21:00:41 <shamail> #startmeeting product working group 21:00:42 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Jun 27 21:00:41 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is shamail. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:00:44 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 21:00:47 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'product_working_group' 21:00:52 <shamail> Hi everyone! Who do we have today? 21:01:07 <HeidiJoy> Hello! 21:01:19 <shamail> Hi HeidiJoy! 21:01:38 <KrishR> o/ 21:02:13 <rockyg> o/ 21:02:21 <pchadwick> o/ 21:02:27 <HeidiJoy> I'm updating the Newton project tracker now, @shamail 21:02:28 <leong> o/ 21:02:38 <shamail> Hi KrishR, rockyg, pchadwick, and leong 21:02:50 <pchadwick> Hi shamail 21:02:51 <shamail> Agenda for today: 21:02:54 <shamail> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/product-team 21:03:42 <shamail> #topic Midcycle planning 21:03:51 <MeganR> o/ 21:03:56 <shamail> Hi MeganR 21:04:09 <shamail> You might have seen that the ops-meetup has been scheduled now 21:04:33 <shamail> It will happen in NYC on August 25/26 (right after OpenStack Day East) 21:05:14 <shamail> The challenge for us is that we usually co-locate with the ops-meetup and have a two day midcycle, however with OpenStack Day East and Ops Meetup happening in the same week… this only leaves one day free 21:05:41 <shamail> Carol sent an email on our mailing list with a few proposals so let’s take a moment to see which options work for the team 21:05:49 <shamail> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/product-wg/2016-June/001200.html 21:06:10 <shamail> The three options are essentially: 21:06:43 <shamail> A) Use Monday (8/22) for our F2F midcycle and then have another day as a virtual mid-cycle covering the remaining topics 21:07:10 <shamail> An additional benefit of this approach is that those who can’t travel will still be able to participate in one of the midcycle days 21:07:41 <shamail> The downside is that we might not have enough time on 8/22 to reach conclusions on certain topics or discussions might stop mid-way through 21:08:11 <shamail> B) Make our agenda fit one day and only have the midcycle on 8/22 21:08:18 <pchadwick> Alternative would be to start with the F2F and follow up with virtual 21:08:35 <pchadwick> Call it B' 21:08:42 <shamail> pchadwick: Agreed, option A is one physical one virtual.. virtual could be on either end 21:09:17 <shamail> So B’ is one day worth of agenda items with an option to overflow into a virtual day? 21:09:19 <pchadwick> Vacation schedules are going to be a killer in August, so it is easier to plan one day and try to manage the agenda 21:09:23 <pchadwick> Yes 21:09:27 <shamail> got it 21:09:49 <shamail> Option C) Is to have Enterprise WG and Product WG have co-located midcycles this time and not have PWG co-locate with ops meetup 21:10:08 <shamail> This would allow EWG to have one full day, one day for book sprint, and then PWG could use two days for midcycle 21:10:29 <shamail> The downside here is that people that want to attend both ops meetup and midcycle might have a hard time getting approval 21:10:42 <pchadwick> I will likely be at OpenStack East in any event. 21:11:10 <shamail> #startvote Which midcycle option do you prefer? A, B, B’, C 21:11:11 <openstack> Begin voting on: Which midcycle option do you prefer? Valid vote options are A, B, B, C. 21:11:12 <openstack> Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts. 21:11:16 <shamail> ack 21:11:19 <shamail> #endvote 21:11:20 <openstack> Voted on "Which midcycle option do you prefer?" Results are 21:11:36 <shamail> #startvote Which midcycle option do you prefer? A, B, B2, C 21:11:37 <openstack> Begin voting on: Which midcycle option do you prefer? Valid vote options are A, B, B2, C. 21:11:38 <openstack> Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts. 21:11:44 <KrishR> C 21:11:50 <shamail> krish do #vote ahead of it 21:11:53 <KrishR> #vote C 21:12:03 <shamail> #vote B 21:12:05 <pchadwick> #vote b2 21:12:05 <leong> #vote c 21:12:10 <HeidiJoy> #vote A 21:12:12 <MeganR> vote a 21:12:20 <MeganR> #vote a 21:12:33 <shamail> ping rockyg 21:12:54 <rockyg> Yeah. Totally undecided. Six of one. Half doezen of the other. 