21:01:37 <CarolBarrett> #startmeeting product working group 21:01:38 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Aug 8 21:01:37 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is CarolBarrett. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:01:39 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 21:01:43 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'product_working_group' 21:01:59 <CarolBarrett> Hi All 21:01:59 <shamail> Hi everyone 21:02:02 <rcaballeromx> Hi 21:02:03 <CarolBarrett> Hi Shamail 21:02:15 <shamail> Hey CarolBarrett 21:02:15 <CarolBarrett> you can find the agenda for today's meeting here 21:02:23 <CarolBarrett> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/product-team 21:02:26 <MeganR> Hi 21:02:28 <mkashyap> Hi 21:02:31 <kei> Hi 21:02:33 <CarolBarrett> Hi rcaballeromx 21:03:04 <CarolBarrett> Let's get going. 21:03:11 <rockyg> o/ 21:03:13 <leong> o/ 21:03:14 <CarolBarrett> #topic Upcoming Meetings 21:03:49 <CarolBarrett> Just a reminder that we will not have our regular IRC meetings on 8/22 or 9/5 21:04:05 <CarolBarrett> We will have our Midcycle on 8/22 in NYC 21:04:34 <CarolBarrett> any questions or comments? 21:05:05 <MarkBaker_> o/ 21:05:19 <CarolBarrett> Hi MarkBaker 21:05:27 <CarolBarrett> Next topic 21:05:38 <CarolBarrett> #topic PWG Midcycle Planning 21:05:50 <CarolBarrett> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/PWG_Newton_Midcycle_Planning 21:05:50 <CarolBarrett> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/PWG_Newton_Midcycle_Planning 21:06:25 <CarolBarrett> We're 2 weeks away from our midcycle and I wanted to take 1 more look at the agenda to see if there are any changes we want to make or if there are questions that need an answer 21:07:20 <rcaballeromx> @CarolBarret: I won't be attending in person. The US visa won't be there on time. 21:07:46 <rcaballeromx> I will still participate remotely. 21:08:03 <CarolBarrett> rcaballeromx: no problem. There are several folks who will attend remotely. I will know more about what our capabilities will be later this week. 21:08:35 <rcaballeromx> @CarolBarret: Thanks, that will be awesome. 21:08:37 <Arkady_Kanevsky> hello 21:08:51 <CarolBarrett> Hi Arkady_Kanevsky 21:09:08 <leong> i will be there.. just booked my tickets :-) 21:09:21 <Arkady_Kanevsky> I will be there for midcycle. 21:09:30 <Arkady_Kanevsky> but not for user WG 21:09:48 <Arkady_Kanevsky> do we need to register with user WG? 21:09:49 <CarolBarrett> Arkady_Kanevsky: Do you plan to call in for the Midcycle if you cannot attend in person? Wondering about the stretch topic on Criteria for Priortization 21:10:16 <Arkady_Kanevsky> I will be in NYC in person 21:10:29 <CarolBarrett> I touched base with kemcjohnston on the OpenStack strategy topic and he was OK with timing and plans to send out some pre-work. 21:10:35 <CarolBarrett> Arkady_Kanevsk: Excellent 21:11:06 <CarolBarrett> Any questions or suggestions on the plan for the day? 21:11:20 <Arkady_Kanevsky> good plan. 21:11:30 <Arkady_Kanevsky> Let's decide on group dinner 21:12:13 <Arkady_Kanevsky> Carol, are oyu giving a presentation at OpenSTack east? 21:12:16 <CarolBarrett> Arkady_Kanevsky: Good point. Has everyone who is interested in going for a team dinner on Monday night put there name on line 44 in the etherpad? 21:12:37 <CarolBarrett> Arkady_Kanevsky: Yes, Shamail and I are giving one on the state of product management. 21:12:51 <CarolBarrett> We can review the slides with this team in the next meeting, would be great to get some feedback 21:13:05 <shamail> CarolBarrett: can you please add my name to the etherpad for dinner? 