21:00:01 <shamail> #startmeeting product_working_group 21:00:04 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Jan 16 21:00:01 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is shamail. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:00:05 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 21:00:08 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'product_working_group' 21:00:11 <shamail> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/product-team 21:00:18 <shamail> Hi everyone, who’s here for the PWG meeting? 21:00:24 <pchadwick> o/ 21:00:26 <shamail> Agenda is in the link I posted 21:00:33 <MeganR> o/ 21:00:38 <shamail> Carol and Leong are off today 21:00:48 <Arkady_Kanevsky> hello 21:00:51 <shamail> Hi pchadwick, MeganR, and Arkady_Kanevsky 21:01:11 <leong> o/ 21:01:15 <shamail> wow, leong showing up on his day off 21:01:19 <shamail> hi! 21:01:20 <leong> :) 21:01:32 <leong> just this hour.. :-) 21:01:38 <Arkady_Kanevsky> he just want to make sure he is given any AR 21:01:42 <shamail> let’s give it a couple of minutes to see if we get quorum 21:02:14 <Arkady_Kanevsky> shamail, if oyu can review my 2 patched for persona I will be grateful. 21:02:21 <Arkady_Kanevsky> I think they are ready for merge now 21:02:42 <shamail> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/product-team 21:02:49 <shamail> Agenda for today since I posted the link way to quick initially 21:02:50 <rlpple> o/ 21:02:51 <Arkady_Kanevsky> ditto for other reviewers 21:02:54 <shamail> will do Arkady_Kanevsky 21:03:05 <shamail> Looking at the topics, do we have enough people to discuss? 21:03:20 <leong> who else here? 21:03:22 <shamail> Attendee list: pchadwick, MeganR, Arkady_Kanevsky, leong, shamail 21:03:29 <heidijoy> Hello all! 21:03:35 <rlpple> Hello all! 21:03:36 <shamail> and heidijoy :) 21:03:36 <Arkady_Kanevsky> we have tracking of stories. I saw one submission and tenplate one 21:03:37 <shamail> hi 21:03:39 <shamail> hi rlpple 21:03:41 <shamail> awesome. 21:03:43 <Arkady_Kanevsky> I am astill behind on it 21:03:53 <shamail> Let’s proceed then (we have a decent showing) 21:04:05 <shamail> #topic User Story Tracker Discussion 21:04:18 <pchadwick> I need to turn myself in as I was not able to work on the user stories (either users or tracker) and am not sure when I will be able to do so. 21:04:38 <shamail> lol pchadwick, it’s okay. :) 21:04:48 <shamail> Email me and maybe I can help you with the tracker 21:04:55 <Arkady_Kanevsky> I had commented on template. 21:04:56 <pchadwick> Many balls in the air right now. 21:05:09 <shamail> We are working towards having actual trackers built out for our user stories that have finished gaps analysis 21:05:11 <shamail> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/419674/ 21:05:22 <Arkady_Kanevsky> I think we need to agree how we will track blueprints and specs. 21:05:31 <shamail> I have updated the tracker template to reflect the changes that the FeatureTracker development team had to make for the UI 21:05:38 <shamail> #link http://featuretracker.openstack.org/ 21:05:55 <Arkady_Kanevsky> currently we include pointer for one but not another/ 21:06:04 <shamail> Arkady_Kanevsky: We should have pointers for both 21:06:09 <shamail> Some projects don’t use both though 21:06:33 <Arkady_Kanevsky> if we use spec or if we use blueprint then nwe need a pointer for it for tracking. 21:06:43 <shamail> for example, if you look at line 25-30 in the review I posted 21:06:53 <shamail> It shows that for the project, we are asking for blueprints and specs 21:07:02 <Arkady_Kanevsky> do not suggest we create both for the same things per project 21:07:26 <mrhillsman> o/ 21:07:30 <shamail> We won’t, the tracker format can accomodate either but we will most likely reference one of them only per “task" 21:07:31 <shamail> hi mrhillsman 21:07:47 <Arkady_Kanevsky> for spec we include pointer to it in tracking in template. 