17:07:52 <boris-42> #startmeeting Rally 17:07:53 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Feb 3 17:07:52 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is boris-42. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:07:54 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:07:56 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'rally' 17:07:59 <boris-42> #topic Rally API 17:08:05 <boris-42> msdubov_: you are welcome 17:08:14 <msdubov_> boris-42, Yep 17:08:54 <msdubov_> So we have merged the first patch that adds the new API classes https://review.openstack.org/#/c/149597/ 17:09:04 <msdubov_> Those are going to be used instead of pure methods 17:09:10 <msdubov_> So that the API gets more structures 17:09:14 <msdubov_> *structured 17:09:37 <msdubov_> The old API is now marked as deprecated 17:09:50 <msdubov_> We are going to switch the Rally internals to the new API in https://review.openstack.org/150468 17:10:10 <msdubov_> Finally, we will remove the old API in Rally v.0.1.0 (now we are working on v0.0.2) 17:10:11 <msdubov_> eom 17:12:13 <msdubov_> boris-42, ^ 17:12:15 <boris-42> msdubov_: great 17:12:43 <boris-42> msdubov_: so what about moving objects under API? 17:13:09 <msdubov_> boris-42: I think we should implement the get() and list() methods in API 17:13:17 <msdubov_> It will look then much more consistent 17:13:29 <boris-42> msdubov_: yep seems good 17:13:39 <boris-42> okay any questions? 17:14:25 <boris-42> #topic Murano base 17:14:30 <boris-42> rvasilets_: hey there 17:14:39 <boris-42> rvasilets_: so what is the status of those patches? 17:16:46 <rvasilets_> I was working on it. I have done everything from my side except unit tests. Today I have tolking with Murano team and they disappionted why it's not working 17:18:04 <rvasilets_> I have submit patch to gerrit and they are romise to see in logs of murano what is going 17:18:40 <boris-42> rvasilets_: lol 17:18:42 <rvasilets_> Now I get error "Invalid json response...." 17:18:46 <boris-42> rvasilets_: probably we caught some bug 17:18:50 <boris-42> rvasilets_: in Murano 17:18:58 <boris-42> rvasilets_: so I think we should finsih and merge those patches 17:19:04 <rvasilets_> That meen that murano is broken 17:19:09 <boris-42> rvasilets_: lol 17:19:12 <boris-42> rvasilets_: maybe lol 17:19:23 <rvasilets_> Why? - I don't now 17:19:32 <boris-42> rvasilets_: it happens with programs 17:19:43 <boris-42> rvasilets_: usually they are broken, it's hard to make then not broken lol 17:19:52 <rvasilets_> Ok, I would write units and submit it 17:19:57 <boris-42> rvasilets_: yep nice 17:20:03 <rvasilets_> eom 17:20:10 <boris-42> rvasilets_: thanks for update 17:20:20 <boris-42> #topic Stop on SLA failures 17:20:26 <boris-42> msdubov_: please one more time=) 17:20:38 <msdubov_> boris-42, with pleasure! 17:21:16 <msdubov_> boris-42 Okay our idea is that it would be continue to be able to stop scenario execution when the SLA for it fail - even before all the iterations have finished 17:21:23 <msdubov_> to do that, we have implement 2 things: 17:21:29 <msdubov_> 1) ScenarioRunner.abort() method 17:21:38 <msdubov_> That's in https://review.openstack.org/151678 17:22:08 <msdubov_> 2) Iterative SLA checks - so that they check SLAs after each iteration of benchmark scenarios, and still have linear complexity 17:22:20 <msdubov_> I'm working on that here: https://review.openstack.org/152459 17:22:54 <msdubov_> There also is a new parameter to the "rally task start" command that introduces this "stop on SLA failure" mode: --stop-on-sla-failure 17:23:16 <boris-42> msdubov_: tooolong 17:23:22 <msdubov_> boris-42, One problem I see about the whole thing is that it's not quite clear how to implement the iterative "failure_rate" SLA check 17:23:34 <msdubov_> because the failure rate actually changes from iteration to iteration 17:23:43 <msdubov_> and we may abort a scenario when it's too early 17:23:48 <boris-42> msdubov_: we are not interested in whole amount of results 17:24:02 <boris-42> msdubov_: if current amount of errors is bigger then something stop 17:24:05 <boris-42> msdubov_: that'sall 17:24:35 <msdubov_> boris-42, I see, but if the first iteration is an error, then failure rate = 100% and we will stop, but next iterations may be perfectly OK 17:24:47 <msdubov_> I think we should start those checks after a few iterations 17:25:07 <boris-42> msdubov_: It can be parametrized 17:25:27 <msdubov_> boris-42, in the task file? 17:25:32 <msdubov_> boris-42, or better in CLI? 17:25:40 <boris-42> msdubov_: in sla failure rate 17:25:53 <boris-42> msdubov_: but it will be dirty 17:26:06 <boris-42> msdubov_: I would prefer for now 17:26:09 <boris-42> msdubov_: just to stop 17:26:25 <msdubov_> boris-42, Ok! 17:26:45 <msdubov_> boris-42, Then what is left for me are unit tests and a couple of corrections in the code 17:27:22 <boris-42> msdubov_: sure nice 17:27:26 <boris-42> msdubov_: let's get it in 17:27:30 <boris-42> any questions? 