14:04:11 <boris-42> #startmeeting Rally 14:04:12 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Aug 10 14:04:11 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is boris-42. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:04:14 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:04:16 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'rally' 14:04:37 <boris-42> ping andreykurilin rvasilets amaretskiy 14:04:42 <amaretskiy> hi 14:05:00 <rvasilets> \o/ 14:05:20 <andreykurilin> o/ 14:05:30 <ikhudoshyn> o/ 14:05:31 <andreykurilin> ~o~ 14:05:52 <redixin> sup 14:05:58 <yfried> hi 14:06:22 <yingjun> o/ 14:06:28 <kun_huang> sorry for late 14:06:33 <kun_huang> remember wrong time 14:08:04 <boris-42> okay let's start=) 14:08:15 <boris-42> #topic todays agenda 14:08:51 <boris-42> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Rally 14:09:15 <boris-42> if somebody wants to get some meeting minutes be free to add extra points in todays meeting agenda 14:09:35 <boris-42> #topic [amaretskiy] New classes for HTML report charts 14:09:59 <boris-42> amaretskiy: I believe you don't need 3 points of meeting agenda 14:10:00 <amaretskiy> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/159458 14:10:05 <amaretskiy> yes 14:10:10 <boris-42> to discuss one piece of work 14:10:43 <amaretskiy> there are 3 patches related to reports, within today's agenda, and new classes for HTML reports is the 1st one 14:10:53 <amaretskiy> it is ready for review 14:11:22 <amaretskiy> please review it, I believe it is close to one we want.... 14:11:48 <amaretskiy> eom 14:12:05 <boris-42> okay 14:12:19 <boris-42> amaretskiy: please rewrite the agenda 14:12:40 <boris-42> amaretskiy: add one point and put info like close to done review required 14:13:06 <amaretskiy> okay 14:13:10 <boris-42> #topic [kun] vm workload 14:13:17 <boris-42> kun_huang: hey there 14:13:19 <kun_huang> okay 14:13:31 <kun_huang> actually I need vm workload recently 14:13:43 <kun_huang> single vm workload mode is close to finish 14:13:51 <kun_huang> only one patch is on reviewing 14:14:05 <kun_huang> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/183228 14:14:21 <kun_huang> but I need rally support multiple vm workload 14:14:26 <boris-42> kun_huang: actually pboldin is workin on that 14:14:33 <boris-42> kun_huang: already for a long amount of time 14:14:41 <kun_huang> "multiple vm workload"? 14:14:44 <boris-42> kun_huang: yep 14:14:50 <boris-42> kun_huang: that is why we need all his patches 14:15:03 <kun_huang> good 14:15:07 <boris-42> kun_huang: we are preparing rally step by step for multple vm workload 14:15:12 <kun_huang> I'm using and testing his patches 14:15:35 <redixin> why can't we use boot_runcommand_delete? 14:15:36 <kun_huang> what's the next step now? 14:16:12 <kun_huang> redixin: it works for single vm 14:16:37 <kun_huang> some time, we need spawn 2 vm with iperf script 14:17:00 <kun_huang> that's another kind of benchmark 14:17:14 <kun_huang> vm a need to know how to access vm b 14:17:19 <boris-42> kun_huang: the next step is to create servers_ext 14:17:23 <boris-42> kun_huang: context 14:17:34 <boris-42> kun_huang: that will create various topologies of services 14:17:45 <kun_huang> make sense 14:18:00 <boris-42> kun_huang: after that we will need to create small simple rally agent 14:18:11 <kun_huang> the custom image is really like that 14:18:17 <kun_huang> custom image context 14:18:18 <boris-42> kun_huang: and we will have server_ext and custome_images to create env 14:18:31 <boris-42> kun_huang: nope custome_image creates single image 14:18:51 <boris-42> kun_huang: that will be used by servers_ext to run N vms with this image with proper networking 14:18:52 <kun_huang> custome_image without stop server 14:19:01 <kun_huang> okay 14:19:01 <boris-42> kun_huang: nope 14:19:04 <kun_huang> that's better 14:19:11 <boris-42> kun_huang: custom_image creates snapshot that is used later 14:19:26 <boris-42> servers_ext creates real servers that will run workloads 14:20:02 <kun_huang> got it 14:20:51 <boris-42> kun_huang: ok any other questions? 