16:00:44 #startmeeting RDO Meeting (2018-10-31) 16:00:44 Meeting started Wed Oct 31 16:00:44 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is number80. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:45 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:47 The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting__2018_10_31_' 16:00:51 #topic roll call 16:01:02 o/ 16:01:09 agenda: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/RDO-Meeting 16:01:16 o/ 16:01:20 hey o/ I'll represent bandini as well 16:01:21 * number80 can't connect to ethepad btw 16:01:29 #chair amoralej jpena dciabrin 16:01:30 Current chairs: amoralej dciabrin jpena number80 16:01:31 Thanks :) 16:01:36 it was failing before 16:01:43 \o 16:01:43 it was slow 16:01:47 o/ 16:01:47 #chair PagliaccisCloud 16:01:48 Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud amoralej dciabrin jpena number80 16:01:54 #chair hitchover 16:01:55 Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud amoralej dciabrin hitchover jpena number80 16:02:36 It'll be fun without having the agenda :) 16:02:50 EmilienM: around? 16:03:07 after some time, I have access to the agenda, so I can help 16:03:35 yeah, i also have access 16:03:35 ack 16:03:38 if needed 16:03:50 scrnshot - https://i.imgur.com/ddjccVJ.png 16:03:50 still loading here 16:04:00 perfect 16:04:14 let's start 16:04:44 #topic Add side repository for pacemaker with podman support 16:04:57 that's my first rdo meeting so apologies for any goofs in advance :) 16:05:03 No worries :) 16:05:29 so there's a need to run podman in stein, and currently pacemaker doesn't support podman in the centos 7.x cycle 16:05:30 My understanding is that pcmk 1 has docker support, pcmk 2 has podman support, and upstream CI needs both to run various tests 16:05:48 pcmk 2 has both podman and docker support 16:06:23 ok, so having pcmk 2 only would work, or you still need pcmk 1 available? 16:06:41 and so far there's no plan to ship podman support for pcmk1, not to support pcmk2 in centos7 16:07:30 I guess we need to add a specific repo then in trunk.rdoproject.org 16:07:45 so the workaround we have atm is to backport podman support for pcmk1 on centos 7, but that's not a supported build 16:07:47 ok 16:07:57 (we can build both in CBS which is not an issue) 16:08:23 my concern is about support after Stein GA 16:08:24 so 16:08:30 amoralej, right 16:08:37 for CI, we can have a side repo temorarily 16:08:38 but 16:08:54 at Stein GA we will publish RDO official repos 16:09:03 on CentOS7 16:09:16 and if tripleo is supporting podman 16:09:27 we need to make sure there are proper and supported packages 16:09:30 for users 16:09:33 in official repos 16:09:40 so how would you consider that: 16:09:53 afaik podman for CentOS is coming in one of the SIGs repos 16:09:59 at GA, tripleo would support docker and podman on nonHA overclouds, and only docker for HA overclouds 16:10:01 let me double check 16:10:21 as long as there's no pacemaker2 available in CentOS 16:10:36 dciabrin, i'm ok as far as it's properly documented and defaults point to the right options 16:10:39 in config 16:11:07 If we need pacemaker 2 in CentOS, we can do it, but for RHEL, that's another matter 16:11:28 (RDO also cares for RHEL users too) 16:11:42 Merged openstack/ceilometermiddleware-distgit rpm-master: Revert "Create python2/python3 package depending on distro" https://review.rdoproject.org/r/17186 16:12:09 dciabrin, we also need to make sure that there is podman package released and published by sig by then 16:12:15 number80, we don't want 2 pcmk in centos 16:12:19 currently it's only in -testing 16:12:25 pcmk1 will be from base 16:12:45 amoralej, podman is actually in Extras 16:12:47 apevec: ack 16:12:59 but i think oooq is using the one in virt sig? 16:13:02 issue is pcmk2 which has _only_ podman support iiuc 16:13:10 amoralej, yes, b/c Extras build was old 16:13:15 it was updated recently 16:13:28 so SIG builds can be seen as "preview" 16:13:29 apevec, so i'm almost sure pacemaker 2 has _both_ docker and podman supported 16:13:33 so, extras will have good one "soon"? 