21:12:54 <shamail> Alright, closing vote... 21:13:00 <shamail> lol 21:13:09 <shamail> #endvote 21:13:10 <openstack> Voted on "Which midcycle option do you prefer?" Results are 21:13:12 <openstack> A (2): HeidiJoy, MeganR 21:13:13 <openstack> C (2): leong, KrishR 21:13:14 <openstack> B (1): shamail 21:13:15 <openstack> B2 (1): pchadwick 21:13:32 <pchadwick> So now we do a run-off between A and C? 21:13:35 <shamail> We’ll let Carol cast the tie-breaking vote when she gets back from her trip :) 21:14:01 <rockyg> Sounds good.l 21:14:03 <shamail> yeah pchadwick, I think that would be the next logical step. Let’s take option A and C to mailing list and finalize at the next meeting 21:14:06 <shamail> Sound good? 21:14:18 <leong> +1 21:14:22 <KrishR> +1 21:14:25 <pchadwick> +1 21:14:29 <shamail> There are a lot of ppl not here today: Arkady, Carol, Ken, and others 21:14:36 <MeganR> +1 21:14:42 <pchadwick> Welcome to summer. ;) 21:14:46 <shamail> hah yeah 21:15:07 <shamail> #action Send email to ML between options A and C… finalize midcycle plans by 7/11 21:15:11 <leong> better to get a "higher" quorum before we make decision 21:15:16 <shamail> leong: +1 21:15:26 <shamail> #topic Newton Design Series update 21:15:33 <shamail> HeidiJoy: Do you mind leading this topic? 21:16:00 <HeidiJoy> Happy to do so! 21:16:06 <shamail> Thank you! 21:16:13 <HeidiJoy> Folks please take a look at this Google sheet: 21:16:19 <HeidiJoy> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hVSoNXRlp7X1VLEyulI_0PCJbfWbL6_Ue4y7jpsHp7k/edit#gid=1358080590 21:16:32 <HeidiJoy> What you're seeing in column L are final produced videos. 21:16:46 <HeidiJoy> Where we're stuck is column J - getting the PPTs created and approved by the PTLs 21:17:12 <HeidiJoy> If I've missed a PPT from you, please send it my way (email is great) and I'll push it over to the video editor we hired to accelerate this project. 21:17:35 <HeidiJoy> Right now he's just standing by waiting for more content from us. We have virtually all of the videos recorded (except those in red column H) 21:17:40 <shamail> (Please check column i if you are unsure whether you have any outstanding slides based on the sheet) 21:18:03 <pchadwick> heidijoy: I thought I sent you the link to the Manila video 21:18:21 <HeidiJoy> I apologize if I missed it - I'll double check right now 21:18:23 <HeidiJoy> Thank you 21:18:45 <pchadwick> If not, let me know (of course we have to hope that /me can find it 21:19:12 <pchadwick> and I did not realize that I needed to create slides. Will look at that this week. 21:19:32 <HeidiJoy> I do need you to re-send it - it's not in my email @pchadwick 21:19:36 <shamail> pchadwick: If you have cycles it would be appreciated, otherwise I can do them foryou 21:19:56 <pchadwick> I look a bit open this week, so let me at least take a first pass 21:20:01 <shamail> Thanks 21:20:05 <shamail> i’ll send you the templae 21:20:07 <shamail> template* 21:20:22 <pchadwick> shamail: thanks. 21:20:37 <shamail> HeidiJoy: How is the roll-out planned? Are you putting this out 3-4 at a time or plan to release all at once? 21:20:51 <HeidiJoy> Correct - they should come out about 3 at a time via Superuser. 21:21:05 <HeidiJoy> Also they'll be uploaded to the foundation's YouTube, and we'll have a playlist 21:21:07 <shamail> Awesome 21:21:18 <pchadwick> heidijoy: just shared the link 21:21:31 <HeidiJoy> We'll be prepping all of that this week, but meanwhile I want to be sure I capture all of the slides so that we can wrap up video edits. 21:22:11 <KrishR> HeidiJoy: I pinged Disckinson again for approval of the Swift slides - we should just go with the draft if we don't hear back 21:22:17 <shamail> I have responses from 3 PTLs, I just need to incorporate their feedback and send you final version of the slides for Horizon, Triple O, and Ironic 21:22:37 <HeidiJoy> This is great - thanks to all of you! 21:22:50 <shamail> I agree KrishR… I have sent two emails to Graham for Designate, I will try again and then we should proceed 21:23:19 <shamail> Thank you HeidiJoy! 21:23:43 <shamail> #topic CPL Updates 21:23:55 <HeidiJoy> So to wrap up this topic, please just check to see where we've stalled out on any interviews that might be yours (indicated in red) and we hope to get them all to green. Thanks again. 