19:07:02 <amitgandhinz> #startmeeting Poppy Weekly Meeting 19:07:02 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Sep 10 19:07:02 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is amitgandhinz. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:07:03 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 19:07:05 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'poppy_weekly_meeting' 19:07:13 <tonytan4ever> o/ 19:07:34 <sriram> o/ 19:10:06 <amitgandhinz> #topic review last meeting 19:10:08 <amitgandhinz> #link http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/poppy_weekly_meeting/2015/poppy_weekly_meeting.2015-08-27-19.03.html 19:10:23 <amitgandhinz> amitgandhinz to resurrect https://review.openstack.org/143192 19:10:37 <amitgandhinz> havent had time to work on this 19:10:39 <amitgandhinz> #action amitgandhinz to resurrect https://review.openstack.org/143192 19:10:58 <malini> o/ 19:10:59 <amitgandhinz> #topic liberty-3 updates 19:11:01 <amitgandhinz> #link https://launchpad.net/poppy/+milestone/liberty-3 19:11:26 <amitgandhinz> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/poppy/+spec/gate-api-tests 19:11:40 <amitgandhinz> i still need to do this - but i dont think im going to anytime soon 19:11:51 <amitgandhinz> if someone wants to pick this up, feel free to 19:12:06 <amitgandhinz> tonytan4ever: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/poppy/+spec/akamai-ssl-driver 19:12:29 <tonytan4ever> I will leave this one in Good progress. 19:12:52 <tonytan4ever> One big PR rolled out, and another is on the way. 19:13:28 <sriram> tonytan4ever: yeah need to review it. 19:13:34 <sriram> will review after meeting 19:13:34 <tonytan4ever> Yeah 19:13:37 <tonytan4ever> K 19:13:57 <tonytan4ever> Thanks 19:15:09 <amitgandhinz> tonytan4ever: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/poppy/+spec/geo-restrictions 19:15:11 <amitgandhinz> this is merged now 19:15:18 <tonytan4ever> Yeah 19:15:27 <sriram> woot 19:15:51 <amitgandhinz> ok any other bp/bug updates to cover? 19:16:06 <sriram> submitted a patch for services getting stuck in pending 19:16:13 <sriram> on maxing out dns retries. 19:16:15 <sriram> please review. 19:16:25 <tonytan4ever> +1ed on that one. 19:16:58 <sriram> ok thanks 19:17:11 <sriram> malini: please review, and suggest tests :) 19:17:30 <malini> I am lost on tht one -will give it another try 19:17:45 <sriram> malini: ok I can explain on #openstack-poppy 19:18:08 <malini> I mean I know what it does, but thinking of a reasonable test 19:18:19 <sriram> malini: yeah 19:20:46 <sriram> anyone else have anything? 19:20:54 <sriram> amitgandhinz: ^^ 19:20:54 <amitgandhinz> #topic Open Discussion 19:21:11 <amitgandhinz> so we are approved with the openstack talk for tokyo 19:21:21 <amitgandhinz> need to come up with some slides now 19:21:29 <amitgandhinz> maybe next week we can do some brainstorming on it 19:21:37 <sriram> woot woot! 19:21:42 <tonytan4ever> Sounds good to me. 19:21:44 <sriram> sure 19:23:29 <amitgandhinz> i dont have anything else 19:23:37 <tonytan4ever> I am good 19:23:41 <sriram> ok o/ 19:23:55 <malini> me neither 19:25:49 <amitgandhinz> ok thanks everyone 19:25:52 <amitgandhinz> #endmeeting