16:13:38 ok 16:13:48 dciabrin, ok, then I misunderstood 16:14:03 apevec, let me quickly ask on #clusterlabs upstream 16:14:10 amoralej, yeah, but given it requires pcmk2, we can't support it 16:14:31 apevec, it could be supported in non-ha, acccording to dciabrin 16:14:51 dciabrin, EmilienM said:"the version of pcmk that bandini built only works for podman and not for docker.." 16:14:57 bandini, ^ 16:15:13 apevec, yeah that's what Emilien misunderstood i believe 16:15:15 apevec: dciabrin is his substitute, bandini is in PTO 16:15:29 PTO on IRC ?! :) 16:15:30 bandini's build has an additional patch to support podman. it still supports docker 16:15:43 dciabrin, ok, thanks for clarifying that 16:15:45 apevec: bandini has a real life :) 16:15:48 haha :D 16:16:09 Yeah, but if pcmk 1 is in base, we can't patch it 16:16:09 then question is: should RDO take burden of shipping pcmk2 for EL7 ? 16:16:31 apevec: we can ship it in a separate repo for CI purpose 16:16:35 number80, +1 yeah, patching/overriding pcmk1 is out of question 16:16:42 at GA 16:16:45 if I understood all of this, the answer is no. We'd still have support for docker 16:16:46 we did it temporarily once in the past 16:16:55 +1 jpena 16:17:05 docker is EL7 default container engine 16:17:07 and we could consider pcmk2 support if we ever got a higher version of centos including it 16:17:26 7.7! 16:17:40 * number80 is just spounting random number 16:17:43 no, 7.x will not get pcmk2 IIUC 16:17:50 and for centos8 we don't have a timeline 16:18:01 but unlikely to have it at Stein GA 16:18:08 Ok 16:18:26 So we have two questions 16:18:36 so, we could have a side repo for CI only 16:18:38 a) how to provide pcmk 2 for upstream CI? 16:18:53 but make sure that supported, documented, default option is docker? 16:18:57 b) what are our plans for stein GA regarding pcmk 16:19:24 ad a) yes, we could at trunk.rdo but out of deps 16:19:44 ad b) Damien proposed " Stein GA defaulting to docker while upstream CI using CentOS 7, switched to podman default when CentOS 8 available post Stein GA" 16:19:48 ^ is everyone ok with that? 16:20:00 +1 16:20:02 we'd need to change OOO default for b) 16:20:09 number80 so who would support pcmk2 in RDO? 16:20:11 +1 for both 16:20:19 we'll need help from OOO team how to do that 16:20:20 +1 for both 16:20:24 about a=), we should be careful *not* to ship it as part of the GA deps 16:20:36 dciabrin: we will collaborate with you to support pcmk 2 16:20:47 jpena: *YES* :) 16:20:48 i'm ok but just make sure we keep testing both 16:20:53 dciabrin, only for CI use-case 16:21:09 #agreed ship pcmk2 in a separate repository for CI purpose *ONLY* 16:21:22 number80, hmmm but until when? I don't see how we can support pcmk2 out of it's official centos release tbh 16:21:43 dciabrin, we well not support ir iiuc 16:22:07 dciabrin, could we keep rebuilding Fedora SRPM? 16:22:16 we will keep that repo while we have openstack jobs in centos7 using podman 16:22:24 dciabrin: we will only fix issues blocking upstream CI so we can request help from inside Red Hat VPN if needed 16:23:31 apevec, I guess that's a possibility, if f29 srpm are buildable in centos7 16:23:40 I'm not sure I understood but you need to know that we will GA tripleo with podman by default 16:23:52 And probably not on centos8 16:23:58 Because of timing 16:24:04 EmilienM, yes, that's understood, see above 16:24:12 we're figuring that out 16:24:23 b) what are our plans for stein GA regarding pcmk 16:24:24 ok. Sorry on my phone 16:24:52 proposal is to change default to docker for RDO Stein GA on CentOS7 in April 2019 16:24:56 EmilienM, the point is how can we give any supportability guarantee for HA overcloud + podman 16:25:11 dciabrin, IIUC we can't on centos7 16:25:19 that my understanding as well, yes 