17:01:44 <boris-42> #startmeeting rally 17:01:44 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Apr 7 17:01:44 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is boris-42. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:01:45 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:01:47 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'rally' 17:01:54 <boris-42> oanufriev: msdubov meteorfox ping 17:02:22 <meteorfox> o/ 17:02:55 <boris-42> meteorfox: hi htere 17:05:14 <boris-42> amaretskiy: ping 17:05:16 <msdubov> boris-42 hi! 17:05:19 <amaretskiy> hi 17:05:32 <oanufriev> hi 17:06:44 <rook> boris-42: Here :D 17:07:02 <boris-42> rook: nice) 17:07:09 <boris-42> e0ne: around? 17:07:22 <e0ne> boris-42: yep 17:07:34 <boris-42> okay I believe we can start?) 17:07:44 <e0ne> rally meeting? 17:07:49 <boris-42> e0ne: yep 17:08:04 <boris-42> #topic Rally stackforge->openstack 17:08:23 <boris-42> okay seems like most of TC are already ready to add Rally to OpenStack 17:08:33 <boris-42> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/169357/ 17:08:50 <boris-42> ^ I had to rebase and rephrase it a bit but in history most of TC are ok 17:08:59 <e0ne> awesome! congrats 17:09:00 <meteorfox> awesome 17:09:01 <boris-42> so that's actually very nice news=) 17:09:47 <rook> outstanding! 17:10:12 <msdubov> boris-42:congrats! 17:10:58 <boris-42> msdubov: rook meteorfox e0ne so today in 3 hours they will make final decision 17:11:06 <boris-42> there will be TC meeting in this chat 17:11:40 <meteorfox> cool, I'll be around. I hope it gets in 17:12:33 <boris-42> ok 17:13:07 <boris-42> #topic Online Bash competition & making Rally start fast 17:13:14 <boris-42> So we have deep issues with Rally 17:13:23 <boris-42> it takes about 600-700ms to start rally 17:13:35 <meteorfox> boris-42: do you meant completion? 17:13:46 <boris-42> rally ta<tab> 17:14:34 <boris-42> meteorfox: ^ 17:14:36 <meteorfox> ok, yeah. then 'completion' it is. I was confused, I thought there was some kind of contest or something 17:14:46 <boris-42> meteorfox: yep=) 17:14:58 <boris-42> completion* 17:15:06 <boris-42> so we can't make it online* 17:15:18 <boris-42> it has to be hardcoded and not generate online 17:15:23 <boris-42> to fix this I created tool 17:15:34 <boris-42> https://github.com/boris-42/profimp 17:15:46 <boris-42> ^ so we can analyze what is imported so long and optimize rally imports 17:16:34 <meteorfox> cool! 17:17:16 <boris-42> meteorfox: so it allows to trace imports and some of libs already used it 17:17:29 <boris-42> meteorfox: rootwrap and keystone to make their imports faster 17:17:52 <meteorfox> boris-42: this will be useful for other projects, I wasn't aware this existed. thanks man! 17:18:41 <boris-42> meteorfox: hehe=) 17:18:43 <boris-42> meteorfox: star it=) 17:18:50 <meteorfox> just did 17:18:56 <boris-42> okay so we are going to imporve rally 17:19:02 <boris-42> make it start fast 17:19:07 <boris-42> and implement online bash completition 17:19:37 <meteorfox> is there an example of how to use it? 17:19:44 <boris-42> meteorfox: readme 17:19:50 <rook> thought I saw a example on the main page? 17:20:05 <boris-42> meteorfox: yep just scroll page 17:20:06 <meteorfox> right, I meant more as a library 17:20:23 <boris-42> meteorfox: ?) 