21:05:17 <ttx> #startmeeting project 21:05:17 <dhellmann> mikal, ttx : yeah, I didn't even know I was supposed to ask 21:05:18 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Jun 24 21:05:17 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ttx. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:05:18 <mikal> I am not here. I am in a cloud of annoyed. 21:05:19 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 21:05:20 <jgriffith> o/ 21:05:22 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'project' 21:05:23 <ttx> Sorry for the lateness 21:05:32 <mikal> Ok fine, I'm here 21:05:38 <ttx> damn TC cahir can't keep meeting on rails 21:05:41 <ttx> chair* 21:05:43 <SlickNik> lol 21:05:44 <ttx> Agenda for today is available at: 21:05:47 <ttx> #link http://wiki.openstack.org/Meetings/ProjectMeeting 21:05:48 <mikal> ttx: yeah, _that_guy_ 21:05:59 <ttx> #topic News from the 1:1 sync points 21:06:03 <ttx> See log at: 21:06:07 <ttx> #link http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/ptl_sync/2014/ptl_sync.2014-06-24-08.01.html 21:06:13 <therve> o/ 21:06:27 <ttx> Juno-2 plans look relatively good, thanks to autokick.py invaluable contribution to clarity 21:06:34 <mikal> ttx: I feel like we should tell people to hold off on proposing dedicated sections for their things until the TC is finished arguing 21:06:51 <ttx> mikal: we can parallelize 21:07:06 <ttx> #topic Other program news 21:07:11 <ttx> Infra, QA, Docs... anything you'd like to mention ? 21:07:45 <mtreinish> ttx: we started running some tempest jobs on trusty today 21:08:02 <mtreinish> seems to be working well so far 21:08:02 <eglynn> mtreinish: as an experiment? 21:08:05 <mestery> mtreinish: Yay! 21:08:08 <eglynn> mtreinish: ... or in anger? 21:08:09 <ttx> mikal: we just need to have 1:1 discussions over those topics over the week, not just all at once in a one-hour slot 21:08:12 <SlickNik> mtreinish: nice! 21:08:34 <mtreinish> eglynn: as the first step in migrating over. I think they're in the check queue 21:08:42 <eglynn> mtreinish: "in anger" == voting? 21:08:44 <eglynn> mtreinish: cool 21:08:45 <mtreinish> clarkb has been doing all the work 21:08:49 <mtreinish> eglynn: yeah they're voting 21:08:54 <eglynn> clarkb: kudos! 21:09:16 * eglynn looks forward to the happy day when ceilo gates against mongodb :) 21:09:39 <clarkb> eglynn: well it does gate against mongodb on cetnos6 right? 21:09:50 <clarkb> eglynn: also pecan is guinea pigging for you and will run ceilometer tests on trusty 21:09:51 <eglynn> clarkb: not py27 or tempest 21:10:00 <eglynn> clarkb: but yeah, jut py26 units 21:10:04 <eglynn> *just 21:10:11 <clarkb> that should happen real soon now then we can expand to the rest of ceilometer 21:10:19 <eglynn> clarkb: excellent! :) 21:11:00 <ttx> ok, anything else ? 21:11:25 <mtreinish> nothing from me 21:11:44 <ttx> #topic Common spec proposal/approval deadlines 21:11:54 <ttx> As was predicted, -specs review represents a lot of work 21:11:56 <dhellmann> I'm anticipating markmc releasing a new version of oslo.messaging soon, so heads-up on that 21:12:11 <ttx> nova wins with a specs backlog of 154 21:12:17 <ttx> I still think design up-front will ultimately result in less wasted effort 21:12:28 <ttx> But as we get closer to feature freeze (juno-3) there will be a point in time where stuff under spec review can't possibly make it into Juno 21:12:35 <ttx> And reviewing specs after that point will be a distraction from Juno work 21:12:39 <mikal> We're going to try a specs review day tomorrow to see if that helps 21:12:44 <ttx> So we discussed today the idea of a Juno spec proposal deadline 21:12:51 <ttx> It would come a few weeks before a Juno spec approval deadline 21:12:59 <mikal> ttx: did you see my email to openstack-dev with nova's proposed dates for such a thing? 