15:00:32 <kopecmartin> #startmeeting qa
15:00:32 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Tue Jun 25 15:00:32 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is kopecmartin. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:00:32 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
15:00:32 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'qa'
15:00:38 <kopecmartin> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/QATeamMeeting#Agenda_for_next_Office_hours
15:01:56 <kopecmartin> #topic Announcement and Action Item (Optional)
15:02:38 <kopecmartin> i cancelled office hours on every odd week, at least for the summer, due to a small attendance
15:02:41 <lpiwowar> o/
15:02:53 <kopecmartin> and 17:00 utc is quite late for me, especially during the summer
15:03:11 <frickler> +1
15:03:22 <kopecmartin> from now on, we'll have the office hour biweekly on tuesdays, practically every 2 weeks from today
15:03:40 <kopecmartin> every Tuesday (even weeks) at 15:00 UTC
15:03:49 <kopecmartin> o/
15:04:28 <kopecmartin> #topic Dalmatian Priority Items progress
15:04:28 <kopecmartin> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/qa-dalmatian-priority
15:04:39 <kopecmartin> do we have any updates on the priority items?
15:04:45 * kopecmartin checking
15:05:15 <frickler> noble support is kind of done, thx to sean-k-mooney and bauzas
15:05:35 <kopecmartin> yeah, thanks
15:05:49 <sean-k-mooney> i left it non voting ot see how it was for a week or so but we  should fliip it to voting if it remains stables
15:06:37 <kopecmartin> +1
15:07:40 <kopecmartin> and that's about it, other priority items don't seem to have any updates
15:07:55 <kopecmartin> moving on
15:07:57 <kopecmartin> #topic Gate Status Checks
15:07:57 <kopecmartin> #link https://review.opendev.org/q/label:Review-Priority%253D%252B2+status:open+(project:openstack/tempest+OR+project:openstack/patrole+OR+project:openstack/devstack+OR+project:openstack/grenade)
15:08:40 <kopecmartin> maybe this time this will pass
15:08:42 <kopecmartin> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tempest/+/922108
15:08:49 <kopecmartin> if not, the devstack change should help
15:09:27 <kopecmartin> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/devstack/+/922630
15:09:36 <kopecmartin> approved and we're waiting for the CI
15:09:49 <kopecmartin> #topic Sub Teams highlights
15:09:49 <kopecmartin> Changes with Review-Priority == +1
15:09:49 <kopecmartin> #link https://review.opendev.org/q/label:Review-Priority%253D%252B1+status:open+(project:openstack/tempest+OR+project:openstack/patrole+OR+project:openstack/devstack+OR+project:openstack/grenade)
15:10:37 <kopecmartin> 2 patches, one the devstack one mentioned above and the other depends on the tempest change mentioned above too
15:11:59 <kopecmartin> fingers crossed, hopefully those will get merged now
15:12:27 <kopecmartin> #topic Periodic jobs Status Checks
15:12:27 <kopecmartin> Periodic stable full: https://zuul.openstack.org/builds?pipeline=periodic-stable&job_name=tempest-full-2023-1&job_name=tempest-full-2023-2&job_name=tempest-full-2024-1
15:12:27 <kopecmartin> Periodic stable slow: https://zuul.openstack.org/builds?job_name=tempest-slow-2024-1&job_name=tempest-slow-2023-2&job_name=tempest-slow-2023-1
15:12:29 <kopecmartin> Periodic extra tests: https://zuul.openstack.org/builds?job_name=tempest-full-2024-1-extra-tests&job_name=tempest-full-2023-2-extra-tests&job_name=tempest-full-2023-1-extra-tests
15:12:31 <kopecmartin> Periodic master: https://zuul.openstack.org/builds?project=openstack%2Ftempest&project=openstack%2Fdevstack&pipeline=periodic
15:14:27 <kopecmartin> tempest-slow-2024-1 keeps failing a lot
15:15:44 <kopecmartin> it's mainly related to tempest.scenario.test_volume_migrate_attached.TestVolumeMigrateRetypeAttached tests
15:17:32 <kopecmartin> i'll try to dig more into that later
15:17:58 <kopecmartin> #topic Distros check
15:17:58 <kopecmartin> Centos 9: https://zuul.openstack.org/builds?job_name=tempest-full-centos-9-stream&job_name=devstack-platform-centos-9-stream&skip=0
15:17:58 <kopecmartin> Debian: https://zuul.openstack.org/builds?job_name=devstack-platform-debian-bullseye&job_name=devstack-platform-debian-bookworm&skip=0
15:18:00 <kopecmartin> Rocky: https://zuul.openstack.org/builds?job_name=devstack-platform-rocky-blue-onyx
15:18:02 <kopecmartin> openEuler: https://zuul.openstack.org/builds?job_name=devstack-platform-openEuler-22.03-ovn-source&job_name=devstack-platform-openEuler-22.03-ovs&skip=0
15:18:04 <kopecmartin> jammy: https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/builds?job_name=devstack-platform-ubuntu-jammy-ovn-source&job_name=devstack-platform-ubuntu-jammy-ovs&skip=0
15:18:44 <kopecmartin> one this gets merged, I'll update these links in the agenda as we're removing the openeuler and bullseye jobs
15:18:45 <kopecmartin> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/devstack/+/922630
15:20:17 <kopecmartin> apart from the bullseye and openeuler builds, it looks quite ok
15:20:26 <kopecmartin> #topic Open Discussion
15:20:27 <kopecmartin> anything for the open discussion?