17:20:51 <meteorfox> boris-42: nevermind, I can figure out 17:21:34 <boris-42> meteorfox: you mean use profimp as a lib? 17:21:44 <boris-42> meteorfox: from profimp import main 17:21:51 <meteorfox> boris-42: yeah, I saw I can use trace_module() 17:22:02 <boris-42> main.trace_module() 17:22:07 <boris-42> thta's all that you need to know=) 17:22:15 <meteorfox> yep yep 17:22:20 <boris-42> it will return json 17:22:42 <boris-42> actually no it will return root instance of TracePoint 17:22:49 <boris-42> it has to_dict() method 17:23:04 <meteorfox> nifty 17:23:33 <boris-42> okay 17:23:40 <boris-42> let's move to next topic 17:23:47 <boris-42> #topic Important changes 17:24:18 <boris-42> we restore abbility to use boot_runcommand_delete with fixed ip 17:24:22 <boris-42> amaretskiy: thanks ^ 17:24:28 <boris-42> Add new tutorial 17:24:40 <boris-42> https://rally.readthedocs.org/en/latest/tutorial/step_8_task_templates.html 17:25:09 <boris-42> Now SSL configuration is per deployment not per rally.conf 17:25:18 <boris-42> and rally.conf one is deprecated 17:25:45 <boris-42> As well OS_ENDPOINT is recognized in rally deployment --fromenv 17:26:07 <boris-42> As well we merged bunch of new benchmarks 17:26:13 <boris-42> So that is all for this week 17:27:22 <boris-42> Next topic?) 17:27:24 <boris-42> any questions? 17:28:35 <boris-42> meteorfox: rook & 17:28:36 <boris-42> ^ 17:28:43 <meteorfox> nope 17:28:48 <boris-42> okay 17:28:51 <rook> has anyone played much with rps? 17:29:02 <boris-42> rook: so I played a bit 17:29:12 <boris-42> rook: but seems like we have some issues with it 17:29:37 <rook> I personally havent, but members who I work with have seen some problems... where Rally doesn't catch a guest went into ERROR state (vmtask specifically). 17:29:43 <rook> boris-42: ah ok. 17:29:51 <rook> boris-42: I was going to have him open a BZ 17:30:00 <boris-42> rook: oh nope 17:30:19 <boris-42> rook: I was talking about issues related with proper load generation 17:30:21 <boris-42> rook: not such 17:30:29 <rook> ITER: 0 END: Error TimeoutException: Rally tired waiting for unicode u'':<no id> to become <function _ping_ip_address at 0x2d3d6e0> current status NONE 17:30:34 <rook> ^ example boris-42 17:30:38 <boris-42> rook: so this is ok 17:30:53 <rook> Guest was in ERROR state, but Running 17:30:55 <boris-42> rook: it can't ping VM it is not related to runner 17:31:17 <boris-42> rook: what do you mean by Running?) 17:31:56 <rook> boris-42: Status was ERROR, Power State was Running 17:32:09 <rook> | c31dff3b-a03b-41e2-9799-cb9cc35a79ea | sriov | ACTIVE | - | Running | net= | 17:32:15 <rook> ^ Example where things are "good" 17:32:30 <boris-42> rook: ITER: 0 END: Error TimeoutException: Rally tired waiting for unicode u'':<no id> to become <function _ping_ip_address at 0x2d3d6e0> current status NONE 17:32:30 <boris-42> 17:32:43 <boris-42> ^ This means that Rally tired wating to ping VM 17:32:59 <rook> Right, but that guest was in ERROR state... 17:33:11 <rook> I personally haven't investigated this much 17:33:19 <rook> i was curious if others have seen where rps causes failures. 17:33:30 <boris-42> rook: it can't be related to rps 17:33:43 <boris-42> rook: the bug may be in vm task boot and run command 17:33:46 <boris-42> rook: scenario 17:33:59 <rook> possibly... I need to play with it some 17:34:06 <boris-42> rook: ok 17:34:23 <boris-42> let's move to next topic 17:34:33 <boris-42> #topic Release 0.0.3 is coming 17:34:46 <boris-42> I am going to cut on this week new release 17:35:02 <boris-42> I will try to finish support of existing users before cut of new releae 17:35:56 <boris-42> rook: oanufriev amaretskiy msdubov ^ 17:35:59 <boris-42> meteorfox: ^ 17:36:03 <boris-42> anything?) 17:36:46 <meteorfox> nope, the comments I had regarding the 'sigma test' for the outliers, I left them in the patch itself. I think it should be discussed there 17:37:02 <boris-42> msdubov: did you see those comments? 