15:00:20 <kopecmartin> #startmeeting qa
15:00:20 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Tue Dec 13 15:00:20 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is kopecmartin. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:00:20 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
15:00:20 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'qa'
15:00:29 <kopecmartin> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/QATeamMeeting#Agenda_for_next_Office_hours
15:00:32 <kopecmartin> agenda ^^
15:01:27 <gmann> o/
15:02:07 <kopecmartin> \o
15:03:34 <kopecmartin> let's get started
15:03:35 <kopecmartin> #topic Announcement and Action Item (Optional)
15:03:43 <kopecmartin> i have only one thing
15:03:49 <kopecmartin> we released tempest 33.0.0 last week
15:04:06 <kopecmartin> to end support for stable/wallaby
15:04:53 <kopecmartin> #topic Antelope Priority Items progress
15:05:01 <kopecmartin> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/qa-antelope-priority
15:05:10 <kopecmartin> we've got some progress on several items here
15:05:13 * kopecmartin checking
15:06:14 <kopecmartin> on 'Decide which job variant should become the new tempest default'
15:06:55 <kopecmartin> slaweq's patch got merged on grenade's side
15:06:57 <kopecmartin> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/grenade/+/862475
15:07:07 <kopecmartin> to use default neutron backend in the base grenade job
15:08:03 <kopecmartin> and there's been some progress on 'Clean up deprecated lib/neutron code' as well
15:08:16 <gmann> +1
15:08:43 <kopecmartin> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/devstack/+/865014 is under review now, the parent patch should be merged any time soon
15:09:42 <kopecmartin> oh, i've seen some progress on 'FIPS job on Ubuntu' too
15:09:44 <gmann> but are we going to squash both patches? slaweq ?
15:09:45 <kopecmartin> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul-jobs/+/866881
15:10:35 <kopecmartin> you mean to squash these 2 ? https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/devstack/+/865014 and https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/devstack/+/865015
15:11:44 <slaweq> gmann I will do that but not today
15:11:48 <slaweq> probably tomorrow
15:11:48 <gmann> yeah, i commented on patch and email
15:11:57 <gmann> slaweq: ack, no worry
15:13:59 <kopecmartin> cool, moving on
15:14:01 <kopecmartin> #topic OpenStack Events Updates and Planning
15:14:16 <kopecmartin> do we wanna host this office hour also next week?
15:15:04 <gmann> may be we can cancel
15:15:12 <kopecmartin> I'll cancel the one on 27th of December and maybe even the one on 3rd of January - i'll be on PTO and i suspect many people will be too
15:15:29 <kopecmartin> ack gmann
15:15:42 <gmann> I will be around if anything comes up but office hour we can cancel for those weeks
15:16:01 <gmann> so 20th also we are canceling?
15:16:05 <kopecmartin> i may be around this time next week, so i may show up in case someone needs something
15:16:12 <gmann> ok. +1
15:16:15 <kopecmartin> gmann: yes, let's cancel on 20th as well
15:16:21 <gmann> sure
15:17:02 <kopecmartin> 23rd to 3rd I'm completely out, I'll turn off my znc server too so that i don't confuse anyone
15:17:22 <gmann> ack
15:17:39 <kopecmartin> i may be reached by email, but i won't be checking that regularly
15:18:39 <kopecmartin> #topic Gate Status Checks
15:18:45 <kopecmartin> #link https://review.opendev.org/q/label:Review-Priority%253D%252B2+status:open+(project:openstack/tempest+OR+project:openstack/patrole+OR+project:openstack/devstack+OR+project:openstack/grenade)
15:18:55 <kopecmartin> nothing there, anything urgent to review?
15:19:25 <gmann> I am seeing more ssh timeout on multinode job
15:19:54 <gmann> this patch is not able to merge due to that #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tempest/+/866212/3
15:20:01 <gmann> placement service rbac testing
15:20:14 <kopecmartin> let's mark the job as n-v?
