14:01:00 <boris-42> #startmeeting Rally 14:01:00 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Jun 29 14:01:00 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is boris-42. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:01 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:01:03 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'rally' 14:01:11 <boris-42> ping andreykurilin__ rvasilets_ 14:01:55 <andreykurilin__> зщтп 14:01:58 <andreykurilin__> pong 14:01:59 <andreykurilin__> :) 14:02:15 <boris-42> andreykurilin__: you are on holidays no? 14:02:31 <andreykurilin__> boris-42: yes, but I'm online now:) 14:02:36 <boris-42> kun_huang: ping 14:02:43 <rakhmerov> hi 14:02:54 <kun_huang> :) 14:03:00 <boris-42> kun_huang: hi hi 14:03:05 <boris-42> stpierre: ping 14:03:07 <stpierre> pong 14:03:11 <boris-42> stpierre: hi there 14:03:16 <kun_huang> actually fixtures upgrades block us again... 14:03:32 <boris-42> kun_huang: hm? 14:03:46 <kun_huang> http://logs.openstack.org/32/193432/17/check/gate-rally-python26/5ec974d/console.html 14:03:46 <kun_huang> block unit test 14:04:23 <andreykurilin__> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/196623/ 14:04:29 <kun_huang> there are some hidden bugs in rally 14:04:50 <boris-42> kun_huang: hm 14:04:51 <andreykurilin__> kun_huang: what kind of bugs? 14:04:53 <boris-42> kun_huang: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/196493/ 14:04:59 <boris-42> kun_huang: my patch works well 14:05:06 <boris-42> kun_huang: except trivial bug in pep 14:05:38 <kun_huang> https://github.com/openstack/rally/blob/master/tests/unit/plugins/openstack/scenarios/glance/test_utils.py#L50 14:05:41 <kun_huang> this line 14:06:40 <boris-42> kun_huang: and? 14:06:48 <boris-42> kun_huang: it doesn't fail for me.. 14:07:21 <kun_huang> going into your tox env, pip install fixtures --upgrade, back to normal env 14:07:30 <kun_huang> run tox -e py26, failed 14:07:43 <kun_huang> fixtures upgraded today... 14:07:59 <kun_huang> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/196086/ 14:08:00 <boris-42> kun_huang: omh 14:08:02 <boris-42> kun_huang: omg 14:08:08 <kun_huang> the latest one, failed again 14:08:11 <boris-42> kun_huang: so many upgrades... 14:08:37 <kun_huang> the failed two test cases both have "self.get_fm.cleanUp()" 14:08:46 <kun_huang> I don't understand on this ... 14:09:50 <boris-42> kun_huang: that one seems like a bug 14:09:54 <boris-42> kun_huang: just need to remove that line 14:10:00 <boris-42> kun_huang: that you specified 14:10:18 <kun_huang> I'm not sure for that line 14:10:23 <kun_huang> are you sure for that? 14:11:45 <boris-42> kun_huang: nope 14:12:01 <boris-42> kun_huang: seems like kiran is working on it 14:12:07 * boris-42 kun_huang: https://bugs.launchpad.net/rally/+bug/1469644 14:12:07 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1469644 in Rally "Rally jenkins fails due to fixtures 1.3.0" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Kiran (rkiran) 14:12:53 <andreykurilin__> boris-42: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/196623/ 14:13:09 <andreykurilin__> boris-42: we can't merge such fix:( 14:13:10 <kun_huang> we two found it in my afternoon 14:13:10 <boris-42> andreykurilin__: that one is not a proper fix 14:13:30 <boris-42> kun_huang: ok I will investigate it today 14:13:36 <kun_huang> btw, removing that line can't fix this 14:13:46 <kun_huang> Traceback (most recent call last): 14:13:46 <kun_huang> File "tests/unit/plugins/openstack/scenarios/nova/test_utils.py", line 58, in test_failed_server_status 14:13:46 <kun_huang> server_manager.create("fails", "1", "2")) 14:13:46 <kun_huang> File "/Users/Gareth/celtics/rally/.tox/py27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/testtools/testcase.py", line 422, in assertRaises 14:13:46 <kun_huang> self.assertThat(our_callable, matcher) 14:13:46 <kun_huang> File "/Users/Gareth/celtics/rally/.tox/py27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/testtools/testcase.py", line 435, in assertThat 14:13:46 <kun_huang> raise mismatch_error 14:13:47 <kun_huang> testtools.matchers._impl.MismatchError: <MagicMock name='get_from_manager()' id='4466724112'> returned <MagicMock name='get_from_manager()()' id='4466814096'> 14:13:47 <kun_huang> Ran 1661 tests in 21.935s (-0.247s) 14:13:47 <boris-42> rakhmerov: thanks for fixing mistral client 14:13:48 <kun_huang> FAILED (id=46, failures=2) 14:13:48 <kun_huang> error: testr failed (1) 14:13:51 <boris-42> kun_huang: please 14:13:56 <boris-42> kun_huang: use paste 14:14:04 <kun_huang> okay :) 14:14:16 <rakhmerov> boris-42, np. My apologies again for the mess.. 14:15:21 <boris-42> so okay we will fix this 14:15:26 <boris-42> let's move to next topics 14:15:58 <boris-42> #topic Import Optimization 14:16:20 <boris-42> I almost finished the patch that optimizes imports 14:16:32 <boris-42> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/196493/ 14:17:13 <boris-42> so it just imports plugins if they are required 14:17:29 <boris-42> as a result I saw that it's not enough to fix the issue and it takes about 300ms to start Rally 14:17:40 <kun_huang> seems nice 14:17:44 <boris-42> another big issue is sqlalchemy that starts about 80ms 14:17:59 <boris-42> so I will try to hack more and reduce time at least to 200ms 14:18:14 <boris-42> and hope that that will be enough to do live bash completition 14:19:32 <boris-42> andreykurilin__: stpierre ^ 14:20:36 <andreykurilin__> boris-42: "+58, -24" is quite small change for you:) 14:20:39 <stpierre> nice 14:21:02 <boris-42> andreykurilin__: LOL 14:21:06 <boris-42> andreykurilin__: I didn't finished it 14:21:12 <andreykurilin__> :D 14:21:18 <boris-42> andreykurilin__: I will need one more small change to +2500 -25000 14:21:20 <boris-42> =) 14:21:29 <boris-42> albertw: hi there 14:21:32 <albertw> hi 14:21:44 <boris-42> albertw: it's our regular weekly meeting 14:22:00 <boris-42> albertw: btw gates are against broken with something *new* released 14:22:10 <boris-42> albertw: so no worries about -1 from Jenkins =( 14:23:12 <albertw> boris-42: thanks. I was wondering why things were failing. 14:23:27 <boris-42> albertw: last two weeks was hell for us 14:23:39 <andreykurilin__> openstack is too stable for our gates :( 14:23:45 <boris-42> albertw: neutron 2 times, heat, mistral, fixtures.. 14:24:01 <andreykurilin__> boris-42: you worgot ceilometer 14:24:04 <andreykurilin__> forgot 14:24:05 <boris-42> andreykurilin__: ah yep 14:24:22 <boris-42> albertw: ^ so we can't do actually anything with this except fix/wait_for_fixes 14:26:07 <boris-42> so okay 14:26:37 <boris-42> #topic Open Disucssion 14:26:50 <boris-42> Actually, as msdubov left team 14:27:09 <boris-42> we should find somebody who is able to do Agenda for each meeting 14:27:49 <boris-42> stpierre: andreykurilin__ rvasilets_ ^ 14:28:10 <boris-42> so everybody will be able to attend to meeting 14:28:41 <stpierre> this meeting is at the start of my day, so i vote for someone else so that i don't have to worry about it friday afternoon before leaving for the weekend. 14:28:51 <stpierre> if neither andrey or roman can do it, of course i'm happy to step in 14:29:08 <andreykurilin__> boris-42: do we have agenda at mailing-list ? 14:29:18 <andreykurilin__> *only at mailint-list 14:29:19 <boris-42> andreykurilin__: nope 14:29:59 <rvasilets_> if you show me how to do this 14:30:04 <rvasilets_> I'll try 14:30:23 <boris-42> rvasilets_: ok 14:30:30 <boris-42> rvasilets_: so it's simple https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Rally we should fix this page 14:30:48 <boris-42> rvasilets_: to add somewhere whole paragraph about meetings agenda 14:31:10 <boris-42> rvasilets_: then we should create a sepcial wiki page for that 14:31:51 <boris-42> rakhmerov: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Rally 