21:00:12 <leong> #startmeeting product_working_group 21:00:13 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Oct 9 21:00:12 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is leong. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:00:14 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 21:00:17 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'product_working_group' 21:00:45 <leong> #topic Rollcall 21:01:02 <leong> hi.. anyone here for product team meeting? 21:01:39 <MeganR> Hi 21:01:44 <leong> hi MeganR 21:01:57 <leong> hi rockyg 21:02:36 <leong> let's wait for a few more mins.. so far i have MeganR, rockyg and myself 21:02:45 <leong> Shamail is off today 21:03:01 <rockyg> Hey! 21:03:29 <MeganR> good for Shamail - nice to know someone is off, rather than the kiddos! 21:04:11 <leong> #link Agenda: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/product-team 21:04:21 <leong> the above link is today agenda 21:05:50 <leong> looks like very quite today... 21:06:43 <leong> rockyg: any plan for the sydney summit? 21:07:16 <rockyg> Still not sure whether I'll be there or not. Need to talk to my management this week.... 21:08:08 <rockyg> right now I'm fighting a cold, so right now, I'd rather not be there.... 21:08:17 <leong> ok.. i presume that there will be very less people at Sydney... 21:08:24 <Arkady_Kanevsky> hello 21:08:26 <leong> hi Arkady_Kanevsky 21:08:59 <leong> Arkady_Kanevsky: do you have any update/follow-up from the midcycle action items? 21:09:11 <leong> #topic Follow up virtual midcycle action item 21:09:23 <leong> #link PWG midcyle :https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/VIR-pwg-meetup-2017q3 21:09:46 <Arkady_Kanevsky> I have responses from Meta team on 3 suggestions from us 21:09:57 <pchadwick> Hi all - sorry I'm late. 21:10:26 <Arkady_Kanevsky> first they do no thvae a process in SIGs yest on tracking and creating requirements. 21:11:04 <leong> hi pchadwick 21:11:37 <leong> Arkady_Kanevsky: looks like the meta-sig is open to adopt the PWG process 21:12:07 <Arkady_Kanevsky> this, we can propose our method for maintaining features/development requirements proposals 21:12:44 <leong> Arkady_Kanevsky: sounds good to me 21:12:57 <Arkady_Kanevsky> second, they like idea idea about a single place to drive feature/requirement proposal for all SIGs/WGs so they are visible to all other SIGs and WGs. 21:12:57 <leong> we should convey that message at the META SIG at Sydney Forum 21:13:06 <leong> Arkady_Kanevsky: would you be at Sydney? 21:13:10 <Arkady_Kanevsky> But we will need to write and present it to them, 21:13:13 <rockyg> ++ 21:13:20 <Arkady_Kanevsky> Yes, I will be at sydney. 21:14:11 <Arkady_Kanevsky> For #3 - 3. For the requirements that are driven by the SIG do you have a process defined on how to track progress and success? 21:14:34 <Arkady_Kanevsky> This is too far down their current list of things to do. 21:15:12 <Arkady_Kanevsky> SO I propose we consolidtaed our thinking into presentation proposals and present #1, and @ to them. 21:15:25 <Arkady_Kanevsky> @ -> #2 21:15:27 <leong> i think we should have the material for (1) and (2) 21:15:40 <leong> can we present the "PWG worklofw" for (1) 21:15:45 <Arkady_Kanevsky> I think so. DO you know where we have it? 21:15:51 <leong> and show our git repo for (2) 21:16:25 <Arkady_Kanevsky> will be happy to present it at sydney if somebody helps me to create presentation. 21:16:28 <leong> this? --> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/ProductTeam/Development_Proposals#Development_Proposal_Workflow 21:16:45 <Arkady_Kanevsky> I can talk to Melvin and Thierry to get me on agenda for SIG. 21:17:10 <leong> Shamail might have an existing decks to present/show the workflow 21:17:18 <Arkady_Kanevsky> I have the wiki part, bud do we have presentation that we can update for sydney? 