15:20:31 <gmann> and its juts one test consistently test_minimum_basic
15:20:54 <gmann> let me give try this time and if I see it again I can skip this test for the job instead of making it n-v and open bug
15:21:21 <kopecmartin> lpiwowar: was debugging the issue and found out that maybe it's related to insufficient resources
15:21:22 <kopecmartin> #link https://github.com/cirros-dev/cirros/issues/8
15:21:33 <kopecmartin> or a bug in metadata service
15:21:44 <kopecmartin> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1999400
15:22:12 <kopecmartin> as it doesn't fail constantly, maybe the first option is more likely (insufficient resources)
15:22:55 <gmann> humm
15:22:58 <kopecmartin> i think he tested whether a newer cirros version fixes the issue and it seems not, after several rechecks it failed similarly
15:23:31 <gmann> i see
15:24:38 <gmann> anyways let's try current zuul run and if it does not pass I will open bug in tempest and skip these tests temporary
15:25:23 <kopecmartin> there is already a LP in tempest
15:25:24 <kopecmartin> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/tempest/+bug/1998916
15:25:58 <kopecmartin> let's move on
15:26:07 <kopecmartin> #topic Bare rechecks
15:26:14 <kopecmartin> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/recheck-weekly-summary
15:26:22 <kopecmartin> we're at 0% out of6 rechecks
15:26:36 <kopecmartin> #topic Periodic jobs Status Checks
15:26:41 <kopecmartin> stable
15:26:42 <kopecmartin> #link https://zuul.openstack.org/builds?job_name=tempest-full-yoga&job_name=tempest-full-xena&job_name=tempest-full-wallaby-py3&job_name=tempest-full-victoria-py3&job_name=tempest-full-ussuri-py3&job_name=tempest-full-zed&pipeline=periodic-stable
15:26:49 <kopecmartin> master
15:26:49 <kopecmartin> https://zuul.openstack.org/builds?project=openstack%2Ftempest&project=openstack%2Fdevstack&pipeline=periodic
15:26:52 <kopecmartin> #link https://zuul.openstack.org/builds?project=openstack%2Ftempest&project=openstack%2Fdevstack&pipeline=periodic
15:27:18 <kopecmartin> hm, fips is still timing out? i thought we merged the timeout extend, let me check
15:27:54 <kopecmartin> ah, not yet
15:27:55 <kopecmartin> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tempest/+/866049
15:28:49 <kopecmartin> the rest seems ok
15:29:31 <gmann> FIPS will be move to ubuntu image and then we can remove the CS version
15:29:42 <kopecmartin> yes, that's the plan
15:30:06 <kopecmartin> as apparently VM spawning takes less time there, let's see
15:30:51 <kopecmartin> #topic Distros check
15:30:59 <kopecmartin> cs-9
15:31:01 <kopecmartin> #link https://zuul.openstack.org/builds?job_name=tempest-full-centos-9-stream&job_name=devstack-platform-centos-9-stream&skip=0
15:31:06 <kopecmartin> fedora
15:31:07 <kopecmartin> #link
15:31:10 <kopecmartin> #link https://zuul.openstack.org/builds?job_name=devstack-platform-fedora-latest&skip=0
15:31:15 <kopecmartin> debian
15:31:17 <kopecmartin> #link https://zuul.openstack.org/builds?job_name=devstack-platform-debian-bullseye&skip=0
15:31:22 <kopecmartin> focal
15:31:23 <kopecmartin> #link https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/builds?job_name=devstack-platform-ubuntu-focal&skip=0
15:31:28 <kopecmartin> rocky
15:31:29 <kopecmartin> #link https://zuul.openstack.org/builds?job_name=devstack-platform-rocky-blue-onyx
15:32:02 <kopecmartin> surprisingly all looks good
15:33:11 <kopecmartin> #topic Sub Teams highlights
15:33:16 <kopecmartin> Changes with Review-Priority == +1
15:33:22 <kopecmartin> #link https://review.opendev.org/q/label:Review-Priority%253D%252B1+status:open+(project:openstack/tempest+OR+project:openstack/patrole+OR+project:openstack/devstack+OR+project:openstack/grenade)
15:33:31 <kopecmartin> only one review there already in gate pipeline
15:33:39 <kopecmartin> #topic Open Discussion
15:33:46 <kopecmartin> anything for the open discussion?
15:34:01 <gmann> nothing  from me
15:34:29 <kopecmartin> openEuler .. waiting for me to review that
15:34:37 <kopecmartin> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/devstack/+/852237
15:34:37 <wxy-xiyuan> lol
15:34:44 <kopecmartin> i'll get to that after this meeting
15:34:50 <wxy-xiyuan> kopecmartin: thanks
15:34:56 <kopecmartin> np
15:35:34 <kopecmartin> and one other thing from jm1
15:35:58 <kopecmartin> i copy paste it from the discussion before this meeting
15:36:13 <kopecmartin> we have devstack ci jobs in ansible openstack collection which use stable/yoga branch of openstacksdk. with devstack's change to ubuntu-jammy, those jobs are broken https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ansible-collections-openstack/+/867204
15:36:19 <kopecmartin> stable/yoga jobs of devstack want to install package python-dev which is not available on nodeset: ubuntu-jammy
15:36:28 <kopecmartin> with nodeset: bionic, those jobs fail in "TASK [write-devstack-local-conf : Write a job-specific local_conf file]" with "hostvars['controller']\" is undefined" https://5b1f19b050590724e14e-a478df4e06fea242eac8452441f6d28b.ssl.cf5.rackcdn.com/867204/5/check/ansible-collections-openstack-functional-devstack-ansible-2.9/a2e58fb/job-output.txt
15:36:34 <kopecmartin> did anyone run any ci devstack jobs for stable/yoga recently? any idea how to solve this issue? cc kopecmartin
15:36:44 <gmann> yeah, I am looking into that. ubuntu focal should run fine on yoga
15:37:19 <clarkb> sounds like they just need to set the nodeset?
15:38:40 <gmann> commented
15:39:08 <kopecmartin> thank you both for the pointers
15:39:12 <kopecmartin> jm1: ^
15:39:41 <gmann> I am discussing with him in sdks channel
15:39:56 <kopecmartin> ah, cool :)
15:40:08 <kopecmartin> moving on then
15:40:09 <kopecmartin> #topic Bug Triage
15:40:15 <kopecmartin> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/qa-bug-triage-antelope
15:40:21 <kopecmartin> numbers recorded as always
15:40:32 <kopecmartin> hm, there is a small increase in numbers in devstack
15:40:48 <kopecmartin> i'll try to check the latest bugs
15:40:56 <gmann> project reader bug is there which i need to fix to test the reader role in tempest. I started that but got distracted to other things
15:41:15 <kopecmartin> yeah, i completely understand
15:41:35 <kopecmartin> .. anyway, this is everything from me
15:41:47 <kopecmartin> if there isn't anything else, let's close this office hour
15:42:13 <kopecmartin> #endmeeting