21:13:00 <ttx> which would come before the Feature proposal Freeze (the deadline for proposing implementation code for review) 21:13:03 <ttx> mikal: yes 21:13:07 <ttx> which in itself comes before Feature freeze (September 4) 21:13:15 <ttx> The question is, which projects are interested in following that, and is there convergence on dates (or is each project using different dates) 21:13:18 <therve> ttx, Sounds like a lot of process... 21:13:27 <ttx> Personally I think SpecApprovalDeadline (SAD) should be at least 3 weeks before FPF, so before July 31 21:13:34 <ttx> And SpecProposalDeadline (SPD) at least two weeks before that, so before July 17 21:13:37 <ttx> mikal proposed for Nova: July 3 for SPD, July 10 for SAD 21:13:51 <ttx> therve: it might not make sense for smaller projects 21:13:51 <mikal> We had a bit of a balancing act 21:14:00 <ttx> mikal: One week between the two might not be long enough to give them a chance 21:14:00 <mikal> We wanted to have those earlier, but have left it too late 21:14:06 <eglynn> I was think July 11th as SAD for ceilo, so similar 21:14:07 <ttx> mikal: Also you could use the meetup for a quick approval round 21:14:17 <ttx> therve: I like the SAD acronym though 21:14:20 <mikal> Yeah, we can use the exceptions process to handle some of the fail here 21:14:20 <mestery> I'm good with the same dates as mikal has selected. 21:14:24 <mikal> And learn from the experience 21:14:29 <mestery> mikal: +1 21:14:44 <markwash> mikal: +1 21:14:49 <mikal> The only contentious point seems to be when we open K specs 21:14:51 <therve> ttx, Smelling a great slogan :) 21:15:06 <mikal> Which is somethign I'm a little uncomfortable with dictating too closesly given I might not be the K PTL 21:15:12 <ttx> mestery: do you think one week between proposal and approval will let you review/approve stuff proposed before SPD? 21:15:18 <mestery> For K specs, the neutron drivers team is going to start putting -2 on specs we know won't land in Juno. 21:15:37 <mestery> ttx: It's a bit tight, but I like the shorter gap, it forces the issue in some cases. 21:15:37 <dhellmann> For oslo, we're going to hold off on setting firm deadlines and judge submissions when they come. We aren't seeing a lot of specs now, and if something good comes in we might just approve it for K. We try to be in sync, but tend to run ahead of the other projects to allow syncing or adoption, so if we cut things off too early we're going to have huge bits of unused time in the schedule. 21:15:44 <mikal> mestery: for ones previously approved, or those in flight, or both? 21:16:11 <ttx> so maybe it only makes sense for neutron and nova 21:16:13 <mestery> mikal: In flight which are proposed but not approved, and new submissions after the SAD. 21:16:16 <jgriffith> mikal: honestly my policy on that is when K opens up 21:16:18 <ttx> they are the only ones with a huge backlog 21:16:21 <therve> The spec deadline makes for a short calendar. That's like half of the year where you can't land specs 21:16:31 <dolphm> mestery: like, -2 pending re-proposal against a k* directory? 21:16:38 <mestery> dolphm: Correct. 21:16:47 <mikal> therve: well, for nova its about not distracting cores from reviewing patches at certain points in the cycle 21:16:56 <mikal> We want to set the expectation that we're busy elsewhere 21:17:06 <mestery> At the start of K, we'll wipe the specs repo clean and start fresh, at least that was my thinking. Things which were not approved need to be re-proposed. 21:17:15 <eglynn> why the -2 if there's a separate k* directory in the specs repo? 21:17:18 <mikal> mestery: we talked about that too, we're also going to unmerge approved things which never had code proposed 21:17:18 <jgriffith> mestery: _1 21:17:23 <dolphm> mestery: as long as things can land in the K dir during juno development, that sounds totally reasonable ++ 21:17:24 <jgriffith> err.. +1 21:17:46 <therve> mikal, I understand. It'd be nice to be able to say "your spec looks good, but you can only propose the patch in release+1" 21:17:50 <therve> which blueprints allowed 21:17:51 <jgriffith> dolphm: I think trying to plan out to K right now is sort of a waste of my time 21:17:53 <mestery> eglynn: That's another way of doing it, but I'd like to hold off on adding hte K directory as long as possible, I tend to agree with mikal's reasoning on the distraction thing. 