15:00:34 #startmeeting oslo-config-plaintext-secrets 15:00:35 Meeting started Tue Jun 5 15:00:34 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is raildo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:36 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:39 The meeting name has been set to 'oslo_config_plaintext_secrets' 15:00:42 o/ 15:00:45 o/ 15:00:45 #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/oslo-config-plaintext-secrets 15:00:46 #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/oslo-config-plaintext-secrets 15:00:53 first =P 15:01:05 o/ 15:01:31 ping dhellmann, spilla, bnemec 15:01:41 spilla is here already 15:01:47 ops 15:01:52 np :D 15:02:09 o/ 15:02:34 #topic Current status 15:03:01 so, based on our work items list in that etherpad, the items 1-6 are "done" just waiting for reviews 15:03:18 so, would be great to get any review on those patches 15:04:25 so it still remaining to do the last topics from 7 to 9 15:04:38 the remaining working items are 15:04:45 7 - examples generator 15:04:56 8 - caching external values 15:05:02 9 - documentation 15:05:37 7 - sample generator* 15:06:12 also, I forgot, please welcome redrobot :) or for the humans, Doug Mendizabal, he was a Barbican PTL a few cycles ago, and whe joined Red Hat recently and will be helping us on this feature as well :) 15:06:36 thanks for the introduction, raildo! :D 15:06:39 o/ redrobot 15:07:10 hi everyone! 👋 15:07:54 so, as far as I understood, the item 7 looks to be easy to be done, we just need to add the ini driver in the _list_options_for_discovery() 15:08:11 so, in order to close phase 0, can we finish those 3 items and go through reviews this week? 15:08:23 is it feasible? 15:09:33 moguimar, since we're dealing with this stuff as a kind of "feature branch", I believe that we will need to ask for a Feature Freeze exception, for all the patches, but any review is appreciated at any moment :) 15:10:59 bnemec, do you know any detail about the item 8 in that list, that can help us? "add a separate cache for values coming from external sources" 15:11:39 bnemec, I saw that we have some cache definition in the cfg file, but it's focus on cache the cli options, that can be reuse somehow to point for external options? 15:11:58 #link https://github.com/openstack/oslo.config/blob/master/oslo_config/cfg.py#L2940-L2952 15:12:27 #link https://github.com/openstack/oslo.config/blob/master/oslo_config/cfg.py#L2280-L2336 15:12:31 This was the option cache that gets invalidated when the mutable config functionality is activated. 15:12:43 ah, got it 15:12:52 We needed a separate one for drivers because we were not going to support mutability in the initial implementation. 15:13:43 I would guess this was referring to https://github.com/openstack/oslo.config/blob/master/oslo_config/cfg.py#L2366 15:14:27 bnemec, right 15:15:24 #topic Talk about option=value -> option=reference 15:15:29 moguimar, ^ 15:15:54 ok 15:16:23 right now we only fetch values from external sources that are not declared in the local ini files 15:16:48 at some point we talked about having 15:16:56 [some_group] 15:17:22 password="secrets:{ref-id-to-external-source}" 15:17:53 but then how do we know that an option value is a reference instead? 15:18:17 we came up with: the prefix should be "group_name:" 15:18:30 where group_name was defined in 15:18:33 [DEFAULT] 15:18:40 config_sources=group_name 15:19:14 and then, oslo.config will poke that source directly instead of trying to retrieve the value from the list of sources 15:19:26 in case we have the ref 15:19:53 thoughts on this? 15:20:11 So this would just be a short-circuit for the normal source search process. 15:20:20 yep 15:20:43 as some external sources relly on a key to fetch some value 15:20:53 the we will have 15:21:10 option="group_prefix:external_key" 15:21:22 instead of the option value itself 15:21:44 one question that I had is, will it work with all the option types? 15:21:52 like int, float, boolean? 15:22:13 if we try to parse the value for a reference before doing the type conversion 15:23:19 something like, does value contains ':'? and if so, is prefix in external sources? 