14:04:58 #startmeeting Puppet-OpenStack 14:04:59 Meeting started Mon Oct 27 14:04:58 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is crinkle. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:05:00 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:05:02 The meeting name has been set to 'puppet_openstack' 14:05:11 neat 14:05:28 https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/puppet-openstack-agenda-10.27.2014 14:06:28 #topic Common OpenStack Identity Resources blueprint 14:06:36 #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/129700/ 14:07:14 This was emilien's topic but he won't be here today 14:07:36 he would like it to be reviewed 14:07:55 crinkle I was wondering about the blueprint. Since identities are created, does that mean it should use the puppet-keystone providers. 14:08:26 If so, does that mean it should be in openstack_extras rather than openstacklib, or is a circular dependency ok? 14:09:34 I think his intention is to put it in openstacklib, I don't see how extras would be involved 14:09:36 Or should lib provide the keystone user/tenant resources? 14:09:47 oh now I see 14:10:12 I can leave a review asking these questions too. :-) 14:10:24 please do 14:11:08 #action Review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/129700 , hogepodge will comment 14:12:46 #topic Paris meeting times and agenda planning 14:12:48 hogepodge: 14:13:39 So far there are two meetings scheduled for the Kilo design summit. 14:13:55 http://kilodesignsummit.sched.org/event/f9ed6b21149364e38fa4ab03b80a7d74 14:14:14 The design session. Is there an etherpad set up for it? 14:14:43 crinkle and sbadia will be running it 14:14:51 There was an etherpad for the proposal, I haven't started an etherpad for the official agenda 14:14:56 I was planning to do so this week 14:15:11 Cool. There's also an operators session. http://kilodesignsummit.sched.org/event/61f2d6c7c34993193223c1f9b0c5e343 14:15:29 oh good 14:15:43 Right now I'm listed as the moderator, but it's probably more appropriate for someone else to run it. I'm happy to do so, though, if you feel it's ok. 14:16:39 I emailed tom fifeld last night to volunteer for it but I would love for you to do it 14:16:43 so many things going on that week 14:17:09 I can do it. 14:17:38 #info Design summit session scheduled 14:17:46 #link http://kilodesignsummit.sched.org/event/f9ed6b21149364e38fa4ab03b80a7d74 14:17:56 #action crinkle and sbadia to write agenda 14:18:02 #info Operators session scheduled 14:18:08 #link http://kilodesignsummit.sched.org/event/61f2d6c7c34993193223c1f9b0c5e343 14:18:16 #action hogepodge will lead operators session 14:18:42 * crinkle wonders if she's using meetbot right :P 14:19:20 Anything else? 14:20:23 #topic meetings 14:20:35 One more thing I'd like to ask, rather than me starting an etherpad each time, we could have people edit the meeting wiki agenda 14:20:43 throughout the week when things come up they want to talk about 14:21:18 #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/PuppetOpenStack 14:22:41 very quiet today 14:23:20 I'll bring it up on the mailing list 14:23:25 It's early. :-) 14:23:28 so early 14:23:44 #endmeeting