21:00:24 <leong> #startmeeting product_working_group 21:00:25 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Apr 24 21:00:24 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is leong. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:00:26 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 21:00:28 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'product_working_group' 21:00:33 <Arkady_Kanevsky> I will be on for the first 1/2 hour 21:00:41 <leong> #topic Rollcall 21:00:54 <shamail> Hi everyone 21:00:54 <GeraldK> o/ 21:00:56 <leong> let's get the ball rolling 21:01:08 <pchadwick> o/ 21:01:24 <leong> who is here for Product WG meeting? :) 21:01:46 <Arkady_Kanevsky> Arkady 21:01:46 <leong> #chair add shamail 21:01:47 <openstack> Warning: Nick not in channel: add 21:01:48 <openstack> Current chairs: add leong shamail 21:02:07 <shamail> :-) 21:02:13 <leong> today agenda can be found here: 21:02:19 <leong> #link Agenda: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/product-team 21:02:34 <leong> if you have any topics not listed in the agenda, feel free to bring it up! 21:02:57 <leong> in general, today we want to cover more around Boston Summit and Forum 21:03:05 <AndyU> o/ 21:03:28 <leong> any other agenda to add before i kick start the first one? 21:03:41 <Arkady_Kanevsky> For https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/PWG-forum-planning - do we need a volunteer for each session? 21:03:58 <Arkady_Kanevsky> Of it iwll be handled by user WG and only subset will fall on us. 21:04:24 <leong> #topic Boston Forum Planning 21:04:25 <Arkady_Kanevsky> We still need to convery to moderator about adding ## info. 21:04:43 <rockyg> o/ 21:04:58 <leong> FYI, for those who are not aware, the approved list of forum sessions can be found here: http://forumtopics.openstack.org 21:05:02 <shamail> #link https://www.openstack.org/summit/boston-2017/summit-schedule/#track=146 21:05:15 <shamail> This link is the online version of the accepted sessions for the Forum 21:05:20 <leong> as well as the link provided by shamail :) 21:05:28 <leong> +1 shamail 21:06:03 <leong> from the list of approved session, does anyone need help here? 21:06:14 <leong> especially those "moderator"? 21:06:34 <shamail> I am moderating https://www.openstack.org/summit/boston-2017/summit-schedule/events/18744/evolving-the-community-generated-roadmap with HeidiJoy 21:06:39 <leong> Arkady_Kanevsky: i will get back to your question real quick... 21:06:54 <shamail> We are good for this topic, I sent an email earlier today to invite TC and UC members 21:07:11 <leong> shamail: yes i saw that email ... 21:07:28 <AndyU> I plan to join that one 21:07:35 <rockyg> shamail, I could use help on the logging topics 21:07:46 <leong> i assume the rest of the moderator should also start "inviting" people to join the relevant sessions 21:08:12 <shamail> rockyg: I saw that you didn’t confirm “moderator” for that one yet… I am going to be sending a reminder tomorrow to those who haven’t responded yet. Do you need to find a new moderator? 21:08:51 <rockyg> No, I can moderate, but I'd love to have some backup there. 21:08:52 <leong> for moderator, we also encourage you to use the etherpad template 21:08:56 <AndyU> Rocky, Hank Greene (he was with us in Milan) would like to connect with you about the logging session 21:09:04 <leong> #link Forum Etherpad Template: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/BOS-forum-moderator-template 21:09:07 <shamail> Gotcha rockyg 21:09:34 <shamail> Thanks AndyU, rockyg seems like you there is someone willing to co-moderate :) 21:10:02 <rockyg> Excellent. Either give him my email, or give me his. Looks like we have lost some of our implementers. 21:10:23 <shamail> AndyU: Please copy me as well so I can have him added to the session 21:10:32 <AndyU> How about if i send an email to Hank & Rocky to make the introduction? He wants to connect with Rocky and work on the logging stuff 21:10:39 <rockyg> Thanks for the template link leong 21:10:56 <AndyU> ok, I'll include Shamail 21:11:13 <rockyg> Great! can use all the help I can get from somebody who understands the issues. 21:11:17 <leong> awesome 21:11:38 <AndyU> To be clear... I can't promise Hank will want to co-moderate (but probably) 21:11:50 <shamail> leong: The template looks great, I used it for the community roadmap session. I know the UC meeting was cancelled today but when you have time can you please reply to the email and let the UC members know about our template and plans? Once we notify the UC, we can forward it to the forum planning committee. 