16:25:36 because RHEL7 doesn't plan to ship podman support in pacemaker at this stage 16:25:43 We will need to. We're switching our CI to podman 16:25:48 EmilienM, we would ship pcmk2 ONLY for CI 16:25:54 Yea 16:26:04 but we don't want that for GA on EL7 16:26:19 since we'd have to maintain pcmk2 16:26:25 I think what apevec says is the best compromise at this stage 16:27:26 As long as we can test in CI im happy 16:27:38 EmilienM, we will keep testing both? 16:27:40 HA overcloud with podman on centos 7 16:27:47 Docker and podman yes 16:27:50 excellent, we're all about making EmilienM happy! 16:27:57 We're doing iterative changes in CI 16:28:33 So we have both container CLI in the same time 16:28:51 then, i think having pcmk for CI only but officially support for docker with supported pcmk is the right path 16:28:53 We do baby steps 16:28:55 right? 16:29:02 I don't see any objection to use a specific pacemaker version in CI only for testing podman and docker engines 16:29:18 Yeah wfm 16:29:50 so I guess the question next is what version to ship, but that's an implementation detail to be sorted out eventually 16:30:03 "to ship" -> "to use for CI test only" 16:30:23 today it's pcmk1+patch-to-support-podman 16:30:33 if we can rebuild f29 SRPM, that would be easiest 16:30:40 what Emilien is using in his temporary repo built by bandini 16:30:48 ok I'll have a look at that 16:30:52 => https://cbs.centos.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=597460 16:30:55 ah, so currently pcmk2 is not used? 16:31:14 number80, that was f29 rebuild? 16:31:21 apevec, yeah currently bandini built pcmk1 + a patch backported from pcmk2 to support podman 16:31:29 apevec: it needs *drum rolls* python3 16:31:38 apevec, and this is this frankenstein build that Emilien is consuming 16:31:51 number80, damned :) :( 16:32:14 It's Halloween 🦇 heh 16:32:15 so, let's create repo in rdo-common and rebuild 16:32:17 I'll look if I can switch it to python2 16:32:30 dciabrin, yeah, let's not go with frankensteins :) 16:32:36 and push to somewhere in trunk.r.o 16:32:43 I'll need to create an infra mirror of this repo 16:32:57 If not already mirrored 16:32:59 EmilienM, all of trunk.rdo is already proxy-cached 16:33:05 Perfect 👌 16:33:13 so you just used $NODEPOOL*something 16:33:19 #action number80 look if we can build pacemaker2 with python2 16:34:23 I just got confirmation that pcmk2 upstream supports docker podman and rocket 16:34:43 so having an internal build for CI consumption only should be good enough for testing both docker and podman 16:35:55 we have deal then 16:36:03 I looks like it yes :) 16:36:09 Yay 16:38:01 So I guess we can move to the next topic? 16:38:33 (if someone has access to etherpad, please change the topic) 16:38:48 oh it works now and there's no new topic 16:38:54 #topic next week chair 16:39:01 who wants the iron throne? 16:39:20 i can take it 16:39:29 #info amoralej chairing next week 16:39:32 thank you! 16:39:38 #topic open floor 16:39:48 Last chance to bring a topic before we end this meeting 16:40:40 question from a total beginner: which docs do you suggest me to start with to help with RDO? 16:40:43 * number80 managed to get pacemaker 2 building with py2 on fedora 16:41:14 ofc starting to try RDO on a virtual machine, but I hear that to contribute e.g. to documentation something like phisical infra could be needed 16:41:35 hitchover: if you can contribute documentation that'd be awesome. 16:41:54 We also have https://github.com/redhat-openstack/easyfix/issues but it has not been updated for while (though most open issues should remain valid) 16:41:57 hitchover: there's https://www.rdoproject.org/contribute/ 16:42:56 thanks number80, jpena 16:43:04 in general, every page at rdoproject.org has an "Edit on Github" ribbon, that allows you to propose a change 16:45:08 Excellent, then we can close this meeting 16:45:16 Have a good day and see you next week! 16:45:19 #endmeeting