15:23:26 * dhellmann slips in the back late 15:24:08 why do we want to have a special syntax to refer to a secret? 15:25:03 since the castellan driver will require an id to retrieve the value 15:25:26 we talked about having those IDs in a separate file, mapping option names to IDs 15:25:46 one of the main points of doing this work using drivers was to avoid having special syntax 15:25:53 I would much prefer that over magic syntax. 15:26:12 you're all focusing on the secret store aspect of this, but there's nothing special about the fact that the first driver will be for castellan 15:26:29 in the past we talked about an etcd or hiera driver, for example 15:26:42 I was thinking about this approach yesterday 15:26:44 BEFORE nova.conf 15:26:46 [DEFAULT] 15:26:47 ok, so all the secrets config that castellan will be taking care of will needs to be in external file, and then the castellan will just point for this file with all the references 15:26:48 ... 15:26:50 [db] 15:26:52 is that right? 15:26:52 username=mysql 15:26:54 password="secret123" 15:26:56 AFTER nova.conf 15:26:58 [DEFAULT] 15:27:00 config_sources=secret 15:27:02 [secret] 15:27:04 driver=castelan 15:27:06 ... 15:27:08 config_refs="db:username={username_castellan_id}" 15:27:10 config_refs="db:password={password_castelan_id}" 15:28:05 the castellan driver will need to define an option to specify the name of the file that maps config options to config ids. so in that [secret] section there might be a mapping_file option 15:28:23 then the castellan driver would read that file and save the results 15:28:36 ok, that should be fine 15:28:46 and any time it is asked for an option value, it would do the lookup it needs to figure out what ID that means and then call the backend with that value instead of the option name 15:29:50 so basically the same idea of this config_refs example but in a different file 15:29:55 yeah 15:30:04 good 15:30:18 #topic FFE deadline to request? 15:30:26 Although I wonder if we want config_refs, or just have the mapping file duplicate the structure of the main conf file. 15:30:31 I think when we talked about it before we said we'd just use configparser for that file, so the format would look the same and group names and option names could map in the same way 15:30:36 right, what bnemec said :-) 15:30:53 Yeah, the less syntax we have to invent the better. 15:30:53 so 15:30:54 [db] 15:31:02 password=password-id-value 15:31:55 agreed 15:32:06 that also isolates the "specialness" of the value mapping to the driver, and makes it the driver's responsibility to deal with it, instead of ConfigOpts 15:32:43 that's what I thought codewise 15:32:55 dhellmann bnemec do we already know the dates for FFE, so we can be aware of that? 15:33:22 #link https://releases.openstack.org/rocky/schedule.html 15:33:37 I don't see a specific oslo FFE date on the schedule 15:34:02 the final release date is week R-6, which is in 5-6 weeks from now 15:34:06 I vaguely recall that we froze oslo two weeks before general feature freeze. 15:34:13 that sounds about right 15:34:23 so that would be R-7 15:34:31 ok, so let's working with something like Jul 09 - Jul 13 15:34:32 As anything that landed after that had little chance of being integrated into other projects anyway. 15:34:39 Right. 15:34:40 ++ 15:35:24 I'll prepare something email proposing the FFE for this feature, and explaining the reasons and the remaining work and I'll send to the openstack-dev mailing list 15:35:31 I will go through all of the existing reviews 1 more time today. Unless there are issues, we should do any additional work in new patches in the series. 15:35:46 well, you don't need an FFE if you get the work done by Jul 9 15:35:49 raildo: There's no FFE needed. We haven't reached feature freeze. 15:35:54 you would need an extension *after* that point 15:35:55 ah, ok 15:36:08 so, that should be fine :) 15:36:16 #topic open discussion 15:36:16 yep, just keep working away :-) 15:36:26 anything else folks? 15:36:52 nothing from me 15:36:53 I'm cool 15:37:18 so, thanks everyone and have a awesome week! 15:37:22 #endmeeting