15:01:08 <EmilienM> #startmeeting puppet-openstack 15:01:09 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Aug 25 15:01:08 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is EmilienM. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:10 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:01:13 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'puppet_openstack' 15:01:18 <EmilienM> #link agenda: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/puppet-openstack-weekly-meeting-20150825 15:01:18 <angdraug> hi 15:01:21 <bogdando> hi 15:01:22 <IBerezovskiy> hi 15:01:24 <aderyugin> hi 15:01:25 <mwhahaha> hi 15:01:25 <skolekonov> hi 15:01:36 <mfisch> prevyet 15:01:37 <degorenko> hello 15:01:39 <clayton> morning 15:01:39 <crinkle> o/ 15:01:43 <jpena> o/ 15:01:54 <EmilienM> #topic Review past action items 15:01:56 <richm> hello 15:02:03 <EmilienM> angdraug to share negative feedback on current state of keystone/WSGI over the Mailing list, using the thread about acceptance 15:02:09 <EmilienM> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-August/072599.html 15:02:25 <EmilienM> you might need to patch puppet-keystone to support new parameters: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/212439/19/deployment/puppet/openstack/manifests/keystone.pp,cm 15:02:25 <iurygregory> o/ 15:02:57 <EmilienM> bogdando: ^ 15:03:14 <EmilienM> instead if using keystone_config, I would suggest to add the params to puppet-keystone module 15:03:47 <mwhahaha> we can do that 15:03:50 <EmilienM> cool 15:03:53 <bogdando> EmilienM, good point 15:03:53 <EmilienM> #topic announcements 15:03:58 <mwhahaha> i'll do that today 15:04:05 <EmilienM> Federation blueprint has been approved 15:04:12 <EmilienM> #link federation specs: http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/puppet-openstack-specs/specs/liberty/enabling-federation.html 15:04:16 <EmilienM> iurygregory: thx for this work 15:05:02 <EmilienM> #topic midcycle 15:05:12 <EmilienM> #link midcycle agenda https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/puppet-liberty-mid-cycle 15:05:49 <EmilienM> so it will happen on #openstack-sprint from september 2 to 4 15:06:03 <EmilienM> pabelanger, anteaya and I will be in Montreal but everything should happen on IRC 15:06:31 <EmilienM> feel free to feed the agenda with topics and split in other etherpads, like it's for CI 15:06:39 <clayton> EmilienM: I have a patch in progress to add external hooks for the heat module like we've done for the designate module. I'm also working on an os_docker module we're going to use for adding docker support using the hooks. I hope to have something a few days, but we can work on that stuff for the mid-cycle also 15:07:15 <EmilienM> clayton: cool, I see a topic in the agenda - maybe if you describe the work that needs to be done in an etherpad, folks could help you 15:07:21 <clayton> sounds god 15:07:23 <clayton> good 15:07:33 <sgolovatiuk> o/ 15:07:34 <_ody> morning 15:07:52 <EmilienM> #action clayton to prepare an etherpad about external install & svc management patches in puppet-* for midcycle 15:07:55 <vinsh_> o/ 15:08:06 <EmilienM> clayton: you'll lead that work 15:08:10 <clayton> wfm 15:08:43 <EmilienM> richm: maybe we could define some user stories to work on during the midcycle 15:08:46 <EmilienM> richm: about v3 work 15:08:57 <richm> ok 15:09:19 <EmilienM> richm: can you also create an etherpad and define one or 2 goals that we could achieve during the midcycle? 15:09:34 <richm> yes 15:09:48 <EmilienM> richm: iirc, you're attending the midcycle too 15:09:54 <richm> no 15:10:00 <EmilienM> richm: virtually, no? 15:10:02 <richm> yes 15:10:05 <EmilienM> fine 15:10:06 <richm> virtually 15:10:19 <EmilienM> richm: so if you don't mind too, I'll let you lead v3 work during the 3 days 15:10:36 <richm> ok 15:10:47 <EmilienM> coordinate the work that you think urgent for a liberty release 15:10:55 <EmilienM> that's the right words I think :) 15:11:01 <richm> works for me 15:11:04 <EmilienM> cool 15:11:27 <EmilienM> #action richm to start a new etherpad for midcycle about keystone v3 work that we could achieve in 3 days 15:11:55 <richm> EmilienM: Is there an etherpad for midcycle? 