17:37:04 <boris-42> meteorfox: ^ 17:37:10 <msdubov> boris-42 What else should be completed before 0.0.3? 17:37:23 <boris-42> msdubov: I believe only existing users 17:37:31 <boris-42> but they can be even done after 17:37:45 <boris-42> as well this patch is interesting 17:37:46 <boris-42> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/170160/ 17:38:23 <pradeep> any link we have for 0.0.3 items? 17:38:44 <msdubov> boris-42:Yes, I saw it. Maybe also "task abort" in 0.0.3? 17:39:19 <boris-42> pradeep: not yet but let we discuss this in next topic 17:39:29 <boris-42> msdubov: heh not sure if we finish it before existing users and get merged 17:39:31 <pradeep> sure 17:39:39 <boris-42> okay let's move to next topic 17:39:50 <boris-42> #topic How to make simple to understand what is important for next release 17:39:57 <e0ne> boris-42: may be we'll complete 2 more scenarios for cinder this week 17:40:03 <boris-42> e0ne: ok 17:40:08 <e0ne> one is ready for review 17:40:10 <boris-42> So I have idea 17:40:24 <boris-42> it was actually redixin 17:40:28 <boris-42> idea 17:40:33 <boris-42> To make one blueprint 17:40:37 <boris-42> in launchpad 17:40:53 <boris-42> "important-for-next-release" and add it to commit messages 17:41:09 <boris-42> so we will have page with all patches that are important-for-next-release 17:41:19 <boris-42> msdubov: e0ne meteorfox rook pradeep ^ 17:41:27 <e0ne> interesting... 17:41:29 <boris-42> e0ne: regarding to cinder benchmarks 17:41:40 <boris-42> e0ne: okay we will take a look 17:41:53 <boris-42> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/rally/+spec/important-for-next-release 17:41:55 <e0ne> boris-42: thanks! 17:42:03 <boris-42> ^ So actually I created such BP already 17:42:06 <boris-42> but we are not using it 17:42:08 <boris-42> ye 17:42:10 <boris-42> yet* 17:42:34 <msdubov> boris-42: I like this idea, redixin thanks for this 17:43:10 <pradeep> boris-42: its nice 17:43:43 <pradeep> idea 17:43:45 <boris-42> okay then after cutting next release we will start adding this bp to all important patches 17:46:47 <boris-42> any other comments? 17:47:12 * rook needs to catch up! ;) 17:47:21 <msdubov> boris-42: Will we use only one bluepirnt? 17:47:27 <boris-42> msdubov: yep 17:47:28 <msdubov> boris-42:Maybe better one BP for each release? 17:47:35 <boris-42> msdubov: nope 17:47:53 <boris-42> msdubov: because if decided to not merge important for release 0.0.x in 0.0.x 17:47:59 <boris-42> we will need to update commit message 17:48:08 <msdubov> boris-42: I see 17:48:28 <boris-42> msdubov: as well I am not sure that it will be easy to predict version of rally always 17:51:27 <boris-42> okay let's move 17:51:32 <boris-42> #topic open dicussion 17:51:49 <boris-42> amaretskiy: msdubov meteorfox rook pradeep anything to discuss?) 17:52:17 <rook> Since I am behind on things, is there any work on creating a Rally API ? 17:53:29 <boris-42> rook: so yep 17:53:44 <boris-42> rook: here is rally api (as a lib) https://github.com/stackforge/rally/blob/master/rally/api.py 17:53:58 <boris-42> rook: and we are going to add more methods like list and show to it 17:54:13 <boris-42> rook: and remove rally.objects usages from rally.cli 17:54:25 * rook will check it out. 17:54:27 <rook> thanks boris-42 17:54:29 <boris-42> rally.cmd* 17:54:53 <boris-42> rook: so basically on top of rally.api we will create a tinny translator HTTP-2-API 17:55:03 <boris-42> rook: so we will have as well rally as a service 17:58:07 <boris-42> rook: okay 17:58:24 <boris-42> so let's finish meeting 17:58:28 <boris-42> see you 17:58:32 <boris-42> #endmeeting