22:02:10 <carolbarrett> #startmeeting Product Working Group 22:02:11 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Apr 11 22:02:10 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is carolbarrett. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 22:02:12 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 22:02:14 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'product_working_group' 22:02:16 <rockyg> o/ 22:02:30 <shamail> Which topics did we not get to? 22:02:31 <carolbarrett> where do we want to pickup the discussion? 22:02:40 <shamail> cross project? 22:02:43 <shamail> or BoF? 22:02:57 <rockyg> shamail, got parts of the two slides, but with email wedged, I'm a little behind schedule. But before I leave the office today... 22:03:00 <carolbarrett> shamail: I'm wondering if there's more to discuss on cross-project? 22:03:08 <shamail> Thanks rockyg :) 22:03:26 <shamail> I agree, we can move on to BoF 22:03:43 <carolbarrett> For the BoF session, I drafted slides 22:03:54 <shamail> I am treating the BoF as an “intro to PWG” in my head… is that appropriate? 22:04:26 <carolbarrett> #link https://drive.google.com/open?id=1CkKrYMprh1SvKfCOy7Y3H2S0SNhUsjBperXn-VdtGps 22:04:55 <carolbarrett> Shamail: Yes, it's an overview and recruitment effort for additional WG members 22:05:02 <rockyg> Well, intro, then brainstorming. Trying to lure the noobies in to participate further. 22:05:16 <carolbarrett> rockyg: +1 22:05:18 <shamail> The deck looks great carolbarrett 22:05:35 <carolbarrett> If you can attend the session, pls add your name to the etherpad 22:05:40 <carolbarrett> thanks shamail 22:05:40 <shamail> Should we add the top 5 user stories as well? 22:05:53 <carolbarrett> shamail: Good point! Will do. 22:06:06 <carolbarrett> I was also wondering if we want to list members? 22:06:32 <rockyg> good question. Not sure of the answer 22:06:34 <shamail> I think your description is good 22:06:38 <carolbarrett> #action carol add User Stories to slide deck for BoF 22:06:46 <shamail> I think that type of information becomes outdated so better to not include 22:07:23 <carolbarrett> shamail: Agree on the out dating, we just need to be prepared to give examples, as I'm sure folks will ask 22:07:45 <shamail> True 22:07:57 <rockyg> maybe companies? 22:08:06 <carolbarrett> RockyG: That's a good idea 22:08:08 <shamail> Yeah, companies would work 22:08:14 <carolbarrett> #action carol add Companies to BoF slides 22:08:18 <rockyg> Like a slide with company logos 22:08:22 <carolbarrett> The last topic is our working session 22:08:24 <rockyg> rather than a typed list 22:08:47 <carolbarrett> Pls add your proposed topics to the list in the etherpad and +1 the topics you think are most important. 22:08:59 <carolbarrett> We'll need to finalize this in Next week's meeting 22:09:04 <shamail> Yeah 22:09:07 <shamail> lets add items this week 22:09:20 <carolbarrett> shamail +1 22:09:37 <carolbarrett> I need to run to another meeting - is it OK to end this meeting? 22:10:05 <rockyg> yup 22:10:13 <carolbarrett> Thanks! 22:10:17 <carolbarrett> #endmeeting