15:00:38 <jpena> #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2017-09-06 15:00:39 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Sep 6 15:00:38 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is jpena. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:40 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:43 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2017_09_06' 15:00:59 <jpena> feel free to add last-minute topics to the agenda at https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/RDO-Meeting 15:01:01 <jpena> #topic roll call 15:01:09 <dmsimard> \o 15:01:16 <PagliaccisCloud> o/ 15:01:27 <jpena> #chair dmsimard PagliaccisCloud 15:01:27 <openstack> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud dmsimard jpena 15:01:50 <rdobot> [sensu] NEW: master.monitoring.rdoproject.org - check-delorean-pike-current @ http://tinyurl.com/y9q43qte |#| Build failure on centos7-pike/current: os-faults: http://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7-pike/report.html 15:01:56 <jruzicka> o/ 15:01:59 <jruzicka> \o 15:02:01 <jruzicka> \o/ 15:02:09 <jpena> #chair jruzicka 15:02:09 <openstack> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud dmsimard jpena jruzicka 15:02:36 <hguemar> o/ 15:02:42 <jpena> #chair hguemar 15:02:43 <openstack> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud dmsimard hguemar jpena jruzicka 15:02:43 * Duck o/ 15:02:47 <PagliaccisCloud> WTG on the pike release everyone! 15:02:49 <chandankumar> \o/ 15:03:02 <jpena> #chair chandankumar 15:03:03 <openstack> Current chairs: PagliaccisCloud chandankumar dmsimard hguemar jpena jruzicka 15:03:12 <hguemar> #chair Duck 15:03:13 <openstack> Current chairs: Duck PagliaccisCloud chandankumar dmsimard hguemar jpena jruzicka 15:03:21 <Duck> hguemar: :-))) 15:03:27 <hguemar> pan pan 15:04:29 <jpena> ok, let's start with the agenda 15:04:38 <jpena> #topic rdopkg-0.45.0 15:05:31 <rdogerrit> chkumar246 proposed rdoinfo master: Open Queens branch for vmware-nsx tempest plugin https://review.rdoproject.org/r/9303 15:05:39 <jpena> jruzicka ^^ 15:07:54 <jruzicka> sorry 15:07:56 <jruzicka> back 15:08:14 <jruzicka> #info changelog in release commit message: https://softwarefactory-project.io/r/#/c/9503/1//COMMIT_MSG 15:08:33 <jruzicka> #info Python 3 support available with python3-rdopkg 15:08:37 <jruzicka> CLI rdopkg subpackage is using py2 until py3 is more tested 15:08:52 <jruzicka> it contains fixes for tripleO CI/DLRN problems - unpin of old version as part of DLRN py3 support under review: https://softwarefactory-project.io/r/#/c/9515/ 15:09:15 <jruzicka> and finally... 15:09:19 <jruzicka> #info Fedora review is ready for approval after 2 years \o/ https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1246199 15:09:19 <openstack> bugzilla.redhat.com bug 1246199 in Package Review "Review Request: rdopkg - RPM packaging automation tool" [Medium,Post] - Assigned to karlthered 15:09:28 <myoung> o/ 15:09:31 <jpena> \o/ 15:10:05 <PagliaccisCloud> ٩( ᐛ )و 15:10:11 <hguemar> 2 years, I should have waited one more 15:10:19 <jruzicka> :) 15:10:40 <jpena> another good news is that, once rdopkg is packaged, DLRN can be packaged too 15:10:42 <jruzicka> I needed to fix a thing or two before being worthy part of the distro ;) 15:11:12 * jruzicka not blocking progress 15:11:14 <jruzicka> :D 15:12:01 <jruzicka> I'll start building Fedora packages shortly :) 15:12:15 <jruzicka> One question is howto use the jruzicka/rdopkg copr repo now 15:12:43 <hguemar> we still have to keep it around for EL7 builds or testing ground 15:13:01 <jruzicka> for some time it will mirror Fedora until rdopkg is in all repos and then it can become a testing repo? 15:13:23 <jruzicka> with bleeding edge/testing builds maybe? 15:14:55 <hguemar> Yep 15:15:06 * hguemar needs to test cbsbuild under python3 too 15:15:27 <hguemar> koji client is py3 compatible but it may be broken 15:16:19 <jruzicka> hguemar, oh yeah, please do 15:16:31 <jruzicka> that's it 15:17:14 <jpena> next topic? 