14:00:44 <boris-42> #startmeeting Rally 14:00:45 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Oct 19 14:00:44 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is boris-42. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:47 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:49 <boris-42> YOYOYO 14:00:50 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'rally' 14:01:09 <boris-42> ping 4everybody 14:01:12 <idegtiarov> hi! 14:01:13 <albertw> hello 14:01:30 <yfried> boris-42: hey 14:01:35 <boris-42> yfried: hi there 14:01:47 <boris-42> amaretskiy: andreykurilin ping 14:01:55 <amaretskiy> hi 14:02:08 <ikhudoshyn> щ. 14:02:08 <andreykurilin> \o/ 14:02:08 <rvasilets> o/ 14:02:11 <ikhudoshyn> o/ 14:02:28 <redixin> Zdravo! 14:02:46 <boris-42> Piet: idegtiarov 14:02:50 <boris-42> ping idegtiarov 14:02:55 <idegtiarov> i'm here 14:02:55 <boris-42> Piet: sorry* 14:03:18 <boris-42> stpierre: ping 14:03:19 <ylobankov> hi 14:03:24 <stpierre> boris-42: yo 14:03:33 <boris-42> stpierre: u nice that you are here 14:03:34 <boris-42> =) 14:03:51 <idegtiarov> my question is can we have optional parameter for set resource_id manual for our samples in context? 14:04:05 <idegtiarov> or it should be random 14:04:10 <boris-42> idegtiarov: wait wait 14:04:18 <boris-42> =) 14:04:22 <boris-42> #topic idegtiarov] Mandatory demand for unique resources names in Ceilometer context. Ceilometer team is interested to have optional possibility to set resources names manually. 14:04:30 <boris-42> okay now your turn 14:04:48 <idegtiarov> ones more! :) my question is can we have optional parameter for set resource_id manual for our samples in context? 14:04:52 <idegtiarov> or it should be random 14:05:11 <boris-42> idegtiarov: resource_id ? 14:05:18 <idegtiarov> yes 14:06:04 <idegtiarov> our aim is to fill database and measure get requests with same resource_id in query 14:06:31 <idegtiarov> I mean fill database step by step with rally context creation 14:06:40 <boris-42> idegtiarov: resource must be deleted after the load is done 14:06:56 <boris-42> idegtiarov: this must happen no matter what is the purpouse of testing 14:07:18 <boris-42> idegtiarov: otherwise operators will find me by my IP address and kill 14:07:19 <boris-42> =) 14:07:57 <idegtiarov> context will be deleted but we will have all data in databese after test is finish or Ive missed something? 14:08:31 <boris-42> idegtiarov: hm resources created by Rally should be deleted by Rally 14:08:54 <boris-42> idegtiarov: that is why we are forcing the way how things are named so we will be able to delete them in 100% cases no matter what happend 14:08:54 <idegtiarov> yep, but ceilometer collected data what about that data 14:09:33 <boris-42> idegtiarov: so as far as I understand rally won't touch it 14:10:08 <idegtiarov> that it, and are interested to measure ceilometer performance to get that collected data 14:10:25 <boris-42> stpierre: are you here ^ 14:10:28 <stpierre> yeah 14:10:37 <idegtiarov> and for that case we need to collect data with certain reaource_id 14:11:08 <boris-42> idegtiarov: so what we are working on is extending the scenario output 14:11:21 <stpierre> this seems to me like it subverts an important part of rally cleanup in order to depend on a side-effect of rally to fill up the database 14:11:22 <boris-42> idegtiarov: so you will be able to put any information from scenario to reports 14:12:18 <stpierre> it seems to me that, in the best of all possible worlds, rally *would* delete the data that ceilometer collected during the rally run; IMO that's a cleanup bug. so depending on that isn't a great idea, and breaking rally cleanup to depend on it is an even worse idea 14:13:15 <idegtiarov> amiright that we a interested in rally side-effect! )))) 14:13:19 <boris-42> stpierre: idegtiarov btw is it possible to delete it? 14:13:33 <boris-42> I mean collected data from ceilometer 14:13:37 <boris-42> as far as I remember no 14:13:58 <boris-42> idegtiarov: so why you can't collect this data during the scenario run / 14:13:59 <idegtiarov> boris-42, not with ceilometer-api 14:14:24 <idegtiarov> but it could be done using Mongo TTL feature 14:15:34 <stpierre> otoh, if a future version of the ceilometer API added the ability to purge collected data, i think rally would want to use it. that's obviously speculation, but it's still breaking an important feature of rally in order to depend on an unwanted (but currently necessary) side-effect of rally 14:16:08 <boris-42> idegtiarov: so can we collect required data in rally scenario? 