14:09:33 <boris-42> #startmeeting Rally 14:09:34 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Jun 8 14:09:33 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is boris-42. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:09:35 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:09:38 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'rally' 14:09:38 <boris-42> yfried: ping 14:09:42 <boris-42> redixin: ping 14:09:45 <boris-42> amaretskiy: ping 14:09:51 <amaretskiy> hi 14:09:53 <msdubov_> hi 14:09:56 <boris-42> msdubov_: hi 14:09:57 <yfried> hi 14:10:50 <skraynev> hi 14:11:20 <boris-42> skraynev: hi there 14:11:24 <e0ne> hi 14:11:27 <boris-42> stpierre: ping 14:11:31 <stpierre> pong 14:12:15 <boris-42> so let's start=) 14:12:34 <boris-42> #topic Plugin base finally=) 14:12:56 <boris-42> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/160142/10 14:13:03 <boris-42> ^ more or less I finished it 14:13:20 <boris-42> one more bonus that it adds (except removal of copy pasted code & unfification of plugins) 14:13:31 <boris-42> is that we will get namespaces for plugins 14:13:36 <yfried> boris-42: great 14:13:49 <boris-42> which is crucial if we are going to benchmark other ecosystems 14:13:49 <yfried> boris-42: although pboldin seems to disagree :) 14:13:53 <boris-42> e.g. doker 14:14:01 <boris-42> yfried: it's okay=) 14:14:44 <boris-42> so this is actually one of blocker for cutting Rally 0.1.0 release 14:14:52 <boris-42> so please review it! 14:15:03 <boris-42> okay let's move to next topic 14:15:13 <boris-42> #topic Rally core structure changes 14:15:30 <boris-42> We don't scale enough and if we add more projects this will be even worse 14:15:46 <boris-42> so I introduced 2 types of cores 14:16:01 <boris-42> cores that are reviewing everything 14:16:16 <boris-42> and cores that are reviewing plugins that are specific for their project 14:16:26 <boris-42> (usually cores of those projects) 14:16:36 <yfried> boris-42: is this enforced by gerrit, or just good will? 14:16:54 <boris-42> yfried: sooo. I know how to enforce it by gerrit 14:17:13 <boris-42> yfried: but community was against and they said that I am very bad person and rally project sux=) 14:17:22 <boris-42> yfried: and I should trust people 14:17:30 <yfried> boris-42: let's not get into this. 14:17:42 <boris-42> yfried: so we will just use Trust model 14:17:51 <boris-42> yfried: I will keep up-to-date this page https://rally.readthedocs.org/en/latest/project_info.html 14:18:00 <yfried> boris-42: do you have the auth to set gerrit as you suggested 14:18:02 <yfried> ? 14:18:19 <boris-42> yfried: I am not allowed to touch gerrit 14:18:37 <boris-42> yfried: as I said I proposed this to mailing list... 14:18:46 <yfried> boris-42: why not go with the +A module accepted in Neutron? seems like it's a halfway solution 14:18:55 <yfried> boris-42: I've read the thread. 14:19:03 <boris-42> yfried: I don't like trust model 14:19:11 <boris-42> yfried: if we use trust model there is no difference 14:19:11 <yfried> boris-42: I agree 14:19:19 <boris-42> yfried: between neutron stuff and our 14:19:29 <boris-42> yfried: we just trust cores from other project to maintain their plugins 14:19:42 <boris-42> yfried: and they just said that they won't +2 patches not related to their topic 14:20:51 <boris-42> yfried: I think overall it's good, just sad that it's not automated 14:20:56 <yfried> boris-42: so , IIUC, the Neutorn module says "leutantnats" can +2 but not +A 14:21:42 <boris-42> yfried: the same here 14:21:56 <yfried> boris-42: ok. so we go with trust. 