21:12:00 <rockyg> FYI, Doug Hellmann is working on a spec from a developer POV. I'll send out the link and some history to all interested. 21:12:12 <shamail> thanks rockyg 21:12:13 <leong> shamail: yes. i will do that after this meeting... 21:12:19 <shamail> leong: thanks 21:12:49 <leong> going back to Arkady's question: do we need a volunteer for each session? 21:13:12 <leong> Arkady_Kanevsky: i don't think we have enough manpower to cover every sessions 21:13:37 <Arkady_Kanevsky> agree. 21:13:40 <leong> there are nearly 70 forum sessions 21:14:04 <leong> i think that's part of the reason we propose to use the template and ##hashtag 21:14:12 <shamail> leong: Agreed, I think we just need to share the template and hashtag info 21:14:17 <Arkady_Kanevsky> Suggest we updated #hashtag guidance and send to each moderator for people to use in the session. 21:14:33 <leong> shamai: +1 21:14:38 <MeganR> will any of the forum sessions be recorded? 21:14:52 <Arkady_Kanevsky> Do we have enouhg from 04/13 page for it? 21:14:57 <leong> Arkady_Kanevsky: for #hashtag guidance, there is a short description in the Template 21:15:03 <shamail> good question, I don’t think so but I can double check and let everyone know 21:15:14 <shamail> they are similar to ops and design sessions which normally were not recorded 21:15:24 <leong> Arkady_Kanevsky:I don 21:15:29 <MeganR> that's what I figured, but thought I would ask :) 21:15:33 <leong> i don't get your question: Do we have enouhg from 04/13 page for it 21:15:37 <Arkady_Kanevsky> excellent. Thanks. 21:15:46 * leong hit the cr key too fast... 21:15:55 <Arkady_Kanevsky> Templates cover it. 21:16:21 <Arkady_Kanevsky> Who is going to send it to all moderators? Do we have email list for it? 21:16:38 <leong> #action Leong to email UC about Forum template and ##hashtag today 21:17:02 <Arkady_Kanevsky> Thanks Leong 21:17:23 <leong> Arkady_Kanevsky: once i email UC, i will forward to "forum planning committee" 21:17:44 <Arkady_Kanevsky> thanks 21:17:45 <leong> "forum planning committee" will then notify all moderators... 21:17:52 <leong> shamail: am i right? :) 21:19:12 <rockyg> having major IRC delays here. 14:15:46 was last message received. I will get the messages eventuallym, but expect me to ve very asynch. 21:20:33 <AndyU> Rocky, I just sent the email to you, Hank and Shamail about logging. 21:20:56 <leong> anything else for Forum sessions and preparation? 21:21:06 <leong> are we all clear on the template and ##hashtag 21:21:26 <leong> in case you are not aware, we listed down a few "suggested/recommended" ##hashtag 21:21:33 <shamail> leong: +1 21:21:39 <rockyg> thanks, AndyU 21:21:44 <leong> #link Hashtag definition: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/BOS-forum-hashtag-definition 21:22:11 <leong> those definition are also included in the "etherpad template" 21:22:57 <AndyU> In our planning meeting we discussed an email to provide a quick reminder/overview of what the Forum is for all participants. i think Melvin was looking into that 21:23:52 <AndyU> I'm finding that many people (despite heroic efforts) still do not know what the Forum is, why, what to expect, how to pre-plan, etc 21:24:47 <leong> AndyU: i didn't recall that one? Is that something expecting from PWG? 21:24:48 <Arkady_Kanevsky> +1 AndyU 21:25:26 <Arkady_Kanevsky> need to drop. Will stay in the meteing to read later 21:25:29 <leong> I presume Tom/Forum-Planning-Committee will do that? and Shamail and Melvin also in that committee? 21:25:46 <rockyg> Yah. Transparency ain't great. I think because *nobod6y* is real clear on what is is/could be 21:26:04 <AndyU> Tips for moderators and participants might also be good. things like how to find the etherpad, review it, add items to it, reach out to people you want to attend and ask them to come, look for related presentations and reach out to speakers, ask speakers to mention the forum session, etc. 21:27:10 <AndyU> @Leong - we talked about it 4/20 and Melvin seemed to be taking notes, but no specific action items I think 21:28:13 <leong> ok.. you mean adding list of forum's session etherpads and instructions for moderators? 