13:00:32 <baoli> #startmeeting PCI Passthrough 13:00:33 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Jun 24 13:00:32 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is baoli. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:00:34 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 13:00:36 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'pci_passthrough' 13:00:48 <baoli> Hi there 13:01:33 <rpothier> hi 13:02:33 <beagles> o/ 13:08:29 <baoli> waiting for other folks to join. 13:12:20 <baoli> looks like that we don't have a good attendance for today. But anything you'd like to discuss? 13:12:57 <beagles> baoli: how's progress on the patches? 13:13:23 <baoli> it's trudging along. I'm trying to fix the last set of unit test failures. 13:13:39 <baoli> I am now cutting it down to about 50 failures 13:14:17 <baoli> mainly it's due to the change in the pci device table 13:14:22 <rpothier> need some reviewers on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/99043/ 13:14:25 <beagles> I suppose it's a rather pervasive change. 13:14:50 <baoli> yea, change of a db table would cause that 13:14:57 * beagles nods 13:15:30 <baoli> I also found some issues in the generic PCI passthrough, so I'd like to discuss that with Yongli and yjiang5 13:15:48 <beagles> rpothier: I'll have a look and maybe add some other folks to review if you don't mind 13:15:57 <beagles> baoli: ack 13:16:00 <rpothier> thanks 13:16:50 <beagles> baoli: let me know if there is anything I can do to help 13:17:08 <baoli> I'm hoping to submit the remaining patches soon. But we do need reviewers for the patches that has already been submitted. 13:18:04 * beagles nods... 13:18:22 <beagles> I'm focusing on reviews today as much as possible, these two are at the top of the queue... 13:18:39 <beagles> I'll shop them out to others as well for specific areas of expertise 13:18:59 <baoli> beagles, that's much appreciated 13:19:34 <baoli> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/81954/ needs core reviewers. I've asked from the mailing list, but no response so far. I guess that they are pretty busy with other things 13:22:22 <baoli> anything else to discuss? 13:24:29 <baoli> ok, thanks everyone. 13:24:45 <beagles> so quiet :) 13:24:52 <beagles> maybe more next week 13:25:38 <baoli> next week, I'm not sure I'm going to be around. But I'll make sure to send an email to the mailing list before I go. 13:25:57 <beagles> cool 13:27:05 <baoli> #endmeeting