21:24:05 <shamail> HeidiJoy: +1 21:24:29 <shamail> On CPL updates, we plan to start with the first round of updates on 7/11 21:24:48 <shamail> We will be starting with Kolla, Horizon, and Cinder 21:24:59 <shamail> We are looking for additional CPLs who can volunteer to get on the update backlog 21:25:28 <shamail> Please send an email to Carol and/or I if there is a particular week that works best for you and we will add your project to the agenda 21:26:09 <KrishR> shamail: i can do Telemetry on 7/18 21:26:14 <shamail> #action All CPLs: Please send an email to Carol and/or Shamail on the best time for you to do a project update to the PWG 21:26:28 <shamail> #agree KrishR will report on Telemetry on 7/18 21:26:31 <shamail> thanks KrishR! 21:26:50 <shamail> #topic Opens 21:27:02 <shamail> #info There will be no team meeting on 7/4 due to U.S. Holiday 21:27:13 <shamail> Our next meeting will be on 7/11 21:27:25 <pchadwick> What is our plan for PWG session submissions. 21:27:32 <shamail> Good question pchadwick 21:27:34 <pchadwick> These should be due by the 13th no? 21:27:39 <shamail> They are indeed 21:27:47 <shamail> We should definitely add that to our agenda for 7/11 21:27:59 <pchadwick> I am ok with putting the themes session back in assuming someone wants to join in the fun. 21:28:14 <shamail> I think the themes presentation would be a good one to repeat 21:28:26 <shamail> We can also do the roadmap one again (separate from themes) 21:28:48 <leong> i thought we agree before that we should always to a theme presentation every summit? 21:29:03 <pchadwick> +1 - I think we should coordinate them better. 21:29:13 <shamail> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/PWG_Barcelona_Sessions 21:29:18 <pchadwick> leong: I wasn't sure if that was automatically accepted. 21:29:21 <leong> i mean "roadmap" 21:29:22 <shamail> Here is an etherpad we had put together for session ideas 21:29:47 <shamail> leong: We did agree to that but we have always gone through the CFP process 21:29:59 <leong> got it 21:30:00 <shamail> We do let the Foundation know as well just in case 21:30:13 <shamail> HeidiJoy: still here? 21:30:21 <HeidiJoy> Yes 21:30:47 <shamail> When can we schedule the meeting with the Foundation marketing team to discuss themes and it would be great to get executive feedback on the roadmap as well 21:30:55 <shamail> e.g. what works, doesn’t, guidance, etc. 21:30:59 <pchadwick> The HA for VMs team will be submitting a session, not sure if we want to track it here 21:31:14 <pchadwick> shamail: +1 21:31:16 <shamail> pchadwick: Please add it to the etherpad, tracking makes sense I think 21:31:27 <HeidiJoy> I will check on scheduling, aim for before they take off for Asia. 21:31:34 <shamail> Thanks HeidiJoy 21:31:57 <shamail> Anything else, anyone? 21:32:16 <KrishR> pchadwick: is that Adam doing the HA for VMs submission? would love to see a draft 21:32:32 <pchadwick> Yes - /me looks for his abstract 21:34:02 <pchadwick> Shamail: I don't have the abstract yet, but I think it will be an update of what he and Dawid did in Austin 21:34:19 <shamail> Thanks! 21:34:42 <shamail> take care all! 21:34:52 <pchadwick> BTW - Adam suggested creating an HA track - or at least declare it a formal cross project item 21:35:33 <KrishR> pchadwick: +1 21:36:08 <pchadwick> Does anyone know how we cause that to happen? Or does it only come from the technical commitee. 21:36:31 <leong> -1 for HA track.. but +1 for cross project item 21:37:10 <rockyg> cross project item is much easier. 21:37:25 <rockyg> We add it to cross-project etherpad when they create it. 21:37:29 <leong> ha for cross project item would come from TC 21:37:59 <rockyg> Get some dev folks to help, like John Garbutt, or other interested devs 21:38:18 <rockyg> get enough votes and it will be there. 21:38:39 <leong> rocky can you post the cross-project etherpad link here 21:39:22 <pchadwick> leong: +1 21:39:37 <HeidiJoy> I have a meeting scheduled for the roadmap - 1p PDT 6/30, just need to know who wants to attend and I'll send invites 21:40:07 <rockyg> when they announce it, I'll post to the list and add to the etherpad. about one month to three weekd out 21:40:09 <pchadwick> heidijoy: Add me - I'll attend if I can 21:40:17 <HeidiJoy> OK! 21:41:50 <shamail> #endmeeting