17:07:30 <boris-42> #startmeeting rally 17:07:31 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Oct 7 17:07:30 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is boris-42. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:07:32 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:07:34 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'rally' 17:07:36 <openstack> boris-42: Error: Can't start another meeting, one is in progress. Use #endmeeting first. 17:07:40 <boris-42> k4n0 around? 17:07:42 <boris-42> msdubov ping 17:08:03 <k4n0_> yes 17:08:07 <k4n0_> o/ 17:10:31 <boris-42> k4n0_ so let's wait a bit for other=) 17:10:37 <k4n0_> boris-42, sure :) 17:10:44 <olkonami> hi all! 17:10:51 <boris-42> k4n0_ lazy really team ^_ 17:10:53 <boris-42> k4n0_ ^_^ 17:11:02 <k4n0_> boris-42, haha 17:11:29 <boris-42> olkonami welcome back =) 17:14:14 <boris-42> k4n0_ so let's start 17:14:19 <k4n0_> sure 17:14:56 <boris-42> #topic tests refactoring 17:15:44 <boris-42> so recently we merged quite huge patch 17:16:13 <boris-42> so now we have all tests (unit, functional, hackings and ci scripts together) 17:16:14 <boris-42> https://github.com/stackforge/rally/tree/master/tests 17:16:21 <boris-42> as well we add Readme file for it 17:17:30 <boris-42> so I hope it's nice now=) 17:17:34 * k4n0_ checks 17:17:35 <boris-42> k4n0_ what do you think?) 17:17:50 <boris-42> k4n0_ a lot of merge conflicts=) 17:18:00 <k4n0_> boris-42, looks good ! 17:18:39 <boris-42> k4n0_ hehe where are all others=) 17:19:08 <boris-42> k4n0_ btw as well we added it to readthedocs 17:19:13 <boris-42> k4n0_ https://rally.readthedocs.org/en/latest/testing.html so now we have this page 17:19:33 <k4n0_> boris-42, thats nice, google search for rally would give good links 17:19:48 <boris-42> yep I hope so=) 17:20:49 <boris-42> #topic remove run_tests.sh 17:21:09 <boris-42> Recently I removed run_tests.sh 17:21:10 <boris-42> https://github.com/stackforge/rally/commit/b11235b83ea421eb0da5922391953e6ac9656810 17:21:28 <boris-42> there are few reasons why I did it 17:21:35 <boris-42> 1) It removes 1k lines of code=) 17:21:43 <boris-42> 2) This code is not tested in gates 17:22:03 <boris-42> 3) This can have different results from what we are running in gates with "tox" 17:22:13 <k4n0_> people still use run_tests.sh? :D 17:22:20 <boris-42> k4n0_ some of them 17:22:25 <boris-42> k4n0_ =) 17:22:37 <boris-42> k4n0_ but I don't think that they will use it in feature=) 17:23:31 <rediskin> hey 17:24:04 <boris-42> rediskin hey there 17:24:08 <boris-42> Okay next topic 17:24:13 <boris-42> #topic versioning 17:24:32 <boris-42> Okay finally I am happy to say that we are starting versioning stuff 17:24:42 <boris-42> every month we will make 2 versions 17:24:44 <rediskin> is database schema ready enough? 17:25:01 <boris-42> rediskin it's not about database and upgrades between versions 17:25:01 <rediskin> stable enough * 17:25:19 <boris-42> rediskin it's about making https://pypi.python.org/pypi 17:25:49 <k4n0_> boris-42, how are we approaching versioning , any document? 17:25:51 <boris-42> rediskin no backward compability at this moment 17:25:59 <boris-42> k4n0_ I am going to make a document 17:26:01 <rediskin> i crying every time when database schema is old, and no migration tools, and i need to run rally-manage db recreate 17:26:14 <boris-42> rediskin yep yep 17:26:25 <boris-42> rediskin it's sad but we won't address it at this moment 17:26:29 <boris-42> rediskin step by step 17:26:43 <boris-42> so versioning will be next 17:27:04 <rediskin> lets do not change database shema =) 17:27:50 <boris-42> 0.n.m -> 0.n.m+1 means that we it's backward compatible and it's enough to run "python setup.py install" 17:28:28 <boris-42> o.n.m -> 0.n+1.0 means that something is not backward compatible and it *may* require flushing DB 17:28:52 <boris-42> rediskin k4n0_ so we will have statistics about how often we break everything=) 17:29:02 <k4n0_> boris-42, sounds good 17:30:08 <boris-42> k4n0_ rediskin so this will be basic step in direction 17:30:18 <boris-42> of versioning everything 17:30:46 <boris-42> we will need to make versions of results, plugins and DB 17:30:56 <boris-42> so a lot of work to do=) 17:31:28 <k4n0_> boris-42, wow , thats lot of work 17:31:34 <boris-42> k4n0_ yep as usually 17:31:44 <k4n0_> boris-42, ok how are we tracking all this work? 17:31:58 <boris-42> k4n0_ hm I don't know=) 17:32:30 <boris-42> k4n0_ I hope to finish some key feature request that change a lot of this stuff 17:32:44 <k4n0_> boris-42, ok add me to this tasks 17:32:58 <boris-42> k4n0_ sure but you have already a lot of tasks? ;) 17:33:15 <k4n0_> boris-42, Yes, i want to help out, I am just doing the unit tests task for now 17:33:46 <boris-42> k4n0_ oyep a lot of work there 17:33:56 <boris-42> k4n0_ btw where is coolsvap|afk ?) 