15:17:30 <jruzicka> yup 15:17:43 <jpena> #topic Defining core contributors policies 15:17:55 <hguemar> o/ 15:18:23 <hguemar> Recently we had requests to give core perms to people to CI repo 15:18:55 <hguemar> I think we need to document process and requirements as good practice for community project 15:19:38 <hguemar> I'll try to define a proposal for packaging, but if people can think of infra, CI repo proposals, it'd be nice 15:19:54 <hguemar> It will lower the psychological barrier for contributors too 15:20:20 <jpena> that's interesting. Do you have any reference document we could use as inspiration? 15:20:47 <PagliaccisCloud> i think i found one... somewhere on the openstack.org site. trying to track it down now 15:21:04 <hguemar> I was thinking about taking inspiration from upstream and Apache foundation 15:21:48 <PagliaccisCloud> https://docs.openstack.org/contributor-guide/docs-review.html#achieving-core-reviewer-status 15:22:02 * hguemar is looking to find the Apache one 15:23:24 <chandankumar> +1 15:23:30 <jpena> that's a good starting point. I'll give a thought to the infra part, our repos contain stuff for several not-so-related pieces of infra, and we may want to be granular 15:23:34 <PagliaccisCloud> there's also this https://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/core.html 15:24:00 <hguemar> #action hguemar prepare a proposal to define how to become on individual packages and distro 15:24:39 <hguemar> jpena: Yeah, that's up to infra group to define that, you may want have different level of access 15:25:57 * hguemar has nothing more to add 15:26:12 <jpena> this is going to be a short meeting, then 15:26:15 <jpena> #topic roll call 15:26:18 <jpena> #undo 15:26:19 <openstack> Removing item from minutes: #topic roll call 15:26:23 <jpena> #topic open floor 15:26:43 <jpena> anything else to discuss? 15:27:17 <chandankumar> one question: 15:27:25 <rdogerrit> Merged config master: Shorten job name for uploader periodic jobs https://review.rdoproject.org/r/9309 15:27:38 <chandankumar> * How to reach new contributors for next action and feedback on easyfix initiatives? 15:28:17 <hguemar> As a follow-up, I'd like to hear from newcomers what they'd like to tackle on their next steps 15:28:26 <hguemar> PagliaccisCloud, snecklifter: ^ 15:28:28 <PagliaccisCloud> i can post in the linux academy community about contributing? 15:28:36 <hguemar> Yep 15:28:47 <hguemar> Iron out details with chandankumar 15:28:57 <PagliaccisCloud> ok 15:30:14 <chandankumar> blog would be fine, 15:30:55 <PagliaccisCloud> cool. we've been getting a few students asking how to get started contributing code 15:31:05 <chandankumar> hguemar: for next steps they might need some exampels. 15:31:30 <chandankumar> *examples 15:31:44 <hguemar> Depends on the area, they want to contribute too, we may want to pair them with someone 15:32:33 <chandankumar> Better i will prepare a feedback with some questionaries for improving easyfix initative as well as next actions items? 15:32:42 <chandankumar> hguemar: ^6 what you say? 15:32:49 <hguemar> ack 15:33:19 <chandankumar> that's it from my side. 15:34:08 <jpena> #topic Chair for the next meeting 15:34:15 <jpena> who wants to volunteer? 15:34:32 <PagliaccisCloud> chandankumar, https://goo.gl/e4Yyqw 15:34:38 * hguemar can't say he will get his connection fixed for sure next week 15:35:13 <chandankumar> PagliaccisCloud: awesome thanks :) 15:35:42 * chandankumar take a look in a while 15:35:55 <chandankumar> jpena: next week is ptg how many will be here? 15:36:19 * chandankumar will volunteer for next meeting 15:36:20 <jpena> I think most of us will be around 15:36:20 <hguemar> Only dmsimard, trown and jschlueter from usual folks attending this meeting 15:36:47 <jpena> #action chandankumar to chair the next meeting 15:37:07 <hguemar> I'll be going to gnocchi sprint at local pycon the week after that 15:37:44 * hguemar hopes that they will bring some pecorino 15:38:03 <chandankumar> hguemar: :-) 15:38:25 * chandankumar is having fun with tempest plugins split. 15:38:49 <jpena> if there are no more topics, let's get our 20 minutes back 15:39:05 <jpena> #endmeeting