14:21:57 <boris-42> yfried: a bit actually better if full core put +2 14:22:06 <boris-42> yfried: they can +2+A 14:22:35 <yfried> boris-42: let's just have it on record that patches can't touch plugins and "core" at the same time 14:22:40 <yfried> boris-42: what do you think? 14:22:57 <boris-42> yfried: this will be enforced 14:23:04 <boris-42> yfried: by nerd reviewer some day 14:23:20 <yfried> boris-42: for now, can it be in doc as policy? 14:23:45 <boris-42> yfried: so where you would like to put this? 14:24:05 <yfried> boris-42: don't know. isn't msdubov_ our doc guru? 14:24:24 <boris-42> yfried: heh 14:24:30 <yfried> boris-42: the same place we state that you can't reduce coverage 14:24:33 <boris-42> yfried: so probably just in project_info 14:24:45 <boris-42> yfried: reducing coverage is automated IMHO 14:24:55 <boris-42> yfried: like it won't just pass CI 14:25:00 <yfried> boris-42: doesn't meen it shouldn't be written in doc 14:25:28 <yfried> boris-42: new contrib should be able to read all the guidlines 14:25:42 <boris-42> yfried: hm we have testing guidlines 14:25:57 <boris-42> yfried: https://github.com/openstack/rally/tree/master/tests 14:26:46 <boris-42> yfried: but not sure that passing CI should be documented 14:26:53 <boris-42> yfried: it's obvious, no? 14:27:55 <yfried> boris-42: the TYPE of CI should be doc. so ppl can easily understand what the job is testing and what they are required to do. but we are digressing. let's go back to mtg 14:28:32 <boris-42> yfried: in any case description of coverage job should go here 14:28:37 <boris-42> yfried: https://github.com/openstack/rally/tree/master/tests 14:28:51 <boris-42> yfried: and non touching framework & plugins should go somehwere else 14:30:02 <boris-42> okay let's move to next topic 14:30:14 <boris-42> #topic Rally as a Lib & Rally as a Service (finally) 14:30:19 <boris-42> msdubov_: ping 14:30:30 <boris-42> msdubov_: could you share efforts? 14:30:55 <msdubov_> boris-42: sure 14:30:57 <msdubov_> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/182245/ 14:31:08 <msdubov_> For now, we have a spec describing future changes ^ 14:31:42 <msdubov_> The spec includes several code snippets describing the way we're going to implement RaaS to make it simple to use Rally both in local and in RPC mode 14:32:05 <yfried> msdubov_: nice 14:32:11 <msdubov_> There are also several proposals on changing the API itself, to move all DB/object calls there, to make CLI thin etc. 14:32:24 <msdubov_> yfried: Please review it! 14:32:28 <yfried> msdubov_: will do 14:32:39 <msdubov_> eom 14:32:43 <boris-42> msdubov_: nice work 14:32:49 <boris-42> msdubov_: i will review it as well soon 14:32:58 <boris-42> msdubov_: there is a plenty amount of work to do 14:33:13 <boris-42> msdubov_: I believe we will need to cut 0.2.0 to get all these changes in 14:33:22 <msdubov_> boris-42: Maybe 14:33:36 <boris-42> msdubov_: seems like not maybe=) 14:34:32 <boris-42> okay let's move to next topic 14:34:37 <boris-42> #topic Infra updates 14:34:50 <boris-42> redixin: please could you share all thing that you are working on now? 14:36:36 <redixin> im trying to speed up testing change requests in rally 14:36:37 <boris-42> redixin: around? 14:37:58 <redixin> we split one big rally job to 3 small jobs. we need to merge one patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/185031/ 14:38:28 <redixin> because now we only testing only ~33% of scenarios =) 14:38:44 <boris-42> redixin: 33% ? 