21:17:59 <jgriffith> in terms of a spec at least 21:18:05 <eglynn> mestery: fair enough 21:18:17 <mikal> People can always be writing their rst file in their homedir for a week or two 21:18:22 <mikal> I don't think its a super big deal 21:18:28 <mestery> mikal: Agreed 21:18:35 <dolphm> therve: s/propose/have considered for merging/ 21:18:57 <ttx> jgriffith: what's cinder take on this ? You're hit with a lot of specs too 21:19:00 <dolphm> therve: or seriously consider as a release blocker 21:19:15 <jgriffith> ttx: I liked the two weeks out from submission freeze 21:19:36 <jgriffith> ttx: and like I said, I'm inclined to ignore anything K related until midway through J3 21:19:43 <therve> dolphm, I guess my question is if we could distinguish specs merged into master with specs approved 21:19:49 <therve> Maybe that defeats the purpose 21:19:54 <jgriffith> ttx: I alredy know there will be exceptions 21:20:08 <jgriffith> so I'd rather plan on it and make it "harder" after mid July 21:20:36 <jgriffith> therve: merged are approved... I'm confused? 21:20:51 <jgriffith> therve: you want a long term db to look at? 21:21:05 <eglynn> jgriffith: merged in juno dir == approved, or? 21:21:21 <jgriffith> eglynn: that just puts us backin the mess of LP IMO 21:21:31 <therve> jgriffith, Yeah that's my point, we used to have more states with blueprints. 21:21:41 <jgriffith> the beauty of the specs for me is tracking and organization as well as detail 21:21:46 <ttx> OK, so it looks like only a few projects would use that 21:21:50 <jgriffith> therve: and I think that was *bad* 21:21:51 <ttx> I hear nova and neutron 21:21:58 <eglynn> jgriffith: fair point, though the overhead of proposing/landing a specs patch sets the bar significantly higher? 21:22:05 <jgriffith> therve: chaos... look at al the "zombie" BP's out there 21:22:14 <jgriffith> eglynn: true 21:22:15 <eglynn> (as opposed to a drive-by filing on LP) 21:22:22 <therve> jgriffith, Well nova spec backlog doesn't look great to me :) 21:22:25 <ttx> so i propose each project announces its own date and deadlines 21:22:36 <jgriffith> eglynn: but I'm not convinced with rapid pace of change etc it's worth my time to deal with things that are 3+ months out 21:22:39 <mestery> ttx: +1 21:22:48 <eglynn> ttx: subsidiarity, me likee! :) 21:22:52 <jgriffith> ttx: sigh 21:22:53 <mikal> therve: I think its great 21:22:57 <ttx> and we'll look at it at the end of the cycle and see if we try to make it converged next time or not 21:22:59 <jgriffith> ttx: probably the right answer 21:23:00 <eglynn> jgriffith: that's fair 21:23:02 <therve> ttx, °1 21:23:02 <mikal> therve: we're being more honest about how much we think we can get done 21:23:05 <jgriffith> but means I'll be taking some flack again :) 21:23:15 <mikal> therve: and we're designing things before we argue in code reviews for the implementation or roll it back 21:23:23 <ttx> jgriffith: blame nova for it ? 21:23:27 <mikal> therve: _and_ we're finally letting operators have a say 21:23:32 <jgriffith> ttx: my new motto ;) 21:23:32 <mikal> I don't think its slower at all 21:23:41 <therve> mikal, Fair enough. Heat clearly doesn't have that problem, so it's hard to imagine being in your shoes 21:23:42 <mikal> It just feels that way because we're setting people's expectations better 21:23:49 <jgriffith> eglynn: yeah.. part of this is I want to se how specs works out for a full ccle 21:23:52 <jgriffith> cycle 21:24:12 <ttx> I don't think it's slower. We are building a longer pipeline, so it takes time before things are aligned