14:05:35 #startmeeting Puppet-openstack 14:05:36 Meeting started Mon Dec 22 14:05:35 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is crinkle. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:05:37 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:05:40 The meeting name has been set to 'puppet_openstack' 14:05:51 #topic openstackclient 14:06:20 #topic openstackclient 14:06:32 hrm 14:07:12 anyways, to recap last week, we once again changed our minds, hopefully for the last time, and are using an old version of openstackclient for keystone so that we can take advantage of v3 14:07:31 because the keystone client doesn't support it and aviator doesn't fully support it 14:07:43 #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/136186/ 14:07:55 We still need that blueprint approved so we can link to it in our changes 14:08:53 richm and I had been working on these together, but as I was reviewing his last night I realized that there were massive inconsistencies between the two rewrites 14:10:52 crinkle: the last one I did not +2 ? 14:11:02 I also realized that... 14:11:23 EmilienM: you did +2 at least one 14:11:45 there is one without +2 from me because I realized some inconsistencies 14:12:18 I went ahead and submitted alternate proposals for those patches with detailed comments about why I think having these be consistent is preferable, and I'm hoping that will be faster than asking him to fix his up 14:12:48 that we he can focus on adding v3 support faster and with less hassle 14:13:12 makes sense 14:13:25 so I'll check in with him when he gets online 14:15:19 but after that blueprint gets approved i think the keystone work is ready from my end 14:15:59 that's about it from me 14:17:02 EmilienM: anything else you want to talk about? 14:17:15 not really, I wanted to see bogdando here 14:17:26 bogdando: around? 14:17:30 crinkle: I need some reviews on some patches alsoo 14:17:38 EmilienM: ok 14:18:01 crinkle: just https://review.openstack.org/136442 14:18:29 EmilienM: cool, will look 14:18:59 cool 14:19:05 I think we are done 14:19:08 okay 14:19:12 #endmeeting