13:30:21 <esberglu> #startmeeting powervm_ci_meeting 13:30:21 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Mar 2 13:30:21 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is esberglu. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:30:22 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 13:30:24 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'powervm_ci_meeting' 13:31:19 <thorst> o/ 13:33:00 <esberglu> #topic OOT CI 13:33:20 <esberglu> Out of tree CI is still looking good 13:33:48 <esberglu> All of the compute nodes are back online, neutron and ceilometer are enabled on the silent pipeline again 13:35:11 <esberglu> I have patches out for a few things 13:35:36 <esberglu> One to only enable CI runs on the branches we want 13:36:00 <esberglu> And one to use the pvc-images server 13:36:29 <esberglu> 4935 and 4923 13:36:35 <efried> o/ 13:36:52 <efried> You got that SSP sorted? 13:36:56 <esberglu> yeah 13:36:59 <efried> cool 13:38:00 <esberglu> #topic IT CI 13:38:21 <esberglu> In-tree CI is also looking good 13:38:44 <esberglu> Not much action here until we start getting changes merged 13:39:04 <esberglu> I also have a change up 13:39:05 <esberglu> 4918 13:39:36 <esberglu> Which lets us add additional tests to the whitelist. I want to deploy with that on staging today 13:40:04 <efried> [I +1ed 4935 and 4923 - would like thorst or adreznec to approve.] 13:40:55 <esberglu> And continue work I started determining which tests we can add to the IT whitelist for some of our later changesets 13:41:21 <esberglu> Thanks 13:41:22 <efried> [ditto 4918] 13:41:34 <efried> Why are we patching in the power_opts stuff? 13:41:51 <efried> Is that just needed for cherry-pick compatibility purposes? 13:42:08 <thorst> I thought to help with stability (or a thought that it might help with stability) 13:42:38 <efried> Where did we land on the idea of including that in 13:43:10 <esberglu> Yeah what thorst said 13:43:23 <thorst> we didn't...yet...because of the whole hubub getting actually working 13:45:12 <efried> I just don't like the idea of piling on some nontrivial subset of the (.5 - .4) delta. 13:45:37 <efried> It may make the CI look better to the outside world, but it reduces my confidence in the sanity of what we're actually testing. 13:46:48 <efried> Do we have any actual evidence or other reason to believe these patches will add stability, or is it just a hunch? 13:47:01 <thorst> adreznec: did the release go out? Or can we add this bit in? 13:47:20 <esberglu> Release went out I believe 13:47:32 <esberglu> https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pypowervm/ 13:48:13 <efried> Have we proposed the global reqs update to pike yet? 13:48:29 <efried> or was tonyb going to do that? 13:51:10 <esberglu> Not sure 13:51:32 <esberglu> Doesn't look like it 13:53:08 <efried> I'll do it. 13:53:19 <esberglu> Cool 13:53:24 <efried> #action efried to propose requirements bump 13:53:55 <esberglu> So do we want to remove the patches we are currently piling onto for in tree? 13:54:13 <esberglu> For the reason efried detailed above? 13:55:27 <efried> Update: requirements project is already done: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/439790/ 13:58:59 <efried> esberglu I'd say just kill 4931 and I'll be satisfied. 13:59:10 <efried> Those are straight up .5 changes. 13:59:20 <efried> They're not going to lend stability or fix any bugs. 13:59:40 <efried> And we're already getting burn-in on them with OOT. 13:59:50 <esberglu> Okay that's good with me 14:00:00 <esberglu> Anything have final topics? 14:00:07 <efried> We should try to keep in-tree as close as possible to the version in global requirements. 14:00:33 <esberglu> Yes I agree 14:01:20 <esberglu> Last thing I had was OSA CI. Still working on rebasing the playbooks for that. Nothing else to report 14:08:16 <efried> adreznec note -1 on 4932 14:08:26 <efried> (You can mark that down as me disagreeing with thorst) 14:08:34 <adreznec> Oops, for some reason my calendar invite for this didn't pop up. What's broken on 4932? 14:08:47 <adreznec> The g-r bump already went out btw 14:10:00 <adreznec> They pushed it in last night and bumped pbr to >2 after that 14:10:14 <adreznec> which broke a bunch of other projects thanks to that hacking requirement 14:10:57 <adreznec> We should be good to go on that front with 4932 and the correspoding g-r bumps on the powervm projects 14:11:42 <efried> adreznec Take a look at my comments. If they're all bogus, feel free to merge. 14:11:51 <adreznec> Will do 14:12:05 <efried> But if we're aligning with g-r, I don't see a reason for our pbr req to be downrev. 14:12:25 <efried> And the lxml thing bugs me. I think we should be able to keep our floor higher. 14:12:38 <adreznec> Yeah, that wasn't merged yet when I proposed that 14:12:48 <adreznec> and hmm ok, I'll have to look at the other comment 14:13:47 <efried> Any other topics for the CI meeting? 14:14:58 <adreznec> Doesn't sound like it 14:22:12 <efried> esberglu call it? 14:22:44 <esberglu> #endmeeting