17:07:53 <msdubov_> #startmeeting Rally 17:07:54 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Apr 14 17:07:53 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is msdubov_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:07:55 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:07:57 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'rally' 17:08:15 <msdubov_> rvasilets, yfried, andreykurilin1 Hi 17:08:21 <rvasilets> Hi 17:09:26 <yfried> msdubov_: hi. I'm partially here... 17:09:32 <msdubov_> yfried, Ok :) 17:11:07 <msdubov_> pradeep Hi! 17:12:07 <msdubov_> Okay seems like the today's meeting is going to be not very long since many people are missing 17:12:10 <msdubov_> But let's start 17:12:18 <msdubov_> #topic Rally accepted to Openstack 17:12:40 <yfried> msdubov_: yey 17:12:59 <msdubov_> After 1.5 years of development Rally has got accepted to OpenStack as an official OpenStack project! 17:13:06 <msdubov_> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/169357/ 17:13:20 <msdubov_> Nice job, guys, and congratulations 17:13:57 <msdubov_> #topic Release 0.0.3 17:14:08 <meteorfox> msdubov_: what are the next steps? does Rally moves to github OpenStack 17:14:13 <meteorfox> oops to late 17:14:18 <pradeep> msdubov_: Hi 17:14:34 <msdubov_> meteorfox, nevermind :) Yep, as far as I know we will move to OpenStack 17:14:42 <pradeep> msdubov_: kool :) 17:15:00 <meteorfox> cool 17:15:05 * yfried gonna have to change all automation scripts... 17:15:15 <msdubov_> meteorfox, and the next steps are to deal somehow with the increasing interest from the community :) 17:15:38 <msdubov_> meteorfox, there will be more and more developers involved 17:15:46 <meteorfox> msdubov_: I think having a very clear roadmap should help focus that interest 17:15:47 <pradeep> msdubov_: yfried: Good news. Any major code changes expected due to this? 17:15:59 <msdubov_> meteorfox, yep, that's true 17:16:16 <msdubov_> pradeep, don't think so, we're just following our Roadmap as before 17:16:22 <pradeep> ok 17:16:26 <msdubov_> So another important news is that we are about to have the 0.0.3 release 17:16:45 <msdubov_> Oh we actually already have it :) 17:16:47 <msdubov_> #link https://review.openstack.org/173134 17:17:13 <msdubov_> This release cycle took us 33 days, but we're striving towards a 2-weeks release cycle 17:17:34 <msdubov_> The 0.0.3 release brings 53 commits 17:17:53 <msdubov_> Among them - 11 new plugins (benchmark scenarios/runners/sla stuff) and 14 bugfixes 17:18:16 <msdubov_> 0.0.3 also includes some changes in the docs and the spec on the new input task format 17:18:30 <msdubov_> Any questions on this? 17:19:16 <yfried> msdubov_: re spec - have we started working on it? 17:19:34 <pradeep> msdubov_: 2 week cycle would be bit challenging? 17:19:43 <pradeep> msdubov_: how do other projects follow? 17:20:16 <yfried> pradeep: milestones (~3 for each version, AFAIK) 17:20:53 <pradeep> ok 17:21:53 <msdubov_> yfried: Seems like not yet, there are some blockers that have to be implemented first 17:22:09 <msdubov_> pradeep, Yep, this is going to be challenging, the next topic is going to be about that 17:23:05 <msdubov_> So let's move to it 17:23:09 <msdubov_> #topic Release management 17:23:56 <msdubov_> So, indeed, to have a successful 2-weeks release cycle, we have to be a bit more organized 17:24:26 <msdubov_> And there should be a mechanism of notifying the reviewers of what should be reviewed first to get to the next release 17:24:38 <msdubov_> The idea is to use a special blueprint for that 17:24:47 <msdubov_> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/rally/+spec/important-for-next-release 17:24:53 <msdubov_> This blueprint has to be mentioned in the corresponding patches on Gerrit, which will make it simpler for the reviewers to find out the patches that are of the highest importance 17:25:16 <yfried> msdubov_: openstack projects can create special gerrit dashboards with priorities and such 17:25:50 <msdubov_> yfried, interesting, I personally didn't take a llok at them 17:26:04 <msdubov_> yfried, but anyway, we're always trying to make everything as simple as possible 17:26:24 <msdubov_> yfried, A blueprint makes it simple to make just a list of patches that have to be merged in 0.0.x 17:26:26 <yfried> https://review.openstack.org/Documentation/user-dashboards.html 17:26:31 <msdubov_> yfried, thanks 17:26:31 <yfried> https://github.com/sdague/gerrit-dash-creator 17:26:41 <yfried> https://github.com/stackforge/gerrit-dash-creator 17:27:21 <msdubov_> yfried, Thank you one more time 17:27:42 <msdubov_> #action to look at the gerrit dashboards 17:27:58 <yfried> msdubov_: that's unrelated to tracking patches with bp 17:28:05 <msdubov_> yfried, I see 17:28:09 <yfried> msdubov_: which should be done regardlessly 17:28:18 <msdubov_> yfried, ok 17:28:22 <msdubov_> So along with that... 17:28:23 <msdubov_> We will also presumably have a special IRC meeting at #openstack-meeting for release discussions 17:28:29 <msdubov_> every week 17:28:54 <yfried> msdubov_: could we do it in more reasonable times? 17:29:06 <pradeep> msdubov_: was about to ask that 17:29:07 <msdubov_> yfried, aren't you ok with the time of this meeting? 