to it properly 21:24:18 <dolphm> ttx: as long as we keep all the dates in a single wiki page / etherpad or something, so projects that want to settle on a single date can do so? if projects have a reason to deviate, that seems fair... but less than ideal 21:24:23 <jgriffith> ttx: +1 21:24:31 <ttx> but then I'd expect things will flow better IN the new pipeline 21:24:31 <eglynn> jgriffith: yep, exactly, it's a learning process for all 21:24:35 <jgriffith> the good thing I'm seeing is that specs actually lead to implemented code 21:24:37 <ttx> with less wated effort overall 21:24:41 <ttx> wasted* 21:24:51 <jgriffith> as opposed to willy-nilly bp's that never get acted on 21:25:18 <ttx> dolphm: hmm, would you be interested in it ? 21:25:23 <jgriffith> therve: eglynn actually... that's an interesting point maybe 21:25:38 <jgriffith> therve: eglynn still submit a bp.... submit spec during window 21:25:38 <eglynn> the devs have to start to see the pay-off from the process as well /methinks 21:25:41 <ttx> I can document them all in the juno release schedule 21:25:48 <jgriffith> spec controls targetting so I'm happy that way 21:25:52 <eglynn> (before they *fully* buy into it) 21:25:58 <ttx> if you keep me in the lop 21:26:01 <ttx> loop* 21:26:22 <jgriffith> ttx: "lop" isn't that the sound I hear when my head falls off 21:26:42 <ttx> no, that's "bop" 21:26:46 <jgriffith> ha 21:26:49 <dolphm> ttx: interested in deviating? 21:27:05 <ttx> dolphm: no, interested in SPD/SAD in the first place 21:27:09 <dolphm> ttx: oh, yes. 21:27:23 <ttx> oh ok. It felt like it was a nova-neutron discussion here 21:27:36 <eglynn> so I thinking part of the documentation of this process should emphasize the *direct* benefits to devs 21:27:58 <ttx> +cinder although I have difficulty to parse "I liked the two weeks out from submission freeze" 21:28:08 <eglynn> otherwise it appears as a Kafkaesque maze to some ;) 21:28:15 <ttx> eglynn: ok, will document them all 21:28:22 * ttx needs to docuemtn RequirementsFreeze anyway 21:28:26 <eglynn> ttx: thank you sir! 21:28:28 <ttx> so i'll go on a wiki rampage 21:28:44 <ttx> once they are all documented i'll ML thread the thing 21:28:46 * mestery gest out of ttx's way. 21:28:46 <eglynn> LOL :) 21:29:00 <eglynn> excellent! 21:29:04 <ttx> #action ttx to document SPD/SAD as optyional steps 21:29:31 <jgriffith> ttx: sorry... to clarify freeze spec submit/approve 1-2 weeks out from feature freeze 21:29:31 <ttx> #action ttx to then start a ML thread about proposed dates and potential convergence 21:29:47 <ttx> #action ttx to document resultig dates to the Juno release schedule page 21:29:53 <jgriffith> to ease confusion I'm going to "blame" nova and do whatever mikal does :) 21:30:08 <ttx> sounds like a plan 21:30:15 <ttx> famous last words on this topic ? 21:30:30 <dolphm> actually, we talked about a SAD for each *milestone* for keystone 21:30:30 <mikal> LOL 21:31:00 <mestery> dolphm: That's a lot of SADness. :) 21:31:13 <ttx> mestery: you said it 21:31:17 <ttx> #topic sahara-to-horizon merge 21:31:21 <ttx> SergeyLukjanov: around? 21:31:21 <dolphm> yeah, but making the pipeline longer means that i'm starting to think we should have shorter milestones, to facilitate smaller changes 21:31:26 <ttx> david-lyle: around? 21:31:32 <david-lyle> yup 21:31:32 <annegent_> there needs to be a blame mikal song like blame canada 21:31:32 <SergeyLukjanov> ttx, yup, I'm here 21:31:33 * ttx sets up the boxing cage 21:31:40 <eglynn> SAD is already taken as a TLA == "seasonal affective disorder" ;) 21:31:46 * mestery makes some popcorn. 21:31:52 <ttx> eglynn: awesome. 