15:12:02 <EmilienM> richm: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/puppet-liberty-mid-cycle 15:12:25 <EmilienM> pabelanger: we might need to continue to work on https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/puppet-openstack-CI 15:12:37 <EmilienM> for the agenda at least 15:12:51 <pabelanger> ok 15:13:08 <EmilienM> pabelanger: maybe you could write down in this etherpad what we need to discuss, our recent blockers & discussions - I would be happy if we would solve our questions 15:13:22 <pabelanger> sure 15:13:24 <EmilienM> pabelanger: specially regarding your concerns 15:13:27 <EmilienM> cool, awesome 15:13:50 <EmilienM> #action pabelanger and EmilienM follow-up https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/puppet-openstack-CI about puppet-openstack-integration 15:14:23 <EmilienM> mfisch: are you interested to lead bug triage during midcycle? 15:14:39 <EmilienM> I'm asking because you love LP :P 15:14:43 <mfisch> sure 15:14:58 <EmilienM> maybe if mgagne is around you guys can coordinate the work 15:14:59 <mfisch> I was going to generate a list of 20 or so t hat we should walk through and see how far we get 15:15:04 <EmilienM> awesome 15:15:50 <EmilienM> so that's the only topics I see in the agenda, do you guys have something else to add ? 15:16:24 <richm> yes 15:16:39 <EmilienM> richm: ? 15:16:39 <richm> my topic that I added after the meeting started :P 15:16:46 <EmilienM> richm: about midcycle 15:16:54 <richm> ah, no, sorry 15:16:55 <EmilienM> richm: we are still talking about midcycle topics 15:17:03 <EmilienM> feel free to add them in the etherpad otherwise, let's go ahead in the agenda 15:17:21 <EmilienM> #topic CI 15:17:26 <EmilienM> I have a couple of CI informations 15:17:40 <EmilienM> first, we merged puppet-openstack-integration basic structure 15:17:55 <EmilienM> we are facing a lot of Liberty issues 15:18:11 <EmilienM> #link liberty packaging blockers: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/puppet-liberty-blocker 15:18:34 <EmilienM> so you might see jenkins failures because of ^ 15:18:49 <EmilienM> before doing 'recheck', please check the etherpad to see if errors still occur 15:19:19 <EmilienM> if you're willing to help about that pkging stuffs, please ping me, I'm trying to get them solves every day 15:19:34 <EmilienM> but any help is really appreciated 15:19:35 <mfisch> good idea on the etherpad for that 15:20:25 <EmilienM> so far having puppet-openstack-integration basic structure is really helpful, we found a bug in tempest (not yet reported, will do after the meeting) and in puppet-glance https://launchpad.net/bugs/1488277 15:20:25 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1488277 in puppet-glance "glance_image provider: orchestration issue when running keystone wsgi" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Emilien Macchi (emilienm) 15:20:57 <EmilienM> so we are iterating like we wanted - thx for crinkle & pabelanger for that 15:21:45 <EmilienM> a next step would be to run integration in puppet-keystone & oslib: https://review.openstack.org/215723 15:21:53 <EmilienM> anteaya: you might help by reviewing this patch ^ 15:22:03 <EmilienM> do we have anything else about CI ? 15:22:15 * anteaya looks 15:23:14 <EmilienM> #topic Summit preparation 15:23:23 <EmilienM> so I got an email from ttx 15:23:32 <ttx> that happens 15:23:39 <EmilienM> we are allocating session slots 15:24:08 <EmilienM> I need to tell ttx if we need Fishbowl slots or Workrooms or/and Contributors meetup 15:24:38 <EmilienM> #1 is: Our traditional largish rooms organized in fishbowl style, with 15:24:38 <EmilienM> advertised session content on the summit schedule for increased external 15:24:38 <EmilienM> participation. Ideal for when wider feedback is essential. 15:24:48 <EmilienM> #2 is: Small rooms organized in boardroom style, with topic buried in the 15:24:48 <EmilienM> session description, in an effort to limit attendance and not overcrowd 15:24:48 <EmilienM> the room. Ideal to get work done and prioritize work in small teams. New 15:24:48 <EmilienM> in Tokyo: those rooms now come with a large monitor in case you want to 15:24:48 <EmilienM> display common stuff. 