15:00:24 <raildo> #startmeeting oslo-config-plaintext-secrets 15:00:26 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Mar 20 15:00:24 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is raildo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:27 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:29 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'oslo_config_plaintext_secrets' 15:00:32 <dhellmann> o/ 15:00:35 <raildo> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/oslo-config-plaintext-secrets 15:00:48 <raildo> #chair dhellmann 15:00:49 <openstack> Current chairs: dhellmann raildo 15:01:14 <raildo> hey dhellmann :) 15:01:25 <dhellmann> hi, raildo! 15:02:50 <raildo> dhellmann, we changed our meeting time due a conflict with the new keystone meeting time 15:02:58 <raildo> dhellmann, this time is good for you? 15:03:10 <dhellmann> the wifi here is a bit laggy 15:03:24 <dhellmann> yes, this should be ok 15:03:42 <raildo> ok, that's fine 15:03:44 <dhellmann> how about everyone else? 15:04:44 <dhellmann> I don't see spilla online 15:04:51 <raildo> spilla was the guy who suggested this time slot, I pinged him to see if he will be able to join us 15:04:56 <dhellmann> ok 15:05:02 <raildo> looks like he is online, but not on this channel 15:05:07 <dhellmann> ah 15:06:10 <raildo> but I believe that we can start and he can catch up later 15:06:17 <dhellmann> sure 15:06:24 <raildo> #topic status check 15:06:37 <dhellmann> I put together an incomplete example patch for how I thought the config_source option should work 15:06:38 <dhellmann> #link https://review.openstack.org/554316 15:07:04 <dhellmann> that takes advantage of the existing parser by registering the option as a regular option 15:07:13 <raildo> yeah, I saw that, thanks for doing that work, I hope to review it int he next days 15:07:24 <dhellmann> it's incomplete because we can't actually do anything with a given set of options for a source until we have some drivers 15:07:53 <dhellmann> the spec lays out several other steps that have to come before this one 15:08:09 <raildo> dhellmann, so, are you saying that we should implement the castellan driver, before have that merged? 15:08:28 <dhellmann> I don't know if spilla started in the middle of the list because he wanted to experiment with some stuff that wasn't clear or what 15:08:41 <dhellmann> no, the spec describes a "http" driver that we can have in-tree 15:09:08 <dhellmann> hang on... 15:09:18 * gagehugo sneaks in late 15:09:21 <raildo> ok, got it. so let's set an action item to sync this with spilla 15:09:28 <dhellmann> http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/oslo-specs/specs/queens/oslo-config-drivers.html#work-items 15:09:49 <raildo> gagehugo, hey gagehugo we are talking about the alternative approach that dhellmann proposed here https://review.openstack.org/#/c/554316/1 15:09:57 <dhellmann> this patch is the 5th item on that list 15:10:17 <raildo> gagehugo, do you have any idea where are spilla? :D I pinged him but I got no responses 15:10:32 <gagehugo> yeah let me yell at him 15:10:41 <raildo> spilla, hey \o 15:10:42 <gagehugo> he's sitting across from me :) 15:10:43 <spilla> o/ 15:10:50 <spilla> i thought it auto joined this channel, oops 15:11:24 <gagehugo> raildo yeah I saw that yesterday, will take a look 15:11:50 <raildo> spilla, did you had a chance to check the dhellmann's patch: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/554316/1 15:12:04 <spilla> ^ also looking at that, was going to setup a meeting with him to go through it and work on it 15:12:20 <raildo> spilla, I mean, looks like we still need to define a new driver for loading configuration from simple URLs to be used as a test case, before using it 15:12:26 <dhellmann> yeah, I'm happy to set up a hangout or whatever to go through things 15:12:41 <raildo> that would be great :) 15:12:44 <dhellmann> right, the spec lays out steps and although they aren't numbered they are in order 15:12:56 <dhellmann> with the idea that each can build on the work done in the previous step 15:13:26 <dhellmann> this was one of the trickier parts to get right, but we won't actually want to land the patch until some of the other stuff is in place 15:13:42 <dhellmann> we