21:32:08 <mikal> Heh 21:32:08 <dolphm> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/merge-sahara-dashboard-to-horizon 21:32:11 <ttx> SergeyLukjanov: i'll let you introduce the topic 21:32:36 <SergeyLukjanov> ttx, okay 21:32:53 <SergeyLukjanov> so, the topic is to merge sahara-dashboard to the horizon 21:33:12 <SergeyLukjanov> I believe we have a bp for horizon too 21:33:39 * ttx resists a Launchpad blame 21:33:49 <SergeyLukjanov> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/merge-sahara-dashboard 21:34:40 <ttx> SergeyLukjanov: is that the list of proposed patches ? https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bp/merge-sahara-dashboard,n,z 21:34:50 <SergeyLukjanov> so, the current state is that all (or 90%) needed patches are under reviewf 21:35:02 <SergeyLukjanov> ttx, yup, I think it's a complete list 21:35:16 <ttx> Was there progress on this since the last episode ? Like more patches posted, or some patches merged ? 21:35:32 <SergeyLukjanov> https://review.openstack.org/#/q/horizon+comment:%22Sahara%22,n,z works good too 21:35:58 <SergeyLukjanov> ttx, one patch merged IIRC - client bindings 21:36:33 <ttx> david-lyle: so the main issue on your side is the size of the patch ? 21:36:47 <david-lyle> ttx: getting core focus on it 21:36:48 <annegent_> I want to raise a slight concern about how to document 21:36:55 <annegent_> horizon is core, sahara is not 21:37:03 <SergeyLukjanov> there were a number of reviews for other patches and comments are resolved now, but the size of patches is very big, so, needs more iterations 21:37:05 <david-lyle> I think that has been addressed 21:37:15 <ttx> david-lyle: ok 21:37:27 <ttx> annegent_: "core" ? 21:37:41 <annegent_> ttx: the docs mission scope is only for core 21:37:45 <david-lyle> sahara is integrated 21:37:48 <annegent_> ttx: we try to get to integrated but don't promise 21:37:56 <david-lyle> ah 21:38:01 <ttx> annegent_: what definition of "core" are you using for that ? 21:38:03 <annegent_> just saying it makes for a bit of doc difficulty across "how do I install OpenStack" 21:38:22 <annegent_> ttx: the one in effect when we made our mission statement in july 2013 21:38:44 <annegent_> it's a known difficulty; just noting it here for others to note as a concern 21:38:47 <ttx> annegent_: hmm, not sure what that would include :) 21:39:00 <ttx> anyway, I see your point 21:39:25 <therve> david-lyle, Sorry if I say something dumb, but would it be possible for horizon to have integration points (plugins) so that sahara is in horizon the service but not horizon the code base? 21:39:25 <ttx> how does that influence the discussion here ? 21:39:33 <ttx> integrated projects must be.. well.... integrated 21:39:53 <jogo_> Heat is not core either 21:39:57 <annegent_> they can be integrated but we're not promising docs 21:40:09 <ttx> so sahara dashboard must be in horizon 21:40:13 <eglynn> therve: yeah out-of-tree dashboards, that's what I was thinking also 21:40:21 <annegent_> and by we I mean the doc team itself -- the horizon and sahara team are welcome to figure it out 21:40:31 <david-lyle> therve, we have a plugin mechanism and that's how the sahara dashboard was created, but if it's not in Horizon it becomes more difficult to maintain in the long run 21:40:39 <ttx> eglynn: that already exists, there is a sahara-dashboard 21:40:40 <therve> That problem is meant to happen again, with solum for example 21:40:49 <SergeyLukjanov> therve, it's already done as sahara-dashboard project and we're moving now it into the horizon 21:40:55 <annegent_> jogo_: sure but we (docs team) are working with them on integration in the user guide this cycle, it's just a few cycles later than their first integrated release 21:41:05 <ttx> it's supposed to be integrated within horizon now that sahara is integrated 21:41:06 <eglynn> ttx: I guess the question is, why doesn't that suffice? 21:41:22 <eglynn> ttx: (... to meet the integartion requirements?) 