14:38:52 <boris-42> redixin: what?) 14:39:21 <redixin> oh no =) 14:39:52 <redixin> we testing all scenarios, but in one job 14:40:21 <redixin> anyway after merging that patch we still have one slow job 14:40:28 <redixin> rally-verify 14:40:46 <redixin> and rally-cli 14:41:28 <redixin> two slow jobs 14:41:34 <boris-42> redixin: so rally-veriy will be refactored 14:41:39 <e0ne> boris-42, redixin: we need to add more scenarios to gates for openstack components 14:42:00 <boris-42> redixin: andreykurilin is working on it 14:42:25 <boris-42> redixin: rally-dsvm-cli I don't know how to refactor it, could we get at least timings of tests? 14:42:29 <redixin> boris-42: rally-verify will be splitted too? 14:42:30 <boris-42> redixin: so we will know the slowest one? 14:42:33 <boris-42> redixin: nope 14:42:45 <boris-42> redixin: just we will run not so big tempest sets 14:43:09 <boris-42> e0ne: so now we have more jobs 14:43:17 <redixin> so we have only unsolved slow tox -ecli 14:43:38 <boris-42> redixin: yep we need to find the way to display duration 14:43:57 <redixin> e0ne currently we have jobs for heat, nova, neutron and one jobs for the rest 14:44:03 <e0ne> boris-42: we add new scenarios to rally. e.g. in cinder repo we don't have all of cinder scenarios:(. my fail 14:44:31 <boris-42> e0ne: so it's not big deal 14:44:31 <redixin> e0ne feel free to add new sceanarios to appropriate file in rally-jobs/ 14:44:40 <boris-42> e0ne: yep 14:45:12 <e0ne> boris-42, redixin: imo, need to add a note about it to the contibutor's guide 14:45:34 <boris-42> e0ne: ? 14:45:48 <redixin> e0ne +1 14:45:49 <boris-42> e0ne: you mean to add note in rally project to add in jobs of cinder? 14:46:02 <e0ne> boris-42: yep 14:46:14 <boris-42> e0ne: it's not enough to have readme in cidner? 14:46:17 <boris-42> e0ne: https://github.com/openstack/cinder/tree/master/rally-jobs ? 14:46:18 <e0ne> personally, i forget to do it almost evety time:( 14:47:00 <redixin> boris-42: how do people know where to add newly created scenarios? 14:47:02 <e0ne> boris-42: the problem is that people can contribute to rally and don't read readme in cinder or nova or heat or etc:( 14:47:27 <boris-42> redixin: e0ne and where we should add such readme? 14:47:45 <boris-42> here https://github.com/openstack/rally/tree/master/rally/plugins/openstack ? 14:47:48 <boris-42> e0ne: ^ 14:47:51 <redixin> boris-42: is there a "rally contributor guide"? 14:48:18 <boris-42> redixin: there is 14:48:27 <boris-42> redixin: https://rally.readthedocs.org/en/latest/contribute.html 14:48:41 <boris-42> redixin: not sure that anybody is reading it twice 14:48:51 <boris-42> I believe that we should put here small noet 14:48:53 <boris-42> note* 14:48:53 <boris-42> https://rally.readthedocs.org/en/latest/contribute.html 14:49:00 <boris-42> https://github.com/openstack/rally/tree/master/rally/plugins/openstack ** 14:49:03 <boris-42> here ^ 14:49:09 <e0ne> boris-42: +1 14:50:16 <boris-42> e0ne: be free to add it lol=) 14:50:19 <boris-42> e0ne: your idea=) 14:50:26 <e0ne> hm... 14:50:40 <boris-42> e0ne: =)) 14:50:56 <boris-42> e0ne: okay someday somebody will add it 14:51:18 <e0ne> boris-42: sounds like not a good plan 14:53:43 <boris-42> e0ne: no worries=) 14:53:55 <boris-42> e0ne: I am going to cleanup all Readme files 14:54:05 <boris-42> during that cleanup I will add some note as well in rally/plugins/* 14:56:37 <boris-42> okay 14:56:41 <boris-42> #topic free disucssion 14:56:47 <boris-42> Does anybody has to say anything? 14:58:09 <boris-42> Thank you for coming and seems like we are out of time. So see you next week 14:58:13 <boris-42> #endmeeting