15:24:57 <EmilienM> and #3 is: Half-day session(s) on the Friday to get into the Mitaka action while 15:24:57 <EmilienM> decisions and plans are still hot, or to finish discussions started 15:24:57 <EmilienM> during the week, whatever works for you. 15:25:11 <mfisch> I like #2 for our group 15:25:29 <EmilienM> yeah and also #3 to get feedback from operators 15:26:00 <mfisch> its difficult for me (maybe others)) to block off a half day for anything unfortunately 15:26:09 <EmilienM> it makes sense 15:26:19 <clayton> especially when speakers haven't been selected yet 15:26:31 <EmilienM> but a Puppet meetup is always useful iirc, isn't? 15:26:44 <clayton> yep, that seems essential 15:27:05 <_ody> I like 2 and 3. 15:27:29 <EmilienM> iirc, we had 1 and 3 in the last summits, right? 15:27:31 <clayton> it seems like a couple of #1 slots would cover that 15:27:47 <EmilienM> clayton: right 15:28:09 <EmilienM> clayton: so I could ask for a couple of #1 (for 2 hours maybe), #2 for our dev sessions, and that's it 15:28:21 <clayton> that seems good to me 15:28:41 <mfisch> +1 15:28:48 <EmilienM> any thoughts? I'll make it official today by sending an email to ttx 15:29:19 <_ody> Would you try to get the #1 back to back or spread them out with different topics? 15:30:11 <EmilienM> _ody: #1 would be for a 2 x1h meetups I guess - get feedback from operators & users 15:30:56 <clayton> probably easier to get people to sit in one place for two hours than to come to two separate sessions 15:31:02 <EmilienM> 2 hours seems reasonable to block until we have an agenda 15:31:08 <EmilienM> clayton: yes 15:31:17 <mfisch> are we going to be exiled again this time or will we be in the main building 15:31:20 <EmilienM> clayton: 1 hour is always too short 15:31:40 <_ody> +1 on priortizing them to be back to back as a total of 2 hours. 15:31:57 <EmilienM> mfisch: no idea, maybe ttx knows 15:32:13 <clayton> if we're really short on time, we can choose to redirect people to one of the dev sessions 15:32:15 <ttx> mfisch: main building 15:32:24 <ttx> for some definition of main building 15:32:35 <ttx> at least, "same building as other project teams" 15:32:44 <EmilienM> #action EmilienM to sends an email to ttx about Summit rooms (2 hours of Fishbowl slots) and Workroom slots for dev sessions 15:32:57 <EmilienM> ttx: cool 15:33:00 <mfisch> thx 15:33:12 <EmilienM> anything else about summit so far? 15:33:43 <xarses> sounds good =) 15:33:43 <EmilienM> #topic Keystone v3 resource naming for domain scoped resources 15:33:46 <EmilienM> richm: o/ 15:34:02 <richm> There has been hardly any feedbackj 15:34:05 <richm> feedback 15:34:11 <EmilienM> true 15:34:14 <richm> my email to openstack-operators was met with silence 15:34:21 <EmilienM> richm: link? 15:34:31 <clayton> I think most operators are hoping that they can continue to ignore keystone v3 :) 15:34:50 <mfisch> +1000 15:34:52 <richm> http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-operators/2015-August/007927.html 15:34:54 <EmilienM> #link http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/openstack/operators/48812 15:34:59 <EmilienM> richm: thx 15:35:15 <richm> The upstream Keystone devs would like ::domain to be used everywhere 15:35:44 <richm> It would certainly be simpler from a dev standpoint to make resource naming unambiguous 15:35:50 <richm> it would simplify the coding too 15:36:17 <richm> I think from an operator standpoint it would be better to explicitly state which domain a resource is in 15:36:43 <mfisch> I think logically that makes sense, from a lazy POV I'm with clayton 15:36:55 <crinkle> I forget, what about when the domain is Default? 15:36:59 <richm> as long as it is easy to change the domain - which means having to parameter-ize all Keystone resource names, including keystone_user_role names 15:37:22 <richm> crinkle: The preferred way is that you have to specify ::Default 15:37:46 <crinkle> is it a significant issue to just assume Default if there's no :: ? 