21:17:59 <leong> Arkady_Kanevsky: can you ping shamail, i think he has a slide deck for that 21:18:23 <Arkady_Kanevsky> will do it now. 21:18:44 <leong> #action Arkady_Kanevsky to check with shamail on any slidedecsk to present/explain PWG workflow 21:19:13 <leong> #topic Sydney Plan 21:19:39 <leong> Arkady_Kanevsky: wondering if can also co-lead the Working Session and BoF 21:19:53 <rockyg> Agreed. There was a preso. Should just need updating. Also, Should take a look at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Mf8OAyTzZxCKzYHMgBl-QK_2-XSycSkOjqCyMTIedkA/edit#gid=0 21:20:33 <rockyg> That google spreadsheet was generated by the public cloud group. So, a way to collect the info and then we should demo how to move it to proposals... 21:22:00 <leong> that's a long list :) 21:22:28 <leong> some of them seems like a bug, though many can be converted to a Dev Proposal 21:22:34 <rockyg> Uh, yeah. ;-) 21:22:42 <Arkady_Kanevsky> I can do these. Do you have time for them? Do I need to add my name to the agenda for them? 21:22:51 <leong> rockyg: would you be able to be the "PWG liason" to Public Cloud ? 21:23:13 <rockyg> Maybe we can use spreadsheets like this to get other sigs to identify gaps 21:23:19 <leong> Arkady_Kanevsky: i will send an email to Foundation to add your name to the Summit Schedule 21:23:22 <rockyg> And, yeah. I think I can. 21:23:32 <leong> rockyg: cool 21:23:43 <leong> #agreed: rockyg will be the PWG liason for Public Cloud 21:24:21 <leong> there is a Forum session proposed for Public Cloud gaps: http://forumtopics.openstack.org/cfp/details/28 21:24:43 <Arkady_Kanevsky> Do we have similar gap analysis spreadsheets for other SIGs? 21:25:26 <Arkady_Kanevsky> do oyu have a pointer to Prodct WG session, and BOF for summit? 21:25:28 <leong> there seems to have few more SIG "forming"... 21:26:02 <leong> would be best to communicate with "META" SIG so that such "process" can be channeled down to newly form SIG 21:26:06 <leong> and existing SIG 21:26:11 <Arkady_Kanevsky> yes - https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/OpenStack_SIGs 21:26:56 <Arkady_Kanevsky> agree. let me send email to META SIG for 2 agenda items for sydney. 21:27:27 <leong> thansk Arkady_Kanevsky 21:31:14 <leong> btw, i still have the AR to prepare for voice/dial-in bridge for Sydney remote participation 21:31:29 <leong> does anyone here has a zoom account? 21:31:36 <leong> or i can reach out to Melvin... :-) 21:32:05 <MeganR> sorry, no Zoom acct. 21:32:22 <rockyg> I've got zoom 21:32:54 <rockyg> as does melvin 21:33:21 <rockyg> might be able to get an ATT bridge, too. 21:33:27 <leong> rockyg: can you create a zoom session? 21:33:31 <Arkady_Kanevsky> email to META sig sent 21:33:37 <leong> Arkady_Kanevsky: thanks 21:34:10 <Arkady_Kanevsky> email to email to shamail for workflow presentation sent also 21:34:33 <leong> rockyg: PWG Working Session is on Tuesday, November 7, 10:50am-11:30am (Sydney timezone) 21:34:43 <leong> #link PWG Working Session: https://www.openstack.org/summit/sydney-2017/summit-schedule/events/20411/product-working-group-wg 21:35:12 <rockyg> OK. I'll see if I can reserve and post.... 21:36:38 <rockyg> After I'm back on the corporate network. I'll send out to leong and maybe you can add the info to the description of the session? 21:37:01 <leong> rockyg: thanks very much 21:38:19 <leong> anything else we want to discuss about Sydney? 21:39:33 <leong> #topic Open 21:39:37 <leong> anyone has open? 21:39:52 <Arkady_Kanevsky> We need to review progress of midcycle in Sydney 21:40:10 <Arkady_Kanevsky> Do we have BOF schedule for sydney? 21:40:18 <leong> Arkady_Kanevsky: yes 21:40:30 <leong> #link BoF: https://www.openstack.org/summit/sydney-2017/summit-schedule/events/20412/product-working-group-bof 21:40:57 <Arkady_Kanevsky> perfect. thanks. Let me add it to my calendar 21:42:36 <leong> cool 21:42:50 <leong> anything else for today? 21:43:39 <Arkady_Kanevsky> none from me 21:43:45 <rockyg> nope 21:43:50 <leong> ok.. thanks everyone for attending... 21:43:56 <leong> have a great week ahead! 21:43:58 <rockyg> Have a good week! 21:44:02 <leong> #endmeeting