14:16:17 <boris-42> idegtiarov: instead of using this side effect? 14:16:28 <idegtiarov> as i mentioned we are interested to measure ceilometer performance depends on database fulfill so we create 100k samples in one test generate statistics request 14:16:58 <idegtiarov> after that create new 300k samples and repeat request 14:17:15 <idegtiarov> and so on 14:17:49 <boris-42> what request 14:17:50 <boris-42> ? 14:17:52 <stpierre> i think you should just create 400k samples, instead of using leftover data in subsequent rally runs 14:18:18 <boris-42> idegtiarov: I mean what request you run after creating N samples? 14:18:23 <stpierre> IMO a rally run should be completely self-contained, not dependent on out-of-band setup (like a previous rally run) 14:18:32 <oanufriev> hi all 14:19:12 <idegtiarov> we can write data from zero to required value if we would be able to cleann database after test, but our tests will go for hours 14:21:11 <boris-42> idegtiarov: so what request do you run please say me 14:21:32 <boris-42> idegtiarov: stpierre there is another way to implement this (as we already merge base for new task format) 14:21:56 <boris-42> idegtiarov: stpierre after we get new DB models we will be able to run any amount of sceanrios one by one in single context 14:22:16 <stpierre> that would seem to a perfect solution to this 14:22:19 <idegtiarov> is it possible to have optional resource_id in ceilometer context untill rally will be able to clean database? 14:23:16 <boris-42> idegtiarov: rally won't be able to cleanup database (imho this should be covered by Ceilometer API) 14:23:45 <boris-42> idegtiarov: let's discuss this after meeting 14:23:47 <idegtiarov> got it 14:23:52 <idegtiarov> ok 14:23:53 <boris-42> idegtiarov: I need to get more in context of this stuff 14:23:54 <idegtiarov> thanks 14:24:12 <boris-42> idegtiarov: in any case we will find something that will work for you 14:24:21 <idegtiarov> thanks a lot 14:25:04 <boris-42> idegtiarov: btw are any plans in ceilometer related to such kind of API? 14:25:56 <boris-42> okay in any case let's move to next topic 14:26:09 <boris-42> #topic [rvasilets] New Rally dashboard - https://goo.gl/BcCAkU https://review.openstack.org/#/c/235957/ 14:26:16 <boris-42> rvasilets: ping 14:26:25 <rvasilets> Hi I'm working on the new Rally dash board and if you interested in some user cases please tell me about this here is WIP link of the new dashboard https://goo.gl/BcCAkU After it would be finished I will announce it eom 14:27:27 <boris-42> rvasilets: You are a reviewer, but haven't voted in the current revision 14:27:36 <boris-42> rvasilets: why this topic is on top? 14:27:46 <boris-42> rvasilets: I have like 30 patches 14:27:55 <boris-42> rvasilets: and it doesn't make any sesnse for me 14:28:48 <rvasilets> boris-42, The order of topics was suggested by your earlier. Feel free to request the new order 14:28:53 <stpierre> rvasilets: i get an error on the new dashboard: "limit of 10 queries" 14:29:03 <boris-42> rvasilets: I didn't suggest that point 14:29:23 <boris-42> rvasilets: at all 14:29:40 <rvasilets> boris-42, ok. So you don't want to see this section? 