21:13:15 <Arkady_Kanevsky> I started a list at the bottom of https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/PWG_Newton_Midcycle_Planning for dinner attendees 21:13:16 <shamail> (Not able to edit it at the moment) 21:13:31 <Arkady_Kanevsky> I can add you 21:13:35 <CarolBarrett> Shamail: Will do 21:13:57 <shamail> Thanks 21:14:03 <CarolBarrett> If anyone has a favorite place they'd like to go pls add that too after line 45 21:14:18 <Arkady_Kanevsky> Shamail do you want to send a pointer to google slides for feedback? Then final review at next meeting 21:14:53 <CarolBarrett> Arkady_Kanevsky: We should have a draft of the slides by the end of this week. We can send a link out prior to our next meeting 21:15:03 <Arkady_Kanevsky> +1 21:15:11 <shamail> +1 21:15:38 <CarolBarrett> As part of our midcycle, we agreed to have an extended meeting on 8/29 to provide an update and gain feedback from folks who aren't able to attend. 21:15:46 <CarolBarrett> I have 2 questions for you all around this: 21:16:00 <CarolBarrett> 1) Do you want to extend by starting 1 hr earlier or going 1 hr later? 21:16:22 <shamail> I prefer going later 21:16:24 <rcaballeromx> I can help with review and edit of the slides. 21:16:50 <MeganR> I prefer going earlier :) 21:16:53 <Arkady_Kanevsky> also prefer later time 21:17:15 <Arkady_Kanevsky> I can start 1/2 hour yearlier but not 1 hour 21:17:24 <Arkady_Kanevsky> spliting early and late time 21:17:49 <mkashyap> Prefer later time. 21:18:18 <CarolBarrett> Is starting 30 min early/going 30 min late a viable solution? 21:18:50 <MeganR> that sounds like an excellent compromise! 21:19:03 <Arkady_Kanevsky> <CarolBarrett> +1 for compromise 21:19:05 <shamail> CarolBarrett: +1 21:19:12 <MarkBaker_> CarolBarrett, +1 21:19:15 <leong> +1 21:19:18 <mkashyap> +1 21:19:31 <MarkBaker_> prefer earlier 21:20:09 <rockyg> Works for me. Could do earlier or later but will be doing it from vacation.... 21:20:26 <CarolBarrett> It looks like the 30 early/30 later is preferred. 21:20:36 <CarolBarrett> Next question: Do we want a voice line for this call? 21:20:47 <Arkady_Kanevsky> Rocky enjoy vacation. You will be on mid-cycle so yu know what happened 21:21:08 <CarolBarrett> LOL 21:21:09 <Arkady_Kanevsky> +1 for voice line for remote folks 21:21:30 <rockyg> +1 21:21:32 <rcaballeromx> +1 21:21:34 <mkashyap> +1 for voice line 21:21:36 <shamail> CarolBarrett: +1 21:21:39 <MeganR> +1 21:21:41 <CarolBarrett> Arkady_Kanevsky: Everyone will be remote :) 21:22:00 <CarolBarrett> OK - I'll add a voice line for that meeting. 21:22:14 * rcaballeromx cheers! 21:22:29 <CarolBarrett> Anything else on midcycle? 21:22:52 <rockyg> Yeah. Double check on where people are staying...Haven't made my reservations yet 21:22:55 <CarolBarrett> Moving on 21:22:59 <Arkady_Kanevsky> Do we need anything for interlock with user WG for Th-Fr that week? 21:23:06 <CarolBarrett> #topic Ops Midcycle 21:23:30 <CarolBarrett> Anyone have a link to the schedule for the event? 21:23:47 <Arkady_Kanevsky> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/PWG_Newton_Midcycle_Planning ? 21:24:05 <rockyg> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/NYC-ops-meetup 21:24:40 <CarolBarrett> RockyG: I have seen that one, but don't know what suggestions were accepted 21:24:50 <shamail> #link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EUSYMs3GfglnD8yfFaAXWhLe0F5y9hCUKqCYe0Vp1oA/edit#gid=1046944156 21:25:16 <shamail> This google doc has the draft schedule that is being developed (NY tab) 21:25:29 <CarolBarrett> Shamail: This is perfect. Thanks! 21:25:45 <shamail> They haven't fully filled it out yet but this is the document that will have details as they emerge. 21:26:52 <CarolBarrett> I'd like to map folks from our team to the different session (as appropriate) to gather requirements, feedback, recruit members, etc 21:27:22 <CarolBarrett> What do you think of this approach? 