14:03:51 #startmeeting puppet-openstack 14:03:52 Meeting started Mon Dec 15 14:03:51 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is crinkle. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:03:53 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:03:55 The meeting name has been set to 'puppet_openstack' 14:04:16 #topic Aviator and keystone v3 update 14:04:33 #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/139942/ 14:04:41 #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/116754/ 14:05:34 crinkle: ready for review? 14:05:50 I've refactored the base provider in openstacklib to be easier to test, not have any keystone-specific stuff, and to be a lot easier to use 14:05:56 yes please review 14:06:54 the keystone review has been updated to use the newer better base provider in openstacklib 14:06:59 unfortunately I just realized this will mean that keystone 5.1.0 will depend on openstacklib >=5.1.0 but since it's an internal library I think that is okay 14:07:45 crinkle: it's fair I think 14:07:51 okay 14:08:04 crinkle: I'll review it today & tomorrow 14:08:12 EmilienM: thanks 14:08:24 #info openstacklib base provider refactored and keystone_tenant updated 14:08:29 #info no v3 support yet 14:08:35 I'll take a look too 14:09:12 awesome 14:09:16 that was my update 14:09:35 bogdando: any chance to have a status on the Pacemaker bits? 14:09:53 crinkle: if bogdando is around, we can switch the topic 14:09:59 EmilienM, hi. Nothing to update, patches are on review 14:10:02 ok 14:10:07 #topic open discussion 14:10:28 #action EmilienM to review Pacemaker patches 14:11:48 I will look too 14:12:30 any other pet patches that need review? 14:13:19 :-D a lot of patchs need review in our review-queue 14:13:32 but specific one, I don't know 14:13:51 * crinkle will try to catch up again 14:14:03 sbadia: crinkle: yes, that would be great people would do some triage also 14:14:29 EmilienM: yup, I will do this week, and also on bug 14:14:37 sbadia: cool 14:15:09 #action everyone please help review and triage 14:15:24 anything else? 14:15:40 seems ok for me 14:16:01 oh I noticed the beaker-rspec changes weren't really working, made a patch to project-config to fix 14:16:43 #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/141728/ 14:17:16 o/ 14:17:19 #endmeeting