17:28:39 <boris-42> okay let's move 17:28:59 <boris-42> #topic HMTL reports making them scale 17:29:04 <boris-42> amaretskiy: any news? 17:29:41 <amaretskiy> I'm currently working on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/146814/ 17:29:50 <amaretskiy> this patch set is set back to WIP 17:30:03 <amaretskiy> in order to rework it and implement chunks 17:30:44 <amaretskiy> so I'm going to rework plot.py completely so task processing will be using chunks generator 17:31:01 <amaretskiy> and we will have ability to process huge data 17:31:28 <boris-42> amaretskiy: nice so any progress on it/ 17:31:30 <boris-42> ? 17:32:32 <amaretskiy> of course, this is patch set is related to plot part only, so another part is update in objects.task.Task.get_results() - this should return chunks generator 17:32:48 <amaretskiy> i think some results (WIP) will be tomorrow 17:32:54 <amaretskiy> eom 17:34:58 <boris-42> amaretskiy: ok 17:35:07 <boris-42> #topic Rally task validate refactoring 17:35:23 <boris-42> oh there is no Oleg.... 17:35:33 <boris-42> amaretskiy: msdubov_ did you take a look at patches? 17:36:07 <msdubov_> msdubov_, Not yet, but I've planned that for the evening 17:36:11 <msdubov_> boris-42, ^ 17:36:12 <amaretskiy> I reviewed this patch yesterday, now we have new patch set 17:36:38 <boris-42> amaretskiy: ok 17:36:42 <boris-42> msdubov_: thanks 17:36:52 <boris-42> #topic One Plugin base 17:37:04 <boris-42> Okay guys I didn't have enough time to continue work on it 17:37:14 <boris-42> But Olga send on review one patch 17:37:28 <boris-42> that changes servers providers and deploy engines 17:37:34 <boris-42> so I think I will update tonight that patch 17:37:53 <boris-42> and hopefully we will be able to go forward=) 17:38:03 <boris-42> and I will be able to rework verfication mechanism 17:38:12 <msdubov_> boris-42, Nice. I've commented your patch, it misses a couple of files 17:38:19 <boris-42> msdubov_: thanks 17:38:25 <boris-42> I saw I will fix 17:38:33 <boris-42> I was quite ill when I was writting that=) 17:38:38 <msdubov_> lol 17:38:39 <boris-42> so mistakes are possible=) 17:39:02 <boris-42> #topic Free disucssion 17:39:09 <boris-42> do we have something to discus? 17:39:14 <amaretskiy> no 17:39:29 <olkonami> boris-42, I have some proposal to switch to plugins base, part 2 17:40:00 <olkonami> for deploy engines, serverproviders and scenario classes into get_name method are used cls.__name__ 17:40:15 <olkonami> so to avoid put decorator @plugin.plugin with the actual class name for all such classes 17:40:24 <olkonami> I propose revrite in get_name method of Plugin class 17:40:35 <olkonami> return getattr(cls, "_plugin_name", None) to return getattr(cls, "_plugin_name", cls.__name__) 17:40:42 <boris-42> olkonami: so don't touch scenarios 17:40:43 <olkonami> so if we set name with decorator, we will use it, otherwise we will use name of class 17:40:53 <boris-42> olkonami: they are quite differnet from everything else 17:41:14 <boris-42> olkonami: I would prefer to have unified and explicit way to set names 17:41:16 <olkonami> not scenario methods, scenario class 17:41:27 <boris-42> olkonami: get_name() will return both 17:41:30 <boris-42> olkonami: depending on name 17:41:42 <boris-42> olkonami: so as i am saying it's quite different from others 17:42:05 <boris-42> olkonami: about Engines, ServerProviders it's better to use plugin.plugin(name=) approach cause it's simpler for end users 17:42:10 <boris-42> and newbies to understand 17:42:27 <boris-42> cause it's unclear why cls.__name__ should be the name of plugin 17:43:09 <olkonami> boris-42, ok 17:43:31 <olkonami> but also also I don't like name plugin.plugin for decorator, I think it's a bit misunderstanding 17:43:44 <olkonami> I prefer smth like plugin.set_name 17:44:19 <boris-42> olkonami: and what if our plugin.plugin will set new parameters? 17:44:27 <boris-42> olkonami: not only name? 17:44:32 <boris-42> olkonami: but version and so on 17:46:43 <olkonami> boris-42, than I prefer smth like plugin.set_params, becouse we have class Plugin and decorator plugin and when I looked at that first, I was confused 17:48:25 <boris-42> olkonami: maybe just plugin.set? 17:50:16 <olkonami> boris-42, deal :) 17:50:55 <msdubov_> boris-42, I also like this name 17:50:55 <boris-42> olkonami: ok I think it's not a big deal to rename it 17:51:06 <boris-42> olkonami: msdubov_ ok I will rename it 17:51:22 <boris-42> it's not hard because we didn't switch yet to it 17:51:28 <boris-42> okay any other topics to disucss? 17:53:41 <boris-42> okay let's end meeting 17:53:43 <boris-42> #endmeeting