21:27:24 <Arkady_Kanevsky> rocky do oyu know if they will hvae phone line? 21:28:17 <shamail> Arkady_Kanevsky: they most likely will not 21:28:24 <rockyg> Don't know. There is now a team that organizes these and I've just too much on my plate to attend. 21:28:35 <shamail> CarolBarrett: +1, I like that approach 21:28:41 <Arkady_Kanevsky> argh. Will be hard to follow remotely even with etherpad 21:28:52 <rockyg> Usually not, as corporate sensitive stuff may be discussed. 21:28:55 <MeganR> +1 on the approach, good idea 21:29:02 <leong> +1 carolbarrett 21:29:35 <rockyg> We can cover sessions you're interested in, Arkady_Kanevsky 21:29:35 <leong> Arkady_Kanevsky: we can setup webex/lync bridge 21:29:49 <CarolBarrett> I'll create a proposed mapping and we can review it in next week's meeting. 21:29:53 <shamail> Leong: he was asking about the ops meetup 21:30:10 <leong> oh. i see.. \ 21:30:22 <MarkBaker> CarolBarrett, +1 - we can sync/summarise sessions for one another 21:30:26 <Arkady_Kanevsky> I will be happy to cover a couple of ops WG topics but without phone bridge not feasible 21:30:58 <Arkady_Kanevsky> <CarolBarrett> +1 21:30:58 <rcaballeromx> I share Arkady_Kanevsky's opinion. 21:31:10 <CarolBarrett> Is there anyone else who will be at our Midcycle but not stay for the ops midcycle? 21:31:28 <shamail> Thanks Arkady_Kanevsky and rcaballeromx but I think onsite attendance will be needed for that event. :( 21:31:44 <CarolBarrett> I'll use the in-person list from our midcycle planning etherpad as a source for the ops midcycle schedule mapping 21:32:17 <Arkady_Kanevsky> thanks Carol 21:32:23 <CarolBarrett> Anything else on the Ops Midcycle? 21:32:58 <CarolBarrett> #topic CPL Updates 21:33:14 <CarolBarrett> MarkBaker had volunteered to give an update on Designate today 21:33:24 <CarolBarrett> MarkBaker: Take it away! 21:34:08 <Arkady_Kanevsky> pointer to slides? 21:34:24 <CarolBarrett> MarkBaker are you still with us? 21:34:37 <MarkBaker> CarolBarrett, total fail I am afraid 21:34:56 <MarkBaker> I am still woith you, just do not havw an update worth giving 21:35:10 <CarolBarrett> MarkBaker: Gotcha. Can we slate you in for next week? 21:35:15 <rockyg> Yay, MarkBaker ! I no longer feel so alone :-) 21:35:35 <CarolBarrett> LOL 21:36:14 <Arkady_Kanevsky> Can we put pointers to slides at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hVSoNXRlp7X1VLEyulI_0PCJbfWbL6_Ue4y7jpsHp7k/edit#gid=1358080590 21:36:35 <CarolBarrett> Are there any other CPLs who want to volunteer to provide an update to the team in an upcoming meeting? 21:36:51 <Arkady_Kanevsky> I can do Rally update 21:37:14 <Arkady_Kanevsky> https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1JVmJ4KMhv7z5BfA-5z6Rt9YIx-z20HS3Ws6bJMH9HBU 21:37:40 <CarolBarrett> Shamail: The link arkady_kanevsky is proposing is for the Newton design series. Can we put links to the updates in that? Or will that be an issue for that team? 21:38:05 <CarolBarrett> Arkady_Kanevsky: Great - I will add you to the agenda 21:38:34 <shamail> We can use that spreadsheet but I would prefer that we create a new tab at least 21:38:46 <Arkady_Kanevsky> +1 for new tab 21:38:52 <shamail> That would make the content not impact the design series tracking 21:38:55 <Arkady_Kanevsky> Thanks Carol 21:39:22 <CarolBarrett> OK, we'll create a new tab and use that as a table of contents for CPL updates. Nice to have everything in 1 place 21:39:35 <CarolBarrett> #link https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1JVmJ4KMhv7z5BfA-5z6Rt9YIx-z20HS3Ws6bJMH9HBU 21:39:37 <shamail> Awesome, thanks 21:39:50 <CarolBarrett> OK, let's go to our next topic 21:39:55 <CarolBarrett> #topic Membership 21:40:25 <CarolBarrett> One of the tenants