15:38:55 <richm> crinkle: I don't know - it would also depend if default_domain_id is set to something other than "default" 15:39:13 <mwhahaha> maybe throw a warning if there is no :: 15:39:21 <richm> mwhahaha: ok 15:39:38 <Hunner> No ::default could always just declare ::domain with title of "default" 15:39:41 <mwhahaha> unless it's required by keystone, shouldn't prevent a user from doing something 15:39:47 <mfisch> there are 2 camps here, people who ignore domains and wish they didnt exist and people who enthusiastically use them, I dont think many will not use them and rename the default 15:40:12 <richm> One of the main uses cases for domains is this: 15:40:15 <crinkle> I'm not an operator but it seems like a major barrier to upgrade, if it could just assume the hardcoded "default" and not worry if the default was changed that would work for the people who didn't care about domains 15:40:31 <clayton> crinkle: +1 15:40:34 <richm> Separation of service accounts from enterprise accounts 15:40:43 <EmilienM> crinkle: yes +1 15:40:52 <mfisch> thats the main use case for sure but wont work for me unfortunateloy 15:40:56 <EmilienM> we need to think at a smooth upgrade between kilo & liberty 15:41:01 <richm> Keep the service accounts in the default domain, but have the users in a separate "users" domain 15:41:11 <crinkle> mfisch: you change the default domain? 15:41:26 <bogdando> Please clarify, would the "always do specify a domain" break the backwards compatibility? 15:41:26 <mfisch> no I dont I was saying people who dont use domains will not change the default 15:41:33 <richm> bogdando: yes 15:41:38 <crinkle> mfisch: oh I see 15:41:56 <bogdando> richm, well, we have a strict policy for this in PO 15:42:22 <bogdando> could we do this still compatible but with warnings? to be removed later? 15:42:33 <clayton> I would be fine with saying that for liberty the default is optional and telling people it will go away with M 15:42:34 <bogdando> to be reworked, actually... 15:42:47 <clayton> but upgrades already have enough moving parts, I don't want to add more 15:43:06 <richm> ok - then the proposal should be this: 15:43:09 <clayton> and the projects themselves are moving away from having as much done at upgrade time (Lazy DB migrations for example) 15:43:31 <richm> The domain is required unless default_domain_id is not set, in which case "Default" will be assumed. 15:44:27 <richm> There will be no warning in M 15:44:34 <EmilienM> that sounds fair 15:44:41 <mfisch> this makes sense 15:44:47 <richm> In some future release, if a resource is specified without "::domain", a warning will be issued 15:45:07 <richm> If default_domain_id is set, and a resource is used without "::domain", a warning will be issued 15:45:42 <richm> Ok. This sounds like something that everyone can live with. 15:45:44 <EmilienM> richm: yes for future stable/liberty 15:45:57 <bogdando> so that would be the deprecation for the M-behavior, right? 15:46:03 <EmilienM> richm: we can be a bit less tolerant in M 15:46:14 <richm> bogdando: Yes 15:46:18 <bogdando> LGTM 15:46:40 <EmilienM> richm: can you inform ML with this update? 15:46:41 <bogdando> and in N, no domain will result in error, IIUC 15:47:13 <richm> EmilienM: Yes 15:47:15 <EmilienM> #action richm to inform ML about Keystone v3 resource naming for domain scoped resources Liberty and M behaviors 15:47:17 <bogdando> hm, or in O 15:47:28 <richm> . . . and I think i have my Keystone v3 topic for the mid-cycle . . . 15:47:53 <EmilienM> richm: cool 15:48:01 <EmilienM> we have 15 min for open discussion 15:48:04 <richm> Thanks all 15:48:06 <EmilienM> anything else about v3 ? 15:48:19 <richm> This will hopefully unblock gildub 15:48:38 <EmilienM> ok let's go ahead 15:48:39 <EmilienM> #topic open discussion - bug/patches triage 15:49:20 <bogdando> Do patches https://review.openstack.org/#/c/213957/ and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/213603/ address the same issue with API versions to be used with providers? The latter one was merged, but the former one has a major disagreement. 