17:29:10 <pradeep> yfried: ^ 17:29:31 <yfried> it's 20:30 for me 17:29:44 <msdubov_> yfried, for me too :) 17:30:01 <aswadr> folks- which timezone is it? 17:30:05 <pradeep> msdubov_: 23:00 in india now. :) 17:30:11 <yfried> msdubov_: my daughter here is wating for her bath ... :( 17:30:14 <aswadr> is is* 17:30:19 <msdubov_> yfried, ah 17:30:28 <yfried> ~5hrs earlier? 17:31:03 <msdubov_> aswadr, UTC+3 for me 17:31:10 <msdubov_> yfried, Will talk to boris-42! 17:31:24 <yfried> msdubov_: maybe alternating weeks? 17:31:37 <aswadr> @msdubov_ thanks! and is the day decidec too? 17:31:42 <msdubov_> yfried, I think we have the meeting in the evening to make it possible for people overseas to participate 17:31:51 <msdubov_> aswadr, Not yet 17:32:06 <aswadr> o 17:32:11 <aswadr> ok* 17:32:19 <msdubov_> yfried, alternating weeks? what do you mean? 17:32:54 <yfried> msdubov_: 1 week this time, 1week earlier 17:33:08 <msdubov_> yfried, Not sure this is the best solution... 17:33:29 <msdubov_> yfried, Ok, will discuss that with Boris 17:33:39 <msdubov_> So, as for the release management 17:33:40 <msdubov_> I will be responsible for this process 17:33:51 <msdubov_> (chairing meetings, writing release notes etc.) 17:34:03 <msdubov_> Are there any questions left on this? 17:36:40 <msdubov_> yfried, Do you have a couple of minutes? 17:36:57 <yfried> msdubov_: yes 17:37:09 <msdubov_> #topic Refactoring scenario utils 17:37:17 <msdubov_> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/172831/ 17:37:26 <msdubov_> yfried, Could you please tell us a bit about this? 17:37:27 <yfried> msdubov_: great 17:37:42 <yfried> so this was asked for by boris-42 17:38:06 * yfried looking for links 17:38:22 <yfried> we worked on https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:stackforge/rally+branch:master+topic:IPv6_Tests,n,z 17:39:52 <yfried> and it intorduces complicated changes that are required in ctx as well as wrapper and would be handy in Neutron utils and other scenario down the road 17:41:16 <yfried> so the idea is to have all service utils in one place that is accesible for all plugins 17:42:04 <yfried> and while at it, move away from the inheritance relationship between utils and scenarios, towards compositions 17:42:40 <yfried> meaning: scenarios will have utils as attributes 17:42:52 <yfried> clear enough? 17:43:43 <msdubov_> yfried, yep, thanks! 17:43:47 <msdubov_> yfried, Will review 17:44:24 <yfried> msdubov_: also 17:44:50 <yfried> having all utils in a single place will make the wrapper (net, keystone) part of that tree and simpler to handle 17:45:25 <msdubov_> yfried, Won't it be a kind of too much for a single place? 17:46:10 <yfried> msdubov_: having the wrapper there as well? 17:46:15 <yfried> msdubov_: IMO no 17:46:33 <msdubov_> yfried, ok 17:47:02 <yfried> msdubov_: becuase they would be integrated in this tree and would hold only the necessary code (less code in wrapper) 17:48:19 <msdubov_> yfried, ok 17:48:19 <msdubov_> #topic Free discussion 17:48:47 <yfried> msdubov_: what about meeting agenda? 17:48:49 <pradeep> msdubov_: i see some patches posted long long before. 17:49:13 <msdubov_> yfried, ? 17:49:16 <msdubov_> pradeep, Which ones? 17:49:30 <pradeep> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/97030/ 17:49:39 <pradeep> msdubov_: some one working on those? 17:50:41 <pradeep> msdubov_: for ex: ironic. 17:50:48 <pradeep> msdubov_: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/117705/ 17:50:50 <msdubov_> pradeep, As for that patch, it seems like it should have been abandoned 17:51:06 <msdubov_> pradeep, There is a similar work in another chain of patches https://review.openstack.org/#/c/141671/ 17:51:18 <msdubov_> pradeep, But some patches are just low priority 17:51:36 <msdubov_> pradeep, or people get tired of working on them :) 17:52:17 <yfried> pradeep: I guess you could post a comment asking about them, and if no response in ~1wk, just take over 17:52:29 <pradeep> msdubov_: :) ok 17:52:32 <pradeep> yfried: sure 17:52:33 <yfried> pradeep: if that's what you are asking 17:52:39 <yfried> msdubov_: re agenda 17:52:40 <pradeep> yes 17:53:48 <yfried> msdubov_: boris suggested we publish an editable agenda prior to the meetings, so ppl can add stuff, and prepare in advance, or maybe cancle a meeting if nothing is on the agenda? 17:54:23 <msdubov_> yfried, hm, that makes sense 17:54:31 <msdubov_> yfried, he didn't tell me that today :) 17:54:42 <yfried> msdubov_: if we had an agenda... 17:54:59 <yfried> msdubov_: also, do we have some automatic logging of meetings? 17:55:01 <msdubov_> msdubov_, It just turned out a couple of hours back that I'll chair it 17:55:08 <msdubov_> yfried, yes 17:55:23 <msdubov_> When I'll finish the meeting there will be links 17:55:30 <msdubov_> yfried, Can I do that? :) 17:56:43 <tosky> yfried: you can use the wiki, as other projects do: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Rally 17:56:46 * yfried going to wash my kid 17:56:53 <yfried> msdubov_: sure 17:57:15 <msdubov_> yfried, You can also always find the link to the meeting logs here http://rally.readthedocs.org/en/latest/project_info.html 17:57:18 <msdubov_> #endmeeting