14:29:48 <boris-42> rvasilets: yep 14:29:52 <boris-42> rvasilets: it's useless 14:29:59 <stpierre> i'm not sure that section is really that useful, since i can already easily scan through the "Incoming reviews" section of My Changes and see which ones are bold 14:30:15 <boris-42> stpierre: or just read mailing box 14:30:16 <rvasilets> stpierre, I don't have any errors. Do other have it? 14:30:20 <boris-42> stpierre: or just open base page 14:30:25 <stpierre> boris-42: only suckers read email :) 14:30:31 <boris-42> stpierre: lool 14:30:37 <albertw> same error here 'limit of 10 queries' 14:31:14 <boris-42> rvasilets: I will just remove that new ueless panel 14:31:26 <boris-42> rvasilets: maybe people won't face the issue with limit of 10 queries 14:31:27 <rvasilets> boris-42, ok 14:31:48 <rvasilets> stpierre, albertw strange I don't see any reason for that 14:31:49 <boris-42> rvasilets: btw what is critical for next release? 14:32:47 <rvasilets> as earlier Critical are starred by you AND me. Important starred by you OR me. 14:33:12 <boris-42> rvasilets: why you? 14:33:17 <boris-42> rvasilets: I mean important 14:33:22 <rvasilets> boris-42, I just swap mdubov with me. 14:33:45 <boris-42> rvasilets: so let's just left one critical for next release 14:33:57 <boris-42> rvasilets: important should be removed 14:34:02 <boris-42> rvasilets: as well as need feedback 14:34:03 <rvasilets> boris-42, ok 14:34:36 <rvasilets> boris-42, Needs Feedback (Changes older than 5 days that have not been reviewed by anyone) this section you want to remove too? 14:34:41 <boris-42> rvasilets: yep 14:34:47 <rvasilets> boris-42, ok 14:35:01 <boris-42> rvasilets: it's better to sort ready for review patches in order first oldest 14:35:05 <rvasilets> boris-42, just I found it interesting 14:35:32 <boris-42> rvasilets: when you have on one page more then 200 links it becomes useless 14:35:41 <rvasilets> boris-42, if there would be possibility to sort by age I wiil do it 14:35:44 <rvasilets> ok 14:36:02 <boris-42> rvasilets: in any case list should be short as possible 14:36:25 <rvasilets> there is a limit) 14:36:59 <rvasilets> we could set the limit in any section 14:36:59 <boris-42> okay let's move to the next topic 14:37:05 <boris-42> rvasilets: no no limit 14:37:10 <boris-42> rvasilets: just remove useless sections 14:37:10 <boris-42> =) 14:37:23 <boris-42> #topic stpierre] Bug (?) in @types processing of images created by context 14:37:25 <rvasilets> boris-42, ok 14:37:32 <boris-42> hey there stpierre 14:37:34 <boris-42> sooo 14:37:41 <stpierre> basically, if you create an image in the images context and try to use it as an argument to a scenario, it passes validation just fine, but when the @types decorator tries to resolve it, it blows up 14:38:11 <stpierre> @types.set(), that is 14:38:23 <boris-42> stpierre: I dislike that code overall 14:38:23 <stpierre> and i don't know how to solve this in an elegant way 14:40:24 <boris-42> stpierre: so https://github.com/openstack/rally/blob/master/rally/task/types.py#L56 14:40:27 <boris-42> stpierre: this is the problem 14:40:40 <stpierre> yeah, basically 14:40:41 <boris-42> stpierre: and another one problem is that types are not plugins 14:41:02 <boris-42> stpierre: and this is even bigger problem because it blocks us from removing openstack from Rally framework 14:41:17 <boris-42> stpierre: so typically there are 3 places that binds us to openstack 14:41:22 <stpierre> ooh :/ 14:41:32 <boris-42> stpierre: 1) rally deployment 2) rally task types 3) rally task validation 14:41:34 <stpierre> so basically this images bug is just the tip of the iceberg 14:41:41 <boris-42> stpierre: yyeeeep 14:42:12 <boris-42> stpierre: I removed bunch of dependcies between 0.0.4->0.1. switch 14:42:22 <stpierre> it sounds like what we need is a spec laying out a new way to do types, that is both pluggable, and supports types that are resolved once per subtask, or once per iteration. does that sound correct? 14:42:23 <boris-42> stpierre: but these 3 still have to be adrressed 14:42:59 <boris-42> stpierre: types should be resolved always per subtask 14:42:59 <stpierre> 'cause we can resolve flavors, e.g., once per subtask, since a flavor exists globally; but images need to be resolved on every iteration, using the context for that iteration, to avoid this bug 14:43:08 <stpierre> okay, how can we do that with images? 