15:21:16 <lpiwowar> kopecmartin: Can I raise the stackviz issue here or somewhere else?
15:21:38 <clarkb> there are still a lot of projects running fips jobs on centos 8 stream
15:21:57 <lpiwowar> We have an active development for stackviz. Austin Nazworth (a student who is part of the upstream mentorship program) is working on updating the depencencies for the project.
15:22:35 <lpiwowar> We were thinking whether it would be possible to create a dev branch for the stackviz repository as there are probably multiple separate patches needed that update the project to the newest dependencies.
15:23:23 <lpiwowar> Is it something that would be possible or we should just try to merge everything into main?
15:23:50 <kopecmartin> lpiwowar: master of stackviz is broken, i don't see a problem of merging the patches that are ready to master .. even if the whole effort of bringing stackviz to up-to-date is still WIP
15:23:53 <kopecmartin> gmann: wdyt?
15:24:03 <frickler> I have bad experience with dev branches, trying to do things in master would be better
15:24:21 <lpiwowar> kopecmartin, frickler: +1, thank you
15:24:37 <kopecmartin> +1 agree, i want to avoid unnecessary administration too (with creating the branch and then merging it to master .. )
15:24:55 <kopecmartin> soo, the fips jobs
15:25:49 <kopecmartin> what do we want to do there? check the projects that use fips with cs8 whether they have fips on cs9 or rocky and if so, then remove the cs8 job, if not, try to update it to cs9/rocky?
15:26:09 <clarkb> it seems like there are c9s alternatives but ut might be good for the qa team to provide some guidance to projects
15:26:45 <clarkb> Mostly I want to call it out as a dead end and waste of resources
15:27:00 <frickler> iiuc there is no alternative to fips-c9s?
15:27:21 <clarkb> right c9s is the alternative to c8s
15:27:29 <clarkb> c8s is completely broken
15:28:35 <kopecmartin> hmm, ok, i can send an email to the ML to bring it up
15:28:59 <kopecmartin> I'll also check with Ade Lee although he's on PTO for the next 2 weeks or so
15:29:22 <kopecmartin> if the jobs are completely broken, I don't see a reason we should keep them around
15:29:41 <kopecmartin> i'll mention that in the email too, just to be transparent
15:29:45 <clarkb> correct, I'm going to delete the nodes entirely soon
15:29:53 <kopecmartin> good
15:30:25 <clarkb> but projects should be given some path forward and I'm not in a position to say what that should be
15:31:39 <kopecmartin> i see, if i recall correctly, the plan was to add some fips jobs on rocky, no idea what's the status of that now, i'll check that too
15:33:04 <kopecmartin> anything else for the open discussion?
15:34:06 <kopecmartin> #topic Bug Triage
15:34:07 <kopecmartin> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/qa-bug-triage-dalmatian
15:34:15 <kopecmartin> bug numbers are recorded ^
15:34:21 <kopecmartin> the counts have been quite steady recently
15:34:33 <kopecmartin> aand that's it , if there isn't anything else, that's it
15:35:33 <kopecmartin> thank you all
15:35:37 <kopecmartin> #endmeeting