14:31:53 <boris-42> rakhmerov: sorry 14:31:56 <boris-42> rvasilets_: ^ 14:32:01 <boris-42> rvasilets_: there is already 14:32:11 <boris-42> rvasilets_: so the idea is to collect all topics that we should disucss 14:32:31 <boris-42> rvasilets_: regularly and write them there 14:32:35 <andreykurilin__> it's a bit outdated:D 14:32:45 <boris-42> andreykurilin__: yep 14:32:53 <boris-42> andreykurilin__: but we need to keep full history 14:33:00 <boris-42> andreykurilin__: with links to the logs 14:33:06 <andreykurilin__> oh... 14:33:36 <boris-42> andreykurilin__: yep 14:33:42 <boris-42> rvasilets_: are you ready ?) 14:33:45 <rvasilets_> you are talking about this page ? 14:33:50 <rvasilets_> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Rally#Updates 14:34:37 <boris-42> rakhmerov: nope 14:34:46 <andreykurilin__> rvasilets_: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Rally 14:34:49 <boris-42> rvasilets_: nope 14:34:56 <boris-42> rakhmerov: sorry one more time 14:35:08 <rvasilets_> I think it would be better to swap holder of agenda sometimes. Because as I understand its boring) 14:36:16 <boris-42> rvasilets_: yep that sounds good 14:36:41 <boris-42> rvasilets_: e.g. everybody can do it 2 weeks 14:36:54 <boris-42> rvasilets_: and change with next 14:37:04 <rvasilets_> ok I'll start 14:37:05 <boris-42> andreykurilin__: stpierre kun_huang ^ 14:37:27 <stpierre> ok, sounds good 14:37:34 <andreykurilin__> ok, sound reasonable 14:37:40 <rvasilets_> you will show me how to do it right in private messages) 14:38:23 <kun_huang> no problem :) 14:39:40 <boris-42> okay nice 14:39:55 <boris-42> so we will make a schedule and we will keep agends/logs up to date 14:40:03 <boris-42> and make this meeting more useful 14:40:29 <boris-42> do we have something to discuss? 14:41:08 <andreykurilin__> no :( 14:41:51 <kun_huang> boris-42: there is a set of patches about sahara/swift 14:41:56 <kun_huang> need review 14:41:56 <kun_huang> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/177732/ 14:42:51 <andreykurilin__> boris-42: what about adding regular topic "stuck reviews"? 14:43:16 <boris-42> andreykurilin__: ya that sounds good 14:43:37 <boris-42> kun_huang: yep yep we have issues with review throughput... 14:43:52 <kairat_kushaev> andreykurilin__: How about heat issues to analyze=) 14:44:02 <boris-42> kun_huang: ? 14:44:08 <boris-42> kairat_kushaev: ? ) 14:45:03 <kun_huang> I'm working on review work now 14:45:14 <kairat_kushaev> boris-42: I mean when can we proceed to analyze why heat is failing 14:45:26 <kun_huang> but I don't know sahara details 14:45:30 <andreykurilin__> kairat_kushaev: heh. today is a holiday in Ukraine. non-working day. :P 14:45:46 <kairat_kushaev> andreykurilin__: OK=) 14:45:46 <boris-42> kairat_kushaev: heh I really don't know why it started failing... 14:46:55 <kairat_kushaev> boris-42: We did some investigation but I need to understand what nova-network is doing at some moment. Anyway I will pink Andrey this week 14:47:09 <andreykurilin__> boris-42, kairat_kushaev: Maybe we can move heat job from nova-network to neutron? 14:47:23 <boris-42> andreykurilin__: yep that seems like a good idea 14:47:23 <kairat_kushaev> boris-42: I have a second question that was raised during review of some patches 14:47:30 <boris-42> kairat_kushaev: ? 14:47:31 <andreykurilin__> And I'll try to debug nova-network this week 14:47:40 <kairat_kushaev> andreykurilin__: seems reasonable 14:48:18 <kairat_kushaev> boris-42: OS is updating very fast. So what versions we should support in rally 14:48:33 <andreykurilin__> kairat_kushaev: all 14:48:34 <andreykurilin__> :( 14:48:43 <andreykurilin__> * as much as it possible 14:49:18 <boris-42> andreykurilin__: +2 14:49:20 <stpierre> can we reduce that to "all versions supported by upstream"? 