21:07:57 <shamail> It would be helpful if everyone can review the updated tracker format 21:08:04 <Arkady_Kanevsky> But for blueprint we do not include pointer, only name 21:08:29 <GeraldK> o/ 21:08:39 <shamail> Yes, correct Arkady_Kanevsky. That is because the bp path is known (always the same for projects) whereas the spec structure is unique so we need the full URI 21:08:43 <shamail> Hi GeraldK 21:09:36 <Arkady_Kanevsky> shamail, how from the page generate by tracking one gets ot blueprint? 21:09:51 <shamail> The tool adds “https://blueprints.launchpad.net/<project>/+spec” for blueprints 21:10:05 <shamail> You click on the link 21:10:09 <Arkady_Kanevsky> we have a name of blieprint, so one can go to a project name and search for name of blueprint 21:10:13 <shamail> This is a good seque to a question 21:10:40 <shamail> Does everyone think we should schedule a session to give an overview of the tracker file format, demo the FeatureTracker tool, and general Q&A on those topics? 21:10:51 <mrhillsman> +1 21:10:52 <Arkady_Kanevsky> I am game 21:10:54 <leong> +1 21:10:56 <pchadwick> +1 21:10:59 <GeraldK> +1 21:11:19 <shamail> Okay, I can arrange a doodle… how’s everyone’s availability? Should I send dates/times for later this week or next week? 21:11:20 <Arkady_Kanevsky> i was epxecting htat we are doing it here 21:11:34 <shamail> Arkady_Kanevsky: It will be much easier via Zoom :) 21:11:42 <pchadwick> Either is fine for me. 21:11:45 <Arkady_Kanevsky> agree 21:11:47 <mrhillsman> same 21:12:12 <shamail> cool, how about MeganR, leong, heidijoy, GeraldK? 21:12:24 <leong> either way is fie 21:12:25 <MeganR> it will just depend on my schedule, but would like this week 21:12:25 <leong> fine 21:12:27 <GeraldK> just propose few dates on doodle 21:12:38 <shamail> Thanks 21:12:39 <MeganR> GeraldK +1 21:12:43 <heidijoy> +1 21:12:44 <shamail> I’ll do two dates this week and two next 21:12:48 <GeraldK> +1 21:13:06 <shamail> #action shamail to send out doodle poll for Tracker/FeatureTracker overview including dates for this week and next 21:13:20 <Arkady_Kanevsky> shamail, I specifically want to cover what the trackser should look like before gap analysis and aftre 21:13:27 <leong> i will probably help to do once for 'Regional Meeting' 21:13:40 <Arkady_Kanevsky> + leong 21:13:45 <Arkady_Kanevsky> +1 leong 21:13:50 <shamail> Sure thing Arkady_Kanevsky 21:13:56 <shamail> Thanks leong 21:14:09 <shamail> Okay moving on 21:14:18 <shamail> #topic PWG at Forum Event 21:14:40 <shamail> Carol and I had a conversation with Tom last week to discuss how the PWG could participate in Forum 21:15:06 <shamail> one of the options that we brainstormed was to help moderate some of the sessions that are cross-project/user need centric or strategic 21:15:29 <shamail> There seem to be three types of sessions that will be in the Forum: project specific, cross-project, and strategic 21:15:40 <shamail> Examples: 21:15:43 <Arkady_Kanevsky> I thought that we are missing Atlanta meeting. 21:15:55 <Arkady_Kanevsky> as a group 21:15:58 <shamail> project specific: nova team requesting feedback on recent changes and needed capabilities 21:16:03 <shamail> Arkady_Kanevsky: Forum will be in Boston 21:16:22 <leong> Arkady_Kanevsky: Forum, not PTG 21:16:29 <Arkady_Kanevsky> OK. termonology issue on my end. I still call it summit 21:16:31 <shamail> cross-project: sessions including both operators and developers on specific cross project specs or topics (e.g. scalability in OpenStack) 21:17:04 <leong> would "user stories" be discussed in the Forum? 