15:00:13 #startmeeting oslo-config-plaintext-secrets 15:00:13 Meeting started Tue Oct 2 15:00:13 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is raildo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:14 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:16 The meeting name has been set to 'oslo_config_plaintext_secrets' 15:00:24 #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/oslo-config-plaintext-secrets 15:00:25 o/ 15:00:56 o/ 15:01:58 hey folks :) 15:02:11 me and redrobot are in a call 15:02:29 but I have the irc open =D 15:02:48 ack, we are all in more that one call :) multitask feeling 15:02:56 * redrobot is only kinda l/ 15:02:58 o/ 15:03:04 o/ 15:03:05 let's get it started 15:03:19 #topic status review 15:03:46 so, I didn't see a lot of movement this last week 15:04:02 I'm planning to update the oslo spec, with the minor changes related to the ptg's feedback 15:04:16 I'll be sending a new version by the end of the day 15:04:58 also we still lacking in the unit tests for the castellan driver 15:05:03 yep 15:05:09 #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/599589/ 15:05:20 I was trying to get a barbican instance running 15:05:23 without success 15:05:33 as I have manually tested the driver against vault 15:05:37 I've been focused in other areas for the last week, but let me know when you have updates ready for review 15:05:41 I also would like to test it against barbican 15:05:51 ++ 15:06:11 about that spec on changing the castellan API to have a prefix in the secret ID 15:06:27 I would like to check if that is also feasible in the barbican side 15:06:39 so, it is also blocked by the barbican stuff 15:07:02 then the barbican team needs me this sprint 15:07:29 so I'm involved in a barbican demand but also on PTO half of this month 15:07:44 I won't be able to start writing unit tests until first week of Nov 15:08:23 also I need to do some prep to help dhellmann in Berlin during the openstack summit 15:08:41 moguimar, so, would be nice to update our etherpad with some next steps, adding as much details as you can, so we can estimate or try to find someone else to be working on this during this next weeks 15:08:45 so I'm kinda with a full plate =D 15:08:46 yeah, I'm waiting to get the previous slide deck from bnemec 15:09:01 o/ 15:09:32 I just found out I am going to Berlin, so I can do the project update again. 15:09:40 then we can go through the user-facing changes in rocky and early stein 15:09:41 yay! 15:09:43 bnemec, awesome :) 15:10:01 Also I forgot to open the etherpad for that. 15:10:24 * bnemec needs to review the action items for last meeting 15:12:20 moguimar, so, can you provide a few details with what you have in mind related to the unit tests in the etherpad, before go on PTO? 15:12:29 sure 15:12:36 moguimar, awesome 15:12:36 get me an action item for that 15:13:09 #action moguimar update the etherpad https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/oslo-config-plaintext-secrets with details about next steps for unit tests in the Castellan driver 15:13:32 ok, that's all that I'd for today 15:13:37 #topic Open Discussion 15:14:14 I'll have a talk about oslo-config during Python Brasil next month =D 15:15:11 moguimar, awesome, do you need our assistance to review or give some feedback for it? 15:15:25 not yet 15:15:33 maybe next tuesday 15:15:42 or I'll send you the slides directly 15:15:50 as they'll be in portuguese 15:15:55 ack, if you need something from us, just let us know 15:16:08 moguimar, yeah, that should be fine 15:17:17 so, let's call it a meeting! have a good week everyone 15:17:54 o/ 15:17:57 #endmeeting