of this WG was to harness the power behind the 80/20 nature of our Community 21:40:39 <CarolBarrett> Meaning that 80% of the contributions come from 20% of the companies 21:41:30 <CarolBarrett> And if we could get the product managers behind those contributors collaborating we would find synergies that would allow us to accerate time to release of new capabilities that would increase the market adoption of OpenStack 21:42:03 <rockyg> ++ 21:42:37 <CarolBarrett> The last time we gave an update to the Board, we had achieved that goal. But since then, we've had some drop off 21:42:41 <CarolBarrett> in attendance 21:43:22 <rockyg> I've gotten the HQ folks to step into and take over my position on in this group gradually, but it would be better for them if the meeting were later or much earlier. 21:43:38 <CarolBarrett> I'd like to get your thoughts on why that is, and what actions we should take to get back on track to our goals? 21:43:48 <leong> rockyg.. u mean HQ=China ? 21:43:56 <rockyg> Yup 21:44:02 <leong> one suggestion is for them to participate in the regional meeting 21:44:14 <CarolBarrett> RockyG: Interesting point, I wonder if timing of the meeting is part of our issue...? 21:44:16 <rockyg> The regional meeting is more status and less strategy 21:44:20 <leong> we have a regional meeting tomorrow (Tuesday pacific time) 21:44:25 <Arkady_Kanevsky> The main thing is to participate in user_story creation and driving. 21:44:39 <Arkady_Kanevsky> That can be done outside meetings 21:44:56 <shamail> I'd really like to see renewed participation from HPE and Mirantis. 21:45:10 <shamail> And Red Hat 21:45:22 <leong> the regional can be strategic as well depending on the participants involvement 21:45:34 <rockyg> Did we ever have participation from any of those besides HPE? 21:45:42 <Arkady_Kanevsky> Carol, do oyu have a list of primary participants at PWG? 21:45:50 <CarolBarrett> Arkady_Kanevsky: That's important, but shaping the direction for the WG is important too 21:45:58 <CarolBarrett> shamail: +1 21:46:09 <leong> rockyg, i think i saw fred li attending regional meeting before 21:46:10 <shamail> Yes, we had Sheena from Mirantis (mainly roadmap) and Steve from Red Hat 21:46:14 <rockyg> leong, I think we need some training. The cultures in APAC make it much harder to get to strategy without some partnering to success. 21:46:17 <CarolBarrett> I think we've lost Rackspace attendance due to meeting time 21:47:00 <rockyg> Oh, and a mentor-leader to help light the way. 21:47:02 <leong> rocky let me know if you need help on training :) 21:47:03 <shamail> Agreed CarolBarrett but that will get better soon with DST. :) Also, Kenny is still active in the repo and ML. 21:47:57 <Arkady_Kanevsky> Is there disagreement on priortities we voted one from these companies? 21:47:58 <rockyg> I think maybe have the Regional meeting fvote for and focus on working through/up a userstory to show how to get their needs into it. 21:48:01 <leong> carolbarrett, most participation from rackspace is from Kenny.. he is still quite active as mentioned by shamail 21:48:09 <CarolBarrett> I think we want to reach out to HPE, Red Hat, Mirantis, EMC/VMware as priorities 21:48:19 <rockyg> Along with a discussion of human resources to then implement. 21:48:27 <CarolBarrett> leong, shamail: +1 21:48:36 <leong> so far the regional wg is focus on Baremetal and HA_VM 21:48:43 <Arkady_Kanevsky> Who was EMC rep? 21:48:46 <shamail> CarolBarrett: +1, that's a good list 21:48:51 <rockyg> +1 21:49:03 <Arkady_Kanevsky> +1 on the list 21:49:04 <CarolBarrett> leong: I think that's a good focus for the Regional team 21:49:09 <leong> fyi.. we just completed a requirement analysis on Baremetal user story with fujitsu 21:49:13 <shamail> Leong +1 21:49:16 <shamail> Nice! 21:49:22 <rockyg> leong, great! 