21:41:40 <ttx> eglynn: because horizon ships with dashboard integration for all the other integrated buts 21:41:43 <ttx> bits* 21:41:55 <therve> david-lyle, SergeyLukjanov: Okay. I feel that if we could keep things smaller we should, but I understand maintenance would be easier this way 21:42:05 <ttx> so it's a "first cycle requirement" to get your dashboard plugin into horizon mainline 21:42:28 <ttx> it neevr was an issue before 21:42:30 <jogo_> annegent_: ahh so core first 21:42:34 <david-lyle> There shouldn't be a reason we can't merge Sahara, it just takes time to integrate an 8k loc dashboard even if already existant 21:42:34 <annegent_> jogo_: right 21:43:06 <ttx> SergeyLukjanov: you feel like it's not going fast enough for a merge in Juno ? 21:43:08 <annegent_> ttx: david-lyle: any reason sahara can't be in a separate repo with separate reviewers under the Dashboard program? 21:43:22 <annegent_> I might not understand the technical limits 21:43:35 <eglynn> k, so it seems that evolving the dashboard for incubating proects *within* horizon somehow would avoid the need for a mega-merge post-integration? 21:43:44 <therve> annegent_, From what we're talking, it's mostly a maintenance problem 21:43:46 <ttx> annegent_: all the other integrated bits are in horizon repo, so why would we specialcase sahara ? 21:43:51 <eglynn> incubating *projects 21:43:54 <david-lyle> annegent_: we could take that approach, integration testing becomes more involved 21:44:09 <annegent_> ttx: because it's the biggest so far? 21:44:13 <SergeyLukjanov> ttx, it's difficult to say now - all patches are on review, but /me and david-lyle think that it could be done in time for juno 21:44:29 <dhellmann> yeah, making changes to the APIs the dashboards use is harder if they're in separate repos, because you have to figure out how to stage the changes and make all of them continue to work instead of doing it all in one patch 21:44:34 <SergeyLukjanov> ttx, there is already a huge work done on adjusting some parts for the whole chain of changes 21:44:38 <annegent_> dhellmann: ouch yeah then 21:44:49 <david-lyle> we could do that with all service panels, but as soon as they become interdependent we get into troubled waters 21:44:58 <devananda> this discussion sounds similar to ironic's nova virt driver "prepare to merge during incubation" discussion. 21:45:16 <devananda> also worth noting that horizon will face the same intergration for an ironic dashboard soon 21:45:17 <eglynn> big-bang merge of pre-existing out-of-tree dashboard post-integration inevitably leads to a 8 KLOC set of patches festering on gerrit 21:45:34 <ttx> SergeyLukjanov: OK, not sure we can do to help you guys sort it out. Anything you need from us? 21:45:43 <eglynn> what if horizon had an incubation sandbox? 21:46:05 <therve> dhellmann, I guess one question would be if horizon shouldn't provide stable APIs for allowing custom integration 21:46:10 <david-lyle> we've pulled in the tuskar-ui repo because of the scope and size of that 21:46:11 <dhellmann> yeah, the policy in oslo has shifted to taking the first version of something like that as-is and then interating 21:46:14 <ttx> eglynn: it's a bit of the same problem with nova ironic driver 21:46:19 <eglynn> in-tree, then post-intregation could be just a matter of promoting out of a contrib area 21:46:27 <SergeyLukjanov> ttx, I think nope, I've added this point to agenda as we agreed with you to raise this topic every several weeks to monitor status 21:46:30 <eglynn> ttx: fair point 21:46:31 <ttx> you basically want to review in the original repo and just merge it all 21:46:34 <dhellmann> therve: I'd love it if they did, since I want to add some dashboards for Dreamhost, but if they don't now we can't block sahara on that 21:46:34 <david-lyle> so Horizon program has horizon and tuskar-ui repos 21:46:47 <devananda> ttx: review code in antoher repo has not worked for the nova.virt.ironic driver at all 21:46:51 <devananda> ttx: for that that's worth 21:46:53 <therve> eglynn, We somewhat do that in Heat for resources 21:47:08 <eglynn> therve: interesting ... does the approach work? 21:47:24 <ttx> devananda: yes, "you want" wasn't meant as a recommendation :) 21:47:30 <ttx> SergeyLukjanov: ok 21:47:42 <therve> eglynn, I think so? We run the tests as part of everything else, but don't install the contrib resources by default. Obviously the amount of code is smaller. 