21:28:51 <leong> i will check with Tom/forum-committee 21:29:35 <shamail> What’s the question? 21:29:50 <leong> shamail: Tips for moderators and participants might also be good. things like how to find the etherpad, review it, add items to it, reach out to people you want to attend and ask them to come, look for related presentations and reach out to speakers, ask speakers to mention the forum session, etc 21:30:06 <leong> shamail: I presume Tom/Forum-Planning-Committee will do that? 21:30:12 <AndyU> instructions, tips, etc., but maybe one targeted at moderators and another as part of a general message about the Forum for everyone 21:30:14 <shamail> Yeah, spending this week making sure we have moderators for sessions 21:30:29 <AndyU> just a suggestion :-) 21:30:32 <shamail> next step is to enable moderators, which would be when we do all those things 21:30:40 <shamail> similar to ops meetup prep 21:31:04 <rockyg> Tom has a moderator's wiki page to point folks at. There was a youtube made about a year ago, too. 21:31:44 <leong> #link Forum wiki page: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Forum 21:32:17 <leong> #link List of Forum sessions: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Forum/Boston2017 21:33:23 <AndyU> Yep, good resources. 21:33:27 <shamail> good links 21:33:43 <leong> ok.. anything else to discuss for Boston Forum ? 21:34:27 <leong> #topic Boston BoF 21:34:47 <leong> The BoF date/time is: Wednesday, May 10, 5:20pm-6:00pm 21:34:57 <AndyU> I'm just guessing that less than 1% of attendees know what an ops meetup is like. They probably have no experience to draw from to really get a sense for what the Forum sessions are supposed to be like. Moderators are probably fine. Thinking of general attendees 21:35:26 <leong> Shamail wil be moderating the BoF now 21:35:47 <shamail> that will be a general growing pain AndyU, first forum… 21:36:01 <AndyU> true 21:36:08 <leong> AndyU: yes.. the community is learning..:) 21:36:09 <shamail> developers and ops will know the format but users will experience it for the first time. 21:36:14 <shamail> There is an intro session on the first day 21:36:39 <leong> shamail: anything to discuss for the BoF? 21:36:40 <AndyU> oh that's right. That's good! 21:36:51 <shamail> #link https://www.openstack.org/summit/boston-2017/summit-schedule/events/18793/forum-101-previously-design-summit-101 21:37:08 <shamail> leong: working on the deck this week, I hope to have it ready for team review by next meeting 21:37:25 <leong> shamail: awesome, thanks, let me know if need help. 21:37:31 <shamail> thanks 21:37:44 <leong> #topic PWG Boston Working Session 21:37:56 <leong> The PWG working session date/time is: Wed 10 , 2:40pm-3:20pm 21:38:13 <shamail> #info New PWG working session date/time is: Wed 10 , 2:40pm-3:20pm 21:38:19 <leong> Please note the "time changed" in case you previously saved that in your calendar 21:38:37 <AndyU> The working session originally conflicted with LCOO's. Now they're been adjusted to follow each other. 21:39:03 <leong> i think both are now in the same room... 21:39:46 <leong> #link PWG Boston Working Session: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/PWG_Session_May2017_BOS 21:40:19 <leong> this is the etherpad that we created previously.. i am wondering if we should also adopt the "forum template" :) 21:40:28 <AndyU> Might present an opportunity for PWG to help LCOO find focus 21:41:16 <leong> we only have 40 mins for the working session, if you have any agenda, please add to it.. 21:41:22 <GeraldK> leong: +1 21:41:27 <shamail> leong: +1 21:41:32 <GeraldK> for adopting the template 21:41:46 <leong> i will change that then :-) 21:41:57 <leong> meanwhile if you have any agenda, please add to it.. 21:42:20 <leong> we need to make the best use of 40-mins for things that need F2F discussion 21:42:48 <leong> #action leong to update the PWG Working Session etherpad to "forum template" 21:43:39 <leong> one key topic of discussion in the Working Session is the "post-forum analysis" 21:44:59 <leong> #action all please suggest agenda for Working Session, especially topics that need F2F discussion 21:45:25 <leong> let's move on to next topic.... :) 21:45:32 <leong> #topic Roadmap 21:45:52 <leong> #info Roadmap session: Monday, May 8, 2:50pm-3:30pm 21:46:50 <leong> #link Community roadmap session: https://www.openstack.org/summit/boston-2017/summit-schedule/events/17775/whats-going-on-in-openstack-learn-about-the-community-generated-roadmap 21:47:27 <shamail> HeidiJoy has sent out a questionnaire to PTLs and we have recieved a few responses already… she has been converting the responses into slide format. We will leverage the slides she is creating to build the roadmap. 