21:17:18 <shamail> strategic: community level discussions on topics such as “what are the core needs OpenStack should deliver?”, “what are your expections of the TC, UC, etc?" 21:17:32 <shamail> leong: yes, but they would probably fall under the “cross project” track 21:17:49 <Arkady_Kanevsky> Is this part of PWG driving cross functional requirements? 21:18:03 <shamail> We discussed the possibility of PWG members helping moderate sessions or helping to build a standard moderation template to ensure we get uniform feedback 21:18:20 <Arkady_Kanevsky> That technical group asked? 21:18:26 <shamail> And if we have people that are subject-experts in a certain market or user need they could facilitate those sessions 21:18:43 <Arkady_Kanevsky> +1 shamail 21:18:54 <Arkady_Kanevsky> will be happy to help and moderate 21:18:57 <shamail> Arkady_Kanevsky: no, this aligns better with PWG helping to aggregate user needs and facilitate actionable outcomes from Forum 21:19:03 <pchadwick> How do we define "markets" 21:19:14 <shamail> verrrrry loosely 21:19:17 <pchadwick> Or more importantly prioritize them? 21:19:36 <shamail> I am using the term in broadly such as telco, enterprise, financials, healthcare, SMB, etc 21:19:58 <pchadwick> Could also be geo specific 21:20:04 <shamail> pchadwick: +1 21:20:24 <shamail> We wouldn’t necessarily prioritize them as the committee selecting the Forum sessions would make the schedule 21:20:40 <pchadwick> OK 21:20:46 <shamail> We could however influence by proposing sessions based on markets/geos represented on this team 21:21:21 <shamail> The key goal from the Forum is to have both users and developers participate and have good representation 21:21:25 <Arkady_Kanevsky> how do we snure that we generate a single requirement list of technical committee and now a reqs list per market? 21:21:42 <shamail> Would others on the team be willing to help moderate sessions or be more involved with Forum planning if the opportunity arises? 21:21:51 <Arkady_Kanevsky> PTG strength to prioritize across them and choose user story to drive it 21:22:04 <Arkady_Kanevsky> yes from me 21:22:12 <shamail> Thanks Arkady_Kanevsky 21:22:33 <shamail> I think we will have some additional work on determining the ideal outputs 21:23:01 <Arkady_Kanevsky> right. I want to make sure we define the goals and then dfeine a plan to get there. 21:23:11 <shamail> Are others up for this too? We don’t want sign-up our team unless we have folks to help :) 21:23:16 <MeganR> yes, I would be avail. to help moderate the sessions, really interested in a template for outcomes 21:23:29 <pchadwick> Tentative for me. 21:23:36 <shamail> Thank you 21:23:37 <leong> i can help to moderate as well.. 21:23:49 <shamail> Moving to the next topic 21:23:51 <shamail> #topic Gap Analysis - Template and Location in Repo 21:24:10 <shamail> GeraldK and leong do you want to lead this topic, I added it based on the email thread last week 21:24:13 <Arkady_Kanevsky> can ypou post a pointer to template? 21:24:33 <shamail> There is none currently 21:24:35 <shamail> ;) 21:24:45 <Arkady_Kanevsky> understand. 21:24:46 <GeraldK> there is the draft I had shared via email 21:24:54 <Arkady_Kanevsky> I owe gerald respond on it 21:24:55 <shamail> #link https://etherpad.opnfv.org/p/promise_gap_analysis 21:25:21 <GeraldK> this is the gap analysis for the capacity mgmt user story 21:25:54 <GeraldK> can someone put the link to the template pls. i am not in front of my work pc 21:26:08 <leong> and this is for bare metal user story. 21:26:08 <leong> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/bare_metal_service_gap_and_overlap_analysis 21:26:09 <shamail> Is that not the template GeraldK (the link I posted)? 