17:34:12 <boris-42> k4n0_ haven't seen him for a while 17:34:17 <k4n0_> boris-42, I dont know, ill give him these updates in office tomorrow 17:34:35 <boris-42> k4n0_ ok 17:35:05 <boris-42> #topic work on gates 17:35:14 <boris-42> Okay there were 2 related things to gates 17:35:33 <boris-42> We fixed cli function testing job 17:35:34 <boris-42> https://github.com/stackforge/rally/commit/543a7900f5ec6ce5b858d51f97e046940cefcb2a 17:35:39 <boris-42> so now it's always green=) 17:35:55 <boris-42> and we add 2 experimental jobs 17:36:00 <boris-42> Designate + Zaqar 17:36:06 <boris-42> https://github.com/stackforge/rally/commit/ad8ee24c882a7566a77da6785e4571551c674c98 designate even work 17:36:16 <boris-42> if you type "check experimental" it should be green 17:39:03 <boris-42> #topic some issues with installation of Rally in ubuntu 12.04 LTS 17:39:17 <boris-42> https://answers.launchpad.net/rally/+question/255406 17:39:24 <boris-42> rediskin k4n0_ ^ could you guys as well take a look 17:39:46 <k4n0_> boris-42, sure, ill spin a 1204 vm in morning 17:40:00 <k4n0_> #action check https://answers.launchpad.net/rally/+question/255406 17:40:14 <rediskin> hm 17:40:15 <boris-42> k4n0_ seems like we need to remove that page in WIKI 17:40:27 <rediskin> there is a job for install rally on 12.04 17:44:30 <boris-42> rediskin I am going to remove manual installation page 17:46:34 <andreykurilin_> boris-42, i'm late, sorry 17:47:12 <andreykurilin_> boris-42, why you are want to remove manual installation page? 17:48:48 <boris-42> andreykurilin_ cause people is trying to use it 17:48:56 <boris-42> andreykurilin_ already 3 person https://answers.launchpad.net/rally/+question/255406 17:49:00 <boris-42> andreykurilin_ faced this 17:50:00 <andreykurilin_> boris-42, maybe we should update this manual? 17:50:04 <boris-42> andreykurilin_ https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Rally/installation/manual 17:50:08 <boris-42> andreykurilin_ I like this more 17:51:00 <andreykurilin_> boris-42: yes, automated installation is better... 17:51:05 <boris-42> andreykurilin_ yep 17:53:24 <boris-42> so 17:53:39 <boris-42> #topic future cool things 17:53:57 <boris-42> A lot of improvements in rally info command 17:54:11 <boris-42> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/126421/ 17:54:30 <boris-42> New report html page https://review.openstack.org/#/c/125119/ 17:54:52 <boris-42> Better generic cleanup https://review.openstack.org/#/c/116269/ 17:55:30 <boris-42> and as well I am working on some changes in the way how we are storing results 17:55:56 <boris-42> plus refactoring of validation stuff to unify validation in case of scenario and context 17:56:25 <andreykurilin_> boris-42, about cleanup: why rediskin put -2 for it? 17:56:26 <boris-42> And cunning results https://review.openstack.org/#/c/125245/ this will make Rally super scalable. So we will be able to run benchmarks for days and weeks 17:56:32 <boris-42> andreykurilin_ I don't know 17:56:34 <boris-42> =) 17:58:00 <andreykurilin_> boris-42, do we plan finish all this patches before next mini-release? 17:58:07 <boris-42> andreykurilin_ I hope so 17:58:15 <andreykurilin_> :) 17:58:21 <boris-42> andreykurilin_ I mean they are all almost finisehd 17:58:48 <andreykurilin_> boris-42, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/125245 needs changing code from oslo-incubator 18:00:23 <boris-42> andreykurilin_ heh 18:00:36 <boris-42> andreykurilin_ I think that can be removed 18:00:41 <ayoung> Everone out of the pool. Here comes 18:00:42 <boris-42> andreykurilin_ or done in proper way 18:00:44 <ayoung> KEYSTONE! 18:00:51 <boris-42> ayoung NO! =) 18:00:52 <morganfainberg> lol 18:00:57 <morganfainberg> boris-42, yes! :P 18:00:58 <ayoung> CANNONBALL! 18:01:08 <boris-42> ayoung https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTD9r24UjMH-5UAb1i49yf-F99o1jYzZ1sK1GPH3bgqqXsVZbr4fA9P3g 18:01:13 <boris-42> ayoung =) 18:01:17 <boris-42> #endmeeting