21:47:40 <shamail> pchadwick said that he has availability to help with the creation as well… 21:47:59 <leong> AndyU also mentioned to me that he would like to help... :) 21:48:03 * pchadwick still says that 21:48:06 <shamail> Kenny won’t be at the summit so I am going to update the presenters to HeidiJoy, pchadwick, and I is everyone is okay with that 21:48:20 <leong> shamail: +1 21:48:25 <pchadwick> +1 21:48:36 <shamail> I think at this point, we will need help after the summit when we use the project updates to build the roadmap refresh following the summit. 21:48:53 <rockyg> +1 21:49:08 <shamail> The short runway at this point probably works best to just churn through the updates… I will make sure to include everyone on the draft for feedback/analysis and suggestions 21:49:33 <AndyU> At the mid-cycle there was talk of also asking for a production readiness assessment, like should something be considered 'beta'. Will that be included? 21:49:54 <leong> shamail: maybe that can be a quick discussion for Working Session agenda? 21:50:03 <shamail> not in this release AndyU, we will bring that up in the “evolving the community generated roadmap" 21:50:12 <AndyU> And YES, I would like to help ;-) 21:50:21 <AndyU> ok just wondering 21:50:41 <shamail> You should def. be there as we will be sharing the recommendations we put together at the midcycle with the broader community to see which changes everyone agrees with 21:51:03 <AndyU> I definitely plan to join 21:51:07 <shamail> thanks AndyU 21:51:29 <leong> #link Evolving Community Generaged Roadmap forum session: https://www.openstack.org/summit/boston-2017/summit-schedule/events/18744/evolving-the-community-generated-roadmap 21:51:30 <shamail> That’s all I have on the roadmap at this point. 21:51:37 <leong> shamail: thanks 21:51:49 <leong> #topic Progress of renaming user-story to development proposal 21:52:07 <leong> i think we had made some good progress to rephase the term 21:52:13 <rockyg> I think it's done 21:52:15 <shamail> leong: +1 21:52:25 <rockyg> Although, now we should verify 21:52:27 <leong> and thanks all for the help! 21:52:37 <AndyU> well done 21:52:49 <leong> there are still few minor changes need to be updated/tweaked 21:52:52 <rockyg> Thanks, leonnng 21:53:17 <leong> #link latest repo: https://github.com/openstack/development-proposals 21:53:18 <GeraldK> I guess after the update of the repo, we may need to do some final changes in the Wiki. I could check tomorrow 21:53:44 <leong> existing changes need to rebase and align with the changes (e.g. directory structure changes) 21:54:11 <leong> geraldk: awesome! thanks for checking that :-) 21:54:34 <shamail> Thanks GeraldK 21:54:38 <GeraldK> #action Gerald to check Wiki for updates links to new repo 21:54:51 <leong> #action GeraldK will review the wiki for the user-story/development-proposal rephrased 21:55:08 <leong> lol... thanks geraldk 21:55:24 <AndyU> readme.rst: "The rendered user stories are available in OpenStack User Stories." ;-) 21:55:35 <leong> good catch AndyU 21:55:40 <shamail> low-hanging-fruit :) 21:55:53 <AndyU> the tastiest 21:56:05 <leong> #info to be changed: readme.rst: "The rendered user stories are available in OpenStack User Stories." 21:56:19 <leong> great work team! 21:56:33 <leong> #topic Open 21:56:37 * shamail sneaks out… has another meeting in 4 min 21:56:41 <leong> 4 mins left for opens :) 21:56:44 <AndyU> just need to update the file in general; minor stuff 21:57:15 <leong> btw, i will be submitting a presentation to OpenStack Days China to talk about Product WG, in mandarin 21:57:32 <leong> #info OpenStack Days China (July 24-25, Beijing) : http://openstackdaychina.org/ 21:57:38 <MeganR> long: that's fantastic! 21:57:43 <AndyU> I want the youtube link when you're done 21:57:50 <leong> i hope that can draw more membership/participants from other regional countries 21:57:55 <AndyU> Awesome :-) 21:58:33 <leong> anyone any open? 21:59:19 <leong> looks like we are good? 21:59:26 <AndyU> +1 21:59:48 <leong> thank you all! 21:59:57 <MeganR> thank you! 22:00:07 <leong> #endmeeting