21:48:05 <ttx> SergeyLukjanov: From a release management perspective, i can only reiterate that having dashboard functionality for integrated projects is high on the release priority list 21:48:06 <eglynn> therve: smaller and also perhaps most "testable"? 21:48:25 <therve> eglynn, Possibly yeah 21:48:27 <ttx> SergeyLukjanov: so yes, we can follow up regularly 21:48:35 <SergeyLukjanov> ttx, ack 21:48:37 <david-lyle> ttx: I think Horizon will be able to integrate the dashboard in J-2 21:49:09 <ttx> david-lyle: I thin k that's a good target. We have some room for overflowing to early J3 that way 21:49:22 <SergeyLukjanov> david-lyle, it'll be awesome - we'll have some time to implement dashboard features 21:49:45 <SergeyLukjanov> ttx, ++ 21:49:46 <ttx> #topic Open discussion 21:50:10 <ttx> We can continue discussing better options to integrate 8K lines of code in one shot, or discuss anything else 21:50:21 <lifeless> gulp 21:50:39 <ttx> well, not one shot :) 21:50:54 <ttx> but it's true that it will bite us again 21:50:56 * dhellmann puts down his shot of whiskey 21:51:38 <david-lyle> ideally what I think would help is better inclusion of the Horizon team as part of UI development in incubated projects, the problem of course being resource constraint, pay me now or pay me later I suppose 21:51:39 <eglynn> any opinions on the usefulness or otherwise of the PTL webinars? 21:51:39 <SergeyLukjanov> ttx, yeah, it'll happens again ~ each cycle 21:51:53 * eglynn was disappointed not a single question from the floor at the cinder/ceilo webinar earlier today 21:52:02 <ttx> david-lyle: sahara had dashboards already developed -- did that actually help or hurt ? I can see that development goes faster but review goes slower ? 21:52:10 <dhellmann> eglynn: how many people were listening live? I haven't done mine yet. 21:52:16 <mikal> eglynn: do we have numbers on if people actually attend them? 21:52:32 <ttx> eglynn: dunno, that will be my first. Not sure what to expect 21:52:40 <eglynn> dhellmann: dunno, I wasn't on the meetingburner (just phone + slides on a tablet) 21:53:04 <eglynn> mikal: apparently more traffic on the youtube recording after the fact 21:53:04 <david-lyle> ttx: it certainly helps, but now horizon core is looking at this thing cold and not watching it come together. quick ramp up and try to make sure it's consistent with the rest of Horizon 21:53:22 <mestery> eglynn: How long did you get to present? I 21:53:23 <eglynn> mikal: ... otherwise relatively small attendence (10s as opposed to 100s) 21:53:27 <mestery> eglynn: I'm up Thursday :) 21:53:28 <david-lyle> so far it looks like it was done well, but I haven't gotten to the end yet 21:53:36 <david-lyle> don't ruin it for me 21:53:38 <SergeyLukjanov> ttx, david-lyle, for example, in sahara, we've started dev. of both server side and dashboard in one day and the first version of dashboard has been released right after the first working version of server side 21:53:38 <eglynn> mestery: 20 mins, I went overtime tho' 21:53:43 <mestery> eglynn: :) 21:54:39 <david-lyle> ttx: there's now way we would have been able to reproduce in Juno the same degree of API coverage starting from scratch 21:55:08 <ttx> david-lyle: yeah. Ican see benefits to both approaches 21:55:35 <ttx> Anything else, anyone ? 21:55:36 <devananda> david-lyle: given this context, any thoughts or suggestions w.r.t. tuskar / ironic UI integration next cycle? 21:56:47 <david-lyle> devananda: getting Horizon core looking at the patches now or designs at least would aid the adoption process 21:57:31 <devananda> david-lyle: ack 21:59:02 <ttx> ok, looks like that clsoes it 21:59:04 <ttx> #endmeeting