21:49:27 <CarolBarrett> leong: +1 21:49:29 <CarolBarrett> Any volunteers to reach out to the companies? 21:49:35 <leong> we should add an agenda item for Regional Meeting Update to this meeting 21:49:47 <rockyg> I can hit up Mark Voelker 21:49:48 <Arkady_Kanevsky> what is the process for documenting requirements for user story? 21:49:59 <CarolBarrett> leong: good point. Next meeting? 21:50:04 <leong> +1 21:50:06 <Arkady_Kanevsky> Mark us VMware. 21:50:23 <rockyg> Arkady_Kanevsky, yup 21:50:30 <CarolBarrett> Leong: Will add you to next week's agenda 21:50:51 <leong> VMware also interested in participating in the working groups 21:50:57 <CarolBarrett> Rockyg: Thanks! 21:51:37 <CarolBarrett> Any other volunteers? 21:52:07 <shamail> CarolBarrett: I have to leave a bit early today. I'll catch up on the rest of the meeting via log. 21:52:11 <leong> i can volunteer to reach out to VMware (i'm on a collaboration project with them now) 21:52:12 <shamail> Have a great evening everyone 21:52:14 <rockyg> Well, OpenStackSV startsa tomorrow. I can corner some Mirantis folks. don't know if it will help, though. 21:52:23 <CarolBarrett> Shamail: Thanks for joining 21:52:27 <shamail> Thanks 21:52:37 <CarolBarrett> Leong: Thanks 21:52:43 <CarolBarrett> RockyG: That would be great! 21:52:47 <CarolBarrett> I'll reach out to Red Hat 21:52:56 <Arkady_Kanevsky> Thanks Carol. 21:53:14 <CarolBarrett> I don't really know where to start with HPE - anyone else? 21:53:40 <Arkady_Kanevsky> If you know EMC contact I will hit them. Bias was not on PWG and I do not know who was 21:54:09 <CarolBarrett> Arkady_Kanevsky: I think we've got VMware covered, which should be able to rep EMC too. 21:54:20 <rockyg> CarolBarrett, Allison Randal might be a good person to contact for HPE 21:54:28 <Arkady_Kanevsky> do not think so. Different companies 21:54:38 <CarolBarrett> RockyG: Good point! I can shoot her a note. 21:55:09 <CarolBarrett> Arkady_Kanevsky: You may be right. I don't have any EMC contacts 21:55:11 <Arkady_Kanevsky> I can contact Randy but he is not PM 21:55:38 <rockyg> CarolBarrett, Arkady_Kanevsky is right. Two separate companies that will likely get more separate 21:55:45 <CarolBarrett> Arkady_Kanevsky: Good thought - he should be able to direct to the right person 21:56:05 <Arkady_Kanevsky> I will take that AI 21:56:19 <CarolBarrett> Thanks Arkaday_Kanevsky 21:56:32 <CarolBarrett> I think that covers the bases for now, let's follow-up next week 21:56:35 <CarolBarrett> #topic Opens 21:56:42 <CarolBarrett> Anyone have opens this week? 21:57:42 <Arkady_Kanevsky> for next meeting how bout templates for different steps on workflow. 21:58:05 <Arkady_Kanevsky> we have good one for user story submissions. WHat about requirements. gap analysis... 21:58:32 <CarolBarrett> Arkady_Kanevsky: Hmmmm, doesn't the user story provide that? 21:58:53 <Arkady_Kanevsky> nope. only templates for user story itself 21:59:14 <rockyg> Arkady_Kanevsky, good thing to work on ++ 21:59:24 <Arkady_Kanevsky> workflow is well defined (in my opinion) but no templates till your get to spec 21:59:46 <CarolBarrett> Arkady_Kanevsky: Can I add that to the work flow discussion topic at our Midcycle? 22:00:30 <Arkady_Kanevsky> Maybe Leong and I can can work on one for requirements based on the doc he is creatring for baremetal 22:00:40 <Arkady_Kanevsky> +1 for mid cycle 22:00:52 <leong> sure! 22:00:58 <CarolBarrett> Arkady_Kanevsky: That would be great! I'll add this to the midcycle too 22:01:15 <CarolBarrett> Time to wrap-up. 22:01:26 <CarolBarrett> Thanks everyone for joining and contributing!! 22:01:36 <rockyg> Thanks! 22:01:38 <Arkady_Kanevsky> Thanks you all 22:01:43 <CarolBarrett> #endmeeting