secrets management and so on 16:12:11 <spilla> yep, definitely seems like itll help them 16:12:23 <raildo> #topic changing meeting time slot 16:12:48 <raildo> so this week the keystone folks changed their meeting for this same time slot at the #openstack-meeting-alt channel 16:13:05 <spilla> yeah im hopping back and forth right now 16:13:14 <raildo> and me, gagehugo still doing some keystone related stuff 16:13:28 <raildo> so that might be a problem in a near future 16:13:33 <spilla> do you want to push it to 15:00 utc? 16:13:53 <spilla> an hour earlier than now 16:14:00 <raildo> sounds great for me 16:14:58 <raildo> we can change the time slot for 15:00 UTC for the next week and we can see if it will fit well for everyone else 16:15:46 <spilla> mk sounds good 16:16:21 <raildo> awesome 16:16:31 <raildo> #topic open discussion 16:16:36 <raildo> that all for my side 16:17:39 <spilla> i threw up some more updates to my patch, working on a few more tests 16:17:53 <spilla> also need to talk to nhelgesen since he was pulled into some other work last few weeks 16:18:25 <raildo> spilla, right, looks like you're having a great progress over there :) 16:18:40 <spilla> Zuul is happy so im happy :D 16:18:46 <raildo> I'm planning to spend some time on that custodia-castellan integration over this week 16:19:05 <spilla> okay, ill keep an eye out for updates so i can review it 16:19:15 <raildo> thanks sir! 16:20:18 <spilla> i tihnk thats all for me 16:20:28 <raildo> ok, so let's finish this meeting and move to the keystone one :) 16:20:32 <raildo> have a good week! 16:20:40 <raildo> #endmeeting