15:49:20 <bogdando> Meanwile, in the fuel downstream we accepted the abandoned approach instead https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:abandoned+project:openstack/puppet-openstacklib+branch:master+topic:bug/1479879,n,z -> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/207548/ 15:49:20 <bogdando> It would be nice to finish https://review.openstack.org/#/c/213957/ so we could rework this downstream later as well 15:50:09 <EmilienM> bogdando: for #1, patches are not the same 15:50:31 <bogdando> ok, when I think there is no questions left 15:50:46 <bogdando> we will sync the module, eventually. 15:50:59 <EmilienM> bogdando: I suggest to keep discussion happen on gerrit for https://review.openstack.org/#/c/213957/ 15:51:16 <bogdando> yes please 15:51:31 <EmilienM> bogdando: it's not abandoned 15:51:35 <EmilienM> it's just not backward compatible 15:51:50 <EmilienM> so it's not possible to merge it 15:52:14 <bogdando> understood 15:52:40 <EmilienM> so I guess https://review.openstack.org/#/c/213957/ will be updated to not break BC 15:53:04 <EmilienM> do we have anything else? jpena, angdraug ? skolekonov ? 15:53:07 <degorenko> can we move to next question? :) 15:53:25 <degorenko> Sahara module is outdated now and needs to be updated. 15:53:39 <degorenko> Process of reviewing Sahara patches so slow, how to speed up it? 15:53:48 <degorenko> I've resolved all comments, have some +2 and here no more another comments 15:53:51 <EmilienM> I'm aware of this issue 15:54:12 <mfisch> I can review from a puppet pov but have no domain knowledge, I dont use sahara and have never even tried it 15:54:30 <EmilienM> that's one of the root causes I would say ^ 15:54:56 <degorenko> I see, but my patches have +1 from Sahara devs and i'm from Sahara team :) 15:55:09 <mfisch> then we should take their word for it from a sahara pov 15:55:12 <mfisch> that makes sense 15:55:24 <EmilienM> cool 15:55:33 <angdraug> I've added a comment on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/209412/6/manifests/backend/rbd.pp 15:55:34 <EmilienM> we should just review the puppet code then 15:55:52 <EmilienM> and see if it's backward compatibile with stable/kilo and if CI pass and if it's following our coding style 15:55:53 <angdraug> rbd needs a special treatment there, so I don't think it makes sense to move this parameter to init 15:55:59 <mfisch> EmilienM: I have one small topic before we run out of time when this is done 15:56:06 <EmilienM> 5 min 15:56:31 <degorenko> Also i want to discuss Murano module implementation 15:56:43 <mfisch> I can bring mine up in channel later 15:56:51 <mfisch> go ahead 15:56:58 <degorenko> As you know, Murano module is a new module. And i want to discuss how we should to implement this? 15:57:12 <degorenko> How to split our patches, because i think, that patches in 500 or 600 lines is not very good for review. 15:57:17 <EmilienM> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Puppet/New_module 15:57:31 <EmilienM> degorenko: true. We need to iterate 15:57:49 <angdraug> should we import the whole history from fuel-library? 15:58:00 <EmilienM> first, basic structure of the module (puppet requirements) then, init, then api, etc... and each time with according tests (unit at least, not acceptance is required yet I guess) 15:58:22 <EmilienM> it's up to you but I would start from scratch here, I'm not sure fuel module is compliant 15:58:46 <angdraug> almost definitely isn't, just wanted to get that option out of the way 15:59:42 <EmilienM> cool 15:59:50 <EmilienM> so yeah, iteration is a good idea 15:59:54 <EmilienM> and will help reviewers 15:59:56 <degorenko> ok, thanks 16:00:01 <EmilienM> we should target M cycle 16:00:05 <xarses> its not compliant, but it's the best working copy, and a large effort went in from relative folks to clean it up for upstream 16:00:19 <angdraug> time 16:00:23 <EmilienM> we also need to poke RDO & Ubuntu packages (even if you already have your own packages) so we can actually test your work 16:01:02 <EmilienM> oops 16:01:05 <EmilienM> #endmeeting