14:49:28 <boris-42> stpierre: nope 14:49:33 <stpierre> i don't feel like we should particularly care if rally works against grizzly (it doesn't) 14:49:54 <boris-42> stpierre: so there is people that use grizzly and so on.. 14:50:22 <andreykurilin__> and if you install rally in virtual env, it'll work with grizzly 14:51:38 <andreykurilin__> if we create stable branches(stable/icehouse, stable/juno and etc), we will add a lot of extra stuff(backporting patches) 14:51:51 <stpierre> i certainly agree that's a bad approach 14:52:05 <boris-42> stpierre: so let's try to imporve framework 14:52:21 <stpierre> but we don't have the CI infrastructure for making sure that rally works on older versions, and i think it's foolhardy to pretend that we can make our scenarios work for everything 14:52:22 <boris-42> stpierre: so we will be able to support old versions in more transparent way 14:52:42 <boris-42> stpierre: so better framework / better ci 14:52:47 <boris-42> stpierre: can help us 14:53:06 <stpierre> it can help us, but scope that expands without bound is not possible to satisfy. 14:53:20 <stpierre> i.e., if someone filed a bug against a scenario that doesn't work on Diablo, should we care? 14:53:22 <stpierre> (no.) 14:53:42 <boris-42> stpierre: if it is possible to fix, why not?) 14:54:16 <boris-42> stpierre: in any case by trying to support older version we are facing real production issues 14:54:30 <boris-42> stpierre: knowing such issues allows us to make better framework 14:54:42 <stpierre> a) we've got better things to do than set up diablo openstack to test the fix; b) we have no diablo CI resources, so we can't ensure that it stays fixed; c) that's going to *greatly* overcomplicate the code in the future because the APIs have changed significantly since older versions 14:54:59 <kairat_kushaev> +1 14:55:06 <stpierre> kairat_kushaev and i ran into an issue just last week where we've got probably two dozen extra lines of hacky code in one of the heat scenarios because kilo heat is good and juno heat is terrible 14:55:12 <stpierre> and that's *juno* 14:55:43 <stpierre> ("good" might be overstating it, but you get the idea) 14:55:48 <kairat_kushaev> =) 14:55:56 <taturn> hi 14:56:17 <taturn> anyone? 14:56:19 <andreykurilin__> taturn: hi 14:56:19 <taturn> so 14:56:23 <stpierre> i think we need to limit ourselves to what we can realistically test 14:56:29 <boris-42> taturn: hi 14:56:34 <taturn> cool 14:56:40 <taturn> i am new here 14:57:03 <boris-42> taturn: so welcome=) 14:57:07 <taturn> and the bad thing for me is i am not good at english 14:57:13 <taturn> thx 14:57:25 <taturn> by the way i am from china 14:57:56 <kairat_kushaev> Perhaps we need some minimal requirements 14:58:00 <stpierre> right now, that means four versions, which IMO is more than enough to keep us very busy 14:58:02 <boris-42> stpierre: agree with this 14:58:20 <boris-42> stpierre: in any case our framework sux 14:58:34 <andreykurilin__> stpierre: simple example. Mirantis just released mos-6.1, which is "kilo", so most of mirantis customers use juno today and will start upgrading to "liberty" in near future. I suppose there is a lot of such examples 14:58:40 <boris-42> stpierre: to have scenarios for specific versions.. 14:58:59 <andreykurilin__> *will start upgrading to kilo 14:59:10 <boris-42> andreykurilin__: and we have customers that use grizlly 14:59:11 <boris-42> LOL 14:59:12 <stpierre> boris-42: yeah, that will help 14:59:17 <stpierre> most of our customers are on grizzly 14:59:28 <boris-42> stpierre: so we need to keep grizzly wokring 14:59:34 <stpierre> no, we really don't 14:59:45 <boris-42> stpierre: =) 14:59:53 <boris-42> so in any case 14:59:56 <boris-42> we should finish 14:59:59 <taturn> lol 15:00:00 <boris-42> this meeting 15:00:02 <stpierre> even if we just test what's currently supported, we're going to be testing four versions (and troubleshooting icehouse devstack issues, which is terrible enough) 15:00:14 <taturn> i donot know what u r saying 15:00:17 <taturn> lol 15:00:17 <boris-42> #endmeeting