14:43:30 <boris-42> stpierre: so the whole idea of types was to resolve the things before load starts 14:43:43 <stpierre> say the context has created three tenants, and three identically-named images, one per tenant. how can we hand off a single image id to the runner and expect it to work? 14:43:45 <boris-42> stpierre: so you won't get overhead of image list on each iteration where you don't expect it 14:44:03 <stpierre> i understand that we don't want the overhead, but unless we make all images public it just plain won't work 14:44:05 <boris-42> stpierre: so there different ways to resolve this 14:44:15 <boris-42> stpierre: that's not true 14:44:27 <boris-42> stpierre: you can do image list from all users in context and store somewhere 14:44:34 <boris-42> stpierre: for example in context_obj 14:44:48 <boris-42> stpierre: after that use this infromation before u run scenario iteration 14:45:10 <boris-42> stpierre: current implementation sucks but it doesn't mean that there is no better way to handle the stuff 14:45:27 <stpierre> okay, so you end up doing all possible types resolutions before the subtask starts, and just cache it. that makes sense. of course we still need support for an action run before each iteration then, it's just a different action 14:45:53 <boris-42> stpierre: I am talking about different way to handle types 14:45:57 <stpierre> so am i 14:46:09 <boris-42> stpierre: so just implement better mechanism that won't depend on openstack 14:46:32 <stpierre> right, that's the first step, but there's more to it than just that. 14:46:41 <stpierre> anyhow, i'll write up a spec and we can discuss the nitty-gritty details then 14:47:15 <stpierre> ty 14:47:51 <boris-42> stpierre: heh that will be hard one spec 14:48:04 <boris-42> okay let's move to the next topic 14:48:18 <boris-42> #topic [amaretskiy] plans and status for upcoming changes in output charts in HTML report 14:48:41 <amaretskiy> there are plans to improve scenario output charts a lot 14:48:51 <amaretskiy> currently we have single chart 14:49:24 <amaretskiy> but the idea is to have arbitrary number of additive (one value per iteration) charts 14:49:27 <amaretskiy> and also 14:49:39 <amaretskiy> have complete charts from each iteration 14:49:56 <amaretskiy> so there will be 2 tabs 14:50:01 <boris-42> amaretskiy: are you going to propose spec ? 14:50:05 <amaretskiy> yes 14:50:07 <boris-42> amaretskiy: or you will just work on the code/ 14:50:20 <amaretskiy> since this affects scenario results schema 14:50:36 <amaretskiy> the first step is having a spec 14:50:52 <amaretskiy> that is what I'm working on right now 14:51:04 <amaretskiy> I believe the spec will be proposed tomorrow 14:51:13 <amaretskiy> eom 14:51:45 <boris-42> amaretskiy: okay great 14:51:56 <boris-42> amaretskiy: please make sure that you are aligned with pboldin 14:52:19 <boris-42> #topic [ikhudoshyn] Distributed load generation - spec - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/236979/ 14:52:34 <ikhudoshyn> hi 14:52:54 <ikhudoshyn> there is ongoning work to design subj 14:53:25 <ikhudoshyn> we want to run rally on several nodes in order to increase amount of load we could generate 14:53:53 <ikhudoshyn> by the link there is a patch (not ready yet) with the spec 14:54:26 <ikhudoshyn> it does not contain any impl details but already describes the main topics and action items 14:54:54 <ikhudoshyn> in the nearest future I'm to add ac ouple diagrams and imp details 14:54:59 <boris-42> шikhudoshyn ok great 14:55:03 <boris-42> stpierre: ^ btw 14:55:22 <boris-42> ikhudoshyn: btw don't forget about part related to the sending context 14:55:32 <boris-42> ikhudoshyn: and making unique iterations number 14:55:40 <ikhudoshyn> boris-42: sure 14:56:16 <ikhudoshyn> any questions anybody? 14:56:46 <amaretskiy> no 14:56:57 <boris-42> not yet=) 14:57:07 <ikhudoshyn> good)) 14:58:21 <boris-42> okay let's end meeting 14:58:24 <ikhudoshyn> looks like we r done, just in time 14:58:24 <boris-42> see you guys 14:58:29 <boris-42> #endmeeting