21:26:45 <leong> suggestion is to create a common gap-analysis template and keep it in the repo 21:27:02 <shamail> leong and GeraldK +1 21:27:03 <GeraldK> shamail: no, the two links are the actual gap analysis documents 21:27:12 <GeraldK> let me get the link... 21:27:31 <leong> i believe geraldk drafted one: 21:27:32 <leong> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/template_gap_and_overlap_analysis 21:27:49 <leong> #link draft-gap-analysis-template - https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/template_gap_and_overlap_analysis 21:27:53 <shamail> Thanks leong 21:27:57 <GeraldK> thanks leong 21:28:18 <GeraldK> i have compiled this template based on the two gap analysis documents 21:28:29 <leong> the template looks ok in general...but we can remove the "priority" section as that will be included in the user-story-template 21:28:33 <GeraldK> wanted to discuss via etherpad first, then we can create the rst file for the repo 21:28:54 <shamail> Is this template for gaps analysis or is it covering both gaps analysis and implementation plan? 21:29:07 <GeraldK> so far only gap analysis. 21:29:09 <shamail> I see the section for patches which is usually the next step 21:29:16 <leong> can everyone take a look at the template and made suggestion by end of this friday? 21:29:26 <shamail> I see your comment now GeraldK (“Gerald: I would suggest to remove this section as this will be captured in the user story tracker”) 21:29:27 <GeraldK> according to the work flow, we first have to discuss the gaps with the projects then derive the implementation plan 21:29:36 <shamail> leong: +1 21:29:41 <shamail> GeraldK: +1 21:29:43 <GeraldK> so, i believe we should keep it separate 21:29:48 <shamail> I agree as well 21:29:54 <Arkady_Kanevsky> agree. implenentatoin is after we accept gap analysis 21:30:05 <leong> after friday, can geraldk summit a patch to include that template into the git repo? 21:30:17 <shamail> Implementation is what drives the population of the tracker with actual artifacts 21:30:25 <GeraldK> the "1. gap on the problem definition" is there for bare metal but was difficult to do for capacity mgmt 21:30:57 <GeraldK> do we need this section? 21:31:46 <GeraldK> on the ID in "2. gaps on user stories": should we update the user story template to ask for IDs for each user story? 21:32:20 <leong> isn't every story has a "problem definition"? 21:32:39 <pchadwick> GeraldK: +1 21:32:47 <shamail> Good point, I think that would make sense 21:32:50 <Arkady_Kanevsky> somehere we need to define each projects impacted and if sime reqs canont be mapped to any project(s) that become a candidate for new project 21:32:51 <leong> geraldk, i think all user story needs to be updated to includes "IDs" 21:32:58 <GeraldK> leong: yes. baremetal had a bullet list so it was easy to derive the gaps. in capacity mgmt we have running text so it is more difficult 21:33:40 <GeraldK> okay. so I will take your comments in the etherpad by Friday EOB and create a rst file 21:34:21 <Arkady_Kanevsky> prefer pull request route. Easier to see comments from all and progress 21:34:32 <Arkady_Kanevsky> thanks GrealdK 21:34:37 <leong> i think either bullet list or paragraph on the user-story-template is fine.. the gap-analysis is to identify the list of gaps out from the "problem statement" 21:34:51 <GeraldK> arkady: can you explain: pull request route? 21:34:55 <leong> if both can relates 1-1, that is best. if not, i think it is also fine. 21:36:21 <Arkady_Kanevsky> sumit pull request with draft of template. I can always find pull request in review but mus know exact etherpad 21:37:06 <GeraldK> arkady_kanevsky: okay. 21:37:17 <leong> if someone can't derive a gap from the user story problem statement, would that means the "problem statement" is not adequate?? 