can set it up as a series of patches so that other reviewers can understand how the parts interact 15:14:10 <gagehugo> ok 15:14:15 <spilla> ++ 15:14:26 <raildo> dhellmann, ++ imo, that would be the best approach for that, having a dependecy between patches to keep that in order to be merged 15:14:32 <dhellmann> in other projects we might use a feature branch for the work, but openstack doesn't really use feature branches 15:14:59 <spilla> raildo agreed, just have to make sure dependencies don't get all over the place 15:15:04 <dhellmann> raildo : exactly 15:15:21 <dhellmann> if we keep it as a series it should work out ok 15:15:36 <dhellmann> someone can start with that first item and when we get to the bit I did we can rebase onto the others 15:15:47 <dhellmann> and finish it, of course, since it's incomplete 15:16:47 <raildo> spilla, I remember that you said that someone was going to start the base class for a configuration driver, is that still valid? 15:17:31 <spilla> yes, they got pulled back into project-tags for keystone. I will check with him to see if he is available 15:17:33 <raildo> should we create an action item for someone here for this specific task? 15:18:01 <dhellmann> it would be good to know who is going to work on each part 15:18:33 <raildo> dhellmann, agreed 15:19:08 <raildo> I was planning to work more in the castellan driver and custodia-castellan stuff, but I can stop for a while and get some tasks on this first tasks 15:19:21 <dhellmann> I added a section to the top of the etherpad 15:20:56 <raildo> spilla, can you go here and add your name in the specific tasks that you're covering with your patch: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/oslo-config-plaintext-secrets 15:21:25 <spilla> yep, also i can put mine on hold for any earlier tasks 15:25:22 <raildo> spilla, let's set a deadline for like next meeting? so you can confirm of they will be able to help us on this first task or someone can put their name in this first task, at least? 15:26:30 <spilla> ok, I am good to switch gears to it asap. ill see what nhelgesen's availability is like 15:26:34 <dhellmann> I know you all have other things to do, so what sort of availability do all of you have for working on this? 15:27:45 <raildo> dhellmann, for the next two/three weeks I'll be busy with a bunch of downstream stuff, but after that, I hope to be almost full time on this feature 15:27:51 <spilla> also my i believe dhellmann's patch is a reimplementation of mine (fixed in etherpad) 15:28:30 <dhellmann> spilla : yes, that's right 15:28:41 <dhellmann> raildo : ok 15:28:55 <dhellmann> what's the timeline looking like? is our goal still the first milestone? 15:29:08 <gagehugo> I do not have much availability unfortunately right now 15:29:12 <spilla> i should be available to work on this most of my time for the next few weeks 15:29:18 <raildo> #link https://releases.openstack.org/rocky/schedule.html 15:29:21 <spilla> im double checking on that 15:29:42 <dhellmann> spilla : ok, good. I will try to keep time open to review and work with you on details 15:29:49 <raildo> we have a bit more that 1 month for rocky-1 15:30:05 <dhellmann> yes, that's not a lot of time 15:30:09 <raildo> so, that start to become a bit trick 15:30:34 <spilla> yeah, maybe rocky-2 instead 15:31:01 <raildo> dhellmann, spilla let's try to define at least some of this tasks for rocky-1? 15:31:40 <dhellmann> my concern if we slip things too late in the schedule is that it's changing things at such a low level 15:31:47 <dhellmann> so yeah, let's see how far we can get by the first milestone 15:32:26 <raildo> I believe that we can finish at least a few work items from this list (two or three) for rock-1 15:32:46 <raildo> and then we can measure our effort to finish it for rocky-2 15:32:53 <dhellmann> ok 15:32:59 <spilla> ++ 15:33:04 <raildo> since we have a bunch of that done in the item 5 15:35:45 <raildo> dhellmann, spilla I believe that's it for today, let's focus to get this first items done ASAP :) 15:36:36 <dhellmann> sounds good, I'll watch for patches to review :-) 15:36:57 <raildo> dhellmann, sounds great 15:37:06 <spilla> Let's get this done! :D 15:37:18 <raildo> have a good week everyone 15:37:22 <raildo> #endmeeting