14:20:54 <redixin> iperf is kinda special case 14:21:00 <redixin> we need N pairs of servers 14:21:04 <kun_huang> no more yet 14:21:12 <kun_huang> redixin: yes 14:22:00 <boris-42> redixin: it's not speical case 14:22:37 <boris-42> redixin: it's the thing that will be like any other multi vm workload 14:23:46 <redixin> does vm need to know ip addresses of each other in any vm workload? 14:24:14 <boris-42> redixin: I beleive usually they should know 14:24:28 <redixin> boris-42, anyways i would like to see a task configuration file first 14:24:48 <boris-42> Кredixin task configuration will be the same 14:24:59 <boris-42> redixin: just pick some contexts/sceanrio/runner 14:25:12 <boris-42> redixin: and they together will build proper env and trigger it 14:26:17 <redixin> ok let's move on 14:26:58 <kun_huang> yep, let's move on fist boris-42 14:27:00 <boris-42> redixin: #link https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FQicnj6aIdbfYts9ofYdz0dUEf9zyssWqDjQR40h268/edit 14:27:16 <boris-42> #topic [kun] what's the state of Solaris support? 14:27:25 <boris-42> oh I haven't time to do this =( 14:27:36 <kun_huang> hah, okay 14:27:44 <kun_huang> I found the old patch is still here 14:27:46 <boris-42> I will try to find time this week to create solaris cloud image 14:27:50 <albertw> I've been off for the past couple of weeks so haven't looked at anything either. I'd meant to ping you Boris 14:28:07 <boris-42> albertw: sorry for waiting=( 14:28:13 <albertw> No problem! 14:28:16 <boris-42> I was moving from one appramtnets to another 14:28:21 <boris-42> it was a bit crazy =) 14:28:52 <albertw> well drop me an email or ping me if you need a hand 14:29:07 <boris-42> albertw: ok 14:29:28 <boris-42> so moving to next topic 14:29:34 <boris-42> #topic [ikhudoshyn] Refactor BenchmarkEngine 14:29:39 <boris-42> ikhudoshyn: hi there 14:29:56 <ikhudoshyn> just a quick note about the patch 14:30:10 <ikhudoshyn> it gained lots of +'s there 14:30:36 <ikhudoshyn> but I updated it a bit to address a good comment from Chris St.Pierre 14:30:53 <ikhudoshyn> so pls re-review it 14:30:55 <ikhudoshyn> eom 14:31:01 <ikhudoshyn> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/209046/ btw 14:31:29 <boris-42> ikhudoshyn: could you provide some info for others 14:31:35 <boris-42> ikhudoshyn: what does this patch 14:32:13 <ikhudoshyn> it extracts thread mungling from BenchmarkEngine to a separate context manager 14:32:47 <ikhudoshyn> does not introduces any new functionality, olny increases readability 14:33:00 <ikhudoshyn> that's pretty much iy 14:33:10 <ikhudoshyn> *it* 14:33:18 <boris-42> ikhudoshyn: ok great 14:33:26 <boris-42> thanks 14:33:31 <boris-42> #topic open discussion 14:33:37 <boris-42> do we have something to discuss? 14:34:21 <rvasilets> Right way of submitting links #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/209046/ 14:34:33 <rvasilets> nothing from me 14:35:22 <boris-42> others?) 14:35:33 <kun_huang> no more topics 14:35:48 <oanufriev> no ) 14:36:04 <amaretskiy> no 14:37:44 <boris-42> okay 14:37:55 <boris-42> *all see you next week) 14:38:01 <boris-42> #endmeeting