21:37:41 <shamail> I think this is a good discussion 21:38:10 <shamail> Let’s go with leong’s suggestion of providing feedback by this Friday and move towards a patch next week (RST format) 21:38:24 <Arkady_Kanevsky> +1 21:38:42 <leong> "problems statement" will leads to "gap", doesn't matter if the statement is written in paragraph or bullet list... 21:38:44 <leong> +1 shamail 21:38:57 <shamail> #action Please review gaps analysis template (https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/template_gap_and_overlap_analysis) and provide feedback by Friday 1/20 21:39:06 <shamail> moving on for now 21:39:16 <shamail> #topic Roadmap update/request 21:39:22 <shamail> heidijoy: do you want to cover this topic? 21:39:29 <GeraldK> leong: it might also lead to duplication as the gaps in the problem statement and the user stories will overlap 21:39:51 <heidijoy> Yes please! 21:39:56 <GeraldK> shamail: can we also have a look at the capacity mgmt user story first? 21:40:03 <heidijoy> We have a potential solution for the problem of trying to corral PTLs and produce videos that preview the next release’s major features (e.g. Mitaka Design Series videos). We have 32, 40-minute slots available to host the PTLs to each do a project update talk at the Boston Summit. The PWG could select which 32 projects to feature, and could propose a format for the PTLs’ slides to answer key questions (such as fo 21:40:28 <shamail> GeraldK: I’ll come back to it, sorry had already changed topics 21:40:36 <GeraldK> shamail: okay 21:41:24 <Arkady_Kanevsky> heidi do oyu have a list of 32 projects? 21:41:26 <shamail> heidijoy: your message got cut off 21:41:36 <pchadwick> Are the project update talks done in front of a live audience or is it in a studio? 21:41:45 <shamail> Arkady_Kanevsky: She would like for us to help select them 21:42:05 <heidijoy> Ideally the PTLs would present for 20 min and answer questions for 20 minutes. The resulting videos would be posted to the Project Navigator, YouTube & elsewhere. Would the PWG would like to steer this effort? (Heidi Joy will team captain the organization side - looking for your strategic input, particularly on which projects, presentation format, and prepping the PTLs in advance.) 21:42:16 <Arkady_Kanevsky> OK. we will select 32 project to interview. 21:42:42 <pchadwick> Not intending to be rude, but are there 32 projects that are worth doing this for? 21:43:04 <pchadwick> Worth = significant interest in community. 21:43:14 <heidijoy> @pchadwick I went through and there are 25 significant projects with community adoption 21:43:21 <pchadwick> Ok 21:43:36 <Arkady_Kanevsky> our CPL list only contains 20 21:43:41 <heidijoy> Also considering there are 60+ big tent projects, I would recommend we fill the remaining 7 slots with "emerging projects of interest" 21:43:44 <Arkady_Kanevsky> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/CrossProjectLiaisons#Product_Working_Group 21:44:13 <heidijoy> Or consider having a recently TC approved project that spawned from another project present with its parent project 21:44:25 <heidijoy> I have a list of suggested projects here: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/PTLupdatesBoston 21:44:30 <shamail> heidijoy: +1 21:44:52 <shamail> heidijoy: when would you need our feedback by on projects? 21:45:41 <heidijoy> I suggest we give feedback via the etherpad, wrap it up by the end of Jan? I'd like to extend invites no later than Feb. 5. It would be fine if we hadn't filled every slot by then, but most should be. 21:45:57 <shamail> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/PTLupdatesBoston 21:46:00 <shamail> heidijoy: +1 21:46:25 <shamail> #action Review/Add projects to PTL Updates etherpad by end of January (all) 21:46:35 <heidijoy> That's all for now, I'll also circulate this to the PWG ML. 21:46:54 <shamail> For the questions, we could use something similar to what we used for the Design Series 21:47:01 <shamail> thanks heidijoy! 21:47:05 <Arkady_Kanevsky> ehidi do oyu have a draft of slide template to fill? 21:47:13 <Arkady_Kanevsky> We can use frm last time. 21:47:28 <shamail> No slide to fill for now Arkady_Kanevsky 21:47:50 <shamail> We are just helping select projects and the questions for video interviews that will be scheduled in Boston 21:47:54 <heidijoy> I will have a draft template with the new branding, and will ask those who sign up on the etherpad to contribute to it 21:47:58 <pchadwick> Won't we want to guide the PTLs on the key items to cover? 21:48:01 <Arkady_Kanevsky> The slide we will ask PTL to fill in interview or us feeling from interview 21:48:15 <heidijoy> Yes exactly pchadwick 21:48:30 <shamail> We will pchadwick, I was just saying no resulting slide work necessary from it currently 21:48:33 <Arkady_Kanevsky> like key deliverables in Ocata, key areas for Pike... 21:48:40 <shamail> Arkady_Kanevsky: +1 21:48:47 <pchadwick> shamail: OK - thanks. 21:49:09 <shamail> Next up.... 21:49:13 <shamail> #topic review capacity management gaps analysis 21:49:16 <pchadwick> Is this part of the forum track or the main sessions? 21:49:33 <GeraldK> We have performed the gap analysis of the capacity mgmt user story with a focus on the reservation part that we had added to the user story. links to related specs/RFEs have been added. 21:49:39 <heidijoy> Main sessions 21:49:40 <GeraldK> #link https://etherpad.opnfv.org/p/promise_gap_analysis 21:49:43 <heidijoy> And video recorded 21:49:52 <pchadwick> hiedijoy: thanks 21:49:58 <heidijoy> But not part of the traditional CFP process 21:50:30 <GeraldK> will need also feedback/input especially from the others who had contributed to this user story 21:51:18 <GeraldK> once we have agreed on the template this can be converted into rst 21:51:43 <GeraldK> we have identified 3 related projects: Blazar, Nova, Neutron 21:53:05 <GeraldK> from previous chats with PTLs introducing such feature will require cross-project coordination and here PWG can be of help 21:53:54 <GeraldK> looking at the time, what about all checking this offline and commenting in the Etherpad? 21:54:01 <heidijoy> =1 21:54:03 <heidijoy> +1 21:54:08 <leong> +1 geraldk 21:54:09 <pchadwick> +1 21:54:23 <MeganR> +1 21:54:46 <GeraldK> when/where would be a good time/place to discuss this with the projects and to derive the implementation plan? 21:55:35 <heidijoy> @geraldk please sign up on the etherpad and I will follow up with you directly. I'll also post invitation to contribute on the PWG ML 21:57:04 <leong> heidijoy: geraldk is refering to user-story gap-analysis for capacity management 21:57:05 <GeraldK> thanks heidijoy 21:57:15 <heidijoy> oops sorry :-/ 21:57:22 <shamail> GeraldK: generally I would recommend scheduling a cross-project IRC meeting and advertising on the mailing list 21:57:29 <shamail> this will ensure you get proper coverage 21:57:48 <shamail> You can also look at the cross-project spec liaisons page and find the CPSLs for the needed projects and invite them 21:58:04 <shamail> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/CrossProjectLiaisons 21:58:13 <GeraldK> okay. if it's IRC, let's schedule it once we have incorporated your comments on the gap analysis 21:58:17 <Arkady_Kanevsky> do you have IRC for cross-project? 21:58:38 <shamail> You have to create one or just use the openstack-meeting-cp channel when its available 21:59:23 <Arkady_Kanevsky> I expected a permanent IRC you can join and chat and then scehdule one off as needed 21:59:38 <Arkady_Kanevsky> for x-project 22:00:36 <GeraldK> okay to use openstack-meeting-cp channel 22:00:43 <Arkady_Kanevsky> out of time. 22:00:53 <pchadwick> bye 22:00:57 <shamail> Take